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Page 22

by Fiona Murphy

  Mystified, I shake my head. “Do what again?”

  One large hand cups my face, his thumb teases my bottom lip. “Smile for me.”

  It’s just like Chloe said, letting go is working. I smile with all of the hope and happiness waking up with him inside me brings. I’m not afraid anymore to let him see it.

  Dominic moves now inside me, so gentle, so slow, so sweet, I fight the tears it brings to my eyes. His mouth is on mine, making love to me with his tongue the same way he’s making love to my body. This time we come within seconds of each other. When he falls on me I welcome every inch of him, clinging tight to him with all the strength I have left.

  A long time later we move slowly, both resentful of the need. He picks me up and takes me with him to shower. I luxuriate in the way he cleans me with gentle strokes. When he’s done he allows me to clean him, except it isn’t long before I give in to my need to taste his skin. Then I’m down on my knees, tasting every beautiful inch of his cock. Humming low in satisfaction as I’m able to take several inches into my throat, and swallowing his come with pleasure.

  It takes us forever to dry off and get dressed. He calls Pop and tells him we’re having breakfast together and he’ll see him later. I blush at Pop’s response of how it doesn’t surprise him. Dominic cooks us breakfast and I watch him, unable to take my eyes off his gorgeous body for even a minute.

  He takes me with him for the day. First we go to the office where he runs his real estate business. I’m curious and he takes the time to explain everything going on, from how he’s rehabbing a small apartment building to why he doesn’t want one of his managers to file an eviction on a renter. When he decides to go talk to the renter, I’m curious how it will go.

  She isn’t afraid of him, it’s obvious she’s comfortable with him. A single mother, her two boys are both home sick, which was the reason she lost her job. The youngest has asthma and is only now getting better from a scary bout of pneumonia.

  Dominic makes a call and gets her an interview at a local insurance office where he knows the woman is looking for a new assistant. He assures her not to worry about the rent, once she’s working again she can make up the missed rent spread out over the coming months.

  I’m so turned on by this side of him I practically attack him the moment we get to the office of his home finishings retail business.

  Groaning, “Christ, Regina, let me lock the door.”

  I can’t let him go, I’m on my knees with him in my mouth. Is it normal doing this makes me dripping wet? The taste of him, the feel of him so very thick, steel wrapped in silk. I want more, as much of him as I can take. Within minutes a hand goes into my hair, controlling me.

  “Slow, sweetheart, slow.” He moans.

  I love hearing him moan; knowing I make him gasp thrills me in a way I never thought possible. Me. I’m able to do this to him while doing what I love. Hearing him say my name soaked in desire has me slipping my fingers inside my panties, desperate to relieve the ache it causes.

  “Fucking hell, you love it that much, sweetness? You love sucking my cock so much you’re touching yourself.”

  Dominic yanks me up by my hair. I’m in his arms, my back against the wall, pulling my legs up around his waist as he tugs my panties out of the way. With one hard, greedy push he’s inside me. Oh god, oh my fucking god. I don’t think it takes more than four thrusts and I’m coming. Thankfully, he follows me over the edge only seconds later. His head goes down on my shoulder.

  I’m barely aware of Dominic walking us over to his desk. His grip on me has me feeling like I’m floating.

  “Here I was trying to be considerate after long hours of being buried inside you, but fuck, you feel so good I’m becoming addicted to your sweet pussy around my cock.”

  Lifting my head, I trace his lips and blush, but not with embarrassment, with pleasure. “Oh good, it’s not just me.”

  Smiling, he shakes his head. “No, not just you. Not that I’m complaining, I’m trying to take note for the future. Why, sweet Regina, did you attack my cock?”

  With a smirk I roll my hips. His eyes darken as his hands grip me tight to stop me. “The way you were so nice to that woman and her kids. It was almost as hot as when you spank me.”

  He sighs. “I wasn’t being nice. It was business. She’s been renting from me for almost six years, and never been late but two or three times. Losing a tenant as good as she is would be stupid.”

