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Page 19

by Kennington, Belinda

  “Will do.”

  “Make an appointment with your doctor in a couple of days.”

  “Thanks.” Allison touched her forehead and winced.

  “You’ll be sore for a while.”

  When the EMT finished, Jones looked at Allison. “Can you tell me exactly what happened?”

  “Yes.” She proceeded to give a step by step explanation of what happened. Trent was surprised how steady her words were. She gave the details without a shake in her voice. When it came to where Ruth had pulled out the knife, Trent tensed. He was grateful to the woman that had interrupted.

  “So you know for sure that it was Ruth.”

  “Yes, I recognized her from the picture. There will be no getting her face out of my head now.” Allison put her arm around Trent. He didn’t know if she did it consciously. He hoped it was coming naturally to her.

  “Are you staying at your house?”

  “We didn’t last night, but we’re here to get supplies to secure the house. We planned on staying there tonight.”

  “I don’t recommend it. Ruth is on the edge and getting more desperate by the moment. But either way, if you decide to stay there or not, I am going to send a patrol by your house on a regular basis.”

  “Thanks detective.” Jones shook their hands then left.

  Trent and Allison picked up a couple more things and checked out. After loading all of their purchases, they got back in the truck and Trent locked the doors. He found himself looking around for the long unkempt hair on the woman he used to love. He realized he didn’t have an attraction to her anymore, but that he did care what happened to her. He didn’t want her to get hurt in her crazy actions. But his main concern was Allison. He would do anything to keep her and her kids safe.


  Allison couldn’t believe Ruth had attacked her in the bathroom. Dirt and who knows what else clung to her body. All she wanted was to climb into a shower after being on that floor. She was surprised she wasn’t still shaking but she pitied the woman. She didn’t know what had happened to her through the years but something must have gone terribly wrong.

  “Should we stay at the house?” Trent asked, interrupting Allison’s thoughts.

  “I don’t know but I know Emily isn’t going to let us leave without a fight. Maybe we should stay another night. But I worry Ruth knows where we are and she’ll try something while we’re there.”

  Trent nodded. “I’m hoping Ruth is now a high enough priority with the cops and they’ll put an effort into finding her.”

  “Me too.”

  “Maybe she’ll stay low key for a while.” They pulled into Emily’s drive and went inside.

  “Oh my God.” Emily bee-lined it for Allison. “What on earth happened? Are you ok? Come sit.” She put her arm around Allison, led them into the kitchen and pushed her into a chair at the table.

  “I’m fine, really. It looks worse than it is. Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  “Stop that. Ruth attacked you, right?”

  “Yes.” Her blood began to boil. Emily was not her mother and she didn’t need to be lectured. She was dealing with it.

  “You don’t plan on going back to your house tonight, do you? Stay here.”

  “Yes, we’ll stay tonight. But not forever.” She turned on her heels and headed down the hall. “I’m going to take a shower. Trent can fill you in.” She closed the door behind her, peeled off her clothes, and climbed into the shower.


  Emily turned on Trent. “How could you let this happen?” She rushed up on him, getting in his face. “You’re supposed to protect her.”

  Trent held his hands up in front of him. “Sorry. I never thought this would happen.”

  “What’s wrong with that woman of yours?”

  “Ruth’s not my woman. I have no idea what’s going on with her. I haven’t seen her in nine years. You know I love Allison. I’d never do anything to get her hurt.”

  “You love her.” Emily put her fingers on her temples and rubbed in circles. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, letting her hands drop to her sides. “Sorry. Allison’s finally getting out again, then all of this.”

  “I know. I can’t believe this is happening.” Trent’s cell rang. Pulling it out he looked at the screen, John was calling. “This is my son, I’d better get it.”

  “I’ll check on Allison.”

  Emily turned heading down the hall. Trent opened the door and went outside as he answered. “Hello?”

  “Dad.” The stress in John’s voice was unmistakable.

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s mom. I just got off the phone with her. She’s freaked out.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “She kept going on and on about you being hers. That nothing will stop her from getting you back. She won’t let anyone come between you two. That she’s as good as Allison. She will have you or no one will.”

  Trent ran his free hand through his hair. What’s that woman thinking? Maybe he could talk to her? “Don’t worry, but since I’ve been here, we’ve had some run in’s with your mother. She’s made threats towards Allison.”

  “You can’t tell me to not worry. It’s too late for that.”

  Trent didn’t reply to his remark. He had to tell him what his mother had been up to. He didn’t think Ruth would go see John, but he had to know how unstable she was. “Your mother vandalized Allison’s house and earlier today she attacked Allison in the women’s bathroom at the hardware store.”

  John made an audible gasp.

  “The police are on the case.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  “Allison’s friend, Emily’s house. We’ll be here tonight but if the police haven’t caught her tomorrow, we will need to go somewhere else. Ruth knows where we are. She’s watching us.”

  “What’s wrong with mom?” Even over the phone John couldn’t hide his effort to fight back the emotions.

