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Star Rider and the Golden Threads

Page 33

by Heidi Skarie

  Erling’s heart stabbed in pain at Onolyn’s distress. He looked down at the dried blood on his hand, reliving the moment Hendora died. “Hendora’s gone. We can’t do anything for her, but Zac’s alive and we have to save him from Seetva.”

  “Who shot her?”

  He hesitated, not wanting to tell her the truth. “Hendora drew her gun and Zac returned fire.”

  “Then he deserves to die!” Her shoulders shook and she pressed her face into her hands and began to weep.

  “No, Onolyn, he was under Seetva’s control.”

  “That doesn’t excuse him from killing her!” she screamed at him. “He shouldn’t have gone to Seetva! This is all his fault!”

  Erling grasped her shoulders and gave her a sharp shake. “Stop it! You don’t mean that! Seetva knows I’m here and knows you’re free. I wounded her psychically, but she’ll recover quickly and come after us. We need to revive Zac and escape before she arrives. He was under Seetva’s spell, as were you, and isn’t responsible for killing Hendora. He needs our help. We must free him before it’s too late, before she irrevocably captures his Soul.”

  Onolyn leaned against Erling, sobbing. He stroked her hair. “Rise above your emotions. This isn’t the time to grieve—later you can sort things out. Hendora has left this world, but she’s still alive in the Inner Worlds.”

  Onolyn moved away from him and wiped the tears off her face with her hands. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Focus inwardly and send Zac unconditional love.” Erling closed his eyes and focused on Zac. Together Erling and Onolyn became channels for divine love, which flowed through them to Zac. The negative power entrapping Zac began to break up.

  Erling visualized using a hammer to break through the last of the negative power that bound Zac in the inner prison Seetva had created. The last of the dark energy dispersed and Zac was free, but his Light Body was dull. Erling imagined sending golden light to him and gradually Zac’s Light Body began to glow. “Thank you,” Zac said telepathically. “I couldn’t escape Seetva on my own.”

  In his physical body, Zac groaned, then sat up. “What happened? I feel so strange. How did I get here?” He looked around the room, puzzled, then his eyes lit on Hendora. Then his eyes widened in horror and he turned ashen, his face distorted with pain. “God forgive me! I did this. I killed her.” He cupped his face in his hands and rocked back and forth in agony. “Hendora, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  “Zac, don’t blame yourself,” Onolyn said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s as much my fault as yours. I sensed that Seetva had gained some control over you in the swamp and shouldn’t have left you alone.”

  Erling drew in a sharp breath, feeling the whisper of Death across his Soul. “Seetva’s approaching! Let’s get out of here!” He handed Zac his communicator. “I marked my ship’s location on my communicator. Use it to find the ship if we get separated. It’s across the border in Bhusong.” He glanced at Onolyn. “Both of you, grab a blaster.”

  Zac gathered Hendora in his arms and started to rise. Erling shook his head. “Put her down.”

  “She deserves a hero’s burial,” Zac said, his voice unsteady and broken.

  “We might have to fight our way out of here. We have to get Onolyn safely to the ship.”

  Zac looked at Onolyn, who was pale and trembling with tears streaming down her face. Zac gently set Hendora down, then touched his thumb to the center of his forehead where his Spiritual Eye was located, and then touched hers in the same place. “Go with God. We’ll meet again.” He grabbed up his Blackhawk blaster and stood. “I’m ready.”

  Erling drew his laser gun and led Zac and Onolyn from the room.

  They ran down the hallways. When they reached the entrance, they found Seetva blocking their way. She smiled menacingly. “Did you think you could escape me so easily?”

  Zac blanched and went rigid with terror. “Seetva!”

  “Run!” Erling yelled. “I’ll hold her off.”

  “No! We won’t leave you!” Onolyn cried.

  Erling glanced at Zac. “Get Onolyn to The Blue Lady and take off without me if I’m not there shortly! I can defend myself, but not both of you. Go, now!”

