Book Read Free

Royal Disaster #3

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by Renna Peak

  Royal Disaster 3

  Renna Peak

  Ember Casey

  Casey Peak Publishing, LLC

  This book is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, locations or incidents are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 by Ember Casey and Renna Peak

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  First Edition: January, 2018


  Royal Heartbreakers Reader Team

  1. Sophia

  2. Pax

  3. Sophia

  4. Pax

  5. Sophia

  6. Pax

  7. Sophia

  8. Pax

  9. Sophia

  10. Pax

  11. Sophia

  12. Pax

  13. Sophia

  14. Pax

  15. Sophia

  16. Pax

  17. Sophia

  18. Pax

  19. Sophia

  20. Pax

  21. Sophia

  22. Pax

  23. Sophia

  24. Pax

  25. Sophia

  26. Pax

  Royal Heartbreakers Reader Team

  Also by Renna Peak

  Also by Ember Casey

  Royal Heartbreakers Reader Team

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  I’m still not entirely sure why I’ve come to join Pax on the bus all. Going on tour with him is probably the worst thing I could do—at least as far as my family is concerned—but I can’t get him out of my mind. I just can’t help feeling that I need him near me. And I also can’t help but feel a bit giddy at seeing him again now, not to mention at the thought of being with him for the next few weeks. Joining Pax on tour might be a terrible idea, but I know it’s the only way to be with him.

  And I can’t wait. I don’t honestly think I’ve ever been this excited, and I’m sure my grin shows it.

  We stand on the street in silence for a little too long. Pax eyes me warily, frowning. “Why?”

  I tilt my head, my smile falling. “Why?”

  His brow furrows and his frown deepens. “Yes, why? Why did you come here? You seemed pretty damn sure you didn’t want to yesterday.”

  “I…I wasn’t sure of anything. I think—”

  “I don’t have time for this.” His gaze narrows, but he doesn’t move at all. “I need to get on the bus.”

  I glance over at the bus beside us. I didn’t know exactly what a tour bus would look like, but this one is quite a bit more luxurious than I’d imagined. “And as I just said, I’d like to join you.”

  “Yeah. And you still haven’t told me why you changed your mind.” He drags a hand through his hair. “Look, Sophia, this has been fun and all…”

  I’m not sure what comes over me, but I take a step toward him, sliding my arms around his waist. I look up at him, tightening my grip around him until my body is pressed against his. “Do I really need to spell it out for you?”

  It seems like it’s been an eternity since we’ve touched, and it isn’t only my body that comes alive. He’s carrying his guitar case in one hand, but his free arm slides around me, almost involuntarily. His hand drops to my ass, pulling me tightly against his midsection. He growls as he looks down into my eyes. His lips part, and he tilts his head, leaning forward to kiss me.

  But right before our lips meet, he takes a step back, pulling away from me. “Why?”

  “Again with the why?” I blink a few times at him. “It seems like the answer is pretty obvious.” I grin. “I like you. You like me—”

  “I like a lot of things.” He motions behind him at the entrance to the bus. “I…I need to go.” He shakes his head, but his gaze never leaves mine. “Bad. This is a bad idea.”

  “Sometimes, those are the best kind of ideas of all.”

  He shakes his head again, this time much more slowly.

  “I won’t… I mean, if I get in the way, you can send me home—”

  “Pax!” Rider, one of the members of the band, pokes his head from the door of the bus. “Get your ass in here!”

  Pax looks over his shoulder at his bandmate, then back at me. “I need to go.”

  “Right.” I suppose leaving him last night was too impulsive—too much for us to overcome.

  He blinks at me a few times, almost as though he’s trying to wake himself from a fugue state. He shakes his head at me again, and without another word, turns to step onto the bus.

  A moment later, it pulls away from the curb, and I watch as the bus begins to drive away.

  After only a few seconds, it screeches to a stop, and Pax leaps from the doorway—this time without his guitar—and rushes back over to where I’m standing.

  “Where’s your brother?” He glances behind me and over to the parking lot next to us.

  “I… He…” I glance over at the lot myself—not that Nicholas is there. I turn my gaze back to Pax. “I think he’s still at the hotel. It isn’t as though I woke him up to tell him I was coming here—”

  I’m interrupted by his lips crashing against mine. Electricity pulses through me as he slides his arms around my waist, lifting me up and spinning me in a circle. After a long moment, he sets me on my feet again, laughing against my lips. “You gave Nicky the slip to come with me?”

  “I suppose I did.” I grin before I kiss him again. “And I’m sorry for leaving you in the first place.”

  He pulls my body against his, and this time, there’s no doubt that his body is as ready for me as I am for his.

  Pax lifts me again, carrying me to the door of the bus before he leans down to whisper in my ear. “I hope you’re ready for the ride of your life, Princess.”


  Two weeks.

