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Star Rider and the Golden Threads

Page 36

by Heidi Skarie

  The cell door opened and two guards dumped an unconscious Jaiparian pilot on the floor. He’d been taken for questioning a short time earlier. He lay on his back with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Onolyn shuddered against Zac.

  “Grab another one for questioning,” a guard said in the universal language, scanning the remaining prisoners. His eyes fell on Onolyn. “A woman might talk more readily.”

  Zac balled his fists, ready to fight to defend her.

  The other guard looked at Onolyn with a compassionate frown. “No, leave her.” He gestured toward a young male pilot. “Take him.”

  The first guard smiled cruelly. “Good idea. Let the woman’s fear mount.” He looked at the pilot. “Get up.”

  The pilot swallowed, then rose to his feet. He was taken from the cell and the door clicked shut. “What’s going to happen to us?” Onolyn asked.

  “Erling will rescue us like he did last time,” Red said.

  “What if he’s dead?” Her voice caught in her throat.

  “He’s not dead!” Zac moved over to the unconscious pilot and turned him on his side so he wouldn’t choke on his own blood.

  “What do you think they’re questioning us about?” Onolyn asked.

  “I don’t know, anything, everything. About the Coalition, Jaipar, the military, who knows?”

  “Zac, I’m scared. What if I break when they start interrogating me?”

  He moved back and put his arm around her. “Just do the best you can and keep your attention on Master Bakka.” He was scared too, not so much about being tortured, but of Seetva controlling him again. He shot Hendora the last time he was under her spell and he’d spend the rest of his life feeling guilty about that.

  The Jaipar command ship landed in the Royal landing field. Michio left the ship and went into the palace to speak with Koriann who’d just returned from the secret military command center hidden in the Snow Peak Mountains. He found her with several generals, discussing Erling’s plight. When she saw him, she hurried over. “Michio, I’m glad you’re here.” She clasped his two hands in hers.

  “How are you holding up?” he asked.

  Her face crumpled. “Restoring and maintaining the Marsindi Dynasty has always been my first priority. I was even willing to marry someone I didn’t love to protect my country. But now, when we’ve won a major battle, I should feel exuberant. Instead I feel empty and alone. It doesn’t mean anything to me without Erling to share it with.”

  “I know what you mean. I haven’t tracked down where Toemeka is. I’m afraid she’s on Zanton’s ship as well.”

  Erling regained consciousness to find Toemeka squatting beside him, holding a hypodermic needle. Jake stood close by, keeping guard.

  “How do you feel?” Toemeka pressed a gauze pad against his arm.

  “Dizzy,” Erling complained, as she helped him sit up.

  “Put your head between your knees.” She kept her hand on his arm to keep him upright.

  Erling lowered his head and the spinning lessened. “What happened?”

  “You were shot, but your body armor protected you from serious injury. We dragged you behind some repair equipment and I just gave you a serum to revive you.”

  Erling heard blasts as the fighting continued just beyond where they were sheltered.

  “Landing on King Zanton’s ship wasn’t the most strategic move you’ve ever made,” Jake said, as he assembled explosives.

  “I know!” Erling pressed his hand against his aching chest. He was having trouble breathing. “What are you two doing here?”

  “We landed with your team,” Jake said. “There’s no time to exchange greetings from home. You’ve got to hide. Too much is at stake for you to be taken captive. A small computer room is right over there.” Jake pointed to a door about thirty feet away. “We’ll create a distraction so you can make it there.”

  A few moments later Jake said, “The bomb is ready. Are you feeling well enough to make a run for it, Erling?”

  “I think so.” As Toemeka helped him stand, he said, “What about you two?”

  “Don’t worry about us—we can fend for ourselves,” Toemeka replied. “It’s you they want.”

  Erling looked from her to Jake. “Thank you. I . . .”

  “Save it,” Jake said. “You owe us one.”

  “Go! Now!” Toemeka exclaimed. She and Jake leaned around the equipment and started firing lasers at Haklute soldiers to give him cover.