  “I don’t know. I never thought she was capable of violence. If I could talk to her, maybe we could get her help. I don’t want her or anyone to get hurt.” Was there a way he could get the help Ruth needed and still keep Allison safe?

  “Dad, don’t. Let the police do their job.”

  “If I had taken her back this wouldn’t be happening.” He couldn’t believe his past, the past that left him with nothing, was now ruining his future.

  “Don’t talk like that. This isn’t your fault.”

  “Thanks, John. I’ll talk to you later.” He needed to put Allison’s safety above himself.


  Standing under the water, Allison’s muscles finally relaxed. A soft knock came at the door. “Yes?”

  “Allison, here’s some clothes for you.”

  She hadn’t even thought about clothes. “Thanks.” She called but heard the click of the door before she’d finished. Allison turned off the water, dried then slipped on the clothes Emily had brought. What were they going to do? They couldn’t stay with Emily forever; Ruth would make her move eventually. She had to figure something out. Her brain spun trying to decide what she could do to make sure her kids and friends were safe.

  Taking the towel off her head, she wiped the steam from the mirror and looked at her injuries. They didn’t look so bad now that she was clean. The cut on her neck was barely noticeable. It looked more like a cat got her. Her bottom lip was swollen and so was her forehead under the band-aid, but the cuts weren’t so bad. The medic did a good job.

  She pulled a brush through her hair and gathered up her things. In the living room, she put her stuff in as neat of a pile as she could, next to the couch. Trent was sitting on the couch watching the news. “Anything interesting?”

  “Not that I’ve seen.”

  Allison sat next to him and leaned into him.

  “I got a call from John.” He paused.

  “Yeah, what’s he up too?” Here it comes. He wants to go.

  “Ruth called him. She
made him nervous.”

  She made her nervous too. “How’s that?” But she had to know how a mother made her child could make her child uneasy.

  “She rambled on about me being hers and that she would have me back or nobody would.” His last sentence hung in the air. Ruth was making a threat towards his life as well. She had to know John would call his father. Did she really think that would make him want her?

  He turned to Allison. “I have to let you know that she feels you’re the reason I won’t go back to her. She wants you out of the picture.”

  “Wow.” Allison already knew that but having Trent say it aloud was shocking.

  “I’m putting you, your kids, everyone, in danger.”

  Was he trying to scare her away? She turned to look at Trent in the eyes. She couldn’t let him say he would leave. “Don’t go. It may be stupid or selfish but please don’t leave.” Trent wanted to be with her, she knew it in her bones. She wanted the same thing.

  Trent grabbed her hand and held it in both of his. “You’re sure.”

  She nodded, pleading with her eyes.

  Leaning in he kissed her. “Is it weird that I’m worried about her? That something’s wrong with her?”

  “No and we’ll figure this out together. The police will find Ruth, then she can get the help she needs.”

  He put his arm around her and they relaxed into the couch. “I was hoping there would be a picture of her on TV.”

  “Maybe tonight.” She heard pans banging against each other. Allison looked in the direction of the kitchen. “I better go apologize to Emily.”

  Trent nodded. “She’s worried about you.”

  “I know.” Allison didn’t like having to say she was sorry. She had always been the quiet one, the one who went along with everything so she didn’t have to confront anything.

  She gave Trent a kiss, stood and made her way into the kitchen. Emily was putting dishes away. Allison stepped up behind her and stood on one foot then the other.

  “You just going to stand there.”

  Allison smiled. Her friend wasn’t the one to let things stay silent.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Emily put down the pot she had in her hand and turned giving Allison a hug. “It’s okay, you’re stressed.”

  “That’s one way to put it. But I can always count on you to call me on it.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. Now, how are you doing, really?”

  “Truthfully?” Allison leaned against the counter and Emily followed suit.

  Emily nodded.

  “I’m ok. I’m scared, but not fear stricken. I’m not as worried about myself, as I am for Trent and the kids. And now you and Wayne. She’s been watching us. It wasn’t a coincidence she knew where we were. Trent and I will stay tonight but if we stay much longer, I’m betting she’ll attack here. We’ll find something else tomorrow.”

  “I understand. You’re fighting for what you want. Liz and Stephen can stay as long as you need.”

  “Thanks. You’re the best.”

  Emily flipped her hair. “I know.” She grinned and they both laughed.

  Allison put her arms around her best friend. “I’ll be ready for her next time. Now I know exactly what she looks like, she won’t be able to sneak up on me.”

  “I hope there isn’t a next time.”

  “Me too.” She wished there wouldn’t but knew there would be. Until the cops had her locked up, Ruth won’t stop.


  That evening, Allison and Trent walked in the house behind Wayne. They all dropped duffle bags next to the stairs. She’d remembered clothes for the night. They’d been at Allison’s changing locks and putting sensors on everything that opened to the outside. Trent wanted to do more, get it all done, but it was getting late.

  Allison figured the only reason she was able to get him out of there, was the fact they weren’t staying there for the night. Trent wouldn’t let her leave his side the whole time they were there. Giving her things to do, keeping her near. She could see his desire to make sure she was protected.

