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Star Rider and the Golden Threads

Page 7

by Heidi Skarie

  “You have to bow,” the court administrator said.

  Erling glanced at him; he had no intention of bowing to a close friend.

  “It’s not necessary,” Koriann said. She moved swiftly down the two steps that separated them and they embraced.

  “Kori, love, it’s good to see you again.” Without thinking he lowered his head to kiss her. She stiffened and moved out of his arms.

  Flushing, she said to the ambassador, “If you’ll please excuse me. Major Fenian is a representative from the Coalition and it’s imperative that I speak with him.” She addressed the people waiting to speak with her. “Court is in recess for an hour. Major Fenian, come to the council room where we can talk privately.”

  She led Erling across the large, crowded room to a small side chamber. Erling was uncomfortably aware that everyone was staring at them.

  Once in the room, Erling gathered Koriann close to kiss her, but she pushed her hands against his chest saying, “No, you mustn’t. I’m engaged to be married.”

  “Engaged! I’ve only been gone a few weeks. How can you have fallen in love already?”

  “It’s been six weeks and I’m not marrying for love. I’m marrying King Zanton Duborginact, the ruler of Haklute, for political reasons. He is a powerful ally.” Her small hands clutched onto his flight jacket. She was no longer pushing him away, but keeping him close.

  “That’s not a good reason to get married.”

  “I have more than myself to think of.”

  “What about us?”

  Pink spots appeared on her cheeks and her eyes flashed. “What about us? I never expected to see you again.” She let go of his jacket and stepped away from him.

  “I sent you a message.”

  “You mean that impersonal electronic message about politics and how the war on Alandra was going?”

  “I didn’t know what else to say now that you’re Queen.”

  “You might have shown some warmth as a caring friend.”

  “I said I’d come back if you were ever threatened by Samrat Condor.”

  “You were fighting in the middle of a war and I know your family is on Alandra. You weren’t in position to help Jaipar, so I was surprised when Commander Quintary said he was sending you as a Coalition military representative.”

  “The war on Alandra is already lost.” Saying it to her made it real and he felt sick at heart, both for losing Alandra and Kori. He hadn’t expected to react so strongly at seeing her again. He’d almost kissed her—twice. He needed to pull himself together. “When is the big day?”

  “In three months; my fiancé is here now. I’m sure you’ll have a chance to meet him soon.”

  “Great.” His voice rang with sarcasm.

  “What happened on Alandra that you lost so quickly? Jelmur was the seat of power for the Coalition and thought to be a powerful force against Samrat Condor.” She gazed at him with concern.

  “The Raptor air fleet bombed Jelmur in a surprise attack that wiped out many key military locations. During the attack, they repeatedly bombed Coalition Headquarters until they finally broke through its shield and razed it. Many personnel were killed as they tried to escape. Jelmur was forced to surrender. If they hadn’t, Raptor Troops would have continued bombing Talmiria, our capital, until it was completed destroyed.”

  Erling paused and leaned back against the wall as the pain of what happened washed over him. “Now that Samrat Condor has control of Jelmur, he is in the process of taking over the whole planet.”

  “I’m sorry, Erling.” Koriann stepped close and slid her arms around him. “Is there any hope to save Alandra?” she asked, her voice filled with sorrow.

  “No, we don’t have the military power to defeat Samrat Condor’s space fleet. The planet depended on the Coalition military.”

  “What about your family?”

  A lump formed in Erling’s throat. “My family is still there. I couldn’t convince them to leave after the first attack. My sisters, Breezy and Suntaka, both worked at the Coalition Headquarters in Talmiria and knew they were needed there. Once Jelmur became an occupied country, there was no way for my family to leave. I fear for their safety. If it’s discovered that Breezy and Suntaka work for the Coalition, my entire family will be executed.”

  “I’m sorry.” Neither of them spoke for a few moments. It was comforting to feel her slender body pressed against his. He knew she understood what he was going through. Her own family was killed when General Bhandar seized control of Jaipar ten years ago.

