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by Brenda Trim

  He’d been alive more years than he cared to think about and had been a Warrior Angel most of that time. It was his job to assess scenes in an instant and analyze what didn’t fit.

  After all demons weren’t known to be honest and straightforward. Especially the Daeva demons that looked human. Most often very attractive men. He made the mistake of trusting a good-looking woman when he was a very young Warrior. Unfortunately, he still had the scar on his side to show for it.

  The sound of wind came rushing through the house from the entryway. Araton set the glass down and ran out of the kitchen and into the hall. The second he reached the large foyer he saw the blue-green-purple lights like the aurora borealis off to the side of the black double front doors.

  Cailyn moved around the wings Araton hadn’t realized he’d extended. Habits and all that. He’d even automatically conducted a scan for demonic energy. When nothing pinged his Spidey senses he forced the red feathered appendages away and kept watch.

  “Welcome home,” Cailyn greeted and hugged Isobel as they walked through the portal that was created to get the Vampire Royal family from Scotland where they crossed the portal from Khoth.

  Then her mother, Elsie behind her. The child that fled to the dragon realm of Khoth for her safety a couple years ago had aged far beyond the time she’d been gone. Of course, Araton knew that was because time moved differently in Khoth as opposed to Earth.

  But it was one thing to see the evidence in person. Araton didn’t expect to see a young woman walk through the door. He still saw her as the precocious little girl that was filled with Godly energy and joy.

  Araton cocked his head and considered what was before them. He and his brothers had come to Zeum that night as protection. No one was taking any chances with the child turned young woman that was the embodiment of the Goddess Morrigan’s power.

  “It’s good to be back,” Izzy replied, but her affect didn’t fit with the words. Araton recalled the huge smile he’d seen on her face the last time he’d seen her. Her dark curly hair matched that of her father, the Vampire King who walked through the portal right behind Elsie and Izzy. The large male was holding his son as if he might be taken from his arms.

  Even the baby Cian, looked older than when the couple had left. His brown hair was longer, and his clear blue eyes tracked everything around him. It was the way he scanned the room with purpose that spoke volumes. It was also the fact that he’d grown several inches.

  “We made some food. Are you hungry?” Illianna, Araton’s sister asked Izzy. He could tell his sister was aware of the change in the Princess.

  As a Joy bringer, his sister was created to bring others happiness. Because of that she no doubt felt the extreme change in Izzy. Araton was geared for anger, rage and killing. And for the first time since he met the child, he sensed those emotions vibrating under the surface.

  Whatever happened to bring her home had hardened her. Brought out rage where there previously wasn’t a hint of it. He’d expected her to return from Hell a changed female, but that didn’t happen.

  He couldn’t imagine what caused her to withdraw into herself like this when being held captive in the ninth circle of the Underworld and surrounded by Behemoth demons with massive teeth and horns had not.

  Araton’s palm itched for his sword of fire. He wanted to eradicate her enemies. A familiar bloodlust surged in his chest. The need to kill something was both invigorating and infuriating. He might have been born a Warrior Angel, but he wasn’t born with murder in his heart.

  Murderous rage enveloped his heart when his sister had been kidnapped and taken from them. Araton searched high and low and questioned countless demons in his hunt for any clue about Illianna’s whereabouts.

  For a century he’d believed she was dead, but he couldn’t leave it alone. His family needed to know what happened and be able to grieve. It was Rhys, a half-demon hybrid that found her in a sex club in Hell that brought her home.

  Araton stalked back into the kitchen and grabbed his glass then added a couple more fingers. Sipping the liquid, he was about to return when the others made their way into the spacious kitchen.

  “I made your favorite,” Cailyn was telling Isobel as she carried her baby on her hip into the room. Araton again marveled that her son, Liam was born close to Cian, but Cian looked so much older. “Although, I’m sure your mom’s is much better. I followed the recipe as closely as possible.”