  Erling unsteadily raced toward the control station, battling the lingering dizziness. He almost reached it when an explosion threw him to the ground. Fire and smoke billowed up where Toemeka and Jake had been only moments before.

  Had they gotten away before it blew? Where were they now? He tried to see through the smoke.

  The door to the computer room was flung open and a Raptor computer operator ran out, his blaster drawn. Erling fired his laser and the stunned man collapsed. Erling staggered to his feet and entered the room. No one was inside. He was about to sit down at one of the computers, when it occurred to him that he’d be safer wearing a Raptor uniform.

  He peered out the door and saw heavy smoke still filled the air. Using it for cover, he ventured out of the room, grabbed the computer operator under the arms and dragged him back into the room. Then he switched uniforms with the operator. The sleeves and pant legs were too short, exposing Erling’s wrists and ankles, but it would do. He put his clothes on the unconscious man, in case a Raptor guard checked the room.

  Erling slid into a swivel chair before a computer screen to assess the damage to Zanton’s ship. A report showed the damage was extensive, though the ship was still operable and would make it back to Haklute. Erling wondered how he could take control of the ship with most of his pilots captured or dead, and Zanton still searching for him.

  The door opened and Erling looked up to see a gigantic lizard of the Borgone race lumber in. The Borgone looked from Erling to the unconscious man on the floor. Erling broke into a sweat, wondering if the creature would see through his ruse.

  As the Borgone stared at the unconscious man on the floor, his florescent blue scales deepened. “What happened?” he asked, speaking into a translator hanging around his thick neck, which translated his guttural words into the universal language.

  “One of the pilots burst in and I stunned him.”

  “I’ll bring him to a holding cell.” His long thin tongue darted out and touched the man’s cheek. “Warm. Good eating.” He slung the man over his shoulder, then said, “King Zanton is looking for General Erling Fenian, the commander-in-chief of Jaipar. Be on your guard for him.”

  Erling nodded, repulsed that the Borgone thought of humans as meat. “Thanks for the warning.”

  The door closed and Erling let out his breath. His hand shook slightly as he continued typing on the keyboard. A floor plan of the holding cells appeared on the computer screen.

  After getting the information he needed, Erling slipped out the door. The fire that resulted from the explosion had been put out and the air was thick with smoke and a burnt smell. King Zanton stood a short distance away with his back to Erling, questioning the prisoners. Erling walked toward the door. The Haklute crewmen and soldiers ignored him, their attention primarily focused on King Zanton and the prisoners.

  The landing bay was large and it seemed to take forever to reach the exit. Erling expected he’d be ordered to halt at any moment or shot in the back again.


  In the Hands of the Enemy

  The door of the cell opened again and two guards walked in. One pointed his blaster at Onolyn. “Are you Onolyn Larcomb?”

  Her stomach knotted up. “Yes.”

  “You’re next. King Zanton wants to talk to you.”

  She rose on shaky legs. Zac sprang to his feet and stood in front of her. “Leave her alone! She doesn’t know anything.”

  “Move or I’ll shoot!”

  “I don’t think you will,” Zac said. “You’
d rather have us alive for questioning.”

  The man’s brow furrowed. “You dare to find out?”

  Onolyn pushed passed Zac. “I’ll go.”

  Zac lunged at the guard. The man fired his blaster and Zac was thrown against the wall.

  “Zac!” Onolyn screamed, fighting the guard as he pulled her toward the door. She got a glimpse of Zac as she was dragged into the hall. He had a shocked, helpless look on his face and blood blossomed on the front of his flight suit. The other guard held his blaster on the remaining prisoners who had risen to their feet to aid Zac and Onolyn.

  The guard grabbed Onolyn’s arm, dragging her down the hall. “Let me go! Zac! Zac!” she screamed, fighting to break away from him.

  “Shut her up!” the other guard ordered.

  The guard pressed the blaster against her temple. “Cooperate or I’ll be forced to kill you!”

  Onolyn trembled uncontrollably. Seeing Zac shot had shattered her courage. Dazed, she was pulled down the hall and out of the detention center. The world seemed to be closing in on her. She couldn’t breathe.

