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Page 15

by Kennington, Belinda

  Allison watched him walk away. He seemed so sure they could make this work, but she heard long-distance relationships always failed. She worried they were setting themselves up for heartache.

  Trent came back as Jillian served their meals and looked tense.

  “Is everything okay?”

  He smiled and reached over the table patting her hand. “Yeah, it’s nothing. Let’s eat.”

  “It all looks and smells wonderful.” Allison couldn’t help notice through the rest of their meal, Trent appeared on edge. He kept looking around.

  As they finished up, Jillian set the bill in front of Trent. He pulled his wallet out and she reached for her purse. “Don’t even think about it. We’re on a date.” He slipped his card in and handed it back to Jillian.

  After she returned with his card and receipt, they walked out to his vehicle. On the way out of the door, he grabbed her hand and they continued to his truck hand-in-hand.

  They stopped at the same time in the middle of the parking lot. Scribbled in dark red were the words. “You’re mine!” Written across his windshield.


  “Dammit!” Trent muttered under his breath.

  “Who did that?”

  Trent let Allison’s hand fall to her side as he moved closer to his truck. She followed closely behind, not sure if being scared was the right response or an overreaction.

  He leaned closer to his truck then turned to her. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “It’s Ruth. I thought she understood we’re over. Have been for a long time.”

  “Ruth’s back?” Allison’s mouth fell open.

  “Yeah.” He turned his focus back on the truck.

  His wife was back. Ruth would be able to move in with him, make a real life - something she couldn’t do. She looked around. It was dark, the overhead lights casting shadows everywhere. Allison expected to see Ruth step out of the shadows and claim her man.

  Allison took an involuntary step backwards, watching Trent inspect his truck. I’ll get a cab. I’ll call Emily. She reached into her purse for her cell, turned around and started to dial Emily’s number. A hand on her upper arm startled her.

  “Sorry.” Trent held up his hands. “What are you doing?”

  “I was going to have someone pick me up.”

  “Why?” He looked confused.

  “Ruth’s back. You can have your family again.”

  He held Allison by the top of both arms, leaned down and looked her straight in the eyes. “It’s been over with Ruth for a long time. I told her I couldn’t go back. I want you.” He stared at Allison, not breaking eye contact.

  He wants me. “Really?”

  “Yes.” He pulled her into a deeply passionate kiss. Her insecurities melted way. “Come on, let’s get you home.” He opened the door for her. She climbed in and he went to the driver’s side to get in.

  “Was there any damage?”

  “No, it looks like lipstick.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Yeah. I’m surprised she came back. She’s been gone for nine years.”

  Allison couldn’t help but wonder why she’d come back. Had she finally realized she screwed up by leaving Trent? Or did she find out he was pursuing Allison? “Do you know why she’s back?”

  “No, but she seems to think we’d pick up like nothing happened. I don’t know what happened to her, but she’s changed.”

  Trent pulled up in front of her house and walked her to the door.

  “Thanks for tonight. I had a great time.” Other than the crazy message.

  Trent took both of her hands in his. “I had a great time too.” He caressed the side of her face with one hand and wrapped the other around her waist. The butterflies kicked up a storm in Allison’s stomach. He pulled her close. She put her hands on his strong chest and leaned her head back looking up at him. He leaned down to her achingly slow. His lips meet hers gently and passionately. Allison moved her hands behind his head and wove her fingers in his hair, making the kiss stronger.

  He pulled back too soon. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

  “We planned on going out for Liz’s family birthday dinner. You want to come?”

  “Love too.” He gave her a quick kiss and stepped off the porch. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Six o’clock.” She opened the door, closed it, and leaned her back on it. She put her fingers on her tingling lips. She hadn’t felt so alive in so long. She hoped Ruth didn’t get in the way.

  “You’re home early.” Liz broke into her thoughts. She smirked. “I was thinking I would be locking the door tonight.”

  “Liz!” Allison gasped. “What do you think of your mother?”

  “I’m messing with you.”

  “How was your night?” Allison asked changing the topic.

  “Good, but you better call Emily. She’s going to explode if you don’t.”

  Allison laughed. The phone rang at that moment.

  “It’s Emily.” Liz yelled heading down the hall to her room.

  Allison answered the phone. “Hi.”

  “How’d it go?” Emily squealed.

  She pulled the phone away from her ear. “Do you have a normal level?”

  “Come on, stop messing with me. How’d it go?”

  “It was good. He took me to Venue. Nice place, great meal. Very classy.”

  “Details. Come on girl, spill it.”

  Allison’s cheeks flared remembering the passionate embrace not moments before. “Okay, he just dropped me off.” She gave Emily a minute by minute play back. Emily wouldn’t settle for anything less. “I invited him to go to dinner with us tomorrow. Then we shared a very sweet and extremely hot kiss.”

  “Eeee. I knew you two would be great together.”

  “We’ll see how long.”

  “Allison, don’t think like that.”

  “Like what? Logically? Things are great, okay? But I don’t want to fall even harder for him, then have to say goodbye.”

  “Enjoy yourself, Allison. Things will work out.”

