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It's Always Time

Page 5

by Oblimo

  Galatea's fingers came away sticky with Dee's sperm. She stared at them for a while. With a quick check to make sure Dee wasn't looking, she pressed them deep into the folds of her pussy, her face a mask of sublime longing. She shook the expression off and bounced out of bed. Dee pulled the pillow away from his eyes. "Goodbye?" he said.

  "I'm thirsty," she said. Dee watched the spectacular orbit of her ass as she padded away from him. "I'm always thirsty after sex. Probably."

  "What about…?" Dee asked, and squeezed the coverlet with both hands. It burbled.

  "I'm using it already." The citrine stuff was flowing to follow her to the door. "I'm going to go get a drink," she said, adding in perfect deadpan, "and when I come back, I am going to fuck the ever living shit out of you."

  Dee blinked. "Uh," he chuckled uncertainly, "I really don't think I can go another round right now."

  She dismissed him with a wave of her arm, and walked out into the hallway, green rivulets chasing after her. "Pfft. Yeah, right. Tell that to mine."

  "Mine?" Dee asked.

  "Not yours, 'Mine,'" came Galatea's voice. The sound of the kitchen sink, a constant background noise for some time, stopped.

  "I don't understand," Dee called out over the loud splashing and gurgling sounds coming from the kitchen. "What's 'mine'?"

  "The name of your dick."

  He glanced down at Mine, still pointing straight at the ceiling. "Oh, fuck me."

  "You got that right, bright boy."

  Dee gingerly inspected the head of his dick. It was as sensitive and primed as ever. "Seriously. I think something's wrong with me. A guy can't keep going like this, no matter what you've read on the Internet. I think I need to see a urologist or something."

  "Nah." Galatea's voice drifted down the hallway. "Just stop thinking with the wrong head. Your dick knows what's coming, even if you don't."

  "What's coming?" Dee sat up. "Remember, you promised—"

  "Man," Galatea said, ignoring him, "you really did a number on your kitchen." The splashing and gurgling continued, as if Galatea were playing in a giant but slowly draining bathtub. "There's a lot of water in here."

  Glad for the change of subject, Dee said, "There goes my security deposit."

  Dee heard something creak and groan, metal stressing under pressure. "Oh, don't worry," Galatea called, her voice oddly amplified and doubled (tripled?) with echoes, amused but sinister. A rushing roar started up, the bedroom floor atremble. "I took care of it."

  A green deluge decanted into the bedroom, an endless, hollow, curling wave of melted Jell-O. It broke into a sleeting spray against the opposing bedroom wall until the floor seethed with spume. Dee sat agog on the bed, possessed by the giddy illusion that he had been cast adrift on an aquamarine gel sea.

  A pair of supple hands reached out of the sea-foam teeming at the foot of the bed. The hands entwined, back-to-back, palms facing out. Sinuous arms arose. A face of Hellenic beauty soon followed, turned away from Dee in blushing, virginal modesty. When her mouth broke the surface of the foam she gasped, orgasmic, scraping her sensuous lips over an upraised forearm. Wild locks of the woman's mane billowed in an unfelt breeze. Only a mark branded upon her left breast, a curving X, disrupted her perfect, symmetrical beauty. Emerging from the foam, she untwined her arms, gathered up overflowing handfuls hair, and slowly drew them down and around her breasts and hips, fingertips kissing her skin. Swaying in post-coital lethargy, an apple-green Venus from the fever-dreams of Botticelli was born at Dee's feet.

  Dee blushed, blood singing in his ears. "I'm not worth this," he said, a bitter smile breaking through smarting tears. "I've done nothing to earn anything like this."

  The jade Venus stepped up onto the bed and knelt beside him to his right, taking his hands in hers. Dee could not bear to meet her gaze and shut his eyes tight, spilling the tears that brimmed in his eyes. "Kiss me," she said in Galatea's steamy voice, planting a series of quick, open-mouthed kisses on Dee's face, drinking up the teardrops. "Just kiss me," she whispered, raining those same succulent little kisses on his lips.

  Venus was holding his trembling hands in her lap when someone cupped his chin and gently turned his face away from her in mid-kiss. Dee blinked open his stinging eyes.

