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Page 12

by Fiona Murphy

  “Approval has been given, you will kill Sal, before he kills you.”

  Ice forms over my anger, everything else is secondary. “Does he know it’s coming?”

  “No idea. He’s not the brightest. I assured him that I wouldn’t allow Johnny to change my plans.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “Getting fucked by some whore.” He leans over and offers me a slip of paper. It has an address on it along with an apartment number. “His men don’t go with him when he goes there.”

  I take the address. “I’ll call you when I’m in place. You’ll tell him he needs to come to you. He’s still driving that damn Ferrari?”

  A nod. Carlo agreed something so flashy was a liability. Sal had no concept of not making waves, he loved eyes on him.

  Checking my watch, I stand. I don’t bother giving him another look, still pissed at what he’s agreed to. Before I’m out of the house, I’m on the phone with one of my men, Mikey. He can meet me with what I ask for.

  Vincent isn’t surprised when I tell him. “This is a good thing, for the entire family. I’ll step up, Boss. You won’t need to take it all on by yourself. I know how hands-on you prefer to be, but it will be understandable if you aren’t.”

  Shaking my head, I work at containing my anger. “One issue at a time.”

  He nods as he stops for a red light.

  The place has an underground garage unstaffed, perfect. We go around then double back two blocks. I get out of Vincent’s Escalade and into a plain white cargo van with the name of a painting supply company that doesn’t exist on the side. After tonight it will be a plain white cargo van with another name of a business that doesn’t exist, and the plates Mikey stole will be tossed.

  Inside the van plastic is laid out, held down by five-gallon drums of paint. Vincent gets into the back, I take the passenger seat, and Mikey drives us to the garage. It takes a minute for the electronic device to find the right code to get the gate open. The Ferrari takes almost five minutes to find, there’s an empty spot just one over from it.

  I make the call to Carlo. Pulling my Sig from its ankle holster, I thread the suppressor onto it. Briefly, I close my eyes, touching the cold, letting it come over me. Now we wait.

  More than ten minutes pass before I spot Sal. His steps are slow, shuffling. He’s wasted. I exit the van, come up behind Sal, guiding him toward the van. The dumbass is so out of it, he doesn’t even react until we’re almost to the van.

  “What the—”

  Two shots, one in the chest sends him through the open doors and the other through the back of the head. The shots are barely coughs punctuating the echoing empty dark. Mikey slides Sal’s body further into the van. Vincent pulls out the plastic from under the paint drums to wrap it around Sal’s body.

  Mikey opens the passenger door for me, I get in. The garage is still empty as we leave. Vincent and I get out of the van beside the car.

  “I’ll take it from here, Boss.” Mikey holds his hand out for my gun. I wipe it down then hand it to him. He’ll dispose of it far from where he dumps Sal.

  I make the call to one of Carlo’s men. “It’s done.” The ice floats away, but it’s always there just under the surface when I need it.



  I’m in the library when I hear the indicator for the elevator. It isn’t easy to make myself stay where I am. I recognize Dominic’s step as he walks down the hall; he is silent in the open doorway. The feel of his eyes on me is too strong to ignore. Tension is in every line of him.

  “What happened?”

  He shakes his head. “Nothing, I just came back to change. I need to get down to the club. I’ll be there until about five, maybe six in the morning. Then I sleep. I’ll be up around one. We’ll figure out the wedding plans then.”

  I’m drawn to him even though everything in him is screaming to stay the hell away. He takes a step back; I reach out and catch his wrist. “Dominic, please tell me what happened.”

  His strong jaw works, I long to touch the skin there. I spot it, there’s blood splatter on the white cuff of his shirt. “Whose blood is it?”

  He yanks his arm from me. “Sal’s. When Johnny dies, I become underboss, and before it’s all over I’ll be Don.”

  “I’m sorry.” The words are a whisper. I should be afraid of him—he’s nearly vibrating with rage. I’m not. He’s not mad at me. I know he won’t hurt me, not physically. It’s just my heart he’ll break into a million pieces. “I am so sorry.” I don’t know what else to say.

