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Betraying the Mob - KU

Page 8

by Luciani, Kristen

  “You ordered an Uber. Here I am.”

  She clasps her hands together. “Wow, front door service! What did I do to get so lucky?”

  I shrug. “I know you hate driving in this slushy shit, so here I am.”

  “Thanks. But seriously, how’d you know I was ready to leave?”

  “Nico texted me and asked me to pop over. That boyfriend of yours wants to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Then why’d he send you?” She snickers and gives me a little punch. “Just kidding. I appreciate it. The roads are so bad right now. Ice totally freaks me out.”

  “Maybe you need an all-wheel drive instead of that stupid little sports car.”

  “Or maybe I just need a permanent driver for the winter.” She winks then scrunches her nose. “You smell weird. Like, coconutty. Did you change your shampoo?”

  “Not exactly.” But I was very open to being rubbed up and down with Sloane’s coconut body wash this morning.

  She narrows her eyes. “What’s up with you? Where were you last night?”

  Damn, that sister of mine is perceptive. It must be because of all of those damn psychology classes she takes. I don’t like anyone to see through me. Ever. But somehow, she manages to do it all the time. “I was out.”

  “With whom?” Her eyes widen and she claps a hand over her mouth. “Oh my God…no, don’t tell me…”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  “It would be if you’re just dicking around with her! Tell me you’re not just dicking around with her!”

  “Look, you can relax. I’m a big boy, and she’s a big girl. We can figure shit out.”

  Shaye wags a finger at me. “Max, I swear to God, if you hurt her…” She pauses, and I can tell her brain is working overtime to figure out an apt punishment. “I will paint every room in your house pink and shred your lucky leather jacket.”

  I clutch my chest. “Wow. Then I’d better watch my ass. Can’t be living in a pink house without my lucky jacket.”

  “Don’t be a jerk. I’m serious. I love her, and I love you, but you guys can’t seem to get your shit together. Can you blame me for being nervous?”

  “There isn’t anything to be nervous about. It’s not like anything is happening. I mean, something did happen, but—”

  “Stop!” She puts up a hand. “I don’t want to hear about it.”

  I flash a mischievous smile. “Oh, but you will. Why should I be the only one who suffers? I’ve seen enough of you and Nico to make me want to consider a lobotomy.”

  “That was different. Nobody asked you to barrel into his bedroom with a baseball bat!”

  “Yeah, my bad.” I shake my head. “Listen, I know you love her and want to look out for her. But you don’t have to worry. I don’t even know what this even is, if it’s anything.”

  “I guarantee it’s something, at least to Sloane. So don’t fuck it up, or I’ll fuck you up.”

  I put my hands in the air. “I’ve seen what you can do with a gun, sis. I don’t want to be on your shit list.”

  “Good. Then behave yourself.”

  “I will. Hey, you know, maybe you should make plans to get dinner or something. Seems like she misses you.” Holy Christ, is this what love does to you? Turns you into a total fruitcake who cares about feelings and shit like that?

  “That’s a good idea. We haven’t really spent a lot of time together lately, at least not as much as we used to. We both have so much going on.”

  “Well, you shouldn’t forget your friends.” And so it continues. What the hell is happening to me?

  Shaye smiles. “You’re right. I’ll text her later and set something up.” She walks over to the coat closet. “Are you going to be able to get me to class on time? It’s getting late.”

  “Yeah, I don’t drive ten miles an hour like you. So there isn’t a reason to leave two hours in advance.”

  She punches me in the shoulder. “Smartass.”

  I snicker. “Hey, is Dad around? I need to talk to him real quick.”

  “Yes, he’s in the office.” She turns toward the kitchen. “I’ll make us some coffee to go.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I wait until she’s out of earshot and knock at the office door. My dad grunts something about coming inside, so I push open the door. Dickhead barely looks up from his computer. I clench my fists. It’s not anything new, so I shouldn’t be shocked by his lack of acknowledgement. But it still pisses me the fuck off.

  “Nice to see you, too, Dad.” I close the door behind me and fold my arms. “I missed you at the job site yesterday.”

