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American Carnage Page 79

by Tim Alberta

  Johnson, Gary, 364

  Johnson, Jamie, 296

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 100, 129, 326–27

  Johnson, Ron, 77–78

  Jolie, Angelina, viii

  Jones, Alex, 262–63, 425

  Jones, Van, 540

  Jones, Walter, 477

  Jordan, 555

  Jordan, Jim

  AHCA bill and, 436, 438, 441

  Boehner and, 89–90, 102–3, 140, 145, 152–54, 188–89, 220–22, 233–35, 241–42, 575

  debt ceiling and, 174

  Freedom Caucus chair given to Meadows by, 416–17

  Jedi Council and, 152–53

  Liberty Caucus and, 191

  McCarthy’s Speakership attempt and, 251

  majority leader conflict of 2014, 206

  omnibus spending bill of 2018 and, 497–98

  populism and, 59, 419, 345–46

  RSC and, 89–90, 102–3, 140–42

  Ryan-Murray deal and, 185

  Ryan as Speaker and, 379, 403, 414–17, 436, 438, 497–98

  shutdown of 2018–19 and, 567–69, 573

  TARP and, 33–35

  Trump and, 348, 419, 436–38, 441, 497–98

  Trump-Russia and, 511

  Jordan, Michael, 224

  judicial appointments, 20, 327, 328, 377, 381–82, 401, 450, 459, 506, 565, 585, 593, 599–600

  Justice Department, 407, 410, 486, 509, 605–7

  JustIN, 218

  Kaepernick, Colin, 360

  Kaine, Tim, 354

  Kansas, 129, 296–98, 408, 416, 529, 543

  Kansas City Star, 165

  Kardashian, Kim, 97–98, 563–64

  Kasich, John, 94, 276, 285, 287–88, 302, 314–18, 325, 353–54, 398

  Kaufmann, Jeff, 284

  Kavanaugh, Brett, 521, 526, 529–31

  Kelly, John, 609

  omnibus budget and, 498

  as chief of staff, 463–64

  criminal justice reform and, 564

  Homeland Security and, 430

  McCain funeral and, 524

  Muslim ban and, 430

  resignation of, 553–54, 556

  Kelly, Megyn, 237, 279–80, 296

  Kemp, Brian, 542, 547

  Kemp, Jack, 181–82, 409, 476, 499, 595

  Kennedy, Anthony, 382, 521, 526

  Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,” 10, 15–17, 36, 63, 67, 452

  Kennedy, John F., 317, 322, 326, 349, 536

  Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” 326

  Kentucky, 77, 194, 323, 450, 540

  Kerry, John, 66, 228, 394

  KGB, 510

  Khan, Ghazala, 355

  Khan, Humayu, 355

  Khan, Khizr, 355

  Khashoggi, Jamal, murder of, 556–57

  Kim Jong-un, 471–72, 482

  King, Don, 409

  King, John, 113

  King, Larry, 98

  King, Steve (Iowa congressman), 159–64, 189, 212, 215–17, 222, 277–78, 298, 365, 385

  stripped of committee assignments, 581–82

  King, Steve (Wisconsin GOP committeeman), 372

  Kirk, Mark, 369

  Kirk, Paul, 67

  Kislyak, Sergey, 445

  Knight, Bobby, 314

  Knight, Shahira, 502, 573

  Kobach, Kris, 543

  Koch brothers, 56, 59, 91, 106, 118, 170, 288, 210, 385, 407, 563

  Kochel, David, 293

  Koch Industries, 288–89

  kompromat, 422, 510

  Krauthammer, Charles, 15, 157

  Kristol, Bill, 21

  Kudlow, Larry, 496

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 296, 320, 466, 467

  Kurtz, Howard, 362

  Kushner, Jared, 331, 337, 341, 365–66, 389, 406, 408, 428, 447, 459, 463, 522, 524, 554, 563–64, 557

  Kyle, John, 45, 47

  labor unions, 124, 216

  Labrador, Raúl, 74, 87, 148–52, 159–61, 177–78, 185, 191, 205–6, 220–22, 233–34, 253, 417–18, 441, 492, 513, 518, 578, 610–11