  I nod. “Yes, I know. You’re big, bad, and mean. Men fear you. You make grown men cry—”

  Growling, he kisses me fiercely. I kiss him back just as fiercely.

  It’s another hour before we manage to make it out of his office for a tour of the warehouse.

  We’re back at home where we fall in a tangle of clothes and kisses onto the couch in the living room, unable to make it into the bedroom.

  Our grumbling stomachs finally get us moving. We get dressed then go downstairs to the club, where we have dinner together. I’m only given a very brief tour of the lower level where the gambling goes on. He can’t focus on what’s going on with me beside him. Even though I’m annoyed, I also don’t dare argue with him in front of guests and his employees. I’ll wait until he’s naked and I have his cock in my mouth to ask again.



  Leaning back, I nod. “I agree, if you think he’s become a liability, then I trust your judgement. I have no problem with you killing Jeffrey.”

  “Carlo had me thinking you wouldn’t be okay with it. He said it was up to you.” Luca frowns down at his scotch.

  “Andrew Jeffrey may be a civilian, and a rich one at that. A mob hit on someone like him is normally bad for business. The reason I don’t have a problem with it is because he became rich through us—he has no power unless we give it to him. He wants to act like he doesn’t owe us, that he doesn’t need to keep to his agreement, that’s when I have no problem with killing him. My only concern is the blowback from the cops.”

  I glance at the message from Richie on whether to approve a loan on a bet for a high-stakes poker game going on tonight. Normally, I run them while I leave Richie to run the restaurant and kitchen. I’m in my office in the club, letting him do it so I can be more hands off. If I’m not going to have Regina with me in the club because I don’t want her fucking with my head while I’m trying to work, then I want to be able to leave Richie running the gambling so I can spend more time with her at home.

  She had pouted at how much time I spent in the club without her. At first I thought it would annoy me, cutting back on work to make her happy, but fuck, she wasn’t just happy she was absolutely stunning in her joy. Staring at her, I forgot all the reasons I thought I would be annoyed and just enjoyed Regina being happy. After she thanked me by going down on my cock almost twice a day for a week, not wearing panties the way she knew I liked, I figured out that whole happy wife, happy life thing.

  I approve the loan of one man but not on another, it’s time for him to cut his losses and go home. “One minute.” Picking up the internal phone, I call down to Richie and let him know to escort the losing man out, politely. Richie assures me the man is already ready to go, no problems.

  Luca shakes his head. “There won’t be any. They’re pissed off at him too. I’ll make it look like suicide though, his balcony is very high up.”

  “That works.” I study Luca. He has tells, not many and they’re practically micro. I’ve sat down with him at the tables once and nearly lost twenty grand—it’s the closest I came to losing money in more years than I can count. “What?”

  He shakes his head, swirling the last of the amber liquid.


  A nod and he throws the last of it back. “I don’t want to bum you out with your birthday and all tomorrow.”

  “You’re going to bum me out by what you have to tell me?” I don’t like the sound of that.

  Restless, he gets up and paces, running a hand through his hair. “He wants me to
change my name. Do the whole adoption thing, have the birth certificate changed, all of it.”

  “He told me. You don’t want to?”

  “I don’t know what I want. It’s been three months. I’m still...” He runs a hand over his face. “Some days I think it’s a dream. Then I look at him and I see myself and I—I don’t know. I hated Al growing up. You know he never wanted me to call him dad?”

  His jaw works, it’s clear he’s debating telling me. “It was sir, then when I was around fifteen I started calling him Al. He beat the shit out of me the first time I did it. I kept doing it and he gave up. When he died he went all wailing and crying how he tried to be a good father, he wanted me to know that. He loved me. He always loved me.”

  Fuck. Thank god he hasn’t told Pop any of that.

  “I must have wished a thousand times he wasn’t my father. Tony, he couldn’t be more of a dream father if I made him up. At the same time...” He sighs. “It’s changing everything I knew and was up until three months ago. I’m not saying I don’t want to. I’m saying I need more time. You think you could talk to him and make him understand that?”