  I gasp in shock at how fast he moves. My hair is in his hand and he’s yanking my head back to look up at him. “How sorry are you, princess?”

  His words are a purr, and oh god they make everything inside me hot and wet and aching. Those blue eyes are fire burning into me. “Are you sorry enough to give me the relief I need, hmm? I need it bad, princess.”

  The sound of a zipper moving causes my nipples to harden and wet heat floods my panties. He’s guiding me down to my knees. I fight him, his grip becomes punishing. “I need your mouth. Your beautiful, tempting mouth that had me coming in minutes when I’ve lasted for hours.”

  My mouth waters, and my knees weaken. His large hand is stroking his thick length, and I long to touch and taste him all over again. “Show me how sorry you are, princess.”

  Even as a tiny voice is screaming no, I’m reaching for him, desperate to give him what he needs. To answer my own greedy need.

  “Dom, it’s Johnny.”

  Shame slams into me. Marco is down the hall, I can’t see him, don’t dare look. Dominic’s hand tightens in my hair. “Tell him I’ll call him back, for fuck’s sake.”

  “I already said that, Boss. He’s demanding to speak to you.”

  Cursing, Dominic releases me then his hands go around my arms, setting me on my feet. Immediately, I flee to my room, slamming the door behind me.



  “What the fuck do you want?” I snarl into the phone Marco hands me.

  “Have you fucked her yet?”

  “Jesus, you dare ask me that? She’s mine now. She is none of your concern. My Don or not.”

  “Good, you haven’t fucked her. The day after your wedding I want her sheets presented.”

  “You’ve lost your damn mind. I won’t allow—”

  “It is my right as her father that you display them and confirm my honor.”

  “Fuck you,” I growl. Thank fuck he’s not in front of me right now. “You were a shitty father. You dumped a small child in a country where she didn’t even speak the language and ignored her for almost a fucking decade. There is no honor in what you did to her.”

  “I kept her pure for you. Why the hell do you think you were allowed not to marry?”

  I’m shaking my head, no, no fucking way. “She was a child when I made that deal.”

  “Exactly, I knew it would be many years before you would change your mind. She had to grow up first. Why do you think I didn’t send for you to New York?” The smug bastard chuckles.

  “I did not think she was ready for you yet. Regina had some growing up to do. She was a timid little mouse when she came to New York. Tony said you would reject her, that she needed to be stronger, have more fire in her for you to want her.”

  There is no thought behind the punch I send into the wall in front of me. Plaster gives way, at a cost to my knuckles. Motherfucker, the pain helps to keep me from losing my shit.

  “The sheets will be presented at the breakfast after your wedding night. If there is nothing on them, you will be the one shamed for it.” The fucker hangs up on me.

  Rage sends a wash of red in front of my eyes until I am blind with it. All these years Johnny played me, moved Regina and me around on a board we didn’t know we were on. I warned her she was playing checkers when Johnny was playing chess, without ever realizing the same thing was being done to me.




  I’m floating at the edge of sleep when the sound of my bedroom door opening sends my eyes flying open. Mary is carrying a breakfast tray with eggs, toast, bacon, a small carafe of what smells like coffee and two small pots of cream and sugar. She sets it at the edge of the bed with a smile.

  “I purchased some basic toiletries for you. Please let me know if you require different brands and what else you need. I’ll make sure it’s here when you and Dominic are back from going shopping and seeing the wedding planner. You have a half hour to eat and get ready. He’ll be in his office when you’re ready.”


  A small nod. “Dominic thinks your clothing should get an update.” Another smile and she’s gone.

  Update? I sigh as she closes the door behind her. Looking around the room, I can see she’s been in here since I fell asleep, picking up after me. A glance at the small alarm clock on the bedside table tells me it’s one thirty. Weird, after a single night of staying up with Dominic I hadn’t been able to fall asleep at my usual time of midnight.

  I’m a night owl, but for some reason I hadn’t been able to fall asleep until I heard Dominic come back this morning. Only minutes after I heard the beep from the elevator and Dominic walking down the hallway toward his room, I finally relaxed and fell asleep.