  Laden, Osama bin, 122

  Landrieu, Mary, 195

  Lauer, Matt, 472

  Lavrov, Sergey, 445

  Law, Steven, 323

  Leahy, Michael Patrick, 55

  Ledbetter, Tony, 354

  Lee, Mike, 76, 142, 170, 172, 178, 300–302, 345, 349, 351, 369, 450, 563

  Lee, Robert E., statue, 465

  left, 107–8, 404, 527

  Lehman Brothers, 26, 30

  Lemire, Jon, 510

  Leo, Leonard, 328

  “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” (Romney), 124

  Levin, Mark, 9, 79, 81, 84, 169, 184, 188, 202

  Levin, Yuval, 256–57, 435

  Lewandowski, Corey, 268, 292, 304, 325, 336, 359, 407, 607

  Lewinsky, Monica, 329

  LGBTQ rights, 214, 218–19, 270. See also same-sex marriage

  liberals, 36, 88, 132, 143, 208, 505

  libertarianism, 19, 73, 77, 118, 191, 225, 346

  Libertarian Party, 364

  Liberty University, 121, 226, 282, 326, 382, 543

  Libya, 133, 429. See also Benghazi attacks

  Lieberman, Joe, 20–22

  Limbaugh, Rush, 9, 18, 25, 40, 53, 82, 84, 107, 154–55, 188, 568, 608

  limited government, 33, 553, 583, 609

  Lincoln, Abraham, 213, 592

  Little, Brad, 492

  Lizza, Ryan, 463

  lobbyists, 58, 72, 303, 471, 519

  “lock her up” chant, 411, 521

  Lordstown GM plant closing, 558

  Louis C.K. (Louis Székely), 472

  Louisiana, 195

  Love, Mia, 550

  Lowden, Sue, 79

  Lowry, Rich, 435

  loyalty pledge, 245–47

  Luck, Andrew, 217

  Luján, Ben Ray, 527

  Luntz, Frank, 45

  MacArthur, Tom, 449

  Madden, Kevin, 113–14

  Madoff, Bernie, 56

  “Make American Great Again” (MAGA), 5–6, 214, 259–60, 418, 482, 493, 517, 531, 586–88

  Manafort, Paul, 303–5, 307, 336–38, 340–42, 351–53, 358

  Mueller and, 458–59, 473, 520–21

  Manchin, Joe, 158, 533

  mandatory-minimum sentencing, 562, 564

  Maness, Rob, 195

  Manigault, Omarosa, 462

  Manning, Archie, 198

  Manning, Eli, 198

  Manning, Peyton, 198

  manufacturing, 5, 11–12, 30, 56, 123–24, 299, 405, 423–24, 558–59

  Mar-a-Lago, 305, 437, 443, 574

  Marbury v. Madison, 195

  marginalization, 261

  Marine Corps, 411

  Marquette University Law School, 571

  Marshall, Roger, 416

  Martin, Jenny Beth, 55, 56

  Martin, Trayvon, 128–29, 468

  Martinez, Mel, 64

  Martinez, Susana, 335

  Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 113

  Marx, Gary, 13–14

  Maryland, 313, 542

  masculinity, 270–71

  Massachusetts, 9, 59, 67–68, 99, 110, 118, 127, 130–31, 136, 542

  Massie, Thomas, 149, 151–52, 191, 219–22, 232–34, 346–47, 403

  mass shootings, 158

  mass surveillance, 172

  Mattis, Jim, 410–11, 430, 481, 484

  resignation of, 554–56

  Mayfield, Mark, 199

  McCain, Cindy, 30

  McCain, John

  Arizona primaries of 2010 and, 71–72

  ACA repeal and, 451–54

  elections of 2008 and, 3, 4, 19–32, 35–38, 61, 72, 116, 125, 134–35, 137, 208, 265, 380

  elections of 2014 and, 199

  financial crisis and, 26, 28–32, 34–35

  funeral of, 522–25, 559

  immigration and, 16–17, 36, 72, 155, 157

  media and, 380

  Muslim ban and, 430

  Obama and, 36, 524

  Palin as VP choice of, 20–24, 215

  primaries of 2000 and, 19

  primaries of 2008 and, 9–15, 19

  Trump and, 236–37, 344, 353, 355, 510

  McCain, Meghan, 523

  McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Act, 78

  McCarthy, Joseph, 337, 519

  McCarthy, Kevin, 45, 57, 105, 145–47, 204–7, 242, 250–52, 377–78, 483, 490, 528, 539–40, 569, 573, 581, 589, 591

