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Untamed (Omertà Book 2)

Page 17

by Anna Widzisz

  He grasped her hips, pinning her to the wall as he tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth. She moaned into the kiss and brushed his hair with her fingers. It was so soft that she didn’t even want to let go of it. The heat was almost unbearable all the way down. Noah’s palm slid to her ass, squeezing it. She pulled at his hair, which had the same impact on him as when he played with her lower lip, biting it lightly. The man moaned lowly and pushed her into the wall harder. He found his way under her dress and ran his hands all over her body. Then he slid the strings and yanked a piece of clothing down, leaving her in the underwear.

  Inéz pulled her head away a little bit, a feeling of deja vu flashing in her mind. Noah opened his eyes and smirked, brushing her hair back to gain a better view of her chest.

  "Buon compleanno, Inéz," he rasped, wishing her happy birthday, still slightly breathless.

  He nuzzled his head into the nape of her neck and licked it, then started kissing down. The girl got on her tiptoes with an overwhelming need to have him as close as possible.

  Noah reached her chest and lifted her without any problem.

  "You shouldn’t be carrying me. The stitches are too fragile for something like that." Inéz whined, resting her palm near his wound. Her head lowered, examining it. There was going to be a scar for sure. Another one to the collection that adorned his perfectly shaped body.

  "I don’t fucking care," he murmured, laying her body down on his king-sized bed.

  There was only need in his eyes as he looked at her. The same hunger that she had seen in the club yesterday. She smiled at him, a dark blush covering her cheeks. It was like she was the most confident person in the world one minute and the shyest one the next. With Noah, it all mixed together and she wasn’t sure of anything anymore.

  The man went back to kissing her body and sliding down to her stomach, stopping just by the waistband of her panties. He didn't even care that they were still smeared with blood. His eyes once again rested on her. "As much as I hate thinking about Elio right now I have to ask," he started.

  "I’m not a virgin." she answered, realizing what he wanted to know.

  Anger flashed in him. As possessive as he was when it came to the girl, he usually didn’t look for an inexperienced woman. But with her, it was the exact opposite.

  He sighed, taking control of his emotions. It wouldn’t be reasonable to make a big deal out of it. It wasn’t his kind of behavior.

  Before they could go back to it, steps sounded in the hallway and the doors swung open. Flavio came in with a determined expression. As he saw them on the bed, his older brother hovering over Inéz, he rolled his eyes. "Dire situation my ass," he snarled.

  Noah laughed. "I’m glad to be alive too, brother. You can go back to whatever you were doing, or whoever you were doing," he joked, dismissing his Underboss.

  "As much as I would love to, we have a problem," he said. "Get yourself together. I’ll be waiting downstairs," he added and left.

  Inéz laughed, pushing Noah lightly to escape his grip. "It would be a day wasted if there wasn’t a problem in the Famiglia world," she mocked, standing up.

  She moved to the bathroom where her dress had been tossed on the floor, only to find it all covered in blood. Just like her body. The Capo joined her, grabbing her waist from behind, kissing the side of her neck.

  "Take one of my shirts," he said, pointing to his walk-in closet on the other side of the room.

  Inéz nodded, already imagining what would hear the moment she got down to the living room. Her friends won’t let it slide like that. They would for sure give her hell. Especially Drew who had always warned her not to get involved with Falcone. Repeatedly.

  She quickly cleaned herself with a wipe before going into the closet in search of something to put on. Nothing seemed even remotely fitting. Nevertheless, she didn’t care that much and chose a black t-shirt that covered her thighs and soon both of them went down, meeting the others. Along with Flavio, Nicodemo had also come. All four of them were sitting on the couches.

  "I’m not even going to ask," said Drew looking up and down his friend’s body. Even if her dress hadn’t been soaked in blood and she had still been wearing it, there was no denying that something had happened upstairs. She just shrugged and sat down next to the Enforcer.