  He cleared his throat and picked up the narrative again. “Anyway, when Commander Quintary received your holomessage, he ordered me here. Onolyn, Hendora and Red will arrive when they can be spared. There’s a lot of fighting still going on and fighter pilots are badly needed. So, what’s the situation here in Jaipar?”

  “Not good. Samrat Condor contacted me again. He said if we don’t surrender peacefully he will wipe Jaipar off the map. Then he’ll proceed to destroy the rest of the planet. I’m so afraid for my country. We fought so hard to regain our freedom at the cost of so many lives. When King Zanton proposed marriage to unite our countries, it seemed as if it was Jaipar’s only hope to stay free. His country has a large military and Zanton is well-respected. He’s a good man, Erling.” She looked up at him with dismay. “If I had known you were coming . . .”

  “You did the right thing, Kori. Jaipar needs King Zanton’s military protection. I have nothing to offer you.”

  “That’s not true, but I suppose it doesn’t matter now.”

  “It does matter.” He pressed his face into her hair and breathed in the lilac scent of her perfume. “Oh, Kori, you can’t belong to someone else,” he groaned.

  The door clicked open and they jumped apart as a richly-dressed, black-haired man stalked in. Koriann’s breathing quickened. Erling guessed this was her fiancé King Zanton and he looked over his rival. He assumed a woman might find Zanton attractive, although his features were too large and his black eyebrows too bushy for him to be considered handsome. He looked to be in his mid-thirties, which was a dozen years older than Kori. An aura of power surrounded him. He was a man accustomed to authority.

  Zanton’s square jaw tightened as he scrutinized Erling.

  “Your Highness, I didn’t expect to see you,” Koriann said. “This is an old friend of mine, Major Erling Fenian. He’s a Coalition military advisor, sent to aid Jaipar’s defense against Samrat Condor.”

  The King snorted. “The Coalition is all but destroyed. They couldn’t even save their own headquarters. What help do you hope to gain from one of their majors?”

  Erling narrowed his eyes. “Samrat Condor launched a full-scale attack using air fleets from all over the galaxy. No single military force could stand up to that.”

  “I’m sure King Zanton didn’t mean any offense,” Koriann said. “Erling, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, King Zanton Duborginact. I know you’re going to be friends.”

  Erling shot her an annoyed look. Why would he want to be friends with Zanton? He’d taken an immediate dislike to the man. He stared coldly at Zanton, wondering if he was good enough for Kori.

  “Just how close of friends are you and Koriann?” the king asked, staring at Erling with steel-gray eyes.

  “Very close.” Erling smiled, pleased when he saw Zanton’s swarthy face darken.

  Koriann kicked him in the shin. Erling knew she was irritated by his remark, but wasn’t inspired to behave any better.

  “Erling was leader of the Coalition team that helped overthrow General Bhandar and put the Van Marsindi reign back in power,” Koriann said.

  “How noble of him,” Zanton said, in a tone that was anything but complimentary.

  Koriann turned to Erling. “You must be tired and hungry after your long trip. Do you want to get something to eat?”

  “I never turn down a free meal.” He took her arm and led her out of the room. “But, I’m hardly tired,” he added in a hushed whisper, leaning clo
se so only she could hear. “Things are just starting to get interesting.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “What are you two whispering about?” Zanton demanded.

  “Nothing important,” Koriann replied.

  As they walked toward the dining room, Erling wondered if coming to Jaipar was a mistake. It wouldn’t be easy to be around Koriann, since she was engaged. Yet, the attraction between them was as strong as ever and he wanted to help her and her country in any way he could.

  Somehow, he’d have to emotionally distance himself from her, so he could do his job.



  Planet Borko

  The next day Erling requested a meeting. Queen Koriann, Jaiparian military leaders and King Zanton and his Haklute advisors gathered in the council room. General Dursky, the head commander, stepped up to the podium. “We are honored to have Major Erling Fenian with us today as an official representative of the Coalition. Many of you know him for he and his Coalition team were instrumental in overthrowing General Bhandar. He requested this meeting to discuss Jaipar’s defense against Samrat Condor.”