  A lithe feminine form the pale green color of absinthe sat cross-legged to his left. Her ears tapered to high points above a mop of thick, loose curls. Her dragonfly wings, green but translucent, stretched out from her back, buzzing the air when he gaped at her. The green fairy's face was as exotic and inscrutable as the Moon, her left breast branded with the curving X. She wound her other hand through his hair. "Drink me," she said in Galatea's voice, and pulled him down onto an upturned nipple that filled his mouth with a burning liqueur.

  Head spinning, Dee swallowed once, then twice. Venus tugged his hands, pulling him back, and tongued the remaining liqueur from his mouth, only to lose him to the strong embrace of the green fairy again. The green fairy cradled his head in one hand and guided a cordial-seeping nipple to his lips with the other, while Venus tugged impatiently at his arms—and a third pair of hands grabbed his by the shoulders, wrenched him down onto the bed, and wedged his head tight between fleshy green thighs.

  The newcomer's wicked, fanged grin flashed down at him. She smoothed over the hair on his forehead with a sharp, talon-tipped finger. "Eat me," she said in Galatea's voice, and wriggled her heady, sultry mound onto his face.

  Delirious, Dee did his best to appease the succubus straddling him, probing, nibbling, and nuzzling. He felt her laughter ripple through her, and she just pressed down harder. His ears plugged and vision distorted by the hot gel-flesh swaddling him, he caught a wavering, milky-green glimpse of Venus leaning out to soul-kiss the creature straddling him. They broke the kiss and the succubus bit down on Venus' neck, Venus' moan vibrating through the mattress. Dee closed his eyes, sure he would faint from the liquid fire burning in his belly and the overpowering aroma, pressure and heat of the sex smothering him, but he felt the buzz of the green fairy's wings as she crawled over his legs, and when she cried "Feed me!" loud enough to be heard through all the gel oozing around him and slurped his cock into her greedy throat, he thought: No, I'm not going to faint. I'm going to die.

  After a few wonderful, terrible moments, the assault on his senses and sanity came to an abrupt stop. The green fairy groaned in disappointment and released his dick in a mournful, reluctant huff. The creature riding his face just made a clucking noise, lips parting from Venus' neck with a final, gurgling, "M'wah!" She slid back, knelt behind him, grabbed him under the armpits, and propped him up on her wide lap. He peeked up at her and she smirked, pointing to her left breast. He startled, seeing it bore the brand. She winked lewdly, hugged her strong arms over his shoulders, and held him down. The green fairy sat next to her, and clasped one of his hands to her bosom, holding it fast. Venus sat on the other side, plucked up his other hand, kissed the palm, and rubbed it over her cheek—but when he tried to pull back, she grabbed his wrist with both hands.

  Below the foot of the bed, something said, "Kiss me."

  Galatea welled up from the illusory depths surrounding Dee, as slow and unstoppable as the lunar tides. Dee could only make out the vaguest hints of the familiar features – heart-shaped face, daggers of hair, darkling emerald eyes, heart-stopping figure – in the green torrent that surged around her, off her, through her, a Möbius strip of a waterfall folding back into itself. He knew well enough by now that this quickening signaled her excitement, and probably imminent orgasm.

  "Kiss me," Galatea said again. "Kiss me, drink me."

  Dee just couldn't wrap his mind around how large she had become. Dee and the three green women holding him down followed Galatea with their eyes as she rose up, and up, and up. "Kiss me, drink me, eat me, feed me," she said, planted a hand on the floor on either side of the bed, rocked back to sit on her knees, and smashed her head into the ceiling.

  "Kiss me," Galatea said, swinging her head down u
ntil a sumptuous mouth large enough to swallow Dee whole was just inches away from his face, the swirling of her passion whipping up gale force winds around him. "Drink me, eat me, feed me, fill me, fuck me!"

  Dee glanced down. The waterfall she wore like a cape and cowl rushed too thick and fast to see the curving X on her left breast, if one was there at all. He craned his neck up to meet her gaze, and realized that he couldn't care less.

  "Is it time?" Galatea asked. The two green women on either side released his arms. He reached up and ran a caressing hand over the luscious bow of Galatea's bottom lip. Her eyes slid closed, her mouth curled into a rapturous smile, and those three, little, helpless giggles escaped her: "Ah-hah, ah-hum, hm-mm."

  Dee said, "It's always time."

  And it was.

