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American Carnage Page 78

by Tim Alberta

  zero-tolerance policy, 507

  Export-Import Bank, 210, 227

  Exxon-Mobil, 410

  Facebook, viii, 25, 121, 147, 188, 219, 221, 307, 370, 381, 478

  Face the Nation (TV show), 269

  Fagen, Sara, 24, 611

  Faith and Freedom Coalition, 383, 455–56

  Falwell, Jerry, 121, 226, 456

  Falwell, Jerry, Jr., 326, 327, 331, 381, 456–57, 580–81

  Family Leader, 267, 282

  Family Research Council, 40, 59, 81, 209, 243, 328, 409, 456, 598

  family-separation (zero-tolerance) policy, 506–7, 418, 520, 532, 603

  family values, 571, 581

  Fannie Mae, 26

  Farenthold, David, 366

  Farm Bill (2013), 165, 416

  Farr, Thomas, 565

  Favre, Brett, 198–99

  fear, 531–32, 585

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 340, 358, 363, 388, 390, 589. See also Mueller report

  Cohen raid and, 487–88

  Collins insider trading case and, 521

  Comey firing and, 445–46

  Flynn case and, 431, 473

  Russia investigation and, 443–46, 509

  federal deficits, 15, 51, 71, 87–89, 111, 126, 182–84, 476, 499, 504, 527

  federal employees, shutdown and, 583, 585, 589–90

  federal health insurance exchanges, 69, 167, 173, 176

  Federalist Society, 117, 328, 521

  Federal Reserve, 26–27

  federal spending reductions, 19

  Feingold, Russ, 10, 15, 77–78

  feminists, 404

  Ferguson, Missouri, 207–8

  Feulner, Ed, 165–66

  Fey, Tina, 25

  Fields, James Alex, 466

  Fifth Avenue Republicans, 521

  Fifty Shades of Grey (James), 121

  filibuster, 67, 179, 435, 573–74

  nuclear option and, 183

  financial crisis of 2008–9 (Great Recession), 2–5, 26–35, 49, 108, 257, 424

  Financial Times, 424

  Fincher, Stephen, 147–52

  Fiorina, Carly, 247, 275, 306, 313–14

  Fire and Fury (Wolff), 481–82

  First Step Act (2018), 564–66

  fiscal cliff, 144–46

  fiscal responsibility, 19, 38, 48, 51, 59, 71, 88, 88–89, 99–106, 143, 182, 415–16, 497–500, 504, 511, 571

  Fisher, Ada, 53–54

  Fitch credit rating agency, 179

  FiveThirtyEight, 505

  Flake, Jeff, 17, 33–34, 118, 137, 155, 159, 178, 217, 343–45, 386, 474–75, 493, 500, 505, 547, 552–53

  Fleming, John, 349, 417

  Flint, Michigan, water crisis, 216

  Flores, Bill, 221, 416

  Florida, vii–viii, 13, 64–67, 223, 115, 134, 138, 223–24, 293, 300–302, 323, 357, 364, 391–92, 491, 503, 515, 542, 544, 550

  Flynn, Michael, 339, 354, 411

  guilty plea, 473

  Mueller and, 458

  resignation of, 431, 446

  Trump request to Comey on, 446

  Focus on the Family, 267

  food stamps, 112, 165

  ForAmerica, 552

  Forbes, 486

  Ford, Christine Blasey, 526

  Ford, Gerald, 303

  Ford Motor Company, 559

  foreign policy, 19, 20, 60, 128, 133, 225, 270, 334, 339, 425, 557, 599

  Fourteenth Amendment, 537

  Fourth Amendment, 191

  Fox and Friends (TV show), 116, 262, 275, 444

  Fox News, 5, 15, 73, 84, 95, 97, 107, 110, 112, 116, 143, 147, 154, 156, 161, 188–90, 235–38, 250, 263, 278–80, 296, 308–12, 316–17, 341, 356, 362, 380, 389, 443–44, 447, 488, 510, 513–15, 530, 568, 580