  I want to argue with him. I don’t. I’ve never had a little brother, but I’ve heard Che talk about it more times than I can count. It’s not for me to tell him what’s right or wrong; it’s for me to support him the best I can and make sure he knows I’m here for him whatever happens. Even though it won’t make Pop happy, in the end Pop cares more about his kids than himself any day of the week.

  So I nod. “If what you need is more time, I’ll talk to Pop. It might help if you stopped calling him Tony. A little something, give and take and all that.”

  A soft chuckle. “It slipped out when I was telling my girl I was coming out here for your party tomorrow. Felt good.”

  “He’d love it.”

  “You really don’t have a problem with any of this?” It’s clear he’s not sure he believes it.

  “None. Pop wanted a dozen kids, family is important to him, the most important thing in his world before all else, even himself. He’s not just there for the good, he’s right there when it gets dirty and hard. Losing Anthony nearly destroyed him. If I hadn’t been here, needing him, it probably would have. As you might have noticed, Che, Enzo, Dante, and their wives have him as a father too, whether they want it or not.”

  He chuckles. He’d been surprised at how close we were with my cousins, how unconcerned they were with what we were. How whether he was ready or not, he was now an uncle to a bunch of rowdy kids who never met a person they didn’t like or want to be held by.

  “The only problem I have is how much it hurts him when he thinks about all the things he missed out on with you. It’s not fair to you, but I’m going to ask anyway: please don’t ever be honest about Al. I had a feeling you were holding stuff back, Pop too. It messed with him. If he knew, though, I don’t want to see him try and deal with the pain of it.”

  “I figured that out the first day. No worries.” He glances at his watch. “I have some calls I need to make. I’m going to head over to Pop’s place.”

  It’s obvious the word doesn’t slide off his tongue easily. “It gets easier. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  The door has barely closed behind him when my phone rings. I glance up at my camera in the corner. “You watching me again?”

  Regina giggles and fuck me, it has me smiling to hear it. “I love watching you. I thought he was never going to leave. Dominic”—Goddamn, her moan of my name goes straight to my cock—“You turn forty in twenty minutes. I have a present for you to unwrap now. You have to hurry though, because it’s kind of melting all over the place.”

  I don’t have to even check my cameras. “Princess, is it you melting down your leg like a dirty bad girl?” She moans. “You’re touching yourself already? I think that calls for a spanking.”

  “Yes please.” She sighs.

  I’m out of my office and up the stairs in two minutes flat. I find her in our bedroom in the center of the bed. She has a tie around her neck and nothing else on.

  “Nice tie.” Goddamn, my mouth is watering as she opens her legs wide to me. I need to taste her. It’s been since yesterday, which has been too damn long.

  “Hm, it’s the tie you tied me up with that night. I promised myself when I got away I was going to set it on fire. Now I’m kind of attached to it.”

  I blink twice as I realize what she’s holding out to me, a bottle of lube.

  “Finding a present for you was too hard. So your present is my ass. You have been patient enough, I’m ready. Happy birthday.”

  I’m a greedy fucker who isn’t going to ask if she’s sure. First I need to feast on her tits. So fucking gorgeous, her nipples are already tight little points of need. I suck hard, drawing deep on her. Toying with the other nipple, I love the little whimpers coming from her throat. The scent of her pussy floods the air around us.

  Opening her lower lips wide for me, the taste of her explodes on my tongue, so sweet I can’t get enough. Her hands are in my hair, urging me on. Leaking down to her lush ass, I tongue all her juicy goodness, teasing that sweet bud. This time she doesn’t even flinch—it’s taken weeks to prepare her for my cock. When I slide my tongue inside her as she moans my name, I know she’s ready.

  I’m aware it’s wrong to take enjoyment in driving her out of her mind. To smile with satisfaction as her whole body trembles with bone-aching shudders. To spend hours deep inside her, fucking her through three and four orgasms until her throat is raw as she pleads for me to stop. Yet I simply cannot do less than to turn her inside out the same way she does to me.

