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The SEAL's Promise

Page 7

by Grace Alexander

  "Drake? Is that time correct?"

  They'd be much closer to their destination if that console timepiece was anywhere near correct. He checked his wristwatch. "Nope. We should be further along, but with our adventure at the gas station, we lost major time." He paused. "So I've been thinking, you handled yourself well today. Not many people have your aplomb."

  "Aplomb?" She asked in a deadpan voice.

  "Oh, big word. Didn't think I had a brainy side, huh, doll?"

  "I'm sure you do."

  "That's all right. You just think of me as all brawn, saving that cute butt of yours from thugs. What was it, once, twice? After the airport. A shootout at the motel. I'll be your hero." He nudged her shoulder, anything to touch her again. "If that's how you see me."

  "Well, don't forget the gas station." She bumped her shoulder back against him. "I've had a very tough day. The least you can do is remember all my near-death experiences."

  "Of course. It slipped my mind." He nudged her for a second time. What was this? A grade school playground? Should he pull her hair next? He laughed, his smile teasing. "Let me get this right. Not many people are kidnapped, gassed, shot at, and grabbed. Basically, rescued over and over."

  He winked at her through the darkness.

  "Yeah, my day sucked. But it's a typical nine-to-five for you?"

  This drive flew by when she was awake, and when she slept, too. He'd never had an entertaining operational road trip. Nor had he ever shared. Fessing about his daughter was mindboggling. He never admired a victim before, either. She handled it all, from the airport to the gas station, unlike a wimped-out casualty.

  "I think you're strong, Tessa. Way stronger than I gave you credit for at the airport, when you looked all librarian-like." He waited, knowing there was more to be said, and it would ruin the mood. One knuckle at a time, he made them crack, then shifted in his seat.

  "What aren't you telling me?"

  How did she read his mind? "Why do you think I'm keeping something from you?"

  She faced him, but he kept his eyes on the broken white lines. "You know guns, and I know body language. Spit it out, big boy."

  He checked the rearview mirror again.


  "All right, I'll level with you." She was a mind reader of sorts. That could pose probs. "We're in the middle of nowhere, and there isn't another town for a hundred miles. Only truck stops and motels line this highway."

  "Stop with the tour guide routine. You aren't telling me anything I haven't noticed. I thought I was full of aplomb and stuff like that. Please, go on. Tell me."

  He needed more time to feel her out. But if she thought she could handle it…he guessed he agreed. Fine. Whatever. He'd give it to her straight.

  "We picked up another tail a while back. I'm surprised it took them this long to find us, but they did. And so this is what we've got to deal with now."

  She didn't check the side view mirror. Smart girl. Nor did she panic. Her breathing didn't change, and as best he could tell, she remained calm.

  "Why didn't you just tell me that?"

  "I didn't want you plastered to the windows like I promised you Gucci was falling from the sky. If you did that, you might as well have hung a sign up that said we see you."

  "I'm the Gucci type?"

  "You're a woman. I don't know." He shrugged.

  "Typical." She laughed. "You should have said don't look, but we've got a situation."

  "Put your shrink hat on. You still think that's what would have happened?"

  She shook her head. "No. I would have checked."

  "That was my dilemma. Though you weren't a problem." He snuck a glance at her. Picture perfect composure. "I'd run them off the road, but these dog-leg turns are tricky, and you're in the car. So we don't out run 'em. We draw them out and eliminate the problem."

  "Eliminate the problem?"

  McKay tilted his head. Spelling it out wasn't going to happen. She could use her imagination if she needed further clarification.

  "Extrapolate, Tessa." He massaged his neck, pushing away tension. "They've sped past us, dropped back, and paced us, maintaining a variable visual since we crossed the state line. Next time they drop back, I'll pull into a truck stop. They'll find us. Guaranteed. I'll deal with the situation, and we'll hit the road again. Sound like a plan?"

  She jutted her chin up. "Whatever you need me to do, I can handle. I'm not helpless."

  "I noticed that about fifteen hours ago."

