American Carnage

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American Carnage Page 76

by Tim Alberta

  GOP primaries of 2012 and, 111–13

  GOP primaries of 2016 and, 235

  House GOP vs. Democrats and, 157

  Mississippi Senate primary of 2014 and, 198–99

  NFL kneeling controversy and, 360–62

  Obama as first black president and, 20, 37, 42–43, 52–53, 95, 128–31

  police killings of unarmed, 207–8, 229, 468

  Ryan and, 182

  Scott as lone GOP Senator, 143–44, 468–70, 479–80, 565

  Scott elected to House, from South Carolina, 73–74, 143

  Steele as first RNC chair, 50, 52–54

  Steve King’s attacks on, 159

  Texas Senate race of 2018 and, 545–46

  Trump friendships with, 409, 462, 530–31

  Agnew, Spiro, 113

  agriculture, 416, 531

  subsidies and, 165

  tariffs and, 496–97

  Agriculture Department, 108

  AIG, 26

  Ailes, Roger, 23, 187–90, 192, 238, 308, 310, 359

  Airbnb, viii

  Air Force One

  GOP rewarded with rides on, 514–15

  Russia Trump Tower story and, 459

  Akin, Todd, 133

  Alabama, 293, 472

  Alaska, 21–23, 58–59, 81

  Ali, Yashar, 425

  Alinsky, Saul, 34

  Allen, Ray, 200

  Almanac of American Politics, The, 346

  “alternative facts,” 429

  alt-right, 414, 425, 458, 515

  aluminum tariffs, 487, 495

  Amash, Justin, 73, 151–52, 179, 191–92, 221–22, 233, 253, 403, 417–18, 477, 493, 504–5, 513–14, 518

  America First, 359, 425, 547, 610

  American Action Network, 231

  American Civil Liberties Union, 563

  American Conservative Union, 173

  American Crossroads, 90, 194, 323

  American Enterprise Institute, 277, 416, 419

  American exceptionalism, 36

  American Health Care Act (AHCA, proposed, 2017), 431–43, 447–54

  failure of, and House Freedom Caucus, 434–43, 517

  failure of, in Senate, 449–54

  House compromise passed, 447–50

  American Media Inc. (AMI), 305–7

  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus, 2009), 48

  Americans for Tax Reform, 145

  America’s Renewable Future, 281

  Andy Card Principle, 413

  anger (grievance, resentment), 36, 39, 54–57, 260–61, 297–98, 502, 531–32, 570, 585–88, 598. See also outrage culture; populism

  Angle, Sharron, 78–79

  Anonymous (internet hacking group), 107

  anonymous (New York Times op-ed author), 516

  Antifa, 466

  anti-intellectualism, 25, 39, 580

  anti-Semitism, 98, 355, 425, 466, 603

  anti-Washington sentiment, 66

  Anuzis, Saul, 50

  Appomattox, 465

  Apprentice, The (TV show), 96, 213, 268, 328, 372, 377, 462

  Arab Americans, 476–77

  Arizona, 71–72, 259–60, 323, 391, 393, 500, 546–47, 577

  Arizona Republic, 364, 505

  Arkansas, 323

  Arpaio, Joe, 471, 500–501, 533

  Arrington, Katie, 492–93

  Art of the Deal, The (Trump), 98, 402

  Asian Americans, 137, 203, 235

  Assange, Julian, 591

  assault weapons ban, 535

  Associated Press (AP), 378, 389, 393, 395, 541

  AstroTurf, 56

  asylum requests, 429. See also family-separation policy; illegal immigrants; immigration; refugees