  “Okay, Okay. I know.” Allison didn’t even mention the ex-wife. There was enough stacked against her as it was. “I better go and get some sleep.”

  “See ya, bye.”

  “Bye.” Allison hung up and went to her room, changed into her PJs and climbed into bed. She couldn’t help smiling. Besides the interruption from Ruth, it was a magical night. Tomorrow night would be great too.


  Ruth sat in the bushes across the street from her house. The sun had set and the street light gave her enough light to see as she moved around. The large bush would have been a perfect fort for a child. Ruth took advantage of the empty space inside the large covering. Staring up at the house, she watched her. She had to know what was keeping Trent from accepting her back in his life.

  ‘You know it’s that little bitch.’ Brit screamed from inside Ruth’s head. That’s what Ruth called the female voice since she had a British accent. ‘You will have to prove you’re better than that prat.’

  One of the front windows went dark. “Shhh. She’s moving.” A truck pulled into the driveway blocking her view for a moment. The vehicle door opened and out stepped Trent. What is he doing here?

  ‘Don’t be daft. He wants her, not you.’

  ‘What are you going to do about it? You’re a sniveling coward.’ The male voice, Crude, gave his unwanted opinion.

  She longed for both of them to disappear. She had to get Trent back, then they’d go away. He’d help her. Ruth watched Trent walk his sexy body up the walk and knock. Allison opened the door and grinned.

  ‘She’s cute. Even I want her. You’ll never be as good as her.’ Ruth listened to Crude make offensive noises.

  Shut up. I can’t think.

  ‘What’s new?’

  Ruth sighed and turned her attention back to the house as Trent, Allison and her offspring climbed into his truck. They backed out of the driveway and headed do
wn the street. She sat under her cover waiting. She had to make sure Trent dropped them off and left. She’d camp out all night to make sure.

  ‘You just gonna sit here? Get your bum over there and check it out.’

  ‘Told ya she was a coward.’

  ‘The house is completely empty this time. This is your chance to really look around and see what you’re up against.’

  Crude scoffed. ‘I say go back to the hospital. Someone actually wants you there.’

  Ruth shook her head. She couldn’t go back to the hospital. The doctors couldn’t give her the silence she craved so badly. She knew Trent was what she needed. No one could replace him, no matter how hard they tried.

  Looking up and down the street, no one was in sight. She left the cover of the bush and raced across the street, not stopping until she reached the side of the house. Ducking behind a tree, she checked behind her. All was quiet.

  Around the back of the house she went to the sliding door. The glass door was weak. Pulling on it and lifting it slightly, popped it open. Would there be anything in there that could help?

  ‘Don’t be squidgy.’

  I’ve been inside. I’m not sure this will do any good.

  ‘Of course it will, you have to know your enemy. Know their weaknesses.’

  Ruth lowered her head. They wouldn’t be quiet. Why did she listen to them? They were the reason she left Trent in the first place. If it weren’t for them, she’d still have him. She moved through the door into the living room.

  ‘Shite, stop whining!’

  ‘Man, you’re worthless.’ They yelled at her in unison.

  “Stop it!” Ruth screamed and covered her ears. “Please, stop.” She pleaded. Silence. Finally, she’d be able to think. She looked around the living room.

  ‘Very posh.’

  So much for silence. She started up the stairs. She shouldn’t be surprised, their cooperation never lasted long. She entered the first bedroom she came to. A full size bed was positioned against one wall and a dresser sat on the opposite wall. She made her way to the dresser and picked up a picture. It was of her with her two kids and a man. What’s she doing with Trent? She’s got a man.

  Ruth opened a door to the side of the dresser and stepped into a walk-in closet. One side was filled with woman’s clothes but the other side was bare. Had a man? Boxes lined the empty side, most marked, Donation. Turning around she looked above the hanging clothes, a pile of sweats sat on the shelf.

  ‘She’ll never notice a couple of items missing.’

  ‘You need a change of clothing. You look horrible.’

  Grabbing a pair of grey sweats off the top of the pile she stuffed it under her arm and backed out of the closet. She pulled open a dresser drawer and snagged a couple of tees. On top of the dresser was a jewelry box. She lifted the lid, rings and bracelets littered the spaces, except one. A necklace was neatly wrapped around itself and placed inside.

  ‘Take it. It must mean a lot to the tramp.’

  Ruth reached in and pulled the necklace out of its place. She turned it around in her fingers a couple of times then put it in her pocket. Making her way back down stairs she stopped in the kitchen. Her stomach growled. She pulled open the fridge and also looked through the cabinets. She settled on some apples, a couple boxes of crackers, and a plate of sliced cheese. She found a plastic bag and shoved everything in then headed out.

  ‘At least you came away with something.’

  Stepping out onto the back patio she closed the door behind her and made her way back to her hiding spot to wait.


  “How many?” The woman at the podium asked. Her name tag read Stacy.

  “Four please, and a booth if available.” Trent replied. They followed Stacy to the far end of the restaurant to a corner booth. Liz and Stephen quickly sat down next to each other on one side. Trent grinned and motioned for Allison to sit. He slid in next to her.

  Stacy put the menus in front of them. “Your waitress tonight will be Meg. What can I get you to drink?”