  Dee's brain buzzed with absinthe. His bedroom engorged with foam-capped waves of melted green gel that raced up the walls and smeared over the ceiling, submerging every surface in the room except Dee's bed itself. Galatea's titanic body stretched and distended down from the green cyclone above him. Dee lay eclipsed below Galatea's mouth. The succubus clutching Dee to her lap unwound from him, and he was free. But free to go where? "Let's start with 'kiss me,'" Dee said, swaying to his feet to stand on the bed until Galatea’s lips were inches away and filled his drug-addled universe, "and move up from there."

  Dee immersed his head in the satin of the titaness Galatea's lips. He felt baptized in liquid sex. A flick of her fingertip knocked him flat onto the bed. Her face swung down, mouth poised above his cock. When she spoke, a sound more akin to distant thunder than a human voice, a torrid downrush lathered him from nipples to knees. "Let's skip straight to 'Feed me,'" she rumbled.

  "Hold it!" someone cried.

  The succubus stood up behind him. Galatea pulled back to give her a little room. "There is no way I'm waiting a single second to experience this," the succubus insisted. "I'm coming home, now."

  The sea of green gel started to shift and reform, its central mass sliding backward from the ceiling and redistributing itself over far wall and across the floor. Galatea's giant shape regrew from green chaos. Her titanic tits breached the surface of the roiling green syrup coating the far wall, diamond-hard, fist-sized nipples pointing straight at Dee, followed by Galatea's face, her mouth agape and gasping with lust. Waterfalls of melted gel poured off her emergent form, rushing around in a maelstrom before being reabsorbed to feed further growth. The floor groaned as it took on the weight. The downstairs neighbor must be banging away like mad now, Dee decided, his thoughts slow as molasses.

  Legs extended spread-eagle across the floor. Feet that Dee might otherwise call “dainty” if not for their fifty inch insoles pushed into the wall on either side of the bed's head board. Dee had a front row seat before Galatea's towering sex, and with the erotic view came a sudden vision of the near future with startling clarity. Galatea would lock her legs together around the bed, draw them close, ram Dee into her ravenous pussy, bed and all, and that would be that.

  Venus and the green fairy scooted aside a bit, allowing the succubus to stride over him, making the soggy mattress quaver and squish. "What are you doing?" he asked them, scraping the green goop off his stomach and legs.

  The succubus turned to flash him an angry smile. "Stalling, dumb ass," the succubus said, sounding more like Galatea than the titaness Galatea now did herself, "until somebody can think of a way outta this. If you try and fuck that cunt — and I know you wanna, you should see the look on your face," she added, shaking her head. "Anyway, you fuck that, there's no coming back."

  The succubus cast off from the bed, fighting the currents of the green storm surge surrounding the titaness Galatea's body. "What's happening?" Dee said, watching the succubus make slow headway.

  The green fairy scooted closer. "I'm going to share memories with myself," she said.

  "I don't understand," said Dee. "You're Galatea too?"

  "Duh," the green fairy answered, "Who else? There was so much water in the kitchen, I hardly knew what to do with it, other than fuck your brains out, of course. So I split up." Dee must have looked as confused as he felt because the green fairy rolled her eyes and started lecturing. "Once I divide, I mean fully divide, not just like this…" Dee nearly lept out of his skin when another green fairy partially peeled herself away from the original, a pair of identical twins conjoined at the hip, streamers and strings of beading, liquid gel running between them. The new green fairy, still runny and quasi-molded out of the first fairy's inner nectar, pecked Dee's cheek with a sloppy kiss before the twins oozed back together into a single creature.

  The succubus had reached the half way point between the bed and the awaiting titaness.

  "…But like this," the green fairy continued, puckering up her absinthe-stained lips and blowing out dozens of little green bubbles. Each bubble popped in the gusty breeze to reveal a thimble-sized sparkling green fairy. They took flight and soon Dee, speechless with wonderment, was haloed with them. "When I fully split into separate, um, Galateas," said the big green fairy, "I start acquiring separate memories."

  One of the haloing little fairies went itinerant and zipped close to Dee's dick. "Holy shit!" it said, in a high-pitched, super-squeaky version of Galatea's voice. "Look at the size of that thing!"