  Atwater, Lee, 129–30

  Audit the IRS rally, 161

  August recess

  (2009), 62, 80

  (2013), 167–68, 172

  (2017), 471

  austerity, 499

  authoritarianism, 270, 576

  auto industry, 11–12, 424, 531

  bailouts and, 54–56, 122, 124, 135, 424

  job cuts of 2018, 558–59

  tariffs and, 559

  automation, 5, 299, 424

  autopsy (RNC). See Growth and Opportunity Project

  Axelrod, David, 22, 24, 36, 40, 125, 134, 136, 598

  Axiom Strategies, 226

  Axios, 537

  Ayers, Nick, 385, 554

  Ayres, Whit, 224

  Bachmann, Michele, 84, 111, 129, 151, 161–62, 189, 222

  Bachus, Spencer, 32

  Baier, Bret, 235–36, 443–44, 540–41

  bailouts. See auto industry; bank bailouts

  Bain Capital, 112, 123–24

  Baker, Charlie, 542–43

  Baker, James A., III, 74

  Bakersfield Tea Party, 57

  balanced budget proposals, 19, 103, 111, 153

  state governments and, 216

  Baltimore, 229

  banks, 345

  bailouts, 2–3 26–29, 33–34, 40, 54–56, 73, 77

  fraud and, 520

  Bannon, Steve, 114, 202, 358–60, 365, 373, 399, 409

  ACA and, 438–39

  CPAC and, 457–58

  elections of 2018 and, 528

  fired, 463–64

  Freedom Caucus and, 415

  infrastructure and, 419

  Meadows and, 415, 417

  Russia story and, 422

  Ryan and, 415, 420, 438–39

  Trump’s ego and, 447–48

  Trump’s inaugural and, 425

  White House role of, 411, 414–15, 463

  Wolff’s Fire and Fury and, 481–82, 484

  Barbour, Haley, 198, 552

  Barr, Andy, 540

  Barr, William, 605–6

  Barra, Mary, 558

  Barton, Joe, 439

  Beck, Glenn, 73, 161

  Beeson, Rich, 37

  Benghazi attacks, 133, 189–90, 250, 330, 358

  Bennet, Michael, 80

  Bennett, Bill, 41, 372, 595

  Bennett, Bob, 76–77

  Benton, Jesse, 194–95

  Bernanke, Ben, 26–27

  Best, Helen, 260

  Better Way agenda, 434

  Bevin, Matt, 194–95, 450

  Bible, 120, 282, 580

  Biden, Joe, 69, 93–95, 130–31, 398, 597–98, 602

  big government, 33, 327, 504

  Biggs, Andy, 512

  Bill of Rights, 347

  Bipartisan Budget Act (2013), 185–86

  bipartisanship. See also partisanship; polarization

  criminal justice reform and, 562–66

  House GOP insurgents vs., 191

  Obama and, 43–44, 48–49, 52, 53

  birtherism, 6, 52–53, 80, 93–99, 159, 190, 263, 345

  Cruz and, 278–79, 282

  birthright citizenship, 537–38

  Bishop, Mike, 575

  Black, Charlie, 303

  Black, Diane, 436, 491–92

  Black, Manafort and Stone, 303

  Blackburn, Marsha, 151–52, 540

  Black Hebrew Israelites, 587–88

  Black Lives Matter, 466

  Black Monday (September 15, 2008), 26

  Blackwell, Ken, 50, 408–9, 448

  Bliss, Corry, 490–91

  Blue Dogs, 17, 72, 74, 578

  Blue Wall

  elections of 2012 and, 127

  elections of 2016 and, 325, 357, 397

  elections of 2018 and, 545

  “Blue Wave,” 518, 525, 549, 578–79

  Boehner, Debbie, 242

  Boehner, John, 21, 23, 297, 611

  Abedin and, 129

  ACA and, 63, 68–70, 441

  Ailes and Fox News and, 187–90

  background of, 57–59

  birtherism and, 94, 97

  budget bills and, 497

  Bush 43 and, 442–43

  Cantor loss and, 203–7

  career of, in House, 255

e assignments and battles of, 147–48, 150, 175

  Cruz and, 348

  debt ceiling and, 102–3, 153, 176, 178, 180

  elections of 2008 and, 37–38

  elections of 2010 and rise to Speaker, 75, 83–85

  elections of 2012 and, 121–22, 135, 138

  elections of 2016 and, 189–90, 398

  exit strategy planned by, 193, 200–201, 234

  Farm Bill and, 165

  financial crisis and, 27, 29–33

  fiscal cliff negotiations and, 145–47

  GOP dysfunction under Trump and, 442–43

  GOP primaries of 2014 and, 200, 204

  Grand Bargain and, 104–6, 164

  Hastert Rule violated by, 153–54

  Hillary Clinton and, 189–90

  House GOP retreat of 2009 and, 51

  House renegades and, 343

  immigration and, 138, 231

  immigration reform bill of 2013 and, 157–59, 161, 163–64

  Jedi Council and Williamsburg Accord and, 152–54

  Jordan and, 59, 575

  Meadows and, 417, 517

  Meadows and, chairmanships stripped, 232–33

  Mulvaney and, 143

  mutinies vs. and plots to oust, 146–52, 163, 192–93, 219–21, 230–35, 457

  Obama and, 44, 46, 92–95, 103–4, 243, 254