  Then she remembered Zac telling her to focus on Master Bakka. Her breathing gradually returned to normal. This was a chance to prove herself—a test. She wouldn’t tell them anything. If the pain became too great, she would simply leave her body.

  The guard took her to a small room. “Sit down,” one of the guards said, shoving her toward a chair.

  Another guard walked in, leaned against the wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest. A malign smile spread across his face. “King Zanton has decided to question you personally. If I were you, I’d tell him what he wants to know or he’ll make mincemeat out of you.”

  Onolyn sank into the chair, looking uneasily from one man to the other. The guard leaning against the wall pulled out a large knife and slid the blade along the edge of his thumb. “Nice and sharp, just the way King Zanton likes them.”

  “Maybe he’ll let us enjoy her before he starts cutting her up,” the other guard said.

  Onolyn’s stomach flip-flopped.

  King Zanton entered the room. “So you’re Onolyn Larcomb. Seetva gave you a job to perform. You were supposed to capture General Fenian, instead you let him escape. If you had succeeded, this battle could’ve been avoided.”

  Onolyn rose. “I’m glad your plans failed. What do you want from me now?”

  “What makes you think I want something?”

  “Your men have been trying to intimidate me. You must want something.”

  “Have they? I must congratulate them.” King Zanton held out his hand to the man leaning against the wall and the man handed Zanton his knife, handle first. “Where is Erling Fenian?”

  “He’s alive!” Relief eased the pain in her heart. “Thank God!”

  “Are you claiming you don’t know where he is?”

  “How would I know? I was on my ship when your men captured me. King Zanton, why are you doing this? Is it because Queen Koriann decided not to marry you? She didn’t do it to hurt you; she was in love with Erling before she became engaged to you.”

  “Do you think I wanted to marry Queen Koriann for love? Stupid girl. I was working with Samrat Condor from the start. He threatened Jaipar with war to get Koriann to accept my proposal of marriage. I was just using her.”

  “You never cared about her?”

  “She was useful, nothing more.” He gave Onolyn a violent shove into the wall and the back of her head smacked into it. She cringed as the edge of the knife slid lightly across her cheek. “Now tell me where Fenian is or I’ll start cutting up your pretty face.”

  She swallowed her rising terror. “I don’t know, but if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”

  As Erling moved guardedly toward the entrance of the detention center, a male voice whispered from the shadows, “Over here.” The voice sounded like Jake’s, but as he turned toward it he saw two dark figures wearing Haklute uniforms. Erling raised his laser.

  “It’s us,” Toemeka whispered.

  Erling lowered his gun and stepped to where Toemeka and Jake stood. He gave Toemeka a quick squeeze and thumped Jake on the back. “I was afraid you two were killed in the explosion!”

  “I’m offended,” Jake said. “I’m too skilled with explosives to do something that stupid.”

  “Do you have a plan?” Erling asked, keeping his voice low.

  “We’re working on it,” Toemeka said. “Do you?”

  “I’m going to release my pilots from the holding cells.”

  “There’s no way to get in,” Jake said. “We’ve already checked.”

  “Let’s find King Zanton and use him to get in there,” Erling said.

  “Zanton just walked into a room down the hall,” Toemeka said. “They brought Onolyn in a few minutes before that.”

  “Why did they bring her here?”

  “They’re interrogating prisoners,” Jake said. “They look better going in than coming out.”

  Erling tightened his hand on his laser. “I’m going after her.”

  “It’s too dangerous!” Jake exclaimed. “There’s two guards in there as well as Zanton. We should wait until Zanton comes out, then jump him when he’s alone.”

  “I’m going in now,” Erling said. “I’m not going to stand aside and let Zanton torture her.”

  “I’m with Erling,” Toemeka said. “The odds are reasonable.”

  “Someone needs to keep guard,” Jake said. “Toemeka, guard the hall; Erling and I will bust out Onolyn.”

  “Be careful.” Toemeka slipped into the shadows.