  “Yeah, I was there early and then I had to take off and meet with some people.”

  “Really? What people?” I furrow my brow, pretending that he’s not completely full of shit.

  He lets out a sigh and glares at me. “Architects, Max. The ones who are drafting plans for the storefronts. Do you want to see my notes from the meeting so you can report back to King Salesi that your project is running smoothly? Do you really think it’s going to make a difference?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Dad narrows his eyes and stands up from his chair. “Nobody is ever going to take you seriously, Maximo. You couldn’t manage this job without me or a shit ton of other help, for that matter. It’s not what you’re good at. It’s what Nico is good at, and that’s why he’s sitting on his gold goddamn throne and you’re sitting in some fucking ergonomic plastic chair in that concrete cell!” He pushes his hair back. “You’re good at maiming people. You flex your muscles, and everyone runs the other way. You’re a thug. It’s all you’ll ever be, no matter how hard you try to be someone different. And Christ, I wish you could be. It’d make life better for all of us,” he grunts.

  A sharp pain shoots down my left arm. That motherfucker is not going to give me a panic attack right now. I won’t give him the pleasure of seeing me crumble. More weakness in his eyes. “Are you kidding me? You’re blaming our place in this family on me when you’re the one who tried to sell out the Salesis? You’re lucky you’re not dead right now!”

  His eyes darken to a demonic black and if he had a gun, he might actually shoot me dead right here. I wouldn’t put it past him. He fucking hates me, detests everything I’ve done or will do. I honestly think it’s because the Salesis didn’t hold any of his bullshit against me, and I’m moving up while he’s stuck in the same shithole, year after year.

  He’s never been loyal to anyone but himself. He’d sell anyone of us for a nickel, and he’d smile while doing it, too. Cocksucker.

  “I haven’t heard that anyone’s disappointed with what I’ve been doing. But you…you disappear from that job site every day for hours with your fucking phone glued to your hand. Do you expect me to believe you’re acting in the family’s interest? Or are you just looking to screw someone else over so you can get a crack at their cash flow? Because let’s face it…the only thing you give a shit about is money. Ironic that you don’t ever have a pot to piss in, isn’t it?”

  He slams his fists on the desk and throws his chair against the wall, making a dent in the sheet rock.

  “Did it feel good to bust up your wall, Dad? Was that supposed to scare me? Why don’t you just fucking tell me why you hate me so much? Why you can barely look at me? Why I’m such a fucking disappointment to you?”

  Dad’s breathing is sharp and labored, his chest heaving. His face flushes a deep purple color, and I can see that his fists are clenched tight. Is he gonna throw a punch? Fucking let him. It won’t hurt any more than the other shit he’s pulled on me in the past. “Last night was a fucking joke, Max. Nobody would have ever tried to pull that shit with me if I was running the show!”

  “Yeah, but nobody wants to give you that chance. I may not have Nico’s skills, but at least they know they can trust me.” I fish my keys out of my pocket and push open the office door where Shaye is waiting for me with a concerned look on her face and a to-go cup of coffee.

sp; I should have ordered us both an Uber and grabbed the bottle of Bailey’s on my way out of here.


  “Okay, so tell me how this happened. Were you swinging at a pitch from CC Sabathia?”

  “Nah, I was just playing with some guys from work this morning. I guess I swung the bat a little too hard.” My patient flashes a smirk. “Besides, if it was a pitch from any of the Yankees, I’d have smashed it outta the park since they’re the enemy team.”

  “Aha. So you’re a Mets fan.”

  “Until my dying day.”

  I smile at the handsome, dark-haired guy and cast a quick glance at the chart sitting on the foot of the bed. “Well, Gianni, it looks like you’re going to need a few X-rays to see if there is a tear in your rotator cuff. But the doctor will be in first to examine you.”

  “Thanks. It’s Sloane, right?” Gianni’s face twists into a grimace as he shifts on the bed.

  How the heck…? I furrow my brow and look down to find my name tag hanging next to my stethoscope. “Oh. Yes, it is.”

