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Untamed (Omertà Book 2)

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by Anna Widzisz



  Anna Widzisz

  Copyright © Anna Widzisz, 2020

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any matter whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, business, events and places are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

  Book design by Anna Widzisz

  Cover design by Michał Widzisz

  Edited by Zuzanna Raczyńska and Miruna Popescu

  To my real-life Noah. You deserve the world.


  Untamed contains graphic violence, sexual assault and adult situations some may find offensive.

  Omertà - (among the Mafia) a code of silence about criminal activity and a refusal to give evidence to the police.

  Capo (Capo di tutti i capi or Capo dei capi) - the boss of all bosses. The head of the mafia family. He rules by himself and has the right for protection money from every operation led by the family.

  Underboss - the second most important person after Capo. There is usually one, sometimes two, underbosses. One of them is possible to get the position of Capo if the boss goes to jail. He usually takes care of daily routine tasks. He gets a percentage of the money. In the Las Vegas Famiglia there are two underbosses.

  Capodecina (eng. Captain) - is the head of a number of soldiers. There are a few ones who are selected to run businesses in different cities/states (if they are under Famiglia’s rule as well). All of them have their own businesses which they get money from. They report to the Underboss or the Capo himself.

  Famiglia (eng. family) - mafia family

  Enforcer - a member of the mafia that is responsible for handling those who do not go along with policies, rules and deals. The position often involves threats and actions of violence, beatings or murder. There are many enforcers in each Famiglia.

  Made Man - inducted soldier for the mafia

  Consigliere - right hand of the Capo. He talks with the families and soldiers

  Cosa Nostra (eng. our thing) - an Italian-American Mafia

  ’Ndrangheta - mafia family primarily based in Calabria, Italy

  Noni (Sicilian for grandma)

  Picciotta (Sicilian for young woman)

  Picciotto (Sicilian for young man)

  Pakhan - Russian mafia boss

  Credi a niente di ciò che senti e a metà di ciò che vedi

  Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see


  "When the devil falls in love, it’s the most hauntingly beautiful thing ever. And you should be terrified, for he will go to the depths of hell for her."

  For all he knew, there could have been police officers waiting for him at the airport. It wouldn’t be surprising if it was the case. However, once he stepped out of the plane, besides the car and his soldier, no one turned up to greet him.

  Grazie a Dio.

  After the week he’d had, there was only one thing on his mind right now. Sleep.

  His hand gripped the briefcase as tightly as it was humanly possible. There might be no danger at this very moment, but who says it won’t occur on his way to the apartment.

  In the distance, he saw some skyscrapers, which instantly reminded him how long it had been since the last time he stepped foot in this city.


  He let out a sigh. If not, for one thing, an extremely important task, he wouldn’t have ever flown here again. After all, it’d been four years since he got out of the place and never looked back. The city he had believed would become one of the most visited by him and his former bride-to-be, turned into the only place he’d rather avoid for a couple of reasons. Everything that had gone down with the Seattle Famiglia wasn’t something he could forget or stop rewinding in his mind. It had affected his Famiglia and continued to influence his personal life each and every day. No matter how many years had passed, the thoughts of it just wouldn’t go away.

  It was supposed to be a deal like any other. The underworld was based on traditions, one of them being an arranged marriage. Something he never wanted to happen in the first place but had to act on behalf of the Famiglia and listen to his father, his Capo. Lynette Selvaggio, a sixteen-year-old girl was to become his wife the moment she turned eighteen to ensure that their families would keep working together. With strained relations that they had, it was a miracle to last this long.

  Nothing turned out the way he thought it would. From the very beginning, the girl carried a burden that appeared to be too much to handle. Because of her father’s past mistakes, she became a target. Powerful people were set to destroy Severo Selvaggio’s life. The one that Lynette was a part of. And that included having her killed as well. Unfortunately, his father got himself mixed into this plan.

  Marriage became one of the least important things. Betrayed by those closest to her, she felt the ultimate danger that came with the world she was born in. And it changed everything. Even Noah’s life.

  The only thing that helped him was work. It took up most of his time. All the business meetings, taking care of his father’s dealings, trying to make up for the wrongdoings that had caused the Famiglia to become second best. Right now, he was a Capo dei capi, and a damn good one at that. Nothing was more important to him.

  "Good afternoon, Mr Falcone. It’s nice to see you again," said his soldier.

  "Great to see you too, Cristian. How are the children?"

  "They are really good. Growing up too fast, though."

  "As they should, Cristian. As they should." he grinned, patting the man on the shoulder, and the next thing he knew, they were on the way to his old apartment. In the car, he studied everything of importance within the briefcase, as well as his plan for the upcoming days.

  He wanted to make everything right. For once, he had to take responsibility for something that important.


