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American Carnage Page 77

by Tim Alberta

  debates vs. Trump and, 362–63, 365, 370, 375–77, 382–83

  Democratic convention of 2016 and, 355, 405

  Democratic primaries of 2008 and, 14–15, 20, 278, 330

  Democratic primaries of 2016 and, 224, 299, 329–31

  “deplorables” and, 362, 376

  Don Jr. meeting with Russians and, 459

  elections of 2016 and, 189–90, 237, 260–61, 265, 330–31, 338, 340–41, 344, 347, 356, 358–62, 368–70, 378–80, 382, 386, 389–96, 529, 534, 598, 606–7

  elections of 2018 and, 532

  Electoral College vs. popular vote and, 324, 358–59, 394, 397–98, 429

  email server and, 330, 358, 363–64, 370, 376, 445

  GOP convention of 2016 and, 354

  GOP primaries of 2016 and, 215, 224, 278

  “lock her up” chant vs., 354, 376, 521

  race and, 361–62

  Russia and, 269, 511

  Sanders supporters and, 356

  as secretary of state, 330

  Steele dossier and, 421–22

  Trump attacks on, 278, 320, 356–57, 483

  Trump calls on Russia to find emails of, 420

  Trump concession call by, 396

  Trump inaugural and, 425–26

  Trump pushes DOJ to investigate, 607

  Trump wedding and, 246

  WikiLeaks and, 356, 369–70, 390

  Clinton Foundation, 330, 358, 370

  Club for Growth, 76, 79, 81, 107, 173, 184, 196–97, 310, 332, 418, 504, 551

  Clyburn, Jim, 493

  CNBC, 54, 55

  CNN, 53, 69, 113, 229, 237, 268, 270, 280, 283, 296, 311, 320, 334, 357, 369, 389, 421, 451, 457, 516, 532, 540, 541, 586, 587

