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Chance Encounter (Fates Aligned Book 1)

Page 5

by Christi Whitson

  God, she’s adorable. I smiled faintly as an odd warmth settled in my chest. By the time she’d finished talking, I’d descended the steps and come to stand in front of her, taking a moment to admire the way the moonlight bathed her beautiful face as she looked up at me.

  “There’s no need to get all flustered. If you’d rather not go anywhere with me, that’s okay,” I grinned, my tone light but sincere. “But you did fake number me. I probably spent hours searching for Emma Franklin on social media. The least you could do is let me take you out for dessert and tell me who you really are.”

  “Well…” She paused, giving me a bashful smile. “Since you put it like that, I guess it’s only fair. Where did you have in mind?”

  “That depends on your answer to a very important question.”


  “Cheesecake or ice cream?”



  I could feel him watching me as I tucked into the enormous piece of cheesecake we were sharing, and the heat of his gaze seemed to go straight to my core. We’d met at a restaurant not far from my neighborhood and chosen an intimate little table in the corner. It was just after nine p.m., but Donovan assured me the place would be open for a few more hours. I hoped that would give us time to sort through this mess, because I honestly had no idea where to go from here. There was no precedent for this.

  I was more than a little satisfied to catch him staring at me as I ate, and when I allowed my lips to glide sensuously over the tines of the fork, I could’ve sworn I heard him moan. It made me feel powerful, but I still had a hard time believing his interest hadn’t waned in light of the surrogacy announcement.

  It was to be expected, after all. I’d known full well when I agreed to be a surrogate that my love life would be moved to the backburner for quite a while. No guy would want to date a girl who was carrying someone else’s child. Who would find me attractive when I was big and pregnant? Even after the baby came, it would take me some time to get back in shape. Was Donovan seriously willing to sign up for that?

  We’d exchanged a little small talk while waiting for our order, first discussing my background and my connection to Miranda. I’d grown up in Tampa and had stayed in the area for college. Apparently, Donovan had known of my existence, since Miranda had mentioned me more than once, but he admitted that he probably wouldn’t have recognized my name even if I’d given him the real one that day in the cafe.

  I explained a bit more about my job and the kind of writing I did, which encompassed a number of things. The topic got away from me quickly, since writing was my passion and I loved sharing it. I’d made a little money from self-published novels in the last few years, but most of my income came from freelance work as a blogger and an editor. I’d recently started a new blog devoted to the surrogacy experience, and I’d been getting a great response so far.

  Donovan had remained mostly silent while I told him my life story, only speaking to ask the occasional question. But his eyes never left mine, showing me a level of interest that took me by surprise.

  “What made you agree to be a surrogate?” he asked quietly. We’d apparently put off discussing the proverbial elephant in the room long enough. “I didn’t even know Gabe and Miranda were thinking about going that route. Not that I don’t think it’s great, because I do… But I’m a little surprised someone like you would consider it.”

  “Because I’m young, single, and childless?” I asked, chuckling lightly.

  “Well… Yeah.”

  “It was actually my idea. I brought it up over a year ago, but they didn’t decide to go for it until last fall.” Donovan hummed thoughtfully as he digested that, and I could see more questions swimming in his dark eyes. I smiled encouragingly. “Ask away. I’m a pretty open person, and it takes a lot to offend me.”

  “Okay,” he grinned, playfully battling my fork for another bite of cheesecake. “Do you want kids of your own?”

  “Maybe someday. I’m only twenty-six, so there’s plenty of time. I guess if I’d been in a relationship, it might have been different, but… The only opinion I had to consider was my own, and I wanted to help them.”

  “Makes sense,” he nodded, but there was still a hint of confusion in his features. “What does your family think about it?”

  “I haven’t told them yet.” The admission slipped out with a slight wince, and he had no trouble reading my expression.

  “And you’re dreading it.”

  “That obvious, huh? I don’t know… My brother, Eli, just turned thirty, and he’s married. I’m sure my parents would expect any kind of pregnancy announcement to come from him first.”

  “Maybe, but this situation isn’t really the same thing. How do you think they’ll react?”

  “I think my dad will be pretty cool about it, even if he doesn’t quite understand my reasons for doing it. My mom will hate it and find some way to make it about her.”

  “Are they still together?”

  I gave a sardonic laugh before I could stop myself.

  “Yeah, but sometimes I don’t know why. My mom is a difficult person to live with, and for the most part, it seems like my dad just tries to keep his head down and rein her in where possible. She and I don’t really get along.”

  “And your brother?”

  I smiled, both at the thought of my big brother and the way Donovan could tell the topic of my mother was an uncomfortable one.

  “He’ll have my back. He always does.”

  We picked at the cheesecake in silence for a few moments, and he looked deep in thought. I knew I’d just laid a lot of information on him, and I didn’t blame him for needing a minute to process. When he spoke again, his voice was quiet and sincere.

  “For what it’s worth, I think what you’re doing is amazing. And I’m not just saying that because it’s my sister you’re helping. I can’t remember the last time I saw someone do something so completely selfless.”

  My cheeks flushed, and I shrugged, feeling awkward under the weight of his praise.