  Noah Falcone was only twenty when he had to step into his father shoes and become a Sicilian mafia boss. All his life he had been groomed to take the position once his dad retired. But it wasn’t something he had expected to happen so soon. Barely past his youth years, he had been forced into leading a big group of dangerous people, most of whom were much older than him. And it was all because his father, Marco Falcone, had allied with the wrong people in his futile quest to avenge his lost love and the death of his daughter. The death that had been entirely his fault.

  He had always been seen as a cruel and brutal man. Ever since he’d been inducted at the age of fifteen. Much sooner than any other mafioso. However, after everything that had happened with the Seattle Famiglia he’d made a complete turn in his life. When people thought Noah couldn’t get any more dangerous, he proved everyone wrong. Still wise and careful but at the same time colder, more ruthless, and even murderous. So, once he took charge, there were many changes introduced in the structure of the Famiglia. He investigated every single one of his soldiers to make sure, there was no one who meant trouble. Most of those that were he had killed, very few captains stayed in their positions of power, no enforcer was kept alive, and everyone still standing was made to take the omertà again.

  Because of such moves, people feared him more than they admired him. But they always respected him. He had never stepped too far out of line with the changes. Traditions and shibboleths remained the same for all those older generations that didn’t like to see things change in the social part of the underworld.

  Noah wasn’t all black. There were good things to him, too. Not many, though. He still knew how to behave when it came to his soldiers, captains and acquaintanc
es who didn’t do him wrong. Unlike his father, he actually remembered most names which made them feel special and valued. Even though he’d never liked meeting up with people just to do them favors, he sometimes did. Not out of the goodness of his heart, because he was fairly sure there was too little left of that, but out of respect to the Famiglia.

  There was only a handful of people he trusted. Just as the tattoo on his chest said ’Loyal to few, ruled by none’. The most important one was his Underboss who was also his younger brother - Flavio. If there was someone who Noah cared about and loved, it was his nineteen-year-old brother. As soon as he’d become Capo, Flavio’s restraint towards the mafia world had completely disappeared. It became apparent that the boy had hated his father’s ruling more than the mafia rules themselves. So, he started training with Noah intensively, wishing to be initiated as soon as possible, and become one of the best soldiers. And that’s exactly what happened.

  The Capo didn’t want an Underboss. Especially not the one that his father had before. Moreover, as one of his first actions, he had ordered the man’s death. In his mind, there was no way the Underboss hadn’t known anything about his boss’ whereabouts and plans for the Selvaggio family. He’d been the most trusted person and Marco’s brother. And Noah couldn’t surround himself with people he wouldn’t be able to trust, even if they were blood-related.

  In the underworld, blood didn’t come above the Famiglia. Duty and loyalty towards the Capo dei capi were more important than towards family. Unless they went hand in hand as with Flavio and Noah.

  Alongside all the changes, Noah waited for Flavio to become one of his best fighters, so they could work together. The younger Falcone had become an Underboss the moment he’d taken the oath. So, they’d been working side by side for a year now and it had been great. For once, Noah could feel safe in his position, feel that there was someone trustworthy and devoted to the cause, who could take charge in case of an emergency. Someone to rule over the Famiglia if the Capo died suddenly.

  Thankfully, after the Seattle Famiglia fiasco, the FBI had stopped investigating him rather quickly. Focusing mainly on the other mafia. Thus, Noah was able to take an oath himself, as a Capo dei capi. To always protect the Famiglia, to put it above his personal gains and feelings, and, unlike his father, he intended to keep that promise.

  § § §

  The Capo would be in Seattle for the next two days, taking care of the business that he still had left in the city. But that wasn’t the only reason he’d flown in. A matter of highest priority hung above his head, and even though he could feel that he was about to open a Pandora’s box, there was no way Noah could leave everything as it was and hope for the best. That’s not the way mafia worked. And most certainly, it wasn’t the way he worked.

  Holding a briefcase by his side, he strolled down the corridor of one of the skyscrapers to reach his destination. For the first time in a long while, he was nervous. Not enough for it to be seen, but it was there. It wasn’t a good sign.

  He checked his phone one last time, ensuring that it was the right place, the right building and the right door. Taking a deep breath, he knocked and waited for someone to open.

  He knew who was supposed to answer, but it still surprised him immensely. In front of him was a woman with long, dark hair. Smooth skin, amazing legs and a body to die for. And that sure as hell wasn’t something he should have noticed. Of course, it wasn’t as if he had never seen other girls, maybe even more beautiful, but Noah doubted he would take an interest in any of them right now. In a room full of people he would somehow see her first. But that was probably because he knew her already. At least that’s what he told himself.

  "Noah?" the girl’s surprise was clear.

  Of all people, she’d thought there was no chance in hell she would see him again. Ever. It had been way too long. She’d heard about the man he’d become from all the magazines and websites, but not once had her imagination ventured to the day that very same person would be standing so close to her after four years.

