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Healing Page 13

by Kennington, Belinda

  “I know at least twenty-five, but there could be up to fifty.”

  “Wow, okay.” I think another run to the store for supplies might be necessary. “Everyone knows this is alcohol and drug free, right?”

  “Yes Mom, and that there are chaperones.”

  “Good. Emily and Wayne will come over and help me when I get home. Don’t want to ruin your good time, so we’ll stay in the background.”

  “Not worried about that.” Liz blurted out and Stephen stifled a laugh.

  “Okay, what’s that about?” Allison demanded.

  “Nothing.” They said in unison.

  “You two better not be up to anything.”

  “Mom.” Liz placed her hand on her chest acting like she was wounded. “Don’t you know us better than that?”

  “I do.” They were up to something. She’ll let it go for now, there was too much to do to worry. It will come out sooner or later.

  “I’ll be home after school. I already cleared it with my drama teacher.”

  “That’s great, you can help set up. How about you, Stephen?”

  “I’ll be home. Tom’s coming home with me.”

  “Okay, an extra pair of hands.” Allison sat, nodding. “Eat up, it’s getting late.”


  Allison finished up her work early and headed out the door. She stopped at the store to pick up more supplies. With up to fifty kids coming, she didn’t want to run out of food. That would be a disaster.

  Around three she got home and started preparations by making two pitchers of Kool-Aid, and put them in the fridge with the bottles of sprite she’d bought earlier. She cut up the six blocks of cheese and placed them neatly around a platter in a circle design, then wrapped it in plastic and put it in the fridge. She did the same with the salami, then got to work on the fruits and veggies.

  At four the doorbell rang. “Come in.” Allison yelled as she put the knife down and ran to the door.

  “Where here.” Emily opened the door and walked in. “Where do you want us?” Wayne stepped in behind her.

  “I’m waiting on decorations for Liz.” Allison closed the front door. “You can help me with the food.”

  They followed Allison into the kitchen. Emily looked around and her jaw dropped. “My heavens girl. You feeding an army tonight?” Boxes of crackers, bags of chips and packages of all kinds of cookies and other sweets covered the counters and littered the floor.

  “I might have gone overboard.” Allison shrugged. “But Liz said there could be up to fifty kids here. Oh, Wayne, I’ve got a job for you.” Allison dug through a few of the bags sitting on the floor. Pulling out a package, she handed it to Wayne. “Can you hang this in the entryway?

  “Sure. Where’s the hammer and nails?”

  “Last drawer, next to the fridge.”

  Wayne opened the drawer, then pulled out what he needed. He left the room and Allison heard the front door open.

  “Hey kids.”

  “Hi Wayne.” They said in unison. A second later they entered the kitchen. Stephen and his friend Tom immediately picked at the variety of fruit chunks. Allison playfully smacked at their hands. “Stay out of that.”

  “There’s plenty here.” Stephen snagged one more as he and Tom moved away.

  Liz opened the fridge. “I think we’ll have lots of leftovers. Man, did you wipe out the store?”

  “Ha, Ha. You said there would be a lot of people.”

  “Yeah, but…”

  “You go start on the decorations.” Allison said as she waved Liz away. “Stephen can help you. Emily and I will finish up here, then come help you.”

  Allison went back over to the counter where she was cutting the fruit. “Emily, you can start on the watermelon. I’ll finish the cantaloupe.” She reached for the second half of the cantaloupe and knife she was working with but the cutting board was empty. “Did you take my knife?”

  “No.” Emily turned from the counter and raised the knife she had in her hand. “I grabbed this one out of the drawer.”

  “Huh? It was here a moment ago.” Allison moved a bag of apples and an empty grocery bag. She looked in the sink moving a few items still coming up empty handed.

  “Just use a new one.” Emily handed her a different knife as she closed the drawer. “To get all of this done before the party we need to get moving.”

  “You’re right. It’ll show up.” She went back to cutting. “I must have misplaced it.”