  He reached over to put his hand over hers, interlacing their fingers. Tingles skipped up his arm. He hadn't pulled a move like that since he got a set of wheels in high school. His end goal had been trying to nail some action. Her hand squeezed his, cascading another rush of sensation along his skin. Maybe his goals hadn't changed that much, but it felt a little bizarre. Less about the end goal and more about the moment. Or something like that.

  Tessa turned in her seat, still keeping her hand in his. "You're so casual."

  "You want me to get all triggered up?" He checked the mirror for the tails again. He'd be ready, even if the woman next to him was distraction worthy.

  "You're acting like someone isn't trying to harm us."

  "It's not the first time, and it's not going to be the last. I won't let anyone hurt you." God help the men chasing her. "And I don't scare."

  His thumb caressed the top of her hand. Engaging the enemy was an expected part of his operational to-do list, but it must have been a nightmare for her. He wanted her to feel safe with him. He wanted her to trust him.

  "But I'm scared, Drake." Tessa chewed her bottom lip.

  "I know you are. Don't worry. I promise you it'll be okay." He tightened his grip and brought her fist to his mouth. He kissed her knuckles and pressed her folded fingers against his lips. She was sweet, but under it all, she was a woman who could hold her own. He should have known that when she wielded her kneecap as a weapon. Tessa blasted every one of his preconceived notions. Untrained women in the field weren't as weak as he had assumed.

  A motel sign illuminated the night with a flashing neon sign. Vacancy. Truckers welcome. Free cable. Karaoke bar. He eased the car off the highway and into a parking lot lined with a handful of big rigs.

  He put the car in park in front of the motel. "You're coming with me. I'm not leaving you alone again."

  She crunched her feet against a fast-food bag. "I don't have shoes to wear."

  "That's the breaks, doll. Barefoot and safe. Come on now. We'll be fast." The plan he was piecing together didn't allow much time. Convincing her to move wasn't in the plan at all.

  "I'm going to stand out. My clothes are tattered." She stared down and rubbed her hands over the shirt.

  His lips pressed into a tight line, and he resisted the urge to grab and carry her around again. They were past that type of interaction. But it would've been far more expedient. Coaxing wasn't his forte, and he had to make fast work of it. He took a deep breath.

  "Honey, this truck stop has seen far worse. Trust me. And if someone pays too much attention to you, I'll distract them. Or, I might just pummel their face."

  She tilted her head, her hair obscuring part of her smile. "I thought you were always calm in the face of danger."

  He tried not to blow out a frustrated breath but failed grandly. Time was speeding by, and she still hadn't moved. "Undue attention at your expense is their mistake. As far as anyone is concerned, you're mine. You're with me. And I'd consider it a personal affront if they looked at you any way you don't like. Or in any way that I don't like."

  His blood felt thick in his veins. Given their day, he would've considered hurting someone who even offended her, and he wouldn't have been sorry about it. That was who he was, a warrior, and she was…Tessa was a priority.

  "Oh." She opened her door a crack, signaling her willingness to make a public appearance, and turned back to him. "All right. Let's do this."

  She smoothed her hands over her sweater. Even barefoot in mussed-u
p clothes, she personified grace. Check that. The woman defined understated sensuality. He didn't know why it wasn't so apparent at first.

  The torn shirt worked for his attention. It'd be so easy to…well, she might have been a priority, but she was the best-looking one he'd ever seen.


  He blinked, more than aware he was busted. "You're distracting, Tessa. You know that? Every time I look at you—never mind. Forget it. Let's do this."

  He jumped out and walked to her side, pulled the door wide open, and she slid out. With her hand in his, they made their way to the front desk. The freckle-faced clerk eyed her up and down. Tessa buried her cheek against his chest. She fit perfectly. Their bodies were the right mix of spark and C4. Together, there was the potential for explosions.

  He made a specific room request, handed over a few Benjamins, and watched for incoming assaults.

  "Sir, your receipt and room key. Are you sure you want a backside room? There's a karaoke bar back there. It's loud, and the drunks are nasty. Nothing will slow down 'til after five in the morning."