  Two weeks is all it’s been since this woman walked into my life, and what a ride it’s been so far. I’ve chased her, had her, fought for her, lost her, and now she’s in my arms again. I have no idea what comes next. These last couple of weeks have been a roller coaster—an exhausting but thrilling ride that I definitely wasn’t prepared for.

  A ride I can’t get off, even though a small voice in the back of my mind keeps warning me that I should.

  I carry her up the steps of the bus, unwilling to let her out of my arms even for a second. Once we’re safely onboard, the bus moves again, ferrying us away from her brother and everything else. I want to carry her straight back to the bunks and fuck her senseless, remind her of what she tried to walk away from, but I only make it a few steps before I remember we aren’t alone.

  Charlie, and Jameson are sitting on the sofa at the front of the bus, watching me. Jameson shakes his head, a small smile playing across his lips as he lifts his beer for another sip. Charlie’s grinning like a fucking idiot, looking like he can barely contain his laughter.

  “Rider owes me twenty bucks,” he says, raising his beer toward me. “Cheers, mate.”

  I stop, still holding Sophia against me. “You fucking bet on me?”

  “Don’t act like you’re surprised,” Charlie says cheerfully. “Rider and I just got into a little argument about whether or not you’d keep Her Highness ar
ound. Rider said no. I told him I thought this time was different. And I’m right, aren’t I?”

  In spite of myself, I feel my face get hot. “You should mind your own fucking business.”

  “Just like that time you and Rider bet on whether or not my ex would hook up with Jameson? Or that time you wagered whether or not Mick would—”

  “Okay, okay, I get it,” I say grumpily. Aware that Sophia is still in my arms, I carry her past the table. “Tell Rider he can suck a dick.”

  “Tell me yourself,” Rider says, coming from the back of the bus and standing in my path. His eyes take in Sophia, then rise to my face. I can’t tell from his expression whether he’s pissed or not—but I tell myself he’s just upset to be losing twenty bucks to Charlie.

  He turns to the fridge and yanks it open, then pulls out a beer for himself.

  “Just try not to keep us up every night,” he says.

  Behind us, Charlie snorts. “You’re one to talk. Back in Vegas—”

  “Oh, fuck off. I apologized for that.” Rider pops the cap of his beer and takes a quick swig.

  But Charlie’s still laughing. “Oooh, Rider,” he says, doing his best imitation of the groupie in question. “Fuck me harder, Rider! Ride me like a stallion, you big boy!”

  It’s a pretty good impression, I have to admit. Even Jameson’s laughing.

  Rider charges past me, nearly knocking me over as he tries to tackle Charlie. The two of them go down, beers flying, while Jameson laughs and sips calmly at his drink. Why he puts up with the rest of us, I have no idea.

  In the meantime, I take the opportunity to escape.

  After the dining and kitchen area, we pass a bathroom and a small closet. After that is the entertainment area, where a plush leather sofa faces the largest TV we could fit in this thing. It takes up most of the wall, and beneath it we’ve collected pretty much every video gaming system known to man. We have plenty of time to kill on the road around here. There’s also a cabinet full of liquor on one wall.

  Finally, Sophia and I reach the back of the bus, where the bunks are. They’re built into the walls, stacked two on each side.

  “This one’s mine,” I say, setting her down on the floor and tapping the top left one.

  “Looks…cozy,” she says.

  “It’ll be a snug fit with two of us in there,” I admit. “But that just means we’ll have to sleep in each other’s arms.” I don’t mean to sound so fucking sappy, but Sophia gives me a look that makes me think the cheesiness has actually worked in my favor.

  She turns slowly, taking in the rest of the bunks. They’re about as luxurious as you can get in one of these things—wider than standard twin beds, built against polished mahogany walls, and featuring tiny rows of LCD lights, USB ports and outlets, and tiny compartments where we can store shit—but this place is still probably nothing like where a princess is used to staying.

  Finally, she looks back at me. “Do you guys really sleep with women while your bandmates are here too? Only five feet away?”

  That wasn’t a question I was expecting. I cough.

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds,” I say.

  She crosses her arms. “That’s not an answer.”

  “We give each other as much privacy as we can.”

  “Still not a real answer.”

  “It’s not like we have orgies or anything. Except for that one time—”

  “You’ve had an orgy?” Her eyes are wide. “In here?”

  I grin, pulling her into my arms. “Would it bother you if I had? Is that jealousy I’m hearing?”

  She pushes against my chest. “You’re just toying with me, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe,” I say. “Or maybe I was part of a twelve-person orgy right here in this room…”

  “Now I know you’re toying with me,” she says with a laugh. “There’s no way twelve people could fit back here.”

  “Would you like to find out?” I tease. “Broaden your horizons a little?”

  She’s still laughing as she tugs my face down to hers. “Not a chance.”

  “Not even a little one?”