  Everything was set up and ready. The DJ showed up half an hour ago. Now they waited for people to arrive. Allison stood in front of her mirror refreshing her makeup. She wore her favorite jeans matched with a purple tank top covered with a black silk shirt. The doorbell rang, and she heard Liz greet several people.

  Emily looked great, like always, in a pair of skinny jeans and a fluffy pink short sleeved sweater. “This is exciting. I feel like we are back in school.”

  “I hope it goes well.” Allison listened to the music float down the hall, fast and upbeat. Perfect to get everyone moving. She was excited for Liz, but now that everything was done, she was having trouble getting into the party mood.

  There was still no word from Trent. She missed his messages and his voice. She thought he’d be back already or at least would have replied to her emails. She’d sent him a few, but restrained herself from sending more. It was becoming apparent, he wasn’t interested anymore and she’d have to accept it.

  Emily put her arm around her. “Trent will call.”

  “Maybe he found someone else. Why do I listen to my dreams? He said he loved me.” Allison sat on the edge of her bed and Emily joined her. “Why did I have to start liking him? Man, I’m stupid. I’m acting like a school girl and I don’t even know if he was interested to begin with.”

  “Stop that. Maybe he was able to visit with his son longer, or something at work got in the way. I don’t know but I do know he likes you. Don’t overthink it.”

  Allison paused for a moment. Maybe she was right. A quick knock on her bedroom door got them to look up. Wayne stuck his head in. “You two ready?”

  Allison stood. “Yep.” She’ll enjoy tonight. It was a celebration. The doorbell rang when they were half way down the stairs.

  “Got it.” Liz yelled as she ran to the door.


  A group of teens gathered in the entryway. Liz had them take off their jackets and hang them on the clothing rack Allison had Wayne, Stephen and Tom setup.

  Liz led them into the living room, passing under the happy birthday sign hanging over the entrance. The adults followed after them.

  The living room was decked out. A miniature disco ball hung from the ceiling sending fragments of light around the room. In the middle of the right wall, the DJ was set up spinning music. The other wall was lined with chairs, so people could sit when they were tired.

  The doorbell rang again and more kids filed in. Two long tables were set up in the dining room, filled with the prepared food. All of the extras waited in the kitchen.

  Allison looked around the room. She was pleased with what they accomplished. About twenty kids had arrived so far and it was only five minutes in.

  Everyone was talking, laughing and dancing. It was great. Emily and Wayne were making rounds through the room. It was nice having them there. Emily made it known in a subtle way that adults were present. Wayne followed her around like a bodyguard.

  Allison made her way into the dining room and checked on the food. Everything still looked good for now. She opened the sliding door and stepped out onto the patio. It was a perfect night. A warm spring breeze met her.

  She walked along the patio to the sliding door in the living room. Leaving the doors open would let the kids know they could go outside for some fresh air. She pulled the door open and stepped back into the living room to find herself standing face to face with Trent.

  A glorious smile widened on his face. “Hi.” He was dressed casually in jeans and a
dark blue t-shirt.

  Her fears from earlier melted away with that one word, and her heart galloped in her chest. “Hi.” She couldn’t help the corners of her mouth rising. “I’m surprised to see you.”

  “Liz invited me.”

  “Really?” Allison looked around the room. She finally spotted her. Liz and Stephen stood together near the kitchen. Those sneaky kids. As soon as she made eye contact they looked away. That’s what they’ve been up too. She turned back to Trent. “I thought you went back home.”

  “Nope, I still have business here.”

  She couldn’t help feeling there was double meaning behind his words, or maybe it was hope.

  “And I couldn’t miss Liz’s birthday. She gave me a personal invitation.”

  She moved to the side, getting out of the way and leaned against the wall. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too.” He rested his shoulder against the wall next to her and stared into her eyes.

  His bangs fell over his forehead and she resisted the urge to move them back. Her thoughts went to her last dream. She was thankful for the darkness, as a blush crept up on her.