  Jake and Erling crossed to the interrogation room and burst through the door, lasers drawn. “Don’t move!” Erling ordered.

  “Come another step forward and I’ll slit her throat,” Zanton said, pressing his knife against Onolyn’s neck. Her eyes widened in horror and a trickle of blood rolled down her throat.

  Erling cursed and lowered his weapon.

  Toemeka heard someone coming down the hall and slid around the corner, positioning herself so she could see the interrogation room door. Soon a woman came into view. Dark energy radiated from her. A shiver went up Toemeka’s spine—it was Seetva. Toemeka threw up a protective shield of golden light.

  As Seetva reached for the doorknob, Toemeka fired her laser gun. Seetva jerked away from the door and the laser beam harmless hit the door. “Did you think I wouldn’t sense your presence?” Seetva hissed, hurling a fireball. It smashed against Toemeka’s shield.

  “Interesting,” Seetva said. “You have powers. I could use a woman with your abilities.”

  Toemeka felt psychic pressure against her temples and heard Seetva’s seductive voice in her head. “Put down the weapon. We can be friends.” Toemeka felt as if her will was being drained away. She shifted to a higher vibratory level where she could hear the Sound Current roar like the ocean. The sound blocked out Seetva’s voice. Toemeka focused on opening her heart so fear couldn’t enter, then threw Seetva out of her mind.

  How had Seetva slipped by her guard so easily and invaded her mind? Toemeka wondered. She strengthened the shield that protected herself and the infant in her womb. At the thought of her baby, she remembered an ancient chant she was taught as a young child to defend herself against psychic attacks. As she began to chant aloud the ancient words came back to her.

  Seetva stepped back and cried out. “Stop that!”

  Toemeka chanted the ancient verse louder. She didn’t know their meaning but she could feel the words vibrate with energy. She sensed Seetva struggling to draw upon her dark power.

  Seetva threw out another fireball. It hit the wall of golden light, ricocheted back and exploded in front of the sorceress. Seetva slumped to the floor, unconscious, injured by her own fireball.

  Inside the interrogation room, Zanton’s mouth twisted into a smile as he held the knife to Onolyn’s throat. “It’s you I want, Fenian, not her. I’ll let her go, if you surrender.”

  “We’ll never agree to that trad
e,” Jake said.

  “Jake,” Erling said sharply.

  Jake ignored him. “What’s one pilot’s life compared to the commander-in-chief of the whole planet? But just remember while you’re slitting her throat, I’ll be firing my laser into your head and Erling will be shooting your guards. Come on, Zanton. My fingers are getting itchy—nothing would give me more pleasure than an excuse to kill you. Lower your knife, or I’ll fire.”

  One of Zanton’s guards reached for his blaster. Erling shot him and the other guard in rapid succession. Both men fell to the floor as Jake simultaneously leapt toward Zanton and grabbed the hand holding the knife. Onolyn broke free as Jake and Zanton fought over the weapon.

  Erling pointed his laser at Zanton. “It’s all over, Zanton.” Zanton and Jake stopped wrestling for the knife. Jake took it from Zanton and told him to put his hands in the air.

  “What did you think you were doing, Jake?” Erling demanded angrily as he removed Zanton’s Borithon sword from its sheath. “You almost got Onolyn killed.”

  “Trying to save your hide.”

  “Zanton might have killed her.”

  “He and his men might have killed all of us. Besides you are a lot more valuable, from a purely political point of view.” He looked at Onolyn and shrugged apologetically.

  She glared back.

  “From now on, follow my orders. I don’t want Onolyn killed.” Erling kept his gun trained on Zanton.

  “You’re got to start realizing you are not just a soldier anymore, but a leader,” Jake said.

  “Enough people have died because of my poor decision to land on this ship.”

  “Jake’s right, Erling,” Onolyn said. “You have to stay alive.”

  “Did he hurt you, Onolyn?” Erling asked,

  “Just this superficial wound on my neck,” she replied, touching the cut on her neck. “But Zac was shot.”


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