  When my tongue leaves her ass, my cock aches to hear her moan. Licking up her juice, I replace my tongue with the two fingers she’s grown to accept easily. A happy sigh and she’s moving now, working to get my fingers deeper inside her. Her head is back, she’s lost in the pleasure I’m giving her, and fuck, she is so damn beautiful. I need to be inside her. Sucking deep on her clit, I fuck her tight ass with my fingers and she comes with my name torn from her throat.

  I lube my cock. Watching me, she is licking her lips as she palms her tits, twisting her nipples as she pants. Christ. I have to squeeze hard at the base of my cock to stop from coming at the sight of her. Mine, all mine. Slow, careful, I push into her tight ass. Closing my eyes, I fight for control, determined to make this good for her, to make her come from this. So fucking tight, hot, I groan as I’m only a few inches inside her before her breath catches and I feel her tense from pain.

  Gripping her hips tight, I stroke out lightly only to have her moan at the loss. Fuck, yes. This time she’s able to take another few inches before her body protests. For several minutes I fuck just what she has taken so far, careful, controlled thrusts of five inches. I’m rewarded by Regina pressing back further and further with each thrust.

  More, she’s begging for more so I give her what she wants. She blows my fucking mind when she sticks three fingers deep into her pussy in time with my thrusts. Perfect, so fucking perfect. With more force than I intend I bury myself deep into her.

  “Oh my god.” She groans as her arms give out from under her and she falls to the bed. It kills me not to move, to give her a minute to get used to me. “Don’t you dare stop. Fuck me, fuck me hard, it hurts so fucking good.”

  Regina doesn’t have to ask twice. Reins off, I pound hard and deep. In only minutes she’s coming, her ass clenching hard around my cock. Damn it, I wanted more, longer, but I can’t deny her what her body is demanding from me. With a growl I come, Regina moans from deep within her chest as her body milks my cock.

  It’s a fight not to collapse on her. I begin to pull out only for her to hold me tight from inside. “No, I need you. Please.”

  Grateful she loves this as much as I do, holding her close I roll us onto our sides. Her small hand runs lazily over my arm around her stomach.

  “I feel silly. I’d been so sure it would be painful, but it was amazing. Then it’s your bi
rthday, and I’m feeling like I got the best part.”

  I press a kiss to her neck. “I’m glad you liked it. You did not get the best part at all. I think that was in my top three best presents of all time.”

  Her laughter skims up my chest. “Good.” She traces her hand over the back of mine. “Luca was looking tense. What were you guys talking about?”

  I’ve stopped locking my office up here so she’s been watching me on the cameras. I told her it was fine but she couldn’t have the audio on. I didn’t doubt her promise not to listen in. “Pop wants to make it all legal. Luca is saying he needs more time.”

  I sigh as I let out the annoyance I really feel. “What the hell is there to think about? How much more time does he need? Al was an abusive fucker.”

  I don’t like her turning in my arms, I pinch a nipple to show my displeasure. She yelps and smacks my hand. Her forehead scrunches with a frown, I really don’t like that. I reach out to wipe it away, her hand comes down on my chest to enable her to sit up. “Dominic, stop being an asshole for like five minutes. I know it’s hard, but fight your every instinct and listen to me.”

  “What did you just say to me?” I laugh even though I’m pissed. Over the last few weeks she’s gotten mouthier with me, talking back with that gorgeous smart mouth. It made my dick as hard as seeing her naked.

  What I liked even more was she only did it when it was just us. Around Pop and our family she was the sweet-tongued, passive Regina she had been of those weeks after I almost fucked everything up. Although I only had to look into her eyes to see her fighting her urge to snap back at me. Once we got home sometimes she let me have it; there were also just as many times she forgot all about it.

  “You heard me.” She rolls golden eyes as she crosses her arms over her breasts. “I’m trying to talk to you about Luca. Please tell me you didn’t say to him what you just said to me?”

  This is not what I want to talk about right now, with anyone. At the same time, I know shutting her down will hurt her feelings. I’ve done too much of that already. She is making an effort, so I need to as well.


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