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Healing Page 14

by Kennington, Belinda

  “I think we can leave the rest of the cleanup for tomorrow. I’m exhausted.” Allison put the last tray of perishables in the fridge.

  “Sounds good to me.” Emily said. She and Wayne gathered their things and headed for the door. He had a feeling Emily had a hand in Allison opening up. She hugged Liz. “Happy birthday. Love ya.”

  “Love you too.”

  Wayne turned Liz around and hugged her. “Happy birthday.” They walked out the door after also hugging Allison and shaking Trent’s hand. Trent hoped he and Wayne could be friends. He was quiet but had a fantastic sense of humor.

  “Good night, boys.” Allison said to Stephen and his friend as they went upstairs.

  Trent stood in the entryway with Allison and Liz. “Thanks for inviting me, Liz. Happy birthday.”

  “I’m glad you came.” She put her arms around him, giving him a hug. Then standing on her tip toes she whispered in his ear. “Don’t give up on my mom. She likes you.”

  The corners of his lips twitched. “Okay, I promise.”

  “Good night.” Liz left them, heading to her room. Trent heard her door close with a click.

  “Are you sure you don’t want help finishing cleaning up?” Trent didn’t really want to leave for the night. He’d finally made progress. If he left would she revert and he’d have to start over?

  “Yeah, it’s good, pretty much done.”

  “Okay then, I guess, I better head out.

  They walked slowly to the door. He interlaced his fingers with hers. It was only ten feet away but they prolonged the journey. At the door, she didn’t move to open it. She stared into his eyes. If only there was a way he could ask to stay and not have it sound dirty. He just wanted to hold her through the night. Trent opened the door. “I had fun. I’ll call you.”

  “I’d like that.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “See you later.” He slipped out the door and took a deep breath. It took everything he had to leave. He would be calling her the next day, no matter what any silly rules may say.


  Allison made her way upstairs and climbed into bed. Liz’s birthday party went great. A handsome, sweet, and fun man liked her. Her kids liked him. The night went better then she could have ever hoped for.

  She laid down and her eyes closed. In no time, the meadow welcomed her. She lay amidst the flowers, breathing in the wonderful fragrance. She turned her head to the side knowing Rick had joined her.

  “Hi, my love.” He spoke smiling.

  “Hi.” She rolled to her side, moved closer resting her head on his chest. They stared into each other’s eyes. She never tired of his hazel eyes. “Our little girl is officially an adult.”

  “She is an incredible woman.” He caressed the side of her face. “How are you?”

  “I’m good.”

  “This will be the last time I’ll see you.” Rick sat up and wrapped his arm around her.

  She knew the time would come. She looked down not wanting to say goodbye. Rick pulled her into his lap and wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks. Her body shuddered as she tried to control the waves of emotions. They held each other for a while.

  “It’s time I go.”

  She nodded her head silently knowing she’d be okay. She pulled him to her and kissed him deeply. Gently he pulled back, then kissed the side of her face. She closed her eyes and he whispered in her ear. “Be happy. I’ll see you again. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  She felt a soft breeze pass her and when her eyes opened, she was sitting on the edge of a bed she didn’t recognize. In the dark she waited for her vision to adjust. Slowly the room came into focus. She was in a hotel room. She stood up quickly and moved around the bed, where she found Trent sleeping. She looked heaven ward. “I get it. Okay? Thank you.” She whispered.

  “Is that you Allison?” Trent sat up, rubbing his eyes he looked in her direction.


  “What are you doing?” Trent moved the covers and got out of the bed.

  “I’m not really sure.” Allison looked at his bare chest and couldn’t think straight. He stood in front of her in only his boxers. “Maybe you should get dressed.” She turned around while he pulled his pants and a shirt on.

  “All clear. How’d you get in here?”

  She turned back around. “I don’t think you’d believe me.” She still wasn’t sure she fully understood it herself.

  He took a step towards her and reached out to caress the side of her face. But when he should have made contact, his hand passed right through her. His eyes widened. “Am I dreaming?”

  “That’s the big question, lately.”

  Suddenly she felt like she was being pulled away, then sat up in her own bed. “You want me to move on? Really? I’m thinking you’re messing with me.” She said to the ceiling then fell backwards onto her pillow.


  Allison couldn’t fall back to sleep. She tossed and turned for a while, then looked at the clock, it was 5:07am. Giving up she got up and headed towards the kitchen. Half way there she heard a car engine. Who would be out this early? She looked out the window and saw Trent get out of his truck. Trent! Could she make it to the bathroom and freshen up before he reached the door? She smoothed down her hair hoping to get it to behave at least a little.

  Allison opened the door as Trent lifted his hand to knock. “Hi.” Allison whispered.

  Trent jumped, put his hand on the door frame, leaned over and grabbed his chest. “What in the world is going on?”

  Allison put her finger up to her lips, then moved to the side to let him in. She made her way into the kitchen with Trent following. In the kitchen she opened the fridge and pulled out the orange juice. She placed it on the counter and turned to look at Trent. “I’m not sure what’s going on.”