  "Filippo Bazzoli contacted me today," explained Flavio. "He wants his cousin and her daughter back."

  The older Falcone laughed. "Like that’s going to happen. He made a move first. That means war. I’m not backing out," he stated confidently. "We are strong and, unlike him, I have many loyal people because I weeded out the bad seeds. He can kiss my ass. We already gave him his shipments back."

  Flavio nodded. "I figured that would be your answer. But we still have to take some precaution measures. Most of all, the initiation has to be done as soon as possible," he advised, looking at Isaac and Drew. They were supposed to finish their training first, but it seemed like everything would have to change.

  "Then call up all my captains and tell them that the initiation is in two days," Noah said. "And now, it’s the end of business talk. Seriously, it could’ve waited till tomorrow, brother."

  He walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking out two bottles of champagne. His face lit up, and Inéz’s turned stone cold. On the inside she was anxious. Memories flashed in her mind.

  "Someone is turning twenty-one today."

  Noah poured the alcohol to the glasses and gave them to everyone. He then grabbed Inéz and pulled her up, kissing her cheek. "Buon compleanno, cara."

  She smiled at him, clinking her glass with the others’ but didn’t take a sip. Drew and Isaac’s eyes were on her, worried. She only signaled to them that she was alright and to enjoy their drinks. Even though she hated her birthdays, it wasn’t the time and place to ruin it for the others as well. If they wanted to celebrate something that for her was just a stack of unforgettable images that had permanently settled in her heart and head, then so be it. Inéz had to get over it sooner rather than later.

  Yet, her actions didn’t escape Noah’s attention. With a frown, he glanced at her but didn’t comment. Inéz already knew that the questions would come later.


  Usually, the anxiety of waiting for her father to come back home from work was the hardest thing Inéz had to survive. The anticipation that after nine hours he would come back to his little princess, as he loved to call her. It was all she looked forward to each day. Throughout the day her mind had been occupied trying to come up with activities the two of them could do later. Play with the toys she had, make up another ridiculous game only they understood, or just lay down on the couch and watch a cartoon. She loved them all.

  With her natural grace, she tiptoed to the kitchen where her mother was sitting with their neighbor, talking in half-whispers. Probably about someone they weren’t supposed to. Gossiping was their favorite pastime. Peeking out from behind the wall that separated the hall and the kitchen, she wondered whether she was allowed to come in. The woman with long dark hair and olive skin stopped mid-sentence, spotting the ten-year-old girl and her eyes changed to loving and delicate. She smiled warmly, inviting her to come closer. Inéz squealed and ran into her arms. As close as she was with her father, her mother was also her best friend. And since she used to travel a lot for work, they didn’t see each other as much as they would want to.

  It was still something to get used to - seeing her mother at home. She had been deployed in France for three months and had only returned yesterday evening. "Hungry, niña?" The woman asked, playing with her daughter’s high ponytail. Inéz nodded her head. It was time for dinner, but they always waited for her father, so there was still an hour to spare.

  "You still have to wait a little bit longer. But you can take one cookie from the jar on the table. Just one," she said and soon the girl was out of the kitchen, running towards the dining area where she knew the sweets always were.

  As she was sitting on a c
hair, relishing the chocolate treat, her twin brother stepped inside the room, his deep brown eyes zooming in on Inéz. His lips curved as he decided to join his sister and reached for the cookie.

  "Mum didn’t let you eat one too. You must ask her first," Inéz whined but the boy didn’t listen. He clearly believed that they were equal and if she was allowed to have a cookie, so was he. No one said anything, knowing that their mother wasn’t the most patient person and hated when the two of them started grumbling to her about such unimportant things, fighting over them. Neither was keen on being grounded so they kept quiet.