  Needing a distraction, she pushed off the wall and led the way through the kids into the kitchen. She busied herself, arranging food that was ready to go out.

  Trent leaned against the counter next to Allison. “How does it feel now that your oldest is an adult?”

  Allison worked at calming her voice before she spoke. She wanted to appear collected. “I’m proud of her, but I don’t think it’s really sunk in.” Trent’s arm grazed Allison’s when he stepped closer to her.

  An electrical current went through her. It had been so long since she had felt that. What was she supposed to do? Should she flirt? Did she remember how to flirt? Allison’s hand shook as she reached for a napkin.

  Trent placed his hand on top of hers. She paused and looked up at him. He smiled at her and while still holding her hand, turned her gently to face him. He took her hand in both of his. “I’ve been dying to see you again.”

  He raised his hand and ran it along her jaw. She pushed her face into his palm closing her eyes. She breathed in his scent.

  Emily burst in, Wayne in tow. “Everyone is having a blast. Oh… sorry. Hi Trent.”

  “Hi.” He removed his hand. How does Emily always interrupt us? She longed for his touch again.

  “Wayne this is Trent. Trent this is my husband, Wayne.” Emily introduced them stepping up to Allison, then mouthed. “Sorry.”

  “It’s good to meet you.” Trent said offering his hand to Wayne.

  “Same here.”

  Emily grinned from ear to ear. “You men get to know each other.” Latching her arm through Allison’s, she pulled her out of the kitchen, dragging her into the downstairs bathroom. She practically pushed Allison in the room and shut the door behind them. Allison turned around and saw Emily bouncing in place. “Oh my gosh. I’m soooo sorry. I didn’t know he was here. How was it going?”

  “It was going great, I think.”

  “What do you mean? It looked pretty steamy to me.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  Allison paced the small space. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I haven’t dated in, what, twenty years. Should I be dating?” She sighed and leaned her forehead on the wall. “Trent makes my insides go all topsy turvy. I don’t want it to stop.” She turned and leaned her back on the wall and sighed. “Am I horrible? Tell me what to do.”

  “Oh, honey. You did what was expected. You took care of your family. It’s been two years.” Emily put her hands on the top of Allison’s arms. “Do you like Trent?”

  “Yes. My heart flutters when he’s near.”

  “Then go for it. No one will think badly of you. And if anyone has the gall, they’ll answer to me.”

  “Thanks. Do you think I’m reading the signals right?”

  “From what I saw, all signals are green. The sparks were a flying.”

  “Yeah?” She really hoped Emily was right. Everyone was telling her to move on, that it’s okay to open up.

  “Oh yeah. By the way, did you invite him?”

  “No. Liz and Stephen did.”

  “Good for them.” Emily grinned. “Wayne and I will watch the party. You go have some time with Trent.”

  “I can’t do that. This is Liz’s birthday.”

  “Come here.” Emily led Allison to the doorway of the living room. There were people chatting and eating in the dining room and out on the patio. “Liz is handling her crowd. She’s in her element.”

  Allison watched Liz talk with a group of friends then over to snack with a couple of other friends, then went to dance with a few others. She was having fun. If she wasn’t, she hid it well. Stephen was, to Allison’s surprise, having fun too. Both he and his friend Tom, were dancing with a couple of girls. Huge grins plastered across their faces.

  “I’ll keep an eye on Stephen. Go. Have some fun of your own. Don’t worry.”


  Allison and Emily returned to the kitchen where the guys were. Trent and Wayne burst out laughing. It appeared they hit it off well. But Allison wasn’t surprised. Trent had a way with people. Emily grabbed Wayne. “Let’s go check on the party.” They left, leaving Allison and Trent alone. She fiddled with her fingers, the butterflies back in her belly.

  Looking at her own feet, she noticed Trent fidget from one foot to the other. Was he as nervous as she was? He always seemed so calm. Somehow that made her feel a little more at ease. Maybe she wasn’t the only one that didn’t know what she was doing. “So, how’s work going?”