  Elsie took Liam from her sister and cuddled him close. Shae came in a few minutes later with Maddox toddling beside her. The female vampire had scars on the side of her neck that she used to hide with her long red hair.

  Araton recalled the stories of her kidnapping and torture by an archdemon named Kadir. One that Isobel incidentally killed with a touch. Perhaps he was wrong about her homicidal tendencies. No, he decided. She didn’t harbor the darkness in her heart that was there now.

  Very quickly the room was crowded, and he had inched his way to the enclosed patio off the kitchen and was watching through large windows. Isobel stood there with little inflection as those around her joked, drank and ate.

  Rhys brought out his hey juice and offered a glass to Izzy which was followed by a chorus of “Fucking Rhys.”

  Araton turned away from the celebration as he tried to calm his raging need. Izzy’s internal struggle was fueling his own. It was easier to scan the tile floor with the replica of the Triskele amulet that used to be the Tehrex Realm’s connection to the Goddess.

  So much had changed since that day he, Ayil and Abraxos confronted Rhys about being complicit in kidnapping their sister. Angels used to keep a distance from humans and paranormals alike. Now their lives were so intertwined Araton wondered what life was going to be like in ten, twenty years.

  His brother Ayil was mated to a Phoenix named Kennex. His sister in law created quite the buzz in Heaven when she bombed their park. There was always something eventful happening there and he was surprised this took the cake. Shortly before Kennex smuggled her explosive device to Ayil’s house in heaven, Ramiel, an Angel of Retribution, mated a Fallen Angel that had earned her wings back when she helped rescue Izzy from Hell.

  Of course, it wasn’t the first time his family was the center of attention, so he shouldn’t have been all that surprised. They seemed to have a knack for attracting dangerous, questionable beings. His sister Illianna wasn’t exempt to that either. She had mated a cambion which is a human-incubus hybrid, after Rhys was responsible for finding her when angels failed for over a century. Araton owed the male more than he could ever repay for rescuing his sister from unspeakable torture in the second circle of the Underworld.

  Abraxos joined Araton in the patio. “You going to come back and join the celebration?”

  “I’m checking the property line for demons. Now that she’s home they will pick up on her energy signature,” Araton informed his brother. It wasn’t entirely a lie. He was crossing to the windows as he spoke to scan the area.

  The grass, trees and lake in the distance all looked peaceful. The training center, Anthru House, was ablaze with lights and Araton noticed the kids leaving the front door followed by a male with black hair.

  “Did you notice anything different about the Princess?” He asked his brother.

  When Abraxos didn’t respond right away, Araton turned to see his brother checking out Izzy through the windows. He knew the look on Abraxos’s face. His brother was considering something that he would lose a nut for if he followed through.

  “She’s a child,” Araton chided as he headed back toward the kitchen.

  “She might have been when she left, but she’s grown up now. And, yeah. Her energy is off,” Abraxos agreed. “Could be because she’s grown up and smokin’ hot now.”

  “Do not let her father or Rami hear you say that about their little girl,” Araton warned. The two males had been enemies so to speak when they met. Isobel brought them together and eliminated their differences.

  Ramiel used to be a h
uman named Dalton who was married to Elsie years ago. Dalton had been killed by skirm. He was made an angel when his soul cried out at the injustice. Speak of the angel.

  Ramiel landed in the back yard. His massive black wings illuminated by the lights on the corner of the mansion. His mate, Zakara landed next with her purple, diamond studded wings. Both entered through a side door a second later.

  “Hey guys,” Rami greeted as his wings disappeared. “I think we can relax a little. There aren’t any hint of demons converging on the house. I think the spell Pema and Isis cast on her is working so far.”

  Araton nodded and kept his mouth shut. He wasn’t going to be the one to tell Ramiel his beloved Izzy wasn’t the same. The male would learn that and seek vengeance which was what his kind excelled at.

  “Good to see you guys again. I brought tiny lemon cakes,” Kara told Araton as she held up a pink box.