  "And when I re-assimilate," the original green fairy began, hands outstretched. The little fairies orbiting Dee flit back and alighted onto her open palms—except for the wayward fairy, who just hugged her body close to his shaft, humping it feverishly but only managing to give Dee the slightest of tickles. "No! No! No! Mine! Mine! Mine!" she squeaked.

  The succubus had closed in on Galatea's thighs.

  "And when I re-assimilate," the green fairy repeated, annoyed. The little wayward fairy sighed and flew up to join her sisters in their creator’s palm. The green fairy pressed her hands together, as gentle as a kiss. When she pulled them apart, all her tiny duplicates were gone. "I re-remember," she said. "I think I should be able to share memories with my other selves just by touch, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet."

  Her face wrinkled in concentration for a moment before her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She stammered, "Big, it was so fucking big," and then dissolved into giggles.

  Dee did not know whether to laugh of freak the fuck out.

  The succubus had reached the tall delta of Galatea's mound. She turned to shoot Dee a parting glare, but her cruel and angry smile melted into a melancholy grin. "See you real soon, solid boy," she said, and dove between the folds of Galatea's sex. She had wriggled in only up to her shoulders when she liquefied under the heat and was siphoned in.

  Dee chose to freak out. "I think," Dee squawked, "I think I'm having a bad trip."

  Venus laid a cool palm on his brow. "I'm here," she said.

  A moment after the succubus disappeared, Galatea's chest heaved. She mashed her pussy with both hands. "Dee," she groaned, "I was just putting you on. You give awesome head."

  He turned to the green fairy. "Share memories? Reassimilate? What are you, the Borg or something?"

  The green fairy shook her head. "At a time like this, you still think about Star Trek?"

  With a sudden downwash of air, Galatea loomed close. "Did he polish you off?" she asked the green fairy.

  The green fairy glanced down, cupped her breasts and the healthy curve of her pot belly. "No," she said, "he drank a lot, but I—Whoop!" Galatea plucked the green fairy up by the legs, reared back, and dangled the fairy upside down over her mouth. "O-okay," the green fairy stuttered, "okay, just—" The green fairy burst into giggles when Galatea sloped her wide tongue across her breasts. "Wait a minute," the green fairy stammered, "that really tickles."

  "I'm not a group mind," Venus said, moving to block his view of Galatea lapping and ladling at the green fairy's breast. "I'm an individual," she continued, raising her voice over the green fairy's shrieks of laughter, "with an individual consciousness spread over a group, not a group consciousness sp
read over many individuals."

  "You're the Trekker, not me, if you can come up with some bullshit like that," he told her, but it made sense, especially after almost a pint of refined absinthe on an empty stomach. "So you're her," Dee said, looking at the giant Galatea.


  He returned Venus' soft gaze. "And she's you."


  Dee grinned. "Then I trust you both."

  The green fairy's laughter died down, and Venus, long hair whipping in wind, turned to glare up at the titaness. "I don't," she said.

  Galatea's fist plummeted down, suspending the green fairy in the air an arm's length away. The green fairy's wings poked out between two of Galatea's fingers. "Dee," the green fairy gulped, "make me wet. Please. Just once, before I'm gone. I want you to touch me when I'm just me, when I'm on the outside."

  Dee began "How should I…" but stopped, reached out, and then hesitated. As gently as he could, he grazed four fingers around the edge of a fragile wing and brushed across its gossamer face. This time, the green fairy's laughter was deep, throaty, and exultant. Green honey streamed out around Galatea's fingers. "So…solid," the green fairy sighed as Galatea wrenched her away.

  Dee frowned, turning to Venus. "You don't trust yourself?"

  Above him, the green fairy shouted, "Drink me now, you bitch! I got what I wanted."

  Venus watched Galatea suckle on the green fairy's runny legs. "The three of us split off back in the kitchen," Venus said. "Lilith, la Fée Verte and me, I mean." Seeing Dee's confusion, Venus added, "The chick with the fangs and the tramp with the wings? I’ll show you them on the Internet later if you want—if there is a later for either of us. Anyway, I split off back in the kitchen, so I can't tell what the rest of me is thinking, but I can guess. And I don't want it to happen."


  Galatea drew the green fairy back out of her mouth. There was very little of her left, a lozenge down to its last lick. "Is that the best you can do, bitch?" the green fairy said, her voice weak but unafraid.


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