  Zac stared at Erling a moment, clearly torn. “God be with you.” He clasped Onolyn’s hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Onolyn stared at Erling a moment, her concern for him shone in her eyes, then she and Zac tore out the door. Relieved that Onolyn and Zac were escaping, he turned to Seetva and had the sickening feeling that he might not be so fortunate. Seetva didn’t look anything like the terrifying woman he’d seen in the lower regions of the Inner Worlds. Her white skin was smooth and flawless, her features small and delicate with a fine facial structure and high cheekbones. She wore her hair loose and flowing and was dressed in a dark-colored gown that showed off her well-proportioned figure. But her lovely appearance didn’t hide the deadly vibrations radiating from her.

  She began to laugh, an alluring sound, and he felt strangely drawn toward her. “I don’t want them. I want you, Erling. I want your Soul. I just used them to get you to come to me.”


  “Through you, I can control Jaipar.”

  Trepidation filled him, creeping over him and wrapping around him like a vine. His breathing became shallow and he couldn’t get enough air. He wanted to flee from her, and yet the pull to stay was so strong.

  “Come to me,” Seetva said in a honey-laced voice.

  “No.” Erling shook his head, trying to fight the spell creeping into his mind and emotions. His will and thoughts didn’t seem to be his own; he felt her power entrapping him and was powerless to stop her.

  “Come to me.”

  Erling took a step forward. She was so lush and desirable, so compelling and beautiful. He took another step forward, then shook his head again, trying to clear it. What was happening? He didn’t really want her.

  She began to sing in a strange bewitching tongue and to dance provocatively, seducing him with her sexuality. The song and dance drew him to her. She touched his face, leaned forward and pressed her sweet, enticing lips to his.

  He wasn’t able to resist and his hunger for her rose stronger and stronger. He had to have her. The consequences no longer mattered, nothing mattered but taking her. Succumbing to his inward battle, he returned her kiss, drinking from her seductive, poisonous well. Her kisses were like sweet nectar and he felt drugged. Everything seemed strange and distorted: dreamlike. His actions didn’t seem to be his own.

  Her skin was velvety-soft and her lips were sensuously inviting. His body ached for her. Her hands on his back burned like fire. Everything took on an inky, unreal quality as if he was seeing everything through a veil. He felt as if he was sinking deeper and deeper. Nothing else existed but this woman who was the very essence of womanhood. He kissed her almost feverishly now, bruising his lips on hers, drinking deeply of her power. His lust rose, taking control of his physical body and reducing him to the level of an animal.

  Deep inside him, a battle raged as he fought her spell. Inwardly, he heard the uplifting sound of bells. Part of him wanted to ignore the inner music, but it grew louder until it vibrated throughout his whole body. Koriann appeared in his inner vision. A feeling of deep, warm love washed through him. The illusion Seetva created shattered like a mirror breaking into a million pieces.

  He staggered back from Seetva, exclaiming, “No! I don’t want you. I love Kori.” Inner strength flooded through him and he spoke again with more confidence. “You have no power over me, witch! I am an initiate of Master Bakka. In his name I demand that you get out of my space.”

  Seetva began to change before him. Her face turned into a mask of death and her hands into claws. She grabbed him around the neck, strangling him with super-human strength.

  “You can’t harm me!” he choked out, gasping for breath. Inwardly he felt Michio’s presence, giving him strength. “I am a warrior of God,” he said with conviction. He
broke Seetva’s hold on him and shoved her away. “No negative force can stand against the power of love.”

  The room became electrified with an exchange of positive and negative energy as she continued to fight against the positive force flowing through him. Gradually, her power weakened. “I’ll defeat you!” Seetva screamed in a rage, her cheeks red-blotched with fury. “You may have won this round, but things are far from over between us!” A fire rose up around her and she disappeared in its flames.

  Erling shook uncontrollably and felt depleted, as if he had just come through a great battle.

  “Go save Jaipar. Zanton is attacking and your people need you.” Michio whispered inwardly.

  Erling felt the Light and Sound coursing through him: purifying, uplifting, and deeply connecting him to Spirit. Rejuvenated, he left the building and started across the busy military compound. He forced himself to walk, rather than run, through the busy military airfield, trying not to draw attention to himself.