  Emily was finishing up dinner. Allison smiled to herself. Emily was enjoying herself, fussing over everyone. They all sat around the table for dinner making small talk. Allison watched Liz look at her out of the corner of her eye several times. Allison knew she had questions and Stephen did too. “I know you two want to know what happened.”

  Liz and Stephen both nodded and waited for the explanation.

  “When we went to the store earlier, Ruth attacked me. I got scraped up but I’m fine. The cops will catch her and everything will be okay.”

  “Mom…” Liz jumped out of her chair and stormed out of the room. “Nothing is okay.”

  “Liz, please.” Allison followed her daughter. “It will work out.”

  “We aren’t babies. We know this is serious. Why is she doing this?”

  Allison pinched the bridge of her nose. She didn’t want to have to spell it out. She hoped they would take her word for it.

  “This is my fault.” Trent broke in. “Ruth wants me back. She went farther than I ever thought she would. I guess I don’t know her anymore. I am sorry.”

  Stephen put in his opinion. “This IS your fault.”

  “Stephen!” Allison was shocked at his outburst.

  “It’s ok, Allison.” Trent held his hand out. “He has the right.”

  “I see how happy you make my mom and I don’t want to ruin that for her.” Stephen stepped closer to Trent and stood tall, staring eye to eye. “Don’t let anything happen to her.”

  “I swear to you, I will do everything in my power to keep her safe.”

  Allison pulled her son into a hug. It had been a long time since he has shown he cared for her. “We’ll get through this.”


  Allison woke to a phone’s relentless ring. She lifted her head off the pillow and reached for it, fumbling in the dark trying to answer before it woke anyone else. From the other couch, Trent groaned and rolled over.

  An unfamiliar number shined at her. “Hello?” She cleared her throat, clearing the sleep from her voice. She looked at the time on the VCR. Who would be calling at five in the morning?

  “Mrs. Behr?”


  “This is Detective Jones. Sorry to wake you.”

  “Jones?” Allison was surprised to hear from him. Had they found Ruth? Or was this a warning call? She sat up quickly and looked around the dark room. She searched for someone lurking in the shadows.

  “I’m at your house. Where are you?”

  “I’m at my friend’s house. What’s going on?”

  Trent sat up rubbing his eyes. The conversation must have gotten his attention.

  “An alarm was set off at your house and the police were called. I’m here with the patrol. We’re checking out the area but we don’t see anyone. There doesn’t seem to be any damage.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Is Trent with you?”

  “Yeah, he’s right here.”

  “Can I speak with him?”

  “Sure.” She handed the phone to Trent.

  “This is Trent.” It was silent as he listened and occasionally he nodded his head. “Ok, we’ll meet you there. Bye.”

  Trent handed the phone back to Allison. “Jones would like us to meet him at the police station. He found some information about Ruth and would like to tell us in person.”

  They both stood and Allison grabbed her clothes. She went into the bathroom and dressed. When she came out, Trent went in. While he was in the bathroom, Allison scribbled a note letting everyone know where they would be. She wasn’t sure when they’d get back.

  Upstairs, she dropped the note on the table as they passed, heading to the door. They locked the door behind them then climbed into the truck.

  “Jones told me, the first police officer arriving at the house thought he saw a female running off and they pursued. By the time back up arrived, there was no one to be found.�

  “Ruth is sneaky.”

  He nodded. “They didn’t have a description. Only thought it was female because they saw long hair and a thin figure. Detective Jones is convinced it’s Ruth because of all of the other events.”

  Allison shivered, even though it was warm in the truck. What would make someone do the things she’s done? “I wish all of this was over.”

  “Me too. I never thought I’d see her again, let alone be worried she’s dangerous.”

  They rode in silence for a minute.

  “You can tell me to butt out, but I was wondering if you knew she was going to leave. Or was it a surprise?”

  “You can ask me anything. I don’t want any secrets between us.” He put his hand over hers. “I didn’t know. But looking back I guess I saw some signs. 20/20 hindsight vision, I guess.”

  Allison stayed quiet. If he wanted to say more, he would.

  “It doesn’t bother me to talk about it anymore. I came to terms with it a long time ago. I’m still confused, but it doesn’t hurt like it used to.” He smiled and squeezed her hand. “Of course, you help.”

  She blushed and smiled.

  “I went through everything in my mind, over and over. I noticed, after the fact, she was pulling away. Small things; not cuddling with me as often, kisses not lasting as long, conversations happening less and less. I thought it was life getting in the way. So I assumed, when John grew up, life would slow down, and we’d go back to how it was before. I’d beat myself up for not paying attention, for not trying to fix it.”

  Allison scooted as close as the seat belt would allow and wrapped his hand with both of hers.

  “Then I came to the realization, it went both ways. She didn’t try either. If she was that unhappy, why didn’t she say anything?” He shrugged. “I know it would have been easier if she had let me know, instead of running away. Then I would have known what to tell my son.”


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