  McCarthy, Melissa, 428

  McCaskill, Claire, 540, 542

  McClatchy, 215

  McConnell, Mitch, 146, 192, 254, 323, 373, 377

  ACA and, 69

  ACA repeal and, 172, 449–54

  Boehner and, 254–55

  criminal justice reform and, 565–66

  Cruz and, 226–27, 273, 432

  elections of 2006 and, 27

  elections of 2010 and, 75, 77

  elections of 2012 and, 135

  elections of 2014 and, 194–96, 210

  elections of 2016, and Trump, 334, 391, 397

  elections of 2018 and, 528–29

  elections of 2020 and, 603

  financial crisis and, 30

  Freedom Caucus and, 254–55

  immigration reform and, 157

  judicial appointments and, 183, 450, 599–600

  Obama and, 44, 47–49, 87, 93, 183

  Obama and, Supreme Court nominee blocked, 291, 328, 381, 395

  primaries of 2014 and, 194–96

  right-wing insurgency and, 457

  Rubio and, 302

  shutdown of 2013 and, 180

  shutdown of 2018–19 and, 569, 589–90

  stimulus and, 47–49

  tariffs and, 497

  tax reform of 2017 and, 478, 483

  Trump and, 401, 420, 432, 489, 497, 505–6, 510, 600

  McDaniel, Chris, 197–99

  McDonnell, Bob, 125

  McDougal, Karen, 306, 485–86, 520

  McGahn, Don, 328, 445, 486, 607

  McHenry, Patrick, 19–20, 32–33, 43, 58, 438

  McIntosh, David, 39, 117–19, 141, 332, 418–19, 504, 551

  McKinney, Pam, 259–60

  McLaughlin, Jim, 458

  McLaughlin, John, 202

  McMahon, Vince, 351

  McMaster, Henry, 408

  McMaster, H. R., 487

  McMorris Rogers, Cathy, 252

  Meadows, Blake, 234

  Meadows, Mark, 170–72, 182, 191, 222, 230–35, 241–42, 349, 379, 414–17

  AHCA and, 436–39, 441, 448

  Boehner exit and, 417, 477

  heads Freedom Caucus, 416–17

  Heritage Foundation and, 502–3

  shutdown of 2018–19 and, 567, 569, 573, 584, 591

  Trump and, 417, 437–39, 441, 497, 498, 511, 517–18, 554

  media, 5, 113–14, 187–89, 213, 258, 270–71, 280, 305–9, 362–64, 374, 380, 427, 435, 445

  Media Research Center (MRC), 363

  Medicaid, 104, 321, 451

  expansion, 62, 69, 450

  medical device tax, 174–75

  Medicare, 19, 70, 88, 104, 178, 255

  Medicare for All, 61, 535

  Medicare Part D, 60, 126, 499

  Meese, Ed, 403

  Meet the Press (TV show), 428–29

  “Melting Pot Floweth Over” rally, 161

  Mercer, Rebekah, 197, 352, 482

  Mercer, Robert, 352, 482

  meritocracy, 594

  Merrill Lynch, 26, 30

  metals industries, 11

  #MeToo movement, 472–73

  Mexican Americans, 334, 345, 467, 500

  Mexican border wall, 6, 212, 228, 245, 249, 431, 436, 580

  budget omnibus of 2018 and, 498–99

  national emergency and, 583–84

  prayer rugs and, 588–89

  shutdown of 2018–19 and, 560–62, 567–69, 571–74, 582–85, 588–91

  Mexico, 431

  jobs move to, 314, 418, 559

  tariffs and trade and, 232, 495, 531

  Mexico City policy, 431

  MI6, 420

  Michigan, 50, 73, 83, 134, 216, 299, 323, 357, 358, 364, 391–95, 397, 545, 558, 575, 577, 609

  middle-class, 16, 123, 125, 135, 257, 394, 475

  Middle East, 5, 584

  refugees and, 229, 531


  elections of 2012 and, 124, 130, 135

  elections of 2016 and, 394

  elections of 2020 vs. 2018 and 2016, 577

  Trump’s trade war and, 505

  Miers, Harriet, 18

  military, 338–39, 424, 506. See also defense spending

  military adventurism, 4–5

  Miller, Jason, 336–37, 395–96

  Miller, Joe, 81

  Miller, Stephen, 425, 430, 506

  mining, 11

  Minnesota, 57, 67, 98, 115, 134, 323, 492, 551

  Minnick, Walt, 74

  minorities, 5, 37, 62, 92, 137–38, 144, 157–58, 181, 259–60, 277–78, 320, 394, 398, 542, 545, 545–47, 549, 579

  Mississippi, 197–200

  Missouri, 115, 133, 540, 542

  Miss Universe pageant, 377

  Mnuchin, Steven, 410


  elections of 2012 and, 136, 138

  elections of 2018 and, 502

  Moffatt, Zac, 111

  Mohammed bin Salman, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, 556–57

  Mondale, Walter, 137

  Montana, 323, 533, 568

  Montini, EJ, 505

  Moonves, Les, 280

  Moore, Matt, 246, 290

  Moore, Roy, 472

  Moore, Russell, 381

  Moral Majority, 226

  moral relativism, 3, 580–81, 586, 594

  Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), 9, 13, 115, 119–21, 127–28, 308, 580