  Seetva had probably alerted her men by now and they would be hunting for him. If he was caught, he doubted he’d survive another encounter with Seetva. Fortunately, there was so much activity on the airfield in preparation for the upcoming battle that no one noticed him.

  He left the airfield by a side gate that led to the barracks.

  Once out of sight of the guards, he headed into the woods and began to run toward the rendezvous point where The Blue Lady waited. As he raced through the trees, he hoped Zac and Onolyn hadn’t left without him. He needed to get to Jaipar before King Zanton’s air fleet attacked.

  The ancient woodland was filled with tall, mature trees with little growth on the forest floor, allowing him to quickly cover the seven miles to the border of Haklute and Bhusong. Soon after crossing the border, he jogged another three miles until he reached the hidden valley where he’d left the ship. Relief flooded through him when he saw it was still there. They’d waited for him!

  He dashed up the ramp. Zac and Onolyn sat in the pilot and co-pilot seats. “Bless the stars, you’re still here!”

  “We just arrived a short time ago,” Zac said. His face still had a gray cast to it.

  “We need to get to Jaipar. Take off immediately.”

  Erling slid into the seat behind Zac and fastened his seatbelt. Then Zac started the engines and the ship blasted into the air.

  Upon reaching the palace, Erling, Onolyn and Zac hurried to the control room where they found Michio and Koriann talking with Jaipar’s top military personnel.

  “Erling! You’re back!” Koriann exclaimed, rushing into his arms. Erling savored the moment. Holding her was a healing balm after his encounter with Seetva. He’d almost succumbed to the sorceress’ spell, but his love for Koriann had saved him.

  “Where’s Hendora?” Koriann asked, looking from Zac to Onolyn.

  Erling shook his head and a lump formed in his throat. He’d lost too many friends in this war. “She didn’t make it.”

  Koriann’s eyes filled with sorrow and understanding. “Oh Erling, I’m so sorry. What happened?”

  Erling swallowed and shook his head. “We’ll discuss it later.” He wasn’t ready to talk about Hendora’s death, especially not in front of Zac, who looked stricken. He changed the subject. “I have pressing news. King Zanton’s air fleet is about to attack. We need to ready the troops and get an update on what’s going on.”

  “We’re glad you’re back,” Michio said. “Condor’s air fleet is also expected to attack at any time and we’re badly outnumbered.”

  “What about our allies?” Erling asked.

  “King Zanton’s allegiance to Samrat Condor has divided the planet,” Michio said. “Some countries are joining us in defense of Borko and others are aligning themselves with King Zanton, who has promised safety and immunity to all countries joining the fight against Jaipar and her allies.”

  “Make a list of all the leaders aligning themselves with King Zanton,” Erling said. “I’ll personally contact each one of them. There’s still a chance of making them see the danger in trusting Samrat Condor.”

  Erling worked with Michio and Koriann in assigning orders to the generals. Once the generals left to prepare their men for the aerial attack, Erling turned his attention to Zac and Onolyn. “Are you two recovered enough from your ordeal on Haklute to join the battle?”

  “I am. I want to join the dogfight,” Zac said with conviction.

  Erling studied Zac, uncertain if the youth was ready for the challenge of aerial combat so soon from after being free of Seetva’s power. But Zac looked composed and no doubt needed to redeem himself after killing Hendora. More importantly, he was a competent fighter pilot.

  Onolyn had nothing to prove. Her shoulders sagged at the suggestion of going into battle. “I need an hour, then I’ll be ready,” she said, sounding as if she dreaded the idea.

  “Good, we need every pilot with combat experience in the air. Take an hour to eat and change, then report to your squad commander.”

  Watching them leave, Erling wished he could take an hour off as well, but duty and his responsibilities were too pressing. Michio had taken the burden for the defense of Borko long enough. It was time he took over and his first concern was for Koriann’s safety. “Kori, you need to go with your bodyguards to the secret command center in the Snow Peak Mountains. You’ll be safe there while still being able to do your job.”

  “I’m staying here to keep my people informed. Many are already evacuating the City of Silver Light.”

  “Erling’s right, Koriann,” Michio said. “It’s too dangerous for you to remain here.”