  Exactly at half-past six, the Díez family sat down to eat dinner. They talked about everything from the twins’ day in school, the man’s work and the first full day back. Just a normal get-together. However, something was bothering Sergio Díez. He was rather quiet, answering only if necessary. It wasn’t hard to realize. Especially as the parents locked themselves up in their bedroom and fighting and screaming lasted throughout most of the evening and night. The kids could hear every word, but they still pretended like it was nothing serious. After all, they were only ten years old and neither knew nor could do anything.

  § § §

  A knock sounded and Inéz raised her head from under the covers. She couldn’t take another night filled with a screaming match. It had been happening for two years now, non-stop. Her mother couldn’t be in the same room as her husband and somehow act neutrally. She cried whenever she was alone and thought no one heard, and Inéz did too. Just because she felt so terribly sad all the time. Her house, once a peaceful place, full of love and laughter, was now the last place she wanted to be. Her father started coming back really late at night, usually drunk. It only added fuel to the fire.

  Francisco came up to her bed and sat on its edge, studying his twin’s face. He was better at hiding the sorrow and tried to do everything he could to make his sister feel better.

  Inéz scooted over to one side of the bed, making room for her brother. He lay down automatically. There wasn’t a night they hadn’t slept together, talking and making up stories, just to forget. Tears welled up in the girl’s eyes as she heard the loud crack of glass shattering coming from downstairs.

  "Why are our parents fighting all the time?" she asked quietly on the verge of crying.

  Francisco sighed, shaking his head. "I don’t know. But it’s all going to blow over and it’ll be alright."

  The brunette bit her lip as not to burst into tears. She wanted to be strong. Just like her brother was. However, they might be the same age, look alike and know each other perfectly, but they were complete opposites as far as personality went. She was fragile, he was tough.

  "I’m scared."

  He looked her in the eyes. "I’m here for you. Just hold on to whatever there is inside your heart that makes you survive," he said but wasn’t sure whether the words could help her in any way. Simply because they were just words. "You're my sister."

  § § §

  When Inéz thought it couldn’t get worse, her father came home drunker than usual on the day of twins' eleventh birthday. And what was even worse, he was already furious, not like when he gradually got angrier as he started talking to his wife. And it was one in the morning, but none of them could sleep.

  The twins were sitting on the stairs, even after their mother had ordered them to go to sleep numerous times. They were worried that something had happened to their father. But as soon as the front door was slammed open and they noticed a man barely standing straight, they breathed out a huge sigh of relief. However, it was short-lasting when they met his eyes. They were dark and empty. No love, tenderness or happiness. And as their mother shouted at him for coming so late, he completely lost it. The words that flew out of his mouth towards his wife were anything but nice. Swears and spiteful insults were being hissed out as if they were long overdue.

  Francisco grabbed his sister’s hand, trying to drag her up the stairs and back to her room. He didn’t want her to hear it, and probably didn’t want to hear it himself. But the girl stood frozen. Tears were streaming from her eyes like waterfalls. She was hurt. Devastated. Her heart was breaking as she saw her mother’s expression fall, losing all hope. She moved towards the woman to hug her, but Sergio yanked her backwards by the arm. A painful snap could be heard, making her cry out loudly. But Inéz was determined to get to her mother so she ignored it and stepped once again forward.

  Her struggle was for nothing, as the man grabbed her once again.

  "Leave her alone!" Francisco yelled, stepping in to protect his sister. However, he was much weaker than his father so when he pushed him, he tumbled to the floor.

  "Don’t get fucking involved in this, boy," he spat out hatefully. The alcohol had completely taken over his mind and body. He had been drinking for a long time now, but never this much. The odor of alcohol was almost touchable. No matter how far or close someone was standing.

  Inéz whimpered. It annoyed Sergio as he looked at his daughter once again. She shivered, getting really scared and backed out slowly towards the stairs. As she felt the first step hit her calves, she turned around and ran towards her room.

  "Come back here, you ungrateful little bitch!" Sergio shouted, easily catching up to her.

