Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1)

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Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1) Page 5

by Danielle Burton

  He just didn’t get it. The way Benji went through women, there was no doubt he left a string of broken hearts behind. That wasn’t me. Although Brooke hadn’t cared about my heart when she’d done what she did, I wasn’t like her. It wasn’t that easy for me. Brooke loved me in her own way. I’d figured that out when she’d begged for my forgiveness. “I promised her I’d try to work things out. It’s only been a few weeks. Things will get better.”

  “You honestly believe that? She hasn’t changed, Jay.” He paused the game and turned to face me. “I love you like a brother, hell you basically are. But sometimes I want to smack you upside the head. You don’t owe that girl a damn thing after what she put you through. And she’s lucky I don’t hit women or I’d have punched her ass in the throat.”

  I sighed and turned to the ceiling with my eyes closed. “Can we just drop it?”

  “Yeah, when you drop her.” He was silent for a while and I hoped he’d yielded to my request. “Speaking of promises. Why keep one to that female dog and not your best friend?”

  I opened my eyes and glared at him. That was just low. “Yeah, throw that up in my face. Some brother you are.” I faced the ceiling again, my thoughts drifting to Gabi. “That’s a decision I’ll regret for the rest of my life.”

  “As you should. Gabi’s a nice girl. The type you should be with.”

  “We’re just friends.”

  “Even better. The best marriages start off as friendships.”

  Those words seemed awfully familiar. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. “Did my mom tell you to say that?”

  “No, I just happen to agree with her. Gabi’s the one for you. Marry her.”

  “Just friends, Benj.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  “Those are big words coming from someone who doesn’t even believe in marriage.”

  “Who says I don’t believe in marriage?”

  “Your dick for starters, and its need to screw anything moving.” My