  Queen Koriann and her military personnel stood and clapped as Erling stepped onstage while King Zanton and his men noticeably remained seated. Erling scanned the Jaiparian military leaders assembled. He’d worked with many of them when they fought for Jaipar’s freedom. They were tough men and women whom he could rely on. He knew little about Zanton except that in Haklute the king ruled with absolute power and was the head of the military.

  Erling smiled at Koriann who sat in the first row. Zanton sat beside her with his arms folded across his chest. Earlier in the day he’d said the meeting was unnecessary and that his presence in Jaipar was enough to keep Samrat Condor from attacking.

  Erling glanced down at his carefully prepared notes, feeling his stomach tighten, then began an impassioned speech without using them. “The only chance we have against Samrat Condor is if we can unite all the major countries on Borko. On Alandra, the other countries depended on the Coalition for the planet’s defense and didn’t maintain a large military of their own. Their leaders didn’t realize that the Coalition alone wasn’t enough to defend the entire planet from a full-scale attack launched by Samrat Condor’s air fleet.

  “After Coalition headquarters fell, it was too late for the nations to build up their military for war. Condor took over the country of Jelmur where Coalition Headquarters was located. Condor’s military is now in the process of taking over the whole planet.”

  Erling looked from person to person as he spoke. When he realized he had their full attention, he became more confident. “We still have time to build planet Borko’s military defenses. We must prepare for a major war. Borko’s resources and manpower should focus on making spacecraft and training military personnel.

  “Jaipar has only been free from military occupation for a short time and there’s much to do. I visited the military space station and it’s greatly depleted. There aren’t enough ships, weapons or manpower, and Jaipar doesn’t have the resources to bring it up to full operational capacity. We need to organize the entire planet, obtaining resources and military support from every major country on Borko.

  “We also need to hire pilots and soldiers and buy warships from our allies on other planets. Coalition allies will lend support to this effort. They saw what happened to planet Alandra and want to stop Samrat Condor. He may be able to destroy us one at a time, but not united.”

  The Jaiparian military personnel cheered. When they quieted, Erling said, “Thank you for giving me this chance to speak to you today.”

  “We appreciate your advice, Major Fenian. I think it is wise counsel,” General Dursky said, coming over to the podium. “Queen Van Marsindi, what Major Fenian said is true; our military space station is vastly depleted. We need a united planetary opposition and Jaipar needs military aid from other countries.”

  “Major Fenian is overreacting,” King Zanton said, rising to his feet. “Since my country joined forces with Jaipar, Samrat Condor hasn’t made any further threats. Haklute has a powerful military. We didn’t just fight a war as Jaipar did.”

  “Where are your ships and men?” Erling challenged. “I see little evidence of support. A few generals, a handful of guards and the ship you came in on is nothing! You should have half your military here. If Samrat Condor attacks, the war will be over before your ships even reach Jaipar. The only reason Condor hasn’t attacked is because he’s still fighting in Alandra, but the war is already lost there and it’s only a matter of time until the takeover is complete.”

  Erling looked at Koriann, his eyes holding hers. “General Bhandar’s reign was nothing compared to what Condor plans now. He wants the whole planet, not just Jaipar. You can’t afford to delay any longer, Your Majesty.”

  Koriann stood. “Major Fenian is right. King Zanton’s military support isn’t enough.”

  “It is enough; the very threat has held Samrat Condor at bay!” Zanton exclaimed. “Major Fenian is emotionally biased from losing the war on his home planet.”

  The Queen faced Zanton. “Major Fenian has spent his career in the military and is a representative of the Coalition. His advice is sound. At worst, we’ll be over prepared.”

  King Zanton’s face flushed red. “Major Fenian is a minor officer in a defeated, crumbling organization. I am a king and the head of an entire army. I have been trained in the art of war since I was a boy.”