  Morning Joe (TV show), 97, 268, 270, 277

  mortgage foreclosures, 26, 40, 54–56

  Mother Jones, 132

  Mourdock, Richard, 133

  MoveOn, 575

  MS-13 gang, 536

  MSNBC, 92, 97, 196, 268, 270, 277, 311

  Mueller, Robert, 6–7, 568

  appointed special prosecutor, 446, 458–59, 473

  Cohen and, 521, 557

  GOP attacks on, 515

  indictments by, 519–20

  Manafort and, 520, 521

  Russians indicted by, 509

  Stone and, 591

  Trump attacks on, 488, 510, 519–20

  Trump children and, 486

  Trump’s Helsinki summit and, 509–10

  Mueller report, 605–8

  Muir, David, 374

  Mulan (film), 313

  Mulvaney, Mick, 142–43, 152, 165–66, 179, 185, 191–92, 220–22, 231, 233, 347, 380–81, 492

  as acting chief of staff, 554, 567

  AHCA and, 440

  OMB headed by, 401–3, 406, 415, 417

  Sanford and, 434

  shutdown of 2018–19 and, 567–69, 573, 584

  Murdoch, Rupert, 189, 190

  Murkowski, Lisa, 81, 453

  Murray, Patty, 182–85, 187

  Muslim Brotherhood, 129


  border wall and, 588

  Trump’s attacks on, 261–62, 355

  women in Congress, 575, 603

  Muslim travel ban, 262–63, 320, 429–31, 459, 467, 475, 506, 571

  airport protests, 429–31

  Nader, Ralph, 324

  Napster, 478

  NASDAQ, 557

  National Affairs, 256

  National College Athletic Association (NCAA), wrestling, 89

  National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (Bowles-Simpson), 71, 87–89

  national debt, 497, 504, 527

  National Economic Council, 410, 463, 487

  national emergency, wall funding and, 6, 583–84, 590, 603

  National Enquirer, 305–9, 314, 316–17, 485

  National Football League (NFL), 198–99, 207, 249

  kneeling co
ntroversy, 360–61, 472, 501, 504

  National Governors Association, 22

  nationalism, 331, 414, 536, 547, 553

  National Journal, 87, 152, 270, 578

  National Organization for Marriage, 267

  National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), 74, 232, 528–29, 539, 578, 579

  National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSE), 65, 77, 81, 82

  National Review, 5, 66, 156, 281, 363, 364, 435, 516, 607

  National Rifle Association (NRA), 158, 173, 409

  National Right to Life, 173

  national security, 20, 38, 280, 532, 588

  National Security Agency (NSA), 509

  Native Americans, 249–50, 586–88

  nativism, 18, 36, 217, 331, 425, 553

  Navajo code talkers, 249

  Navarro, Ana, 516

  Navarro, Peter, 496

  Navy SEALS, 491

  Nazis, Austrian, 581

  NBC News, 134, 225, 335, 367, 389, 446, 473, 541

  NBC TV, 96, 372, 377

  Nebraska, 62, 137

  Needham, Mike, 502–3

  Nehlen, Paul, 355

  Nelson, Bill, 542

  Nelson, Terry, 491

  neo-Confederates, 466

  neoconservatism, 5, 595

  neo-Nazis, 466, 467, 581

  Netflix, 171

  Nevada, 78–79, 83, 115, 138, 293, 323

  Never Trump movement, 304–5, 348–49

  New Deal, 34

  New Hampshire, 10–13, 112, 117, 225, 273, 276, 279, 283–88, 289, 292, 323

  New Hampshire Union-Leader, 364

  Newhouse, Neil, 135

  New Jersey, 67, 285

  New Mexico, 138, 323

  News Corp, 189

  Newsmax, 163

  New Yorker, 155, 222, 463, 472, 554

  New York State, 311–12, 324

  New York Times, 13, 121, 122, 124, 170, 262, 265, 275, 278, 281, 307, 341, 352–53, 363, 380, 440, 445, 446, 459, 472, 473, 485, 486, 494, 516, 581, 587, 606

  Magazine, 13, 225

  Nice, France, terrorist attacks, 342

  Nielsen, Kirstjen, 532

  9/12 rally (2009), 60

  99%, 107–8

  1984 (Orwell), 505

  Nixon, Richard, 113, 129, 551

  No Budget, No Pay provision, 153

  No Child Left Behind Act (2001), 58

  nondisclosure agreements, 485

  nonviolent drug offenders, 562

  Noonan, Peggy, 25

  norms, 4, 269, 325, 476, 594

  Norquist, Grover, 145

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 332

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 510

  North Carolina, 53, 134, 171, 195, 260, 357, 364, 391, 392, 577

  North Dakota, 311, 397, 542, 560

  North Korea, 471–72, 482, 487

  summit, 511, 521

  North Slope, 21

  Norton, Jane, 79–80

  “November Ninth Club,” 427

  nuclear triad, 268–69

  Nugent, Ted, 110

  Nunes, Devin, 85, 476–77

  Obama, Barack, 143, 162, 446 463

  ACA and, 61–63, 67–70, 207, 218, 597

  ACA repeal efforts and, 167, 169, 172–73, 176–78, 210–11, 435


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