  A woman’s screams filled the house. She wanted her husband to leave the children be. And the way he was digging his fingers into Inéz’s arms looked dangerous. There would be bruising for quite a while.

  "Don't you dare lace into our children because of your problems at work," the woman intervened.

  "Dad," she said almost begging him to let her go. Francisco tried to push his father aside, but it irritated the man even more. He kicked his son, throwing him to the wall. Inéz struggled to help her brother.

  "Shut up!"

  The girl felt the wind hit her face as Sergio pushed her back. Then the mortifying crack of bones could be heard as Inéz landed on her back, colliding with the sharp edge of the stairs. Her head smashed against it, knocking her unconscious.

  After this, the twins were never the same. Family still defined them, branding them as survivors trying to make the best out of each day. Protecting each other from evil. Pretending that they hadn’t been broken on that very day. The day of their birthday.


  The problem with wearing a mask is that eventually you can’t take it off. Yet, when Inéz was telling Noah the story of her childhood, somehow it shattered. Pieces fell down on the floor and there was no glue left to put them back together. Besides, she didn’t want to. She was tired of hiding herself, pretending that everything was alright. It wasn’t. Not even a little bit. Ever since her father had come home that ill-fated day, she had stopped being a kid. She had changed inside. The memories were still haunting her even though her family had been slowly and tediously repaired.

  Because it wasn’t easy. After all, how could someone go back to their innocent self after such horrifying experiences? Inéz was alive because of the amazing doctors that had taken care of her. They were the only ones to thank. Because of the impact of her spine and head against the hard, sharp steps, her recovery could easily be referred to as a miracle. That her back hadn’t snapped in two, rendering her a cripple for the rest of her life. If not dead, that was.

  So many years had gone by, but Inéz could still remember the pain, the fear, the cold. Every damn thing. Terrifying feelings that she wouldn’t wish on the devil himself. Maybe her mind jumped to that comparison because she had more in common with Satan at this point than she wanted to admit out loud.

  "I will fucking kill the motherfucker," Noah hissed.

  His eyes became darker, making the girl’s breath catch in her throat. He had the power to scare her with simple words. It didn’t matter that they were coming from a place of protectiveness over her. A monster hid within Noah. But he was the only one she didn’t want to run away from, even if the path he was leading her on was getting too dark to see what lay ahead.

  She shivered, whic
h the Capo saw, making him lower his voice. "Don’t," she whispered.

  It was almost four in the morning, but neither Noah nor Inéz cared. The man wouldn’t leave without answers. Each day there were more and more things he noticed out of place about the girl. Her undoubtable fascination with brutality, over-the-top bravery as she hid the fear she obviously felt, and reluctance towards alcohol.

  "How can you be alright with him still breathing? For fuck’s sake, Inéz, the moment you learned who I was should have been the time to tell me this story. I would have helped you get revenge."

  Inéz laughed. He didn’t understand it. "I love my father, Noah. It was a dark time and not just for me. He made a mistake. A big one. I could have died because of it. But he is my dad and I forgave him the moment I opened my eyes in that godforsaken hospital. And I don’t regret it for one second. What happened to me made me stronger," she said.

  "You were a child. You didn’t need to be strong, you needed to be safe."

  Noah probably thought he would have acted differently. That he would kill his father if their roles were reversed. But it wasn’t true. As someone born into the mafia, he most likely saw and experienced much worse. Marco Falcone could have never in a million years been a decent human being. Let alone a good parent. However, Noah still respected him enough not to put a bullet in his head on the first occasion. They were the same. Shaped by their pasts.

  "How did you recover?"

  "Long years of rehabilitation. I actually only stopped a little bit after graduating high school. I tried many sports as they were supposed to help me."

  The Capo shook his head. "Pole dancing can’t possibly be good for your spine."

  "It’s not. But I’m an adult and I am responsible for my actions. Besides, I know what things are out of the question as far as dancing goes. So don’t worry, because I would never knowingly endanger myself," she assured the man.


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