  “You are a Goddess,” Araton told her. “I’m so glad the archangels pulled their heads out of their asses and gave you your wings back.” And he meant it for more reasons than her pastries. She was a good angel with a pure heart. She sacrificed everything to save Ramiel and Isobel.

  Araton followed the new arrivals into the kitchen, so he could snag a treat. The conversation when they entered stopped. Izzy looked over and her lips lifted at the corners and tears glinted in her eyes. She was in Ramiel’s arms a second later with Zakara next to them.

  The relationship between the two was unlikely and a result of Rami’s trial to earn his black wings. Every Angel of Retribution had to earn his position to ensure they didn’t abuse the power given to them.

  The door to the patio opened and several footsteps echoed across the tile. Araton acted on instinct and had his flaming sword in his hand by the time he turned around. The male with black hair that he’d seen hoofing it over from Anthru House stared at this wall-eyed with his hands in the air. He was a cambion, but Araton didn’t get the same sensual vibe others of his kind threw off. Normally, their kind gave off vibes of an erotic nature and ramped up the sexual energy around them. Not the case with this one.

  “I came to greet the Princess. And some of the trainees wanted to say hi,” the male blurted.

  Tristan stepped up behind the cambion and clapped him on the shoulder with a smile on his lips and in his blue eyes. “It’s okay, Araton. You can put your weapon away. Schmidt here is the new training coordinator for the realm.”

  Ah. Schmidt was Nikko’s replacement. It was an unwanted reminder of the loss of their friend. Sadness permeated the room for several seconds before little Brantley raced through the door and headed straight for Gerrick.

  “Uncle, uncle,” Brantley called out.

  Gerrick laughed and picked up the kid then tossed him into the air. Araton didn’t think anyone else could fit into the kitchen, but he was proven wrong when Orlando and his mate Ember walked in hand in hand.

  “What’s up little guy? Want a cookie? Looks like Kara brought some goodies.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Brantley begged as his little hands opened and closed rapidly. His grey eyes were unique with their gold flecks. He was surprisingly happy for a kid that nearly died with in his mother’s womb. It was a testament to how much Orlando and Ember loved their adopted son.

  “Oh, did you bring chocolate cupcakes?” Ember added as she rubbed her slightly protruding stomach.

  Kara opened the lid on the box and nodded. “I sure did. I thought chocolate killed dogs though.”

  Ember threw her head back and laughed. “It does. Shifters, however, can eat anything they want. And this little one loves chocolate. And sweet and sour soup.”

  “You’re pregnant?” Izzy asked with a smile. It was a relief for him to see the excitement from the Princess. He was worried about her but had to hope she would be okay with time.

  Orlando walked over and hugged Izzy then grabbed a cupcake for his mate and a cookie for Brantley. “Yes, we are. She’s due in three months.”

  “Congratulations,” Isobel replied then turned to Schmidt. “And, welcome to the family. In case it wasn’t obvious I’m the Princess, Isobel. I’ve recently returned home from…Khoth, the dragon realm.” There was no missing the despondency in her tone of voice when she spoke.

  It had Araton itching to kill whoever caused the sadness for the Princess. Shaking his head, he grabbed a lemon cupcake and peeled the wrapper away and took a big bite.

  “God these are delicious,” he said at the same time Ember groaned in delight. They both chuckled and looked at each other.

  “I think I am going to have to try one,” Izzy said as she reached in and picked up a pink one. “Are there any signs of demons?” She asked Ramiel as she removed the wrapper on her treat.

  “No. I didn’t pick up any signs,” he replied.

  “I don’t sense anything either,” Araton added. “The lake looks clear, as well. Your energy is…different. I wonder if it will ping them in the same manner as before.”

  Isobel cocked her head and licked frosting from her upper lip. “What do you mean different?”

  Zander stepped forward and laid his free hand on Izzy’s shoulder. “I’m sure it’s nothing, nighean.”