  He nods, his dark eyes glimmering with a mischievous twinkle. “I gotta tell ya, I usually avoid Jersey like the plague. But you’re making me wanna come back again for a follow up. Maybe three or four. And then dinner if you’re up for it.”

  I stop mid-scribble and look up to find a teasing grin on Gianni’s face. “What do you say? You got plans later? Can I take you out?”

  A hot flush rises from my neck, spilling into my cheeks. “I, um, I’m very flattered, but I’m uh, seeing someone.” Huh. Am I even? It’s not like we actually talked about anything us-related this morning. I make a few notes on the chart and smile. Whatever. Hope springs eternal, right? “Thank you, though. And control that swing. You don’t want to have surgery on your rotator cuff. It’s a miserable recovery.”

  He leans back against the wall, a lazy smile on his face. “You just broke my heart, Sloane.”

  “I’m pretty sure you don’t say those words too often,” I quip, flipping his chart closed and sliding it into the holder on the back of his door. “The doctor will be in shortly.”

  I pull open the door and walk into the hallway where doctors, nurses, and orderlies swarm the length, wheeling around gurneys, wheelchairs, and machines. It’s complete and utter chaos, and I absolutely love every minute of it.

  Good thing, since I practically live in this place.

  One of the other nurses, and my best friend on staff, Jules, sidles up next to me and lowers her voice conspiratorially. “So, another patient hit on you, huh?”

  “I think he was just doped up on morphine to control the pain. He did a real number on his shoulder. Said he was swinging a bat. I can’t imagine what that ball looked like after he was done with it.”

  “Oohh, does he need an X-ray? Can I do it? He’s hot, and if you aren’t interested…” Jules waggles her eyebrows. “Other people might be.”

  “Go for it. He’s Italian. You’re gonna love his accent,” I say, mimicking Gianni’s voice.

  Jules giggles and links her arm with mine. “So how excited are you about the benefit? I am really freaking proud of you, girl! You’ve raised so much money for The Buddy System and when you rock the hell out of your speech, you’ll get tons more! Especially those dirty old men who have cash to burn and love to watch your tight little ass wiggle around.”

  I roll my eyes at her. Jules can be too much and just enough at the exact same time, and I love her for it.

  “Speaking of tight little asses, did you pick out a dress yet?”

  “I sure did! Low-cut, super tight, shows just enough leg. Don’t think I’m going to let the opportunity pass for me to catch my own sugar daddy.” She winks and waves to two of the residents as they pass us.

  “Which one of them have you slept with?” I murmur.

  “Both,” she whispers back.

  When my mouth drops open, she shakes her head. “No, sicko. Not at the same time, thank you very much.”

  Like I said, too much and just enough.

  I snicker and stop at the nurse’s station. “Oh, so you do have limits. Good to know.”

  I pick up the handset for the phone and start to dial when I hear my name. I look up with a smile. “Hey, Doc. I was just going to page you. There’s a patient in Room 2 with a torn rotator cuff. He’s going to need some X-rays after you examine him.”

  Dr. Steven Kiley picks up a few charts and grins at me. “Thanks, Sloane. Hey, are you ready for the benefit?”

  Jules stands behind him, fanning herself and swaying, pretending to faint. I choke back a laugh. “Getting there. Still working on my speech. Will you be there?”

  “Definitely.” His bright white smile is blinding, and those dimples…well, let’s just say the whole package gives Jules a reason to come to work in the mornings.

  Her and the rest of the nursing staff. And probably every other hospital worker, too.

  He’s that delicious. And smart. And sweet.

  There must be a screw loose somewhere. It’s impossible for a guy to be that perfect and still be single.

  “I hope we can grab a drink to celebrate. You deserve it. Congratulations.”

  I ignore Jules who is now doing the rump shaker behind Dr. Kiley with zero regard for the bloody and bandaged patients being wheeled around her. He gives me a quick wink and continues down the hall to make his rounds.

  “Holy shit, Sloane! Did you catch how he just undressed you with his eyes and fucked the shit out of you on this desk with all of us watching?”

  Corrine, the head nurse, glares at Jules. “Can you please table your sick and twisted conversation? There are patients who are in dire need of medical attention here!”