  Coakley, Martha, 67

  coalition of the ascendant, 37

  Coats, Dan, 386, 509

  Cochran, Rose, 197

  Cochran, Thad, 10, 197–200

  Coffman, Mike, 544, 550–51

  Cogan, Marin, 270

  Cohen, Michael, 6, 116

  Daniels and McDougal payoffs and, 484–85, 488–89, 520

  FBI raid on, 487–88

  guilty plea and, 519–21, 557

  House testimony of, 604–5

  Pecker and, 305–6

  Steele Dossier and, 422

  Cohn, Gary, 410, 463, 487

  Cohn, Roy, 337

  Cole, Tom, 148

  college-educated voters, 405, 534, 547, 578–79

  college tuition, free, 597

  Collins, Chris, 520–21

  Collins, Susan, 453

  Colorado, 21, 79–80, 83, 115, 127, 138, 196, 311, 323, 544, 550–51, 577

  Comedy Central, 377

  Comey, James, 358, 388–90

  Flynn and, 431, 446

  Senate testimony by, 455

  Trump fires, 445–46, 458, 484, 486

  Commerce Department, 558

  Common Core, 223

  compassionate conservatism, 17, 571

  Comstock, Barbara, 529, 544, 550, 551

  Confederate symbols, 113, 130, 229, 465–68

  “Confessions of a Negative Campaigner” (Pence), 119

  Congressional Black Caucus, 17, 182

  Congressional Hispanic Caucus, 17

  Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, 476

  Congressional Leadership Fund, 490, 539, 551

  Congressional Research Service, 222


  GOP primaries of 2016, 313

  same-sex marriage and, 59

  Conservative Action Project, 39–40, 403

  Conservative Action Team (CAT), 140–41

  Conservative Jedi Council, 152–53, 185, 235

  conservative movement. See also Christian right; House Freedom Caucus; Tea Party

  ACA and, 61–63

  ACA repeal attempts and, 431, 433–35

  AHCA “repeal and replace” bill and, 435, 440, 451, 454

  backlash vs. GOP lawmakers and, 60–61

  Bannon and, 414, 419

  Boehner and, 140–42, 163

  Boehner ouster attempts and, 106, 147–52, 220–21, 231–35

  Boehner retirement and, 243

  Breitbart and, 114

  budget fight of 2011–12 and, 101–6

  contraction of GOP and, 551–52

  criminal justice reform and, 563

  crony capitalism and, 418

  Cruz and, 168–69

  cultural vs. economic issues and, 108–9

  debt-ceiling fight of 2013 and, 152–53, 178–80

  disorganization of, 75–76

  donors and, 56, 106, 117–19, 502–3

  elections of 2012 and, 99, 121–25, 128–29, 137–38

  Farm Bill and, 165

  fiscal cliff negotiations and, 145–47

  Flake and, 343–45

  Florida Senate primary of 2010 and, 64–67

  Freedom Caucus and, 191–92, 221–22, 230

  GOP primaries of 2010 and, 73–81

  GOP primaries of 2012 and, 110–11, 115, 117–22

  GOP primaries of 2016 and, 209, 213–14, 217, 229, 266–67, 281, 288–89

  Heritage Foundation and, 164–66, 502

  hostility toward Obama and, 54–57, 93–97, 128–29

  House GOP of 2011 and, 89

  ideological purity and, 416–20

  immigration and, 138, 229

  immigration reform bill and, 154–64, 425

  judicial appointments and, 599–600

  Meadows rise within, 416–18

  outrage culture and, 248

  Palin and, 39, 75–76

  Pence and, 118–19, 312

  police killings of blacks and, 208

  professional right and, 106–7

  racial backlash and, 128–29

  Reformicons and, 256–57

  Romney and, 9, 110–11, 117

  RSC and, 89, 140–42

  Ryan as Speaker and, 379

  Ryan-Murray budget deal and, 184–86

  Ryan on, 595–96

  sequestration and, 424

  shutdown of 2013, and ACA defund demand, 169–80

  Supreme Court and, 521

  tax reform and, 431

  Trump and, 346–49

  Trump and realignment of, 457–58, 501–18, 578–79

  Trump approval rating and, 455

  Trump Carrier deal and, 418–20

  Trump critics within, 516–17

  Trump early presidency and, 431–32

  Trump-Russia relations and, 511–13

  Trump spending unopposed by, 497–98

  Trump tariffs and, 496–97

  Trump transition team and, 406–7, 409

  Trump unorthodoxy and silence of, 59

  Trump victory emboldens, 403–6, 414–17

  Conservative Partnership Institute, 502

  Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 9, 13–15, 99, 457–58, 592

  conspiracy theories, 262–63

  Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 554

  contraceptives, 121, 128, 328

  Conway, George, 583

  Conway, Kellyanne, 218, 331, 333, 337, 352, 358, 365–67, 373, 396, 427–29, 447, 457, 539, 583, 597–98, 610

  Conyers, John, 473

  Cook Political Report, 405, 578

  Coons, Chris, 81–82

  Cooper, Anderson, 375–76

  Cooper, Rory, 108–9

  Coppins, McKay, 215

  Corker, Bob, 45, 69, 179, 336, 339–40, 473, 497, 505–6, 510–11, 556, 576

  Cornyn, John, 65, 77, 82, 84, 521

  corporations, 5, 30, 78, 143, 257, 345, 458

  taxes and, 475–76

  welfare for, 418

  corruption, 518–19, 553

  Cotton, Tom, 564, 565

  Coulter, Ann, 15

  Council for National Policy (CNP), 209–10

  Couric, Katie, 25

  Covington Catholic school, 586–88

  Cracked website, 270

  Crimea, 549

; crime rates, 423–24

  criminal justice reform, 530–31, 562–66

  Crist, Charlie, 20, 64–66, 193, 224

  crony capitalism, 210, 418

  cronyism, 457

  Crow, Jason, 576

  Crowley, Joe, 493–95

  Cruz, Heidi, 168, 281, 307–8, 315, 317, 352–53

  Cruz, Rafael, 316–17, 322, 349, 353

  Cruz, Ted, 137, 156, 159, 162, 197, 251, 398, 561

  ACA and shutdown of 2013 and, 169–70, 172, 174, 178–79, 182

  ACA repeal and replace and House AHCA bill, 450

  Convention 2016 and, 343, 349–53

  early Trump administration and, 432

  Fox News and, 308–12

  future of GOP and, 611

  minorities and, 277–78

  National Enquirer on, 306–8, 314, 317

  primaries of 2016 and, 170, 176, 210, 216–17, 226–27, 232–33, 266–67, 272–75, 277–84, 287–88, 290–97, 299–302, 306–18, 331, 336–37, 346–49, 358

  Senate and, 345

  Senate campaign of 2012 and, 167–69, 193, 281, 282

  Senate campaign of 2018 and, 533–37, 545–47

  trade and, 232–33

  Trump and, 338, 343, 535–37

  Trump endorsement by, 364

  Trump victory and, 404, 408

  Cuban Americans, 64, 224, 235

  Cuccinelli, Ken, 267

  Culberson, John, 537

  cultural issues, 18, 37, 59–61, 76, 108–9, 121–22, 128–29, 172, 196, 213–14, 259–62, 326–28, 359–63, 404–6, 455–57, 465–73, 479–80, 504, 576, 581, 585–88, 593–96, 611–12