  Pence and, 342

  Pope Francis and, 240–41

  right-wing media and, 188

  RSC and, 140–42

  Ryan and, 57–58, 180–81

  Ryan-Murray budget deal and, 184–86

  Ryan replaces, 319

  Ryan’s AHCA failure and, 442–43

  Ryan style vs., 477

  sequestration and, 103

  shutdown of 2013 and, ACA defund attempt, 170, 172–80, 572–73

  shutdown of 2019 and, 573

  Speakership and, 86–87, 89–90, 93–95, 101–4, 187, 571

  Speakership and, loss and retirement of, 203–4, 240–43, 250–55, 263–64

  stimulus and, 46–49

  Tea Party and, 57–60

  Trump and, 97, 228, 348, 457, 601

  “vacate the chair” motion and, 241–42

  Bolten, Josh, 28–29, 31, 33, 412–13

  bond markets, 26

  Booker, Cory, 124, 478–79, 566

  Book of Mormon, The (musical), 120

  Boone, Pat, 79

  border security, 6, 138, 543, 575. See also Mexican border wall

  alternatives to wall, 582–83, 590

  budget bill of 2018 and, 497–98

  caravan and, 529–31

  immigration bill of 2013 and, 154, 161

  Trump inaugural and, 424–25

  Bossie, David, 365–66, 373

  Boston Globe, 10

  Bouie, Jamelle, 468

  Bowles, Erskine, 71, 87

  Boyer, Nate, 361

  Bozell, Brent, 363–64

  Bozell, David, 551–52

  Bracamontes, Luis, 533

  Bradbury, Anne, 95, 243

  Brady, Kevin, 33

  Brannon, Greg, 195

  Branstad, Terry, 281

  Brat, Dave, 200–203, 219, 348, 417, 495, 543

  Brazile, Donna, 356

  Breitbart, Andrew, 114

  Breitbart News, 188, 202, 359, 378, 414, 417, 458, 463, 528

  Brennan, John, 421, 511

  Brexit, 331

  Bridenstine, Jim, 148–50, 219–20

  Bridgegate scandal, 285, 338

  Britain (United Kingdom), 331, 510

  broadband internet, 47

  Brookings Institute, 394

  Brooks, Arthur, 277, 419

  Brown, Brian, 267

  Brown, Michael, 207–8, 468

  Brown, Scott, 67–68

  Brownback, Sam, 297

  Brownstein, Ron, 37, 544

  Brzezinski, Mika, 277

  Buchanan, Pat, 5, 98–99, 299, 595–96

  Buck, Ken, 79–80

  Buckley, William F., 5

  budget, 101–3. See also federal deficits; government shutdown; sequestration; spending; taxes

  continuing resolutions and, 153, 174

  omnibus bill of 2018, 497–99, 506, 567–68, 572–73

  Ryan-Murray deal of 2013, 182–87, 191, 230

  Ryan proposals, 125–27

  Budget Control Act (2011), 103

  Bureau of Justice Statistics, 563

  Bureau of Labor Statistics, 30

  Burgess, Michael, 159

  Burke, Edmund, 60

  Burnett, Mark, 372

  Burning Tree Club, 443

  Burr, Richard, 170

  Bush, Barbara, funeral of, 524

  Bush, Billy, 367

  Bush, Columba, 247

  Bush, George H.W. (Bush Sr.), viii, 5, 98, 100, 130, 188, 255, 303, 326, 353, 551

  funeral of, 559–60

  Bush, George W. (Bush 43), 104, 223, 256, 343, 412, 446, 501, 534, 577, 609, 611

  approval ratings and, 551

  blacks and, 531

  Christian right and, 456

  conservative activists and, 106

  criminal justice and, 158, 562

  Cruz and, 168

  deficits and, 126

  elections of 2000 and, vii–viii, 187, 406

  elections of 2004 and, 18, 133, 138, 394

  elections of 2006 and, 27

  elections of 2008 and, 22–24, 39

  executive authority and, 416

  financial crisis and bailouts and, 2–3, 26–33, 56, 424

  GOP Convention of 2016 and, 353–54

  GOP disillusionment with, 15–18, 60, 66, 72, 73

  GOP primaries of 2016 and, 213, 290, 292

  Hispanics and, 17

  immigration and, 15–18, 72, 138, 533

  Iraq War and, 3, 225

  Islam and, 18

  “isms” seen as threat by, 18, 40–41, 425–26, 579

  Katrina and, 3

  legacy of, 48

  McCain and, 19, 524–25

  Michelle Obama and, 585

  9/11 and, 2, 3

  Obama and, 40–41, 45

  Palin and, 22–23

  Pence and, 118

  polarization and, 523

  RNC and, 49

  Rove and, 322

  Ryan and, 52, 442–43

  same-sex marriage and, 38

  Social Security and, 15–16

  spending and, 497

  TARP and, 56

  tax cuts and, 10

  Texas primaries of 2010 and, 74

  Trump criticized by, 473–75

  Trump inaugural and, 425–26

  Trump on, 3

  Bush, Jeb, 64, 163, 195, 209, 524

  Boehner retirement and, 243

  primaries of 2016 and, 211–13, 222–24, 226–27, 238–39, 243, 247–48, 258, 262, 264–65, 270, 273, 275–76, 284, 287–88, 290, 292–93, 338