  Jules waves a hand at Corrine. “Don’t be so dramatic. Have you heard the code blue alarm go off? No, I didn’t think so.” She grabs my arm and pulls me away as Corrine rolls her eyes at us and huffs about Jules’s lack of professionalism. “Sloane,” she calls out to me. “Can you check in on the patient in Room 5? They just brought him in. He’s in bad shape.”

  I grab the chart and head over to the room while Jules keeps talking.

  “You seriously have to tell me why you haven’t jumped his bones yet. I’ve watched him drool over you for the past six months, but you never give him an inch. What are you waiting for?”

  I sweep a stray strand of hair behind my ear, my lips curling upward. I can still feel the butterfly wings fluttering madly in my belly, well after our impromptu sex fest.

  Jules gasps. “Oh my God, you had sex with someone! Who is it? Someone else here at the hospital?” She pushes me into an elevator, her eyes wide. “Tell me everything! Did you find a supply closet or something? Or was it in the residents’ lounge?”

  I giggle at the inquisition and shake my head. “Okay, first of all, how did you even know?”

  “It’s written all over your face! How could you not have told me?”

  I shrug as the elevator creeps up to the fourth floor. “I don’t know. It just happened…not here, not someone at the hospital, before you start tossing out names.”

  “Then who?” She gasps. “Not…”

  I let out a breath and nod. “Max.”

  “Wow.” Jules folds her arms. “Well, as your friend, I have to say I’m concerned. But I’m happier to hear that you finally got off.” She narrows her eyes. “You did get off, right?”

  Sensations flood my body, fueling memories of those amazing, toe-curling hours. “Oh, yes. About four times.”

  Jules claps her hands. “Four times? Jealous!”

  “It was pretty outrageous.” We arrive at Room 5, and I push open the door to check on the new patient. He’s beaten pretty badly, bruises covering his face and neck. I can’t imagine what the rest of him looks like. “Hey,” I say in a soft voice. “How are you feeling?”

  The guy looks at me with his one fully opened eye. “Seriously? How the fuck do you think I feel?”

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Jules chides him, walking around the be
d to grab the water pitcher. “No need to get testy. She was just asking you a question.”

  The guy grunts an apology and settles against the pillows as I do the exam. “So what does the other guy look like?”

  “He fucking walked away after getting in a few good swings. His asshole crew finished the job.”

  “Sounds like you need to get your own crew,” Jules quips. “What’s your name?”

  “Pete,” he says in a low voice. His cell phone vibrates next to him and he grabs it, putting it to his ear with a grimace. “Yeah. I’m fucking horrible, what do you think? That asshole Oriani showed up, swung his dick around, took a couple of shots, and ran off.”

  My ears perk up and I swallow a gasp. Oriani? Did I hear that right? Did Max…? No, he couldn’t have, right? I didn’t see him last night. We only exchanged a few texts. Could that mean…?

  “Yeah, none of our guys showed up. I was by my fucking self.” Pete keeps going, spewing expletives, but I can’t unhear all of that.

  I write a few things on the chart, trying to calm my racing heart.

  This shouldn’t shock me.

  It’s something I’ve suspected for a long time. Jesus, how many signs do I need to tell me that this is bad? That I should run, not walk, in the opposite direction of Max Oriani?

  But I know that for as many signs, I’d come up with even more excuses to fling myself back into his waiting arms.

  Because even though I see what’s he’s capable of, the proof of what he does when he’s not with me, I can’t break free.

  So forget Max for a second…how sick and twisted am I?

  I finish up with Pete and flash him a small smile. “The doctor will be in shortly.”

  He barely acknowledges me, still grumbling into his phone. But I’ve heard more than enough. I just don’t know what to do with any of it.

  Confronting Max is something I’ve never done. Part of me doesn’t want to confirm any of my suspicions.

  He’s not that guy…

  Is he?

  And here’s the big question, which really makes me doubt my sanity…would I care?

  Jules and I walk out of the room and she’s still fixated on Max while I’m trying to process what I just heard. I file the chart and we head toward the elevator.


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