  Cuomo, Mario, 221

  Curbelo, Carlos, 544, 550

  Curiel, Gonzalo, 334–36, 355

  customs agents, 430

  Cut, Cap and Balance plan, 103

  Cyrus, Miley, 172

  Czech Republic, 422

  Daily Caller, 91

  DailyKos, 78

  Daily Stormer website, 515

  Dale, Daniel, 537

  Dallas Morning News, 120, 364

  Daniels, Mitch, 99–100, 218

  Daniels, Stormy (Stephanie Clifford), 306, 485–86, 488, 520, 557

  Dannenfelser, Marjorie, 326, 432

  dark money, 78

  Davidson, Warren, 348, 398, 496–97, 512

  Davis, Jordan, 468

  Davis, Rick, 11, 28

  Dawson, Katon, 50

  Dayspring, Brad, 44

  Dean, Howard, 66

  death panels, 62

  debt ceiling, 102–3, 104, 144–45, 153, 176–80, 182, 254

  “deep state,” 443, 511, 514–15, 519, 525

  Defense Department (Pentagon), 262, 429–30

  Mattis and, 410–11, 430, 554–55

  Defense of Marriage Act (1996), 172

  defense spending, 88, 143, 153, 280, 498, 499, 568, 593

  Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 207, 475, 590

  Defund Obamacare Act (proposed), 169, 206, 517

  deindustrialization, 257

  Delaware, 80–83, 313

  DeMint, Jim, 33, 45, 59–60, 66, 76–77, 79, 129, 142, 144, 164–65, 168–70, 216, 277, 309, 402–3, 410, 433, 457, 501–3, 552

  Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), 527

  Democratic National Committee (DNC), 263, 421

  emails hacked, 356, 370

  Democratic National Convention (2016, Philadelphia), 354–55, 405

  Democratic Party. See also House Democrats; Senate Democrats

  abortion and, 404–5

  ACA and, 62, 68–69, 70

  Alabama Senate win and, 472

  Arizona and, 260

  base and, 482

  Boehner as Speaker and, 106

  Christie and, 285

  criminal justice reform and, 562–53

  Cruz-O’Rourke race of 2018 and, 545

  donors and, 527, 535

  elections of 2008 and, 37–39

  elections of 2010 and, 72–73, 78–85

  elections of 2012 and, 85, 124, 126, 127, 131, 136–37

  elections of 2014 and, 196, 208

  elections of 2016 and, 299–300, 358, 368, 370, 389, 391–92

  elections of 2018 and, 6–7, 34, 483, 492, 503–4, 525–27, 531–36, 538–47, 575–79

  elections of 2020 and, 575–78

  Electoral College and, 577

  energy policy and, 21

  filibuster-proof majority and, 57, 67–68

  financial crisis and, 28–29, 31–32, 34

  GOP attacks on, 40, 140, 415, 513

  Grand Bargain and, 105

  House and Senate won by, in 2006, 16

  House won by, in 2018, 6–7, 34, 527, 543–46, 553

  immigration reform and, 17, 157, 160–61, 163

  impeachment and, 6–7, 607–8

  intraparty warfare and, 356

  leftward shift of, 404–5, 575–78, 597–99

  media and, 187

  Mueller report and, 607–8

  Muslim ban and, 430

  Obama inauguration and, 42–43

  race and, 469

  Russian hacking of, 509

  shutdown of 2013 and, 177

  shutdown of 2018–19 and, 560–62, 567, 569, 583, 584, 589–90

  southern white flight from, 129

  stimulus and, 46–49, 51, 52, 54–55

  suburban and educated voters and, 38

  tax reform of 2017 and, 479

  trade and, 299–300

  Trump and, 244, 246, 531–32

  Trump and internal dynamics of, 575–78

  Trump inaugural and, 425–26

  Trump-Russia link and, 421

  wall and, 583–84, 589–90

  Wisconsin and, 261

  women voters and, 544

  Democratic primaries

  (2010), 66, 74

  (2016), 299, 329–31

  (2018), 493–95

  (2020), 596–98

  Democratic Socialists of America, 494, 532, 541, 575, 576

  demographics, 61, 137, 259–60. See also specific voter types

  brands gap, 405–6

  elections of 2016 and, 398

  elections of 2018 and, 533–35, 543–47, 578–80

  gender gap, 136

  geographic clustering, 3

  GOP and, 609

  Denver, 551

  Denver Post, 196

  “deplorables,” 362, 376, 598

  deportations, 121, 130, 206, 231, 298, 332, 454, 475

  Depp, Johnny, 586

  Depression, 27

  deregulation, 9, 131, 216, 506

  DeSantis, Ron, 491, 542

  DesJarlais, Scott, 347

  Des Moines Register, 282–83, 362

  Detroit News, 364

  Devil’s Bargain (Green), 464

  DeVos, Betsy, 406

  Dewhurst, David, 168, 193

  Dickerson, John, 540

  disabled, 88, 262

  Disney company, 313

  dissidents, Russian, 270–71

  diversity, 74, 143–44, 157–58, 235, 260, 405–6

  Dixiecrats, 73

  Dobson, James, 267

  Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010), 83, 346

  Dolan, Cardinal Timothy, 253

  Dole, Bob, 66, 137, 303–4, 348, 353

  Domenech, Ben, 524

  Donnelly, Joe, 539, 542

  Do Not Ask What Good We Do (Draper), 45

  Dow Jones Industrial Average, 32, 557

  Draper, Robert, 45

  DREAM Act, 138, 158–59

  Drudge Report, 107

  drug treatment, 17

  Dukakis, Michael, 564

  Duke, David, 320, 466

  Duncan, Jeff, 151

  Duncan, Mike, 49

  Dunham, Lena, 404–5

  Durbin, Dick, 49, 155, 563

  earmarks, 58–59, 74, 255

  earned-income credits, 257

  Earnest, Mike, 123–24

astwood, Clint, 133

  economic inequality, 248, 330, 503

  economic issues, 10, 18, 62, 88, 123, 125, 128, 196, 229, 257, 261, 423–24, 504, 531, 553, 557–58, 574

  economic nationalism, 419, 458

  education, 15, 17, 218, 405–6, 543

  Education Department, 79, 406

  Edwards, John, 307

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 113

  elderly, 16, 88

  elections. See also Democratic primaries; Republican primaries; and specific candidates

  (1948), 393

  (1952), 136

  (1974), 579

  (1976), 303

  (1984), 37, 137, 304

  (1986), 162

  (1988), 98, 303, 564

  (1992), 323, 386, 406

  (1994), 58

  (1996), 137, 303, 404–5

  (2000), vii–viii, 17, 99, 323–24, 392, 406

  (2002), 551

  (2004), vii, 15, 18, 66, 129, 133, 138, 394

  (2006), 16, 21, 27

  (2008), vii–xvii, 3, 4, 10, 19–39, 49, 61, 72, 116, 125, 130, 134–35, 137, 380, 394, 406, 524

  (2009; gubernatorial), 67

  (2010), 40, 64–85, 87, 102, 156–57, 193, 205, 545, 578

  (2012), 4, 85, 93, 119–39, 154, 156–57, 167–68, 169, 180–82, 193, 204, 256, 380, 394, 534, 580

  (2013; gubernatorial), 285

  (2014), 187, 192–200, 208–11, 545

  (2016), 35, 138, 195, 209, 299–300, 322–406, 409, 443–46, 458–59, 484–85, 509–13, 529, 534, 544, 577, 591, 595, 600, 604, 606–7, 610

  (2017; Alabama Senate), 472

  (2018), 475, 482, 490, 502–4, 518, 521, 525–53, 569, 571, 575–80

  (2020), 478, 545, 547, 553, 565, 577–78, 597–99, 603–4, 607–8, 610–11

  Electoral College, 37, 181, 322–24, 358–59, 391, 393–94, 397, 545–47, 577

  electoral realignment, 544, 574–79. See also demographics

  elites, 25, 39, 113, 261

  Ellmers, Renee, 251

  Emanuel, Rahm, 54–55, 68

  Emanuel AME Church massacre, 229, 465, 468–69

  Emmer, Tom, 578

  “End, The” (Boehner memo), 203–4

  energy, 21, 54, 454

  Energy Department, 410

  Englander, Chip, 226

  entitlements, 38, 51, 104, 106, 118–19, 127–28, 132, 133, 178–79, 346, 399, 504, 569

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 518–19, 555

  environmental regulations, 600

  Erickson, Erick, 65, 178

  ethanol subsidies, 278–79, 281

  ethnic targeting, 18

  Europe, 271

  far right in, 331

  refugee crisis and, 229

  European Union, 495, 510

  evangelical Christians, 99, 120–21, 217–218, 266, 275, 281–82, 312, 327–28, 338, 341–42, 381, 383, 431, 456, 475, 581. See also Christian right

  Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, 327

  E-Verify, 154

  executive authority, 415–16, 496

  executive orders, 346, 599

  birthright citizenship, 537

  Muslim ban, 429–30

  regulation reduction, 431


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