  “It’s not that I feel I owe Miranda or anything, but…” My words faltered a little when our eyes met and held. “She’s been there for me through a lot.”

  “Such as?”

  I gazed at him thoughtfully, taking in his avid expression and open kindness. He looked as though he would have gladly listened to me talk all night. Like he was desperate to know more about me. I took only a moment to consider how to answer his question, quickly deciding that I may as well continue to be open with him.

  “The worst was probably the time she and Gabe helped get rid of a guy I dated in college. It wasn’t a very long relationship, but things got out of hand. The guy had a temper and made the mistake of hitting me during an argument.” I watched Donovan’s expression transform into one of shock and anger, and I knew what his next question would be. “Just once. Miranda took one look at the bruise on my face and chased him out of my apartment with a baseball bat.”

  I smiled nostalgically as I replayed the scene in my mind, and Donovan shook his head, no doubt imagining his petite but fiery big sister wielding a bat.

  “I almost feel sorry for the asshole. Almost. Did he come back?”

  “After Mama Bear nearly took a metal bat to his skull? No way. She and Gabe helped me get a restraining order just in case, but it wasn’t necessary. I never saw or heard from him again. He didn’t even come back for the stuff he left at my apartment.”

  “Sounds like Miranda.”

  “Yup. I can’t think of anyone better suited for motherhood. She does talk about you a lot, you know. I even knew you were a chef somewhere, but she never calls you Donovan.”

  “God, I know. She’s been breaking my balls with that nickname since I was a kid.”

  “She loves you,” I grinned. “She worries that you only date mean girls.”

  “Mean girls?”

  “Well, I think her exact wording was something like, ‘airheaded, two-faced bitches.’” We laughe
d together, and his smile was a little sheepish.

  “I wish I could deny it, but she’s probably right.”

  “Why is that? I know you’re not gay.” I smirked, glancing pointedly down at his lap. I knew exactly what I’d felt pressed against me when we’d kissed earlier. “Are you just that bad at choosing people?”

  “Not really…” He hesitated as though wondering how much information was too much for a first date. Not that this was like any first date I’d ever had…

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you or—”

  “No, not at all. I just wasn’t sure how to respond. Um… I had pretty serious girlfriend in college, and for a while, I thought we’d end up married. I was even saving up for a ring. We were together about two years.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “She cheated on me with my roommate.”

  “Ouch,” I winced.

  “Yeah. The university refused to let me change roommates, so I was stuck trying to avoid the guy for another three months until the end of the school year. I guess I was lucky they didn’t try to date after she and I split up,” he chuckled dryly. I cringed sympathetically and tried to lighten the mood.

  “So, she turned you into this jaded guy who only dates airheads?”

  The sound of his laughter did strange and delicious things to my insides.

  “I guess that’s one way of putting it. It’s not that I’m still hung up on her or anything like that. I just haven’t met anyone since then who has really interested me. I’ve gone on dates and tried to force a connection, but it just hasn’t happened... At least not until about six months ago, when I met this beautiful woman in a cafe downtown, drinking out of a coffee cup with a fake name on it.”

  “Who gave you a fake number to go along with it,” I blushed. “And is now carrying your sister’s baby.”

  “God, that sounds weird.”

  “I know. Is it… Is it a turnoff?” I held my breath and braced myself for his verdict, and I was surprised when he took almost no time to consider it.

  “No. I mean, I’m still trying to get my head around the situation, but it doesn’t make me any less attracted to you. Is it weird for you?”


  “Well, the whole thing is pretty weird, but—”

  A gruff throat clearing interrupted me, and we both looked up in surprise at a short, overweight man who stood wringing his hands. His tie and dress shirt identified him as management.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, folks, but we’re closing up for the night.”

  We apologized for holding up the table, and Donovan settled the bill quickly, refusing my offer to split the check.

  “I can’t believe we sat there for almost three hours.” I can’t believe you haven’t run.

  We walked through the parking lot, every step bringing us closer to goodbye. A slight awkwardness hung in the air, as though we hadn’t had our tongues in each other’s mouths just a few hours ago. My heart skipped erratically when he gave me a rueful smile.

  “I’m sorry. I’m a little… unsure of my footing, I guess.”

  “Me too,” I agreed, glad I wasn’t the only one out of my depth. “Maybe this time I’ll just give you my real number, and… we can take it slow?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Donovan’s smile widened as he handed over his phone and watched me send a text to myself. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I held it up to show him it had gone through. Our gazes held as we both slipped our phones back into our pockets. Despite the relative chill of the evening, I felt oddly warm, almost as though my very blood was on fire. The heat seemed to arc between us, pulling us together until his lips captured mine.

  Sweet Jesus, this man can kiss.

  This kiss was noticeably different than the first, but every bit as compelling. Where our first kiss was surprising, rushed, and urgent, this one was deep, slow, and cautious. I appreciated his restraint. He wasn’t withdrawing from me but rather trying to show me respect, and that was every bit as sexy as his possessive caveman approach had been earlier. I swayed a little in his arms, but he held me steady against him, cradling me like I was something precious.