  McKay grunted his lack of concern. It was time to loiter and keep a visual on the incoming traffic. The only flaw in this plan was the proximity to a private room and bed. But that wasn't why they were there. He should repeat that mantra until their enemy arrived.

  The clerk directed them out the reception area. "King-size bed. Non-smoking. Your room is back out the front and around the side. Just follow the music from the bar."

  King-size bed. That would be awkward. He stifled a groan but realized he needed to stop thinking about her in a way that made him uncomfortable.

  McKay cleared his throat and nodded goodnight to the clerk and then leaned close to Tessa's ear. His mouth almost brushed her lobe. It took more strength than he expected to keep from breathing her in. "Come on, doll. Let's draw them out."


  McKay's plan wasn't perfect, but it was a solid start. Tessa padded barefoot with her hands clasped tight in his grip. The soft slap against the tile floor took him away from the dirty reception area. The sound was pure, echoing against the seedy undertones of the motel. It was a complete contradiction, just like her genuine presence in his less than stable life.

  They walked outside to a starless night. The faraway sounds of cars were almost drowned out by the thump of tunes pouring from the nearby bar. McKay made a beeline for their car and idled them to the darkest corner of the motel.

  "You ready?" he asked. Man, did he not want to put her in this position.

  "Not much choice."

  "True. Let's get this over with." He opened the door, and she did the same.

  He scoped out their locale. Shadows noted. Vehicles cataloged. Nothing out of place. She stood by the hood ornament, bending it down and letting it bounce back up. She was nervous. He couldn't blame her. This was an offensive attack. Her first with him. Probably her first-ever.

  "Tessa, you ready?"

  "You already asked me that." Her voice was tense. He wished he could wash it away.

  "This is going down easy. I don't want you to worry. You got me?"

  She put her hand on his belt buckle. "Yeah, got you."

  That wasn't what he meant, nor how she probably meant it, but it was fine by him. Hold onto me anytime. "Let's move boots, babe."

  McKay brought them to a vacant corner of the motel and drew her in front of him. He pressed against the brick wall, pulling her close to his chest and could see all entry points here. The driveway. Front and rear entrances of the bar.

  She laid her weight against him and let out a long, tired breath. Nothing left to do except waiting. And breathe in her vanilla and butterscotch. Their enemy could roll up anytime, and he'd fight fast and furious, but right now, he needed this. Tessa leaned against his arm and looked up, tilting her chin.

  "You okay?" he asked. Peppering her with the same questions was pointless, but he couldn't stop.

  "Tired. That's all."

  "I'm sorry I've had to push you so hard." Soon as this was over, he'd make sure she had anything she needed. The woman would be pampered. No doubt.

  "I didn't mean to complain. I hate… all of this. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me."

  That was her concern? "Tessa. It's not like that."

  What was it like? Oh, man. He had a thing for her in a bad way. McKay bent his head toward her. Their foreheads kissed, and there was no question. While she was with him, she was his. His to protect. His to savor. A woman like Tessa was rare. At least he had brains enough to notice.

  He could've packed her off in a plane, back toward the East Coast. Someone from Safehouse could've watched out for her while he finished his original job. But selfishness and curiosity made it so he wouldn't push her away. He couldn't.

  "Drake." Her hushed whisper tickled his skin. "What are we going to do?"

  His pulse thumped in his neck, and he tightened the forearm wrapped around her waist, molding her into him. This was work. They were acting. But holding her like this was torture.

  Concentrate! Serious danger ahead.

  He'd missed the problems before and couldn't let that happen again. There wasn't time for his interest or wondering about the petite woman pressed close.

  Images flooded his brain, searing his senses. He remembered the sweet scent of her body. Her gentle touch that packed a heck of a punch. When she asked questions like that, his mind went to the million things he'd like to do with her, starting with closing the distance between them.

  No woman had ever been like this. Other women were as one-dimensional as they were apparent, all self-fulfilling prophecies, and they were the absolute opposite of Tessa Thompson.