  He paced back and forth in her kitchen. Finally he stopped in front of her. “I thought I’ve been dreaming, very vivid dreams, but dreams. Then you were in my hotel room.”

  “I’ll make something and we can talk.” She got eggs and bacon out of the fridge. She poured two glasses of the orange juice and gave one to Trent. He sat down at the table looking a little calmer. Trent sat quietly watching her scramble the eggs. “Emily has an insane idea. She thinks I’m having out of body experiences.”

  “I’ve heard of that. Normally I wouldn’t believe in all of the paranormal stuff but I think I’ll keep an open mind. It would explain a lot.”

  She scooped eggs onto two plates leaving extra in the pan for her kids to have when they woke. She placed a plate in front of Trent then sat at the end of the table next to Trent. “I’ve been having a hard time with it myself, but I don’t know how else to explain what’s happened.”

  They compared their experiences as they ate. Everything matched up.

  Trent pushed his empty plate to the side and reached for her hand. “You know. It doesn’t matter what it is or why it’s happening. I’m glad it’s brought us to this moment.”

  Allison gazed into his eyes and smiled. “Me too.”

  Liz stumbled into the kitchen like a zombie. She scooped eggs on a plate, sat at the table across from Trent and began eating. When she finally looked up, she startled. “Oh, I didn’t know anyone else was here.”

  “Good morning.” Trent said.

  Liz’s face lit up. “Morning.”

  He stood up and rinsed his plate before putting it on the counter. “I better get going. I’ve got a meeting today.” He looked at his watch. “Oh, in less than an hour.”

  “On a Saturday?” She didn’t want him to leave but walked him to the door.

  He turned quickly. “Have dinner with me tonight. I don’t want to leave without a set plan when I’m seeing you again.” He gently took her hand.

  “I’d love to.”

  “I’ll pick you up at 6:30.” After a quick kiss he turned and went out the door.

  “I’ll be ready.” She watched him climb into his truck then slowl
y closed the door. Walking back into the kitchen, she noticed Liz sitting at the table staring at her.

  “What’s with you?”

  Liz grinned from ear to ear. “You’re going on a date.” She said and giggled.

  “Oh, stop that.” This time she knew it was a date. Then it really hit her, she was dating. “What am I going to wear? You want to go shopping, find me something nice?”

  “Yeah. Call Emily, we’ll make it a girl’s day.”


  Allison sat at her makeup desk trying to fix her face. For the third time she wiped away the mess of makeup she had applied. Her hand shook as she raised it to try again.

  Get a hold of yourself!

  She took a couple of deep breaths and finally calmed down enough to get her eyeliner right. There was no reason for her to be so nervous. She stood and smoothed her dress, double checking herself in the full length mirror. The baby blue fabric rested mid-calf. The top was fitted enough to show her curves but allowed her to breath.

  Back at her makeup desk she looked at herself, then touched her hand to the pendent around her neck. Feeling the stones under her fingers she whispered at the ceiling. “I love you, Rick.”

  She reached under her hair and unclasped the necklace she’d cherished for so long. Gently she placed it in an empty section of her jewelry box. That will now be its spot. Pulling a simple gold chain out, she slipped it over her head.

  Liz whistled standing in Allison’s doorway.

  Allison startled. “Stop that.”

  “You look great. Love the dress and so will your guy.”

  The doorbell rang. She stepped into her matching shoes and rushed out of her room past Liz, grateful for the distraction. She didn’t know what to say. She rushed to the door and opened it to see Trent standing on her porch holding a bouquet of Lilies. He knew her favorite flower.

  She allowed herself a moment to appreciate the man in front of her. He wore black slacks and shoes. The dark blue shirt hung just right on his body. We match. He wore his black tie loose with his top button undone. Wow!

  “You look incredible.” He said handing her the flowers.

  “Told you.” Her daughter yelled from another room.

  Trent tilted his head slightly to the side. Allison shrugged, ignoring her daughter’s comment.

  “Thanks. Come in.” Heat flooded her face as she accepted the flowers. She led the way into the kitchen. “So, how was your day?” She asked to break the silence.

  “Good, even though the meeting went long. It was supposed to be an update conference call with the main office and managers. Then they announced they’ll be here Monday for a meeting. We spent the rest of the day making sure we had everything in order.”

  Allison reached to grab the vase off the top cabinet, her fingers just grazed it.

  “Let me help you.” Trent stepped up behind her placing his hand on the small of her back.

  The skin under his touch ignited. She froze, stunned by her reaction. Surprised by the strong emotions she was feeling for the man before her.

  Gracefully, he pulled the vase down and placed it on the counter. She stared, drinking him in. At that moment, she wanted to fall into his arms. She wanted him to hold her and kiss her like the night before.

  He stepped back to let her put the flowers in it. “Did I do something?”

  Shaking her head she snapped back to reality. “No, sorry.” She smiled shyly and grabbed the vase taking it to the sink filling it with water. Dropping the flowers in, she turned. “Sounds like you had a long day.”

  “I did.”

  They stood staring at each other. Times like that she was glad he couldn’t read minds, even though it felt like her thoughts were written all over her face.