  They gave her their drink orders and she left. Trent picked up his menu. “Get whatever you want. It’s on me.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to do that. I invited you.” Allison shook her head as she looked at him.

  “No problem. My pleasure.” Allison smiled when Trent leaned closer and rubbed up against her arm. Their hands met under the table and she leaned into him. She looked up through her lashes at her kids. They weren’t paying attention to them or at least acted like they weren’t.

  “So Liz, what’s your plans after high school?” Trent asked.

  “I’m going to work through the summer and then in the fall I will start classes at UNL. I’m going into forensic science.”

  “That will be an exciting career. Good for you.”

  “Good evening. My name is Meg. I’ll be your waitress.” She stated as she placed their drinks on the table. “Ready to order?”

  “Yes.” Liz ordered first and everyone else in turn. Meg gathered the menus and walked away.

  “Stephen, you’re going to be a sophomore next year?”

  “Yeah.” Stephen responded but didn’t bother to look up from the glass he focused on.

  “You going to play any sports?”

  Stephen perked up. “I made the football team for next year and I’m going to try out for basketball later.”

  “That’s great. If you need someone to practice with, let me know.”

  That got the conversation rolling. Stephen could talk about sports all day and it seemed he had that in common with Trent.

  Allison loved listening to him. He gets along with the kids. Liz even got into the conversation talking about volleyball. And Allison put in her stories about their achievements. Their meals arrived and they continued talking and laughing while they ate.

  At the end of the meal, Meg placed their ticket in the middle of the table. Trent pulled it in front of him and got out his wallet. While he was going through his wallet, Allison noticed a little note with a heart on the other side of the folder. She pulled it out. It read. “I didn’t see a ring and thought I’d try. If you’re interested give me a call.” A phone number was written underneath.

  Allison turned to see the waitress walking away. She wanted to rip it up and throw it away. The nerve of some people. Instead she carefully put it back. She didn’t have a claim on Trent. Yet. They hadn’t officially said they were together. If he decided to have someone else, that was his choice.

  Trent put his card inside then noticed the note. There was a pen in the folder. Trent took out both and wrote a quick note. Allison’s heart sunk. He’d call Meg and forget about her.

  Trent set the note and pen back inside, but left it open. Allison couldn’t help but read what he wrote. “I’m flattered but I’m interested in an incredible woman already. Sorry.”

  Allison couldn’t keep the grin from her face. She knew she had to look like a complete idiot.

  Trent closed the folder and moved it to the edge of the table. Meg returned and took the folder. A minute later, she returned his card. “Have a good day.” She mumbled.

  “Everyone ready?” Trent asked.

  “Yep, let’s go.”

  Everyone climbed into Trent’s truck and they went home. He pulled into the drive and Allison’s kids jumped out and hurried inside. Allison, not waiting for Trent to open her door, got out and walked around the back of the truck. They met up on the side of the truck.

  “This was nice. Thank you.”

  “It’s been great. You have terrific kids but they are sneaky.”

  Allison giggled and leaned against the truck. “Yep, but I’m glad.”

  “Me too.” He put his hand on his truck right next to Allison. “I wouldn’t be here with you if they weren’t.”

  He leaned forward and she ever so slightly lifted her head up to him. Their lips met and he put one of his hands behind her head and the other on her waist pulling her to him. She put her hands
around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. He ended the kiss and touched his forehead to hers. He pulled his head back and smiled at her. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “This is corny, but will you be my girlfriend?”

  “You want to date exclusively?” He nodded. “Yes. I’ll be your girlfriend.”


  Ruth stayed quiet as the voices in her head argued amongst themselves. She munched on the crackers and cheese. The crunch drowned out their snide remarks a little.

  After a while, she heard Trent’s truck pull into the driveway. Ruth crouched at the edge of the bush. The kids got out and went inside leaving her and Trent by themselves. Get in your truck and leave. Allison giggled and leaned against his truck. Ruth couldn’t hear what was being said but could tell they were getting along. He smiled at Allison and put his hand on the truck next to her.

  Ruth got on all fours and inched closer to the edge of the bush. Trent couldn’t be done with their relationship. He’s mine.

  It felt like someone pushed slow motion on a remote as Trent leaned towards Allison. He paused an inch away. No! Leave. Allison tilted her head back, the signal for Trent to continue. He closed the gap and their lips met. Ruth fell back on her butt and scooted herself against the trunk.

  ‘You twit, you’ve lost him now.’

  ‘Did you really think he’d take you back? Look at what he has. You’re going to have to do something drastic now.’

  She pulled the necklace out of her pocket, turning it around in her hand. An idea formed.

  ‘Now we’re getting somewhere.’


  After finally letting Trent leave, Allison walked in the door. She’d invited him over tomorrow night for dinner. She passed the living room on her way to her room. Stephen had plopped down on the couch watching TV and Liz was on the computer.

  It was still early so Allison decided to take a shower. She went over to her dresser to put away the necklace and earrings she’d worn. She lifted the lid of her jewelry box and paused. She moved a few things around not finding her favorite necklace. “Liz.” She called out to her daughter.


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