  Before Tessa's hands touched him, before he noticed the color of her hair or the determination in her eyes, she toyed with his mind like it was the first of many playgrounds.

  "I've started a list." His lips flitted over hers. "Want me to share?"

  Her eyelashes fluttered. "What kind of list?"

  "I have you thirty feet from someplace we can be alone. What kind of list do you—" A drunken couple stumbled out of the bar. Actually, more likely a john and a pro. He should have seen them before he heard them. "More on the list later, doll."

  Men were coming to hurt Tessa, and he could flirt later.

  "Okay, Tessa, here's what we're going to do. When they pull up, act like we've had too many drinks."

  She almost winced. "This is way out of my comfort zone."

  McKay kept from laughing. "Doll, can you name anything we've done to this point that is within your comfort zone?"

  Her lips parted but smacked closed. "Like I had too many drinks?"

  "Let me see your acting skills."

  "I'm trying."

  "Try a little harder. Like your life depends on it." Because it did. He needed her more limber to make their actions believable.

  "Then what?" she asked.

  He motioned to the karaoke bar with a tip of his head, then dipped his lips close to her neck, lingering under her ear. "I'm convincing you to come to my room. You're not putting up too much of a fight. Just enough to keep it fun."

  He wanted to nuzzle against her neck but didn't dare. Their act called for it, and he'd do anything to see how soft her neck might be, but he didn't want to cross an invisible line that he couldn't explain.

  McKay vented his frustration, letting out a long-held breath. Tessa gasped, and the tiny, unexpected reaction made his gut jump. Temptation was a cruel mistress. Giving him a little and making him want more than he could have.

  Tessa's uneven breathing proved that he wasn't the only one affected by their proximity, but she was able to act far more calm than him when she asked, "That's your plan?"

  Still almost nuzzling against her neck, he scanned their perimeter. "Not my whole plan. But that's the only part you have to play."

  "This is my only part." Her fingers teased along the side of his waist as she tried her hand at playing the role. He loved the tentat
ive touch, how she grew more confident with every moment they danced within this charade.

  "Just like that. Pretend you're mildly interested."

  A husky laugh caught in her throat. "Men are trying to kill us, and I'm supposed to be interested?"

  "Only mildly," he teased while shifting his attention to the other side of her neck and inspecting the surrounding areas.

  "Only mildly," she repeated. "I'll try."

  He pulled back, catching her eyes and holding them until he thought she might run away. "If I wanted to kiss you, Tessa, what would you say?"

  Her lips rounded into a sweet surprised 'O' and her eyelashes fluttered. "I'd say that…"

  Her disinterested act was toast. She was far more like Jessica Rabbit than Snow White. There was only one answer. He knew it. Felt it as sure as he felt her body mold against him. She wanted his kiss.

  Her breaths escalated. The quick rise and fall of her chest intoxicated him. McKay cupped her chin in his hands, palms caressing her cheeks. Sweet Tessa. If he could freeze this moment, it'd be one he'd put on repeat.

  "I'd say that's a ridiculous question," she whispered.

  He gently thumbed her lips, dragging the bottom one down. Slowly, his hands drifted into her hair as she shivered in the cool night air. "Forget everything else. It's just you and me."

  Her dark lashes closed. "Please don't ask me that again."

  "Why?" His fingers tangled into her hair, and Tessa leaned her head back.

  Her eyes were sealed shut, defenseless, and instead of answering, she shook her head. "Shouldn't you watch for the bad guys?"

  "You don't think I can multi-task?" He leaned close, almost letting his lips drift behind her ear. He still hadn't crossed the line. The gesture was only a simple promise of what could happen when—if—they crossed the line and he had a moment to concentrate solely on her.

  His fingers caressed her cheek then trailed to the collar of her shirt. The fragile fabric teased him, and McKay was losing a battle to a ripped shirt on a pretty girl.

  "How can you keep us safe…" She inched back. "If you're paying attention to me?"


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