  After a moment Trent smiled and asked. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes.” Moving out of the kitchen, she grabbed her purse from the stand next to the door and yelled behind her. “I’m leaving now, Liz. See you later.”

  “Ok, I won’t wait up.” Liz said, laughing.

  Allison sighed stepping out the door. She glanced over at Trent and noticed him trying to suppress a smile. Her face flushed.

  Trent quickened his step as they reached the truck and opened the door for her. As she climbed in, Trent leaned into her. “You look great in blue, my favorite color.” Her skin prickled as his warm breath caressed her neck. Her pulse quickened as the door closed.


  They pulled into a large parking lot surrounded by buildings of all shapes and sizes. He stopped and parked in front of a restaurant called the Venue. “I’ve never been here before.”

  “Me, either. I was told it was a nice place so I thought we’d give it a try.”

  “Stay put.” Trent jumped out of his truck and ran to her side. Opening her door, he held his hand out for her. She gave him a shy smile. Such a gentleman. She put her hand in his and let him help her out. He placed her hand in the crook of his arm and led her to the entrance. Her nerves were set on fire again. She wondered if that would subside but hoped it wouldn’t.

  They were met by soft classical music playing in the background as they entered the restaurant. It set a calm, intimate atmosphere. They stepped up to the podium. “Reservation for Urbane.”

  The tall man looked down into the book running his fingers down the page. He stopped, looked up and smiled formally at them. “Yes, this way, Mr. Urbane.” He grabbed two menus and led them past the lounge into the dining room. He showed them to a table in the back. The place was only half full and they were seated in an empty corner. “Will this do?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Trent pulled the chair out for Allison then took his seat.

  “My name is Joe.” He put the menus on the table then handed Trent a thin menu. “Your server tonight will be Jillian. May I take your drink order?”

  Trent held the menu but didn’t look at it. Instead he looked at Allison. “Do you like red wine?”

  “I do.”

  Trent looked back to Joe. “Two glasses of Zinfandel, please.” He handed back the menu.

  “Very good, Sir.” Joe turned and left heading to the lounge.

  Allison looked around. The closest people were four tables away. She propped her elbow on the table and put her chin in her hand. “Did you want to get me alone?”

  He looked her in the eyes and gave her his crooked smile. “You know, I had the biggest crush on you in high school.” He didn’t say it as a question.

  She inhaled sharply but still smiled. “Is that so? You never showed any interest.”

  “I was shy and you were way out of my league.” He put his hand on top of the table in front of him.

  “I wasn’t out of your league and I’d say you got over being shy.” She put her hand on the table, close to his. Giving him the hint she was interested and hoped he got it.

  “I decided a long time ago to not let anything else slip by.” He gently took her hand.

  Allison enjoyed the feel of his thumb rubbing across the back of her hand.

  “Hi, my name is Jillian. I’ll be you’re server tonight.” She interrupted putting the wine glasses in front of them. They both sat back breaking contact.

  Allison realized they hadn’t even opened their menus. She had been lost in his touch and the warmth of his gaze. Her cheeks flushed as she opened the menu and quickly scanned it.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  Allison tried to pick one thing quickly but couldn’t get her mind to decide on one.

  “Would you mind if I ordered for both of us?”

  Allison looked at Trent. How would he know what to order? “Sure.”

  “My lady…” She loved how the words sounded rolling off his tongue. “…will have the baked pasta Milano and Caesar salad, ranch dressing on the side. I’ll have the sirloin steak medium-well with the soup of the day.”

  Allison stared wide-eyed. He ordered so well, it sounded wonderful.

  “Very good, anything else sir?”

That’ll be all, thanks.”

  Jillian took their menus and left.

  Allison sipped her wine. “Mmm.”


  “Yes. How’d you know what to order? We hadn’t even opened our menus.”

  “I looked at the menu online.”


  Their hands were back on the table, hers in his and his thumb gently stroking the top. Goose bumps raised and she shivered.

  “Are you cold?”

  “No, it was a good shiver.” She smiled pleased with how bold she was becoming. “How was your visit with John and his family?”

  “Good. They’re doing great. He’s got on a big project at work and my granddaughter is getting bigger and prettier every time I see her.”

  “I’m glad you had a good visit. Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything.” He held her hand in both hands.

  “This is silly but why didn’t you email me while you were gone?”

  “Well, since I showed up in Lincoln, you seemed to be… struggling.” He shrugged. “I thought I’d give you some space. I didn’t want to scare you away.”

  “I’m glad the silence is over.” It was sweet of him to think about her. “And really glad you’re back.”

  His smile widened. “I’m glad too.” He gently squeezed her hands. “I really want to spend more time with you.”

  The topic had gotten a little serious and her stomach tightened. She wanted him in her life but still worried that it wouldn’t work. She couldn’t move her family from the only home they knew. “How much longer will you be here?”

  “For a while. I have a lot of details to work out.”

  “Could we make a long-distance relationship work?” She looked down and tried to take her hand away.

  Trent held on. “I will do whatever I have to do to keep you near. Don’t worry about that right now.”

  “Sorry, sir.” Joe approached the table. “There’s a call for you.”

  Trent turned to Allison. “Sorry, it must be work. I’ll be right back.”


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