  “I’m not the same as when I went to Khoth. And, before when Troy…right before we left Khoth I couldn’t feel the Goddess. What if I no longer carry her energy. What if he killed it?” Tears brimmed in her eyes and she set the half-eaten cupcake down on the counter.

  “No, sweetheart,” Elsie interjected. She was no longer holding baby Liam and she wrapped her arms around Izzy. “You are the same beautiful Izzy as always. You’ve grown into a strong, intelligent female. Nothing will ever change that. I know for a fact that the Goddess would not forsake you for what happened.”

  The last words were whispered into Izzy’s ear, but every supernatural present heard the words. It was confirmation that something had indeed happened in Khoth. It broke his heart and made him angry that such pure joy had been tarnished.

  “You’re right,” Izzy said and pulled away from her mother. After wiping her eyes, she picked up the cupcake and continued eating. He could tell it was difficult for her, but she was trying to erase the tension from the room. It was a testament to her strength that she refocused the conversation and got the party rolling again.

  If Araton ever discovered who had harmed Isobel he would rip the fucker to shreds. Her father and Guardian angel would have to get in line behind him. They’d tainted a pure soul with shadows it never should have possessed and that was not something he would ever forget.

  Chapter 3

  “Fucking demons,” Abraxos grumbled. “There was a fiery Phoenix waiting for me in San Diego and I had to cancel because they can’t take a break for one damn day.”

  Ayil turned and smirked at their brother. “It’s better this way. You couldn’t handle the burn.”

  “Like Hell I can’t. You aren’t the only one equipped to pleasure a Phoenix. I was born for everything female,” Abraxos countered. It was always the same thing with his brother.

  Ayil never fed into Abraxos’s addiction to females until he found his mate. And, he wanted that for him, but his patience for the sappy only went so far. They were bred to fight demons. It was their mission to strike them down and protect humans and supernaturals from the vile creatures.

  “This is not the time for this shit. According to Gabriel he suspects there was a breach of the veil closing off the Underworld,” Araton barked getting them back on track. Or trying to.

  Abraxos shook his head. “Brother, you need to get laid. The tension you are rocking is making my skin itch. I’d say we can find you a woman to fuck, but there aren’t many humans out right now. And the supes are steering clear of the streets, as well.”

  Araton’s molars ground together to keep from snapping his brother’s head off. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d had sex. It had been decades, maybe longer. Who the hell had time for that when demons were infiltrating the planet in droves?

  Besides, he was never going to lose sight of what was important. Bad shit happened and innocents paid the price when he got caught up in anything other than his mission.

  Don’t think about that right now. If he went too far down that path he would be sidetracked. Not something he could allow when they were heading into an unknown situation.

  As they flew above the metropolitan area, Araton recalled the last time he’d seen the streets so empty in the Crescent City. There was a time briefly after a Hurricane a couple decades ago, but that was entirely different. The last time the streets had this same feel to them had been during the time of the plague.

  Everywhere they went on Earth streets and parks were bare. Restaurants and bars were closed except for picking up orders. Very few places had their doors open at the moment. Droves of humans were contracting a virus and becoming ill. Medical systems were overwhelmed, and people were dying as a result.

  Bourbon street was just below them and was completely empty of revelers. Demonic energy was faint, but distinct below them. He knew the house they were headed to but landed in the middle of the road near Marie Leveau’s House of Voodoo.

  His brothers landed beside him and glanced around. “Why did you land here?” Abraxos asked.

  “I sense demons, but it isn’t strong enough to say whether or not it’s just skirm. Do you detect something more?” Ayil asked.

  Araton extended his awareness and didn’t have to work as hard to sift through the crush of bodies that usually roamed the French Quarter. It made his job far easier. Off to the left he picked up on the presence of supernaturals. Likely gathering at Old Absinthe House.

  It was Abraxos’s favorite bar, aside from the old blacksmith’s shop turned bar. He needed to keep his brother walking or they would end up dragging him from the place. An energy signature to their right had Araton in action before he really thought about what he was doing.


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