  “Good. Everything’s gone smoothly so I’ve been asked to stay for a while longer and get the plant set to open. Do the hiring of the staff and also purchasing of equipment and supplies.”

  She turned to Trent, pleased with the news. He’d be there a while longer. “How long will that take?”

  “Three, maybe four weeks.” He took a small step towards Allison. “I’m shooting for four.”

  “That would be nice.”

  He took hold of her hand and stroked the back with his thumb. “Would you like to dance?”

  She was surprised. If she remembered right, he hadn’t been very coordinated in high school. “Sure.”

  They went into the living room and made their way to the center of the room. Readying her feet for injury, she hoped he wouldn’t walk out on her again. They danced alongside the kids, matched the beat, and were in sync with each other. Timing was perfect. “You’re a great dancer.”

  “Thanks. I took lessons. I don’t know if you remember, but I was horrible in high school.” He spun and dipped her.

  Allison giggled. “I do. If memory serves me, you stepped on my toes a few times.”

  Trent laughed. “Yeah, I was so embarrassed. I swore if I ever had the chance to dance with you again, I would sweep you off your feet.”

  “Mission accomplished. I am thoroughly swept away.” When the song finished she took hold of his hand and made her way outside. “Let’s take a break.” A group of kids stood near the patio door. She continued across the patio, away from the party. At the far end was a bench built in. They sat, still holding hands. Allison didn’t want to let go and hoped he didn’t either.

  “I’m glad you were able to come to Lincoln. It’s been nice.”

  “I feel the same way.” He looked deep in her eyes. Slowly, Trent leaned closer. It took everything in Allison not to jump in his lap. She’d let him make the first move. She stared into his chocolate brown eyes, as he inched closer. He placed his hand on the side of her face.

  She glanced down at his lips, aching for them to touch hers. Finally he closed the distance and their lips touched lightly, warm soft kisses. Allison moved her hand around the back of his neck, pulling him close. The world around them disappeared. The only thing that mattered at that moment was the connection between her and Trent.

  “What an example.”

  Allison and Trent paused, then turned t
heir heads at the same time to look at the intruder. Emily stood with her arms folded over her chest and a grin spread across her face. Allison sighed and laid her forehead on Trent’s chest. Of course, it’s Emily.

  Emily turned to the crowd. “Show’s over. Go back to the party.” Allison looked behind Emily where Liz’s friends were snickering. Allison bowed her head and peeked at Trent. Even in the low light he was as red as she felt. Emily walked up to Allison and Trent. “Sorry I interrupted you guys again.” She whispered. “The gossip was flying through the crowd. I figured I’d better break you two up before it became inappropriate.”

  “Oh my.” Allison put her face in her hands. It felt like it was on fire. “I’ll be back.” She made her way through her house into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was beet red. Besides embarrassment, her blood was boiling with passion. She thought about jumping in the shower, but splashed some cool water on her face instead.

  After taking a few cleansing breaths, she felt in control again and went looking for Trent. She found him leaning against the wall in the dining room, sipping on a soda, and talking with Stephen and Tom.

  When he spotted her, he smiled. He put the can down and pushed away from the wall, meeting her half way. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, fine. How’s it going out here?”

  “Great. Everyone’s having fun.”

  “Good, I was worried it was going to be a bust.”

  “Nope, I’d have to say you throw an incredible party.” They stood silent for a minute. “Would you like to dance again?”

  “Love to.”

  They spent the rest of the night dancing, only taking breaks for a drink or a quick breather. No more indecent scenes. Allison checked up on Liz and Emily, to see if they needed help, but she was always shooed away. Trent stayed by her side offering his assistance and was also told it was under control. Around midnight the party dwindled and finally broke up.


  Trent followed Wayne up the stairs from the basement. They’d just put the long tables and chairs away. He looked around the kitchen and found Allison. Tonight couldn’t have gone better. Giving her some space must have given her the chance to figure out what she wanted.


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