  “The palace could be bombed and, if we lose the battle, King Zanton and Samrat Condor will try to capture you,” Erling added. “Jaipar’s spirit and freedom are dependent on knowing their Queen is safe and alive.”

  “Do we have any chance of saving Jaipar?” Her face and stance were tense and he wished he could reassure her, but the odds didn’t look good.

  “I’ll do my best to unite Borko,” Erling said.

  “Where will you be?” she asked, gazing at him with love in her eyes.

  “Michio and I will command the troops from the lead starship. I’d better go. We haven’t much time.” Erling drew her close. “If we lose, I’ll come to you at command center. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Come back to me.”

  “I’ll try, God willing.” He released her. He had a battle to fight and he was the planet’s chief commander.


  Attack on Jaipar

  Erling stood with Michio and General Dursky in a circular room, waiting for the rulers of planet Borko and their top military leaders to arrive for the holoconference. Erling had called the meeting to inspire and organize the world leaders to fight for the planet’s defense.

  A full-size holographic projection of Koriann appeared beside Erling.

  “Hi Erling.” She was smiling, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “It looks like I’m the first to arrive.”

  Erling found it unsettling to gaze at the lifelike, three-dimensional image of her, even though he knew the technology behind it. “I’m glad you made it safely to the Control Center,” Erling said, grateful she’d agreed to leave the City of Silver Light.

  More world leaders’ holographic images began appearing: President Tengal of Mithra, whose country was already at war with Haklute; King Arteka and Queen Haleh Farha of Encore; and Emperor Valheart of the Starlean race, a small man with round gold eyes and green skin. Next arrived Beta-org the enormous leader of the Borgone lizard race who stood on her two back legs, balanced upright by her large tail. She wore a translator fastened at her yellow throat so she could speak the universal language.

  The rest of the rulers arrived in rapid succession and soon one-hundred-sixty world leaders were assembled. Only fifteen hadn’t come. Some were neutral countries that didn’t believe in war while others had allied themselves with King Zanton of Haklute.

  Pleased to see that the leaders
who hadn’t decided whether to align themselves with Jaipar or Haklute had shown up, Erling began his speech. “I’ve called this meeting because the Raptor space fleet has nearly reached planet Borko. We’ve prepared for this attack for months. Most of you with military air fleets have pledged to join in the defense of our planet. For that, we thank you. For those of you who are still undecided, now is the time to put our differences aside and form a united front to save the planet. Unless we join together and fight as one united force, Samrat Condor will take control of Borko and enslave our planet as he has done with so many others. He will steal our valuable resources, force our sons and daughters into his military and enslave the rest of the population. United, we can defeat him. Separated, we will fall as Alandra did. It’s time to fight!”

  The world leaders clapped and cheered in agreement.

  When they quieted, Erling said, “King Zanton of Haklute has betrayed us. He joined forces with Samrat Condor, convinced his allies to align themselves with him and attack Mithra and Jaipar. King Zanton divided our planet at a time when it’s critical for us to be strong and united. Don’t listen to King Zanton’s promise of gaining favor with Samrat Condor by fighting for the Raptor Empire. Samrat Condor has shown time and time again that he won’t honor his promises. He cares only for power and control, and puts no value on sentient life.

  “There’s no time for deliberation. It’s time to assemble your space fleets and join the battle.” More cheering erupted. Once it quieted, Erling continued, “At this very moment the Jaiparian, Mithrian and Encore space fleets battle Haklute forces. We must take action now, before the Raptor fleet arrives and joins the Haklute. Jaipar and her allies alone stand between Samrat Condor and this planet’s freedom. Our victory will thwart the takeover of the planet. Together we can stop Samrat Condor before he gets ahold of the planet. This is our world and we must fight to save it!”

  The world leaders applauded even louder. When silence was restored, Erling asked each country for their commitment. Most of the undecided countries agreed to join Jaipar in defense of the planet. Erling was gratified that so many of the allies had joined forces, pledging to support and join in the defense of Borko. Despite their differences in race, religion, culture and beliefs, most countries feared Samrat Condor and wanted to stay free.


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