  Trump attacks on, 213, 335, 486

  business, 107, 257, 312, 506, 559. See also corporations

  BuzzFeed, 215, 281, 362, 421–22

  cabinet, 430, 447–48, 481, 484

  Cain, Herman, 111

  California, 147, 172, 259–60, 315–16, 324, 543, 544, 561

  Calipari, John, 240

  Camp, Dave, 88

  campaign finance, 9–10, 66, 78, 112, 222–23, 275, 352, 485, 488–89, 520

  Campbell, Carroll, III, 73

  Camp David, GOP retreat (2018), 481–84

  Canada, 495, 525, 531

  Canadian border, 79

  Cantor, Eric, 34, 42–46, 74, 93, 94, 101–2, 348, 417

  conservative mutiny vs. Boehner and, 147–48, 150, 152

  elections of 2012 and, 121, 128, 132–33, 135, 138

  fiscal cliff and, 145–46

  Grand Bargain and, 104–5

  House GOP insurgents vs., 191

  House GOP retreat of 2009 and, 51

  immigration and, 138, 189

  immigration reform bill and, 156–59, 161

  primary loss by, 200
–205, 207, 219, 252, 457, 495, 543

  role of, 58

  RSC and, 141

  shutdown of 2013 and, 172–74, 180

  stimulus and, 46–49

  Tea Party and, 57, 59, 108

  Young Guns and, 105

  cap-and-trade, 61, 83

  Capital Grille, 306–7

  capitalism, 124

  Capitol Police, 469

  caravan, 529–31

  Card, Andy, 413

  Carrier company, 314, 418–20, 458, 559

  Carson, Ben, 275, 278, 283–84, 290, 306, 318, 349

  Carson, Ben, 410

  Carter, Jimmy, 67, 256, 456–57, 551, 574

  Cassidy, Bill, 195

  Castle, Mike, 80–82

  Catholics, 240–42, 253

  CBS News, 121, 290, 389, 540

  CBS TV, 25, 280

  Census of 2010, 84

  Center for American Progress, 563

  Central America, 530, 588

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 172, 559, 584–85, 589

  Trump appointments to, 407–8

  Trump inaugural visit to, 426–27, 429

  Trump-Russia and, 421, 509–10, 511

  Central Park Five, 369

  Chaffetz, Jason, 369

  Chapman, Tim, 502–4


  AME Church massacre in, 229, 465, 468–69

  Walter Scott killing in, 468

  Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, 465–68, 470–71, 555

  checks and balances, 513

  Cheney, Dick, 19, 21, 30, 74–75

  Cheney, Liz, 568

  Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 54

  child tax credits, 257, 475

  China, 111, 232, 261, 271, 325, 431, 496, 511, 585, 558

  Christian right, 19, 115, 120–21, 209, 217, 261, 282, 326–28, 387, 455–57, 580–81

  Pence as VP and, 331–32, 342, 431

  Supreme Court and, 381–83

  Christian Science Monitor, 214

  Christie, Chris, 118, 125, 134, 276, 285–87, 293, 336, 338, 342, 365, 373, 397, 406, 409

  Christmas, war on, 261

  Chrysler, 56, 124

  Cincinnati Enquirer, 364

  Citibank, 281

  Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), 553

  Citizens United, 212

  Citizens United vs. FEC, 78, 90, 222–23

  civility, 532, 594

  Civil War, 465, 537

  climate change, 172, 454–55, 599

  Clinton, Bill, 38, 95, 118, 189, 533, 561, 577

  abortion and, 404–5

  Christian right and, 456

  election of, 323, 386, 406

  Hillary’s campaign of 2016 and, 341, 369

  impeachment of, 3, 49, 187, 329

  polarization and, 523

  popularity of, 551

  sex scandals and, 370–71

  Trump and, 246, 369, 425

  Clinton, Hillary, 463

  Abedin and, 129

  Ailes and, 189–90

  Benghazi and, 189–90, 250, 330, 354

  Bill’s sex scandals and, 329, 370–71, 375–76

  Christian right and, 381–83

  Comey and, 388–89, 445

  conservatives’ hatred of, 329–30, 380–81


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