  elections of 2008 and, 23–25, 35

  Election Night (2018), 539–42

  Fox News Sunday, 21

  France, 229

  Francis, Pope, 172, 240–42

  Franken, Al, 57, 67, 473

  Franklin, Quinton, 559

  Franks, Trent, 345

  Frazier, Catherine, 308

  Freddie Mac, 26

  Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, 170, 288–89

  FreedomWorks, 76, 81, 107, 173, 184–85, 194

  free markets, 9, 33, 419, 496, 595

  free trade, 4, 127, 232, 299, 332, 511, 553, 595

  French, David, 516, 607

  Fuller, Matt, 513

  Fusion GPS, 420–21

  Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” flags, 55

  Gaetz, Matt, 515–16

  Gang of Eight, 154–56, 178, 189, 201–2, 217–18, 277, 298

  Gang of Seven, 58

  Gang of Six, 104–5

  Gardner, Cory, 196

  Garner, Eric, 207–8

  Garrett, Scott, 417

  gas prices, 123, 196

  Gates, Rick, 519

  Gates, Robert, 584

  General Motors (GM), 12, 51, 56, 124, 558–59

  “Generic Republican,” 551

  Georgia, 542, 547

  Gephardt, Richard, 66

  Gephardt Rule, 102

  Germany, 510

  gerrymandering, 84, 129

  Gingrich, Newt, 3, 45, 58, 95, 110–15, 117, 124–25, 140–41, 147, 204–5, 208, 336, 339–40, 510, 529–31, 561

  Girls (TV show), 404

  Giuliani, Rudy, 11, 13, 15, 338, 373, 375, 488

  globalization, 4–5, 18–19, 30, 257–58, 260, 457, 531, 609–10

  Godfather’s Pizza, 111

  Gohmert, Louie, 93, 129, 189, 220, 222

  Goldmacher, Shane, 168

  Goldman Sachs, 281, 410

  Goldwater, Barry, 76, 113, 129, 386

  Goodell, Roger, 249

  Good Morning America (TV show), 96

  Gore, Al, 323, 392

  Gorsuch, Neil, 432, 447, 454, 514

  government agencies, 19

  government regulation, 431

  government shutdown

  (2013), ACA funding and, 173–80, 182–87, 255, 572, 573, 574

  (2019), border wall funding and, 6, 560–74, 582–85, 588–91

  Gowdy, Trey, 73, 143, 251, 277, 292

  GQ, 307

  Graham, Billy, 381

  Graham, Franklin, 327, 381

  Graham, Lindsey, 155, 335, 355, 430, 555

  Gramm, Phil, 19–20

  Grassley, Chuck, 563, 566

  Graves, Tom, 141–42, 169, 206

  Gray, Freddie, 229

  Great Recession. See financial crisis of 2008–9

  Green, Joshua, 464

  Green Eggs and Ham (Seuss), 174

  green energy, 47

  Greenspan, Alan, 30

  Greenwook, Lee, 538

  Gregg, John, 312

  Griffin, Kathy, 586

  Griner, Crystal, 460

  “GROUP, The,” 209

  Growth and Opportunity Project (RNC autopsy; 2012), 139, 154–57, 227–28, 260, 292, 544–45

  Guantanamo Bay, 10

  Guatemalan refugees, 530

  gun rights, 145, 158, 172, 382, 461, 527, 575, 600

  Gutierrez, Luis, 17, 201

  Haberman, Maggie, 352

  Hagan, Kay, 195

  Haiti, 484

  Haley, Nikki, 83, 229, 277, 292, 335, 396–97, 402, 408

  appoints Scott to Senate, 142–44

  Confederate flag and, 465

  future of GOP and, 611

  resigns from UN post, 553

  Halperin, Mark, 472

  “Hands up, don’t shoot,” 208

  Hannity, Sean, 9, 15, 18, 35, 40, 82, 84, 87, 124, 138, 156–57, 188–89, 308–9, 311, 356, 435, 488, 526, 529, 541