  She stops pulling me closer with my face is only a couple of inches away from hers. “Is that what you want? To watch me have sex with other people?” Her lips turn up into a wicked smile. “Why don’t we call your bandmates back here and get this party started?”

  I growl. “No way in hell. You’re mine and mine alone.”

  She’s still laughing. “Now who’s the jealous one?”

  I won’t let her tease me anymore. I kiss her, my mouth slanting across hers, my tongue delving between her lips. Her sharp intake of breath shifts into a small whimper, and I turn and push her up against the edge of the bunks. My hands roam over her body—hips, waist, breasts—and my cock rises to attention. I’ll show her exactly how much we can do in this cramped space.

  But the moment I reach for the edge of her shirt, she pulls away, her hands braced against my chest.

  “Not now,” she says, shooting a glance at the thin, sliding door that separates us from the rest of the bus.

  “Don’t worry about them,” I murmur roughly. “They won’t bother us.”

  “They’ll probably still hear us,” she says.

  I kiss her neck. “Then we’ll just have to be very, very quiet.”

  She gasps as I lift her up, my hands digging into her perfect ass. I push her onto my bunk, then climb up beside her. There’s hardly enough room for both of us, and I’m half on top of her already, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

  “Very quiet,” I murmur, reaching for the bottom of her shirt again. This time she doesn’t object. I lower myself down her body, kissing the bare skin I’ve revealed at her waist. As I push her shirt further up her body, my mouth follows, my lips trailing across her skin. When I reach her bra, my mouth traces the curve spilling over the top of each of the cups. Her nipples press against the bra, and I tease them with my lips through the fabric. Even with a layer of cotton and lace between us, it still makes her whimper.

  “Quiet,” I remind her.

  She grabs my hair, guiding me back to her nipple, and this time her cries are softer, more muffled. She’s pressing her lips together to keep from crying out as I slowly torture her.

  And by God, I’m going to enjoy every fucking minute of it.


  Remaining quiet while having the most amazing experience of my life might be the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.

  We finish, and he pulls me close to him, our bodies entwining on the narrow bed.

  I could lie here in his arms forever. He’s intoxicating—being with Pax seems to make everything else fall away. If I could just stay in this moment, I’d never have to worry about things like sex tapes or my responsibilities as a princess. And perhaps Pax wouldn’t have to worry about whatever burden it is he’s carrying, the one he only reveals in his music.

  He wraps his arms around me, nuzzling against my neck. I shift to snuggle closer to him—there’s barely enough room for one person on this bed, but I don’t mind at all. The closer I am to Pax, the better I feel. It’s odd, really. I still barely know him—and I certainly don’t know anything about his secrets—but something about his proximity calms me.

  We lie there naked and wrapped in each other’s arms, for a long while.

  Pax finally presses a kiss to my cheek before sitting up. “We should probably—”

  He’s interrupted by the bus coming to a screeching halt, sending both of us careening toward the front of the bed.

  A moment later, the door to the bedroom opens, and Rider rushes in.

  I try to cover myself, grabbing my shirt and holding it to my chest, but it’s too late. Rider has seen everything.

  He lifts an amused brow, shaking his head. “You two better get dressed. We have a problem.”


  I try to cover Sophia as much as I can, but there’s only so much I can do in this tiny bunk. Rider is still standing there, watchi
ng us with a smirk on his face, and I grab my pillow and chuck it at him.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” I say. “We’ll be out in a sec.”

  Rider shrugs and returns to the front of the bus, pulling the sliding door shut behind him. I climb off the bunk and help Sophia down behind me. Just the full view of her naked body makes me want to pull her into my arms again, but I’m worried about why our bus has stopped abruptly. What the hell could have happened only an hour into our tour?

  We quickly pull on our clothes, bumping into each other as we do. Every brush of her hip or ass against me sends another shot of blood right to my cock, but I force myself to ignore it. At the front of the bus, I can hear raised voices.

  “Why don’t you stay back here?” I tell Sophia. “I’ll go see what’s going on.”

  She shakes her head. “I’d better come, too. I have a feeling this concerns me.”

  I frown at her, confused, but then I realize I recognize one of the shouting voices. It belongs to Sophia’s brother, Nicholas.

  “I guess your brother found you,” I say with a sigh. I rub the back of my neck. “There’s still a chance we could give him the slip. Quick, hide in the bunk. I’ll tell him we haven’t seen you.”

  “As tempting as that is, your word won’t stop Nick. We better sort this out before it causes an international incident.”

  I can see she’s going to be stubborn about this, so I don’t bother arguing. Besides, I don’t want to be arrested for kidnapping the same day we start our tour. The publicity would be great, I’m sure—as Mick likes to say, ‘The bigger the scandal, the bigger the sales’—but I’d rather not end up in jail. And I want to perform more than I want a few extra headlines or a few more copies of our album sold.


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