  There was a pregnant silence in the room as everyone waited to see how Queen Koriann would respond. The tension in the room was thick enough to be cut by a sword.

  “I know you are a powerful military leader, King Zanton,” Koriann said, “and I am counting on your country’s support when the time comes. But I have to agree with Major Erling. We need to organize the whole planet and prepare for war.”

  “It’s understandable that you wouldn’t know how to run the military, being young and a woman. You should defer to me. But if you insist on taking the advice of this low-ranking officer instead, I will leave you to your own devices.” King Zanton strode out of the room with his advisors in tow.

  Watching him depart, Erling realized he had to find a way to work with King Zanton. Koriann was under a lot of pressure and needed Zanton’s support, not this disharmony.

  “Major Fenian, how do you suggest we proceed?” Koriann’s voice was unsteady as she began speaking, but she quickly regained controlled of it.

  “You can start by setting up a holoconference with all the world leaders. It will take too long to set up a face-to-face meeting and, if Samrat Condor found out, he could wipe out all the world leaders in one stroke. At the holoconference, I’ll tell world leaders that Samrat Condor has threatened Jaipar and explain the need to unite the whole planet or risk being taken over. I’ll also ask the Coalition to contact members on other planets, to explain the situation and the need for a cooperative defense of free planets. Many will send financial or military support.”

  General Dursky opened up the discussion to the Jaiparian generals. It quickly became apparent that most agreed with Erling and were glad to finally see some action taken to protect Jaipar. None thought King Zanton’s military support was enough. During the discussion, Erling noticed that while the generals respected the Queen, most didn’t seem comfortable having an inexperienced, twenty-two-year-old woman at the head of the military.

  Erling worked beside Koriann late into the night, making necessary arrangements for the holoconference with world leaders. Everyone else had retired by the time they were done.

  “I’m tired, but it was a day well-spent,” Erling said, leaning back in his chair. He liked that Koriann was smart and dedicated to her people.

  “Leadership seems to come naturally to you.”

  “This just had to be done. We can’t let Samrat Condor take over Borko. I’ll leave for Jaipar’s military space station tomorrow to get things organized and be back in time for the meeting.”

  “Will the Coalition comply and request their allies support us?” she asked, wrinkling her brow.

  “I’m sure they will. Don’t worry, we’ll save Borko.”

  “I feel so much better since you arrived.”

  “If I may speak frankly?” He paused. When she nodded her consent, he said, “I’m concerned about King Zanton. He isn’t taking the threat from Samrat Condor seriously enough.”

  Koriann rubbed her temple and sighed. “King Zanton is convinced that Samrat Condor won’t attack Jaipar now that Haklute is our ally.”

  “Haklute and Jaipar alone aren’t strong enough to defeat the Raptor air fleet.”

  “King Zanton said if Haklute goes to war, many other powerful countries will join the battle. He has many allies. I think he walked out of the meeting today because he’s used to being in command. He doesn’t like you taking over the Jaiparian military, as if you’re the one in charge—not him.”

  “Is that how you feel?”

  “No. I asked for help from the Coalition because I was concerned King Zanton has underestimated the threat from Samrat Condor. Commander Quintary must have sent you because he thought you were most qualified to save Jaipar. I trust his decision and I trust you.”

  Erling hesitated before saying anything more about King Zanton. Koriann probably didn’t want his opinion and would just think he was jealous. He plunged ahead anyway. “Kori, I have another concern. Zanton rules Haklute with absolute authority. In his country, women don’t have any power and can’t inherit the throne. I think he will try to run Jaipar as he does his own country and I suspect he will try to dominate you as well. It can be hard for a young woman, even if she is Queen, to stand up to an older, strong-willed man who is used to being obeyed without question.”

  “Erling, I know you mean well, but I’m capable of taking care of myself. King Zanton and I have discussed the ruling of Jaipar. He and I will jointly rule and Jaipar will continue to have an advisory council.”


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