  Why did I think of it that way—relax? Shouldn’t it have been the other way around? Especially after seeing the damage Dominic did to the wall as he talked to Johnny. I had jumped, hearing the crash, yet was too afraid to find out what it was. Once I knew Dominic had left to go down to his club, I crept out of my room to find Marco on the phone in front of the hole, talking to someone about coming to repair it.

  First the blood on his sleeve, and now the hole in the wall. Shouldn’t I be afraid of him? At the confirmation of the violence within him, the dark side the three-piece suits, blue eyes, and dimples distracted the casual observer from seeing? I flop back on the bed. I should be, but I’m not. I am so fucked.

  I need to get away from him, today. It has to be today, any longer and... I squeeze my eyes shut. I might never want to leave. What’s the matter with me? Rolling over, I bury my face into the pillow and scream in frustration. I feel like I’m going crazy. Knowing I shouldn’t want Dominic Sabatini doesn’t mean a damn thing, because I want him so badly it’s starting to scare me a little.

  No, I force myself off the bed. Today I’m going to find a way to get away from him.



  Dominic is sitting at the dining-room table sipping coffee and reading the newspaper when I come out of my room. He looks up at me, almost through me. “Ready?”

  I nod. “Where is my bag?”

  “You mean where’s your wallet, birth certificate, and passport? I’m keeping them safe for you, princess. Don’t worry, you’ll get them back. Eventually.” His smile is mocking.

  It takes everything in me not to slap his smile off his face. How the fuck can I go anywhere or do anything without them? Fuck him. I’ll figure it out.

  I’m doing my best to smile and make-believe I can’t wait to go shopping, that I’m excited by the idea of planning my wedding. But fuck it’s hard, especially when Dominic is being cold and distant. His hand is still swollen from the punch he threw into the wall, but it doesn’t affect his grip on my arm as he marches me through the exclusive store.

  A tall, pregnant, dark-haired woman with soft gray eyes and a saucy smile is waiting in front of a long rail of clothes.

  Dominic smiles widely at her with his dimples flashing. He lets me go as she comes close to him, her arms going around him to give him a hug. I see red, anger churns in my stomach at how comfortable they are with each other. Has he fucked her?

  “Lydia, thank you for your help today. As always, you are looking beautiful.” Dominic kisses her cheek.

  Her hand lingers on his chest. I want to smack her, hard. “Such a liar you are. I’m due any day. I should be home with my feet up except I couldn’t tell you no, you asked so nicely. That and Ella and Ben are more stressful than being here with you.”

  Laughing, Dominic shakes his head. “Now who is the liar? You are too nosy not to get the first look at my fiancée.”

  Dominic’s hand goes around my back, drawing me forward. “Regina Conti, this is Lydia Decker. She’s the best stylist there is. Beware, she will have you divulging secrets you had no intention of sharing.”

  There is a warning in his eyes. I force a smile as I hold out my hand, even if I want to smack her for the hand she still has on his arm. Does she see it? Her hand slides off Dominic and she grins wide.

  “Of course, you’re beautiful, nothing but the best for Dominic Sabatini. A little young, Dominic. That’s good, though, the optimism of youth will help you both once you get out of the honeymoon period.” Tugging me toward her, Lydia draws me toward a long rail of clothes.

  “Okay, my dear, talk to me. What kind of clothes do you feel comfortable in? I’m well aware of your bossy orders, Dominic: long hem lines, none of her chest uncovered. I get the order, my goodness I miss having breasts that big and perky, enjoy them while you have them. It will stun you the way they change after a baby.” To Dominic, “Go sit down, I got you your favorite scotch.”

  Dominic chuckles as he follows her instructions, settling into a leather chair and pouring himself a measure of scotch.

  Lydia pulls out a few things from the rail. “Dominic gave me your stats already. He has a good eye, and he was right, you have great legs. Too bad he doesn’t want to let you show them much. We can get around that a bit. Not enough to make him mad, we wouldn’t want to make Dominic Sabatini mad.” She winks. “Just a bit, to poke him.”