  "Not someone you expected, I believe." His voice seemed more mature, deeper and raspier than she remembered. "It’s a pleasure to see you again, Inéz. Mind if I come in?"

  Still kind of paralyzed, the brunette opened the door wider, not even thinking about what she was doing. It wasn’t like they had ever been friends and she definitely shouldn’t be letting him in.

  He was still a mafia boss for goddess’ sake.

  If that didn’t scream trouble, Inéz wasn’t sure what did.

  Noah stepped into the apartment. It was spacious and luminous due to the floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a spectacular view of Seattle. It reminded him of his own in the city, but clearly a smaller and much cheaper version.

  "Who was it?"

  Footsteps echoed through the room and no one else but Isaac Henderson appeared, followed closely by Drew Ryder. All three of them had been living together since graduation.

  "What are you doing here? Are you lost or something?" asked Drew, anger clear in his voice.

  Even though Noah had tried to help Lynette Selvaggio every step of the way, the younger man still didn’t like him. Especially when there had been no sight of him at the funeral of the girl who had, at one point, been supposed to become his wife. It was like at the aircraft hangar he had tried to save her life, but after she’d died, Noah had found no use in pretending to care anymore. As if it had all been a big, fat joke for him. A game.

  For Drew that definitely wasn’t the case. Since Lynette’s death, everything had changed in him. He was no longer a laid-back, caring and full of hope boy. For a while, he hadn’t even been able to bring himself to visit her grave, but once he had, the cemetery turned into the first place someone could find him in. Sitting and talking to no one in particular. Drew missed her so much it still kept him from letting any other girl in. No one could ever measure up to Lynette. That was why the only friends he had left were Inéz, Isaac and occasionally Francisco, who’d left for Spain as soon as he’d graduated.

  "Nice to see you too, Ryder."

  Noah wasn’t even slightly offended by Drew’s tone. Which could come as a surprise to his soldiers because there wasn’t ever a time when he allowed someone to disrespect him. If it had been someone else, they would be on the floor, knife deep in their throat, bleeding out. That much was sure. He couldn’t count the times he’d almost killed the man a few years ago.

  "How long have you been in Seattle?" Inéz tried to defuse the situation, giving her best friend some time to cool down.

  It might have been four years, but Noah gladly admitted that even though the girl was still obviously scared of him, maybe more so than before, she was always there for her friends.

  Some things never change.

  And this was what Falcone appreciated in her. Fear didn’t rule her world, courage did. An admirable trait most people lacked.

  "Two days," he answered, sending a small smile towards the brunette.

  "Have you been to…" she stopped herself from finishing the sentence, realizing that Drew still didn’t like when someone said her name aloud. It caused all the bad memories to come flooding back.

  "To Lynette’s grave?" Noah wasn’t afraid to say it. Not even a little bit. He shook his head. "I haven’t and I will never go there."

  His answer was simple but made Drew even angrier. It was as if Falcone didn’t have any respect for the dead. And he actually didn’t. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise since he was a fucking mafia boss. Yet, Drew was on the verge of punching him for it.

  "Nevertheless, she is the reason I am here. I need your help."

  A short insult escaped Drew’s mouth. "There is nothing you could say that would make us help you with anything. Even if it has something to do with Lyn. You didn’t care for her. Or maybe you did as long as it was convenient for you. Once she died, you didn’t even bother to come to her funeral to say goodbye. So you can go now."

  Drew was nowhere near willing to liste
n to Noah. He turned around to leave the room when the words he dreamt of hearing every single night finally left someone’s mouth.

  "Lynette is alive."


  To say that this information shocked all three would be an understatement. They were practically on the verge of a freak-out. And a huge one at that. Isaac was watching Noah as if he was waiting for him to take those words back. Wondering whether he was joking to get their full attention. Inéz battled between being happy and thinking that it was a dream she was going to wake up from. When it came to Drew, he didn’t believe a word coming out of the man’s mouth. Unlike his friends, he had been there with Lynette till the end. He’d watched her say goodbye to him, her eyes slowly closing. Her breath had stopped and the paramedics’ valiant efforts to save her had been in vain. She was gone, but they still took her from his arms, like she was alive and could be saved. But she wasn’t. They’d wanted to give him false hope.

  There was no freaking way that in spite of all that the love of his life was alive.

  "Alright, I can see that you think I’m lying. To answer your question Ryder, I wasn’t at the funeral because at the very same moment I was saying goodbye to her at the airport. I got her a temporary passport so she could leave the country without anyone recognizing her."

  Noah didn’t have to tell Inéz twice. She was the only one who knew he wouldn’t lie about something that important. His grey eyes didn’t hide anything right now. Pure truth shone brightly in them. Besides, he always preferred the most painful truth to a lie.

  Her smile widened thinking about Lynette surviving and leaving her hell-hole of a life far behind. She’d deserved more, and, somehow, she’d got her wish.


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