  When at last we pulled apart, he shuddered with longing, and I smiled at the confirmation that he was equally affected.

  “I wish we had more time, but it’s late,” he murmured against my temple. My arms tightened around his waist, and I grinned up at him.

  “We’ll have plenty of time. Talk tomorrow?”

  “Try and stop me.”

  We shared another smile and one last, lingering kiss.




  “What? You thought I’d say no?”

  “Kind of. I mean, isn’t it weird that I might end up…”

  “Having sex with my brother?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  Miranda shook her head and smiled into her coffee cup. She hadn’t seemed surprised at all when I’d texted her and asked her to come over this morning, and we were now sitting on opposite ends of my living room sofa.

  I had a one-bedroom apartment in the Wellswood area, which is situated between Miranda’s home and Donovan’s neighborhood. The apartment was a modest and cozy little place, decorated in cool, earthy tones and lightweight fabrics. The Spanish tile floors helped keep it cool during the humid summer months. I’d been living there since shortly after my college graduation, and over the years, my personality seemed to have bled into every inch of the place. It was my sanctuary.

  “Kenn, I know a lot of people put restrictions on a surrogate’s lifestyle when drawing up contracts, but for obvious reasons, this situation is different. Our agreement covers things like drinking and smoking during the pregnancy, but the abstinence thing only applied while we were going through the IVF stuff. Gabe and I would expect you to take safety precautions, of course, but we never expected you to stop living your life.”

  “Right, but… It’s your brother,” I emphasized, shifting nervously. “We didn’t really discuss the idea of my dating anyone during the pregnancy because as far as I was concerned, it was a non-issue. I assumed that even if I met someone while I was pregnant, the whole thing would be enough to send them running in the other direction.”

  “But Donny isn’t doing that,” she smirked.

  “So far.”

  “He’d better not if he knows what’s good for him.”

  I stared back at her, flummoxed by her attitude. I’d been almost positive that Miranda would be opposed to the idea of me dating Donovan, at least while I was pregnant. Let’s be honest, it is a bit weird. As much as it would’ve pained me, I’d been willing to abide by her wishes on the matter. After all, it was her baby I carried. Miranda’s smile didn’t fade as she spoke again.

  “Look, it’s a unique situation because of the timing and the way you guys met, but sisters act as surrogates all the time. Sisters-in-law do too. I already love you like a sister, and I’ve always wanted Donny to find someone like you.”

  Good point. The tension began to ease from my shoulders.

  “I think you may be getting ahead of yourself, there,” I laughed.

  “Maybe. But if it does end up working out between you guys, it’ll be incredible. Honestly, nothing would make me happier. Besides, Gabe pointed out that it would be good to have Donny around to help you if you ever needed something and neither of us could get to you.”

  “You talked to Gabe about it?”

  “Of course. He was really surprised Donny asked you out, but he wasn’t paying attention as closely as I was last night. You should’ve seen the two of you at dinner,” she snickered. “It was like watching a scene from a movie. I think Gabe was just shocked because you’re nothing like the bimbos Donny usually dates. You’re sweet and thoughtful, and you… have a soul.”

  We laughed together and spent another hour talking and making plans to get together for lunch sometime the following week. I also grilled her shamelessly for
details about her brother that I might have forgotten or shrugged off over the years I’d spent hearing her talking about him. As much as I prefer to learn about a potential romantic partner straight from the source, I felt like I was playing with a handicap where Donovan was concerned.

  “Thank you for being okay with everything,” I told her as we hugged goodbye in my doorway.

  “Of course I am. And if he hurts you, I will personally make his life a living hell in ways only a big sister can.”

  “Okay, take it easy, Mama Bear,” I grinned. “We agreed to take it slow, and I’m still half-expecting him to bow out. This is a weird way to begin a relationship.”

  “Yes, but if anything, it just proves how much he’s into you already. And the look on your face right now tells me the feeling is mutual.”

  The look she was referring to was a dreamy smile that didn’t fade until long after I’d watched her disappear into her SUV and head back home. With one of my troubling issues resolved, I decided to focus on taking care of another one. Since there was really no easy way to break the news of the surrogacy to my family, I regarded it as something I’d simply have to push through. Like ripping off a band-aid.

  Donovan’s estimation of my feelings about giving my family the news had been spot on. I’d have loved to delay it for as long as possible, but at twelve and a half weeks pregnant, I was running out of time to make a formal announcement. I hadn’t truly begun to show, but I knew it wouldn’t be long before the slight thickening of my waist could no longer be mistaken for simple weight gain. I was naturally slender, but I wasn’t so thin that the change was noticeable. Yet.

  My mother would be the worst. She had a good heart and good intentions, but her delivery was almost always lacking. More than once, I’d suspected that becoming a mother was something she’d done simply because society expected it of her. While I had no doubt that she loved her children and wanted good things for us, she’d never been a very affectionate mother.

  Lee, my dad, was far better suited for parenthood than my mom had ever been. He was a very supportive and loving father, and he was usually the only one capable of running interference when Mom’s attitude got out of hand. I was counting on his presence at our next family dinner to keep my mom from flying off the handle when it came time for the big reveal.


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