  I follow her into an enormous dressing room, the size of a studio apartment. She hangs up the dresses she selected then turns to me. “Are you okay?”

  Shaking my head, “No, I need your help. I don’t want to marry Dominic. He’s keeping me against my will. Can you please help me get away from him?”

  She tilts her head as she studies me. Tension is increasing inside me with every second that passes before she finally shakes her head.

  “If I thought that was what you really wanted, I would. The problem is, if I helped you, you’d regret it every day of your life.”

  How could she say that?

  An eyebrow goes up. “Sweetie, if looks could kill I’d be dead right now. I saw you when I hugged Dominic, and when my hand lingered on his arm a little too long.” The bitch is chuckling at me.

  “Sorry, I wanted to know if I was imagining it or not. And I so wasn’t. Maybe you should stop thinking with your head and go with your heart. I get that it’s scary, that Dominic is scary. I would trust the man with my life. There is no doubt if you trust him, really trust him, he’ll spend the rest of his life making sure you never regret it.”

  I’m shaking my head, only I can’t find the words to argue with her.

  “Come on, my dear girl, let’s spend a lot of money and get Dominic to growl at how gorgeous we make you look.” Lydia’s words are firm. She isn’t going to help me.

  I give in and change into the first dress simply because it’s beautiful. A sigh escapes me, it is so pretty, and in it I’m pretty. At Lydia’s urging I step out of the dressing room. Dominic is on his phone, sipping his scotch. When he sees me, he goes still. Those ice-blue eyes run over me, then he gives a nod before going back to his phone.

  A stab of pain hits me in the chest. This is a waste of time. I shake my head, refusing to cry. I’m done crying over Dominic and this fucked-up situation. He’s a bastard and he doesn’t deserve it.

  “What’s the matter? Why are you getting dressed?” Lydia asks loudly.

  I search for my purse. “I don’t want—”

  The door of the dressing room opens, Dominic fills the doorway.

  His eyes flick to Lydia. “Give us a minute.”

  I back away, shaking my head. “This is a waste of time. You can’t put lipstick on a

  His hand clamps down on my chin in a punishing grip. “I warned you. One warning is all you get.”

  Then I’m turned around, oh my god, he’s bending me over the arm of the chaise lounge. I don’t even have time to draw in air before a hard hand comes down painfully on my ass.

  “No, Dominic. Please.” I hiss at him, terrified Lydia can hear it when it sounds loud to my ears. His answer is to do it again on my other—ouch, oh god, it hurts, so why the hell am I so fucking wet? Another and then he yanks me up against his hard body.

  “Are you deaf, little girl? Are you not paying attention? What did I say? Tell me what I fucking said, Regina.”

  A hand goes around my neck and squeezes the words out of me. “You said not to say I was fat. I’m sorry, Dominic.”

  I’m yanked across the dressing room, Dominic turns me to face the trio of mirrors. They are on all sides of us. He growls and holy fucking shit, he rips the long maxi dress down my body. An arm goes around my waist, melding me to him, I gasp at the feel of his hard cock pressing into my ass.

  “This is what you did to me the first moment I saw you in that god-awful dress. Even when you looked like you were going to a funeral, you made my cock hard and hungry for you.”

  His lips graze over the shell of my ear. “I’m going to need for you to pay close fucking attention and sear this into your brain. I think you are cock-achingly, breathtakingly gorgeous.”

  The hand loosens from my jaw, trailing down my neck then over my arm. It’s only now I realize I’m only in my bra and panties in front of him. Yet I’m not ashamed, not when I see the way his eyes roam over my body. Air flees my lungs as his cock jumps against me.

  “For some insane reason you don’t see what I see. That’s why we’re here. Lydia will help you see, put you in the clothes that will show off your numerous assets. But classy, so I don’t have to kill anyone for wanting you the same way I do.”

  His hard body against me is turning my skin hot and too damn tight. I can’t stop from pressing into him, trying to assuage the pain against the cool silk of his suit.


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