  Hanson, Victor Davis, 271

  Happy Days (TV show), 279

  Harley-Davidson, 559

  Harris, Andy, 512

  Harris, Kamala, 597

  Harris County, Texas, 534, 545–46

  Harvard University, arrest of black professor and, 128

  Hastert, D
enny, 16, 21, 58

  Hastert rule, 153–54

  Hatch, Orrin, 467

  Hawley, Josh, 540

  Hawthorne, Roy, 249

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 531

  Health and Human Services Department, 406, 555

  health care, 54, 59, 61–63, 67, 110, 118, 127, 128, 132, 207, 244, 258, 431–43, 447–54, 459, 471, 503, 517, 543, 597, 599. See also Affordable Care Act; American Health Care Act

  health insurance, 9, 69, 121

  Heitkamp, Heidi, 542

  Heller decision, 382

  Helsinki summit (2018), 509–13, 518

  Hemmer, Bill, 311, 541

  Hensarling, Jeb, 33, 88–89, 141, 152, 173, 386

  Heritage Action, 72, 107, 142, 164–65, 170, 173, 180, 184–85, 231, 502–4

  Heritage Foundation, 62, 72, 89, 108, 140, 142, 164–66, 169, 190, 218, 403, 410, 457, 501, 511

  Heritage scorecard, 231

  Hewitt, Hugh, 41, 238, 267–69, 382

  Heyer, Heather, 466

  Hicks, Hope, 365, 373–74, 463, 487

  Hill, The, 53

  hillarycare, 61

  Hillbilly Elegy (Vance), 397

  Hilton, Paris, 24

  Hispanics, 17, 37, 79, 137–38, 162–64, 203, 227–28, 291, 334–36, 345, 494, 534, 537, 545–46, 549, 579. See also Cuban Americans; Mexican Americans

  Hitler, Adolf, 467

  Hodgkinson, James, 459–60

  Hogan, Larry, 542–43

  Holder, Eric, 532

  Holocaust deniers, 515

  Holt, Lester, 446

  Homeland Security Department, 430, 463, 532, 560, 589, 603

  Homeland Security Department (DHS), 231

  Honduran refugees, 530

  Hoosiers (film), 314

  Hoover, Herbert, 574

  Horton, Willie, 564

  House Democrats

  ACA and, 68–69

  Boehner and, 153, 241–42

  elections of 2018 and, 483, 527, 532–34

  House control won by (2018), 6–7, 540–46, 560–51, 574, 575–78

  immigration reform bill and, 163

  Pelosi as Speaker and, 561, 577–78

  primaries of 2018 and, 493–94

  Ryan on new majority, 595

  shutdown of 2019, 560–61

  TPA vote and, 232

  Trump rise and, 347–49

  women serving in, 579

  House Freedom Caucus, 142, 221–22, 230–35, 241–43, 251, 253–55, 345–49, 379, 398, 401–3, 492–93, 502–3, 554, 578

  AHCA and, 432–43, 448–49, 517

  budget omnibus of 2018 and, 498

  elections of 2018 and, 543

  ideological purity and, 416–17

  impact of, on GOP, 457

  internal strains, under Trump, 513–18

  Meadows heads, 416–18

  Mulvaney at OMB and, 415

  primary challenges and, 417

  Ryan coup plotted by, 477

  Sanford and, 434, 517–18

  shutdown of 2018–19 and, 567–69, 584

  Trump and, 414, 416, 418, 436–42

  Trump takeover of, 511–18

  House Freedom Fund, 417

  House Liberty Caucus, 191, 221

  House of Cards (Netflix series), 171

  House Republicans

  ACA and, 63

  ACA defund demand and, 170, 172–80

  ACA repeal and, 70, 167, 432–35, 447

  AHCA and, 432–42, 447–49, 450

  baseball field shootings of, 459–61

  Benghazi and, 190, 250, 330

  Better Way and, 335, 434

  birtherism and, 93–94

  Boehner as Speaker and, 83, 86–87, 93–95, 100–107

  Boehner as Speaker and, coup attempts vs., 147–53, 219–22, 230–35, 241–42

  Boehner as Speaker and, retirement, 241–43, 250–55

  Boehner’s rise in, 57–58

  Bowles-Simpson and, 88–89

  budget bill of 2018 and, 497–98

  budget fight of 2011 and, 101–6

  Cantor as minority whip, 45

  Cantor defeat and, 205–7, 219

  control of House lost by (2018), 540–46, 560

  control of House won by (1994), 140

  debt-ceiling fights, 102–3, 153–54, 176–80

  diversity and, 157–58

  dysfunction within, 476–77

  elections of 2016 and, 377–79, 389, 390, 392

  elections of 2018 and, 482–83, 490–91, 518, 527–30, 533, 537, 539–40, 549–52, 560

  Farm Bill and, 165

  fiscal cliff and, 144–47

  Freedom Caucus formed in, 221–22

  Freedom Caucus vs. Ryan and Trump and, 414–15

  Grand Bargain and, 104–6

  immigration reform bill and, 156–64, 425

  insurgents of 2014 and, 190–93

  Jedi Council and, 153–54

  Obama and, 89–90, 93–94

  Pledge to America and, 101

  primaries of 2018 and, 490–43

  professional right and, 106–7

  retreat of 2009 and, 50–52

  retreat of 2013 and, Williamsburg deal, 152–54

  retreat of 2015, 222

  RSC vs., 140–42

  Ryan as Speaker and, 250–55, 256–58, 263–65, 377–79, 388–90, 399–402, 434, 432–42

  Ryan vs. Trump and, 476–77

  Ryan as Speaker and, retirement, 490, 527–28

  Ryan-Murray budget deal and, 181–86

  scandals and, 520–21

  shutdown of 2013 and, 170, 172–80

  shutdown of 2018–19 and, 567–69, 571–74

  Steve King rebuke and, 581–82

  stimulus and, 48, 49

  Syrian refugees and, 229

  tariffs and trade and, 496

  tax reform of 2017 and, 476–77, 482–83

  Texas race of 2018 and, 546

  TPA and, 232

  Trump campaign and, 343–49, 378–79

  Trump demand for loyalty and, 511–18, 520–21

  women serving in, 579–80

  Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD), 408–10

  Houston, Senate race of 2018 and, 536, 545–46

  Houston Chronicle, 364

  Hoyer, Steny, 493

  Huckabee, Mike, 11, 12–14, 19–20, 30, 110, 208–10, 281, 284, 294, 608

  Huelskamp, Tim, 147–48, 150–51, 153, 165, 179, 416

  Huffington Post, 132, 134, 479, 513

  Hughley, D. L., 53

  human rights, 557

  Hume, Brit, 510

  Humphrey, Hubert, 21

  Humphries, Kris, 97

  Hunter, Duncan, 520–21

  Huntsman, Jon, 111

  Hurd, Will, 430, 510, 546, 582, 584–85


  Gustav, 24

  Katrina, 3, 18, 24, 195

  Maria, 472

  Superstorm Sandy, 133–34, 153, 285

  Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 74–75


  First District, 74

  governor’s race (2018), 492

  Medicaid expansion and, 62

  Idaho Statesman, 74

  identity politics, 128, 320, 594

  ideological purity, 46, 74, 100, 107, 254–55, 346, 416–17, 503, 552, 574, 578, 595, 598, 604

  illegal immigrants. See also Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals

  immigration reform bill of 2013 and, 154–56

  path to citizenship, 10, 12, 154

  DACA and, 128, 475

  Illinois, 544

  immigrants, illegal, 5, 10, 12, 38, 62–63, 71–72, 111, 128, 138, 154–56, 158–63, 190, 201–2, 204–6, 212–13, 217, 231, 260–61, 293, 298, 332, 353–54, 405, 423–25, 475, 506–7, 520, 537–38, 603. See also Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA); deportations; DREAM Act

  amnesty and, 138, 160, 162, 201–2

  path to citizenship and, 138, 154, 154, 159–62, 217, 298, 331

  immigration, 5,
10–12, 15–19, 35–36, 38, 56, 76, 79, 98, 111, 121, 127, 137–38, 200–205, 207, 212, 223, 228, 236, 247, 249, 257–60, 279–80, 298, 331, 387, 425, 474, 504, 506–7, 518, 529–31, 532–33, 536, 553, 582–83, 599–600, 603, 611

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 575

  immigration reform bill (proposed, 2013), 154–64, 170, 177, 189, 205, 217–18, 291, 425


  Clinton and, 3, 187

  IRS commissioner and, 414

  Trump and, 6–7, 290, 512, 535, 575, 607–8

  imperial presidency, 416, 496

  income inequality, 5, 56, 107–8

  income levels, GOP vs. Democratic electorate, 578

  Indiana, 133, 217–19, 311–17, 322, 328, 332, 397, 418, 458, 539, 542, 559

  Indiana Colts, 501

  individualism, 132, 248, 553

  individual mandate, 62, 142, 170

  InfoWars, 262–63

  infrastructure, 46, 48, 51, 419, 435

  Inglis, Bob, 73

  Ingraham, Laura, 9, 13–15, 81, 97, 119, 202–4, 311, 435, 530, 541, 568

  insider trading, 521

  institutional breakdown, vi, 1–2, 5, 34, 95, 107, 123, 257, 298, 442, 477, 489, 511, 577–78, 594, 599

  intelligence community

  Khashoggi killing and, 556–57

  Russia’s election meddling and, 509–12

  Steele dossier and, 421

  Interior Department, 553, 555

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 163, 414

  international nongovernmental organizations, 431

  Internet, 66, 188

  In Touch, 485

  Investing in Opportunity Act (2017), 479

  Iowa, 10, 12–13, 59, 112, 117, 135, 212, 214–17, 225–26, 236, 261, 267, 273–76, 278, 280–84, 296, 318, 323–25, 357, 534, 581–82

  Iowa Freedom Summit, 212, 214–17

  Iran, 267, 429

  nuclear deal, 354, 511, 521, 610

  Iraq, 429, 588

  Iraq War, vii, 3, 4, 10, 15, 19, 38, 187, 225, 290, 355, 357, 595

  Islam, 143, 159–60, 261–62. See also Muslim travel ban

  Islamic radicals, 159–60

  Islamic State (ISIS), 225, 262, 339, 357, 445, 459, 484, 555

  Islamic terrorism, 212, 229, 261–62

  Islamophobia, 362

  isolationism, 18, 425, 580, 610

  Israel, 475, 575

  Israel-Palestinian conflict, 563

  Istanbul, Khashoggi killing and, 556–57

  Jackson, Barry, 105

  James, Kay Coles, 501–2

  James, Melinda, 454

  Janesville Gazette, 326

  Japan, 271

  Jefferson, Thomas, 465

  Jeffress, Robert, 120–21, 580

  Jenner, Caitlyn, 214, 248

  Jerusalem, U.S. embassy moved to, 475, 511, 521

  Jews, 45, 121

  Jihadi John, 225–26

  Jindal, Bobby, 52, 125, 154, 235

  jobs, 11–12, 30, 33, 40, 56, 62, 111, 128, 298, 299, 423–24, 503, 558–59

  John Birch Society, 5, 57

  Johnson, Alice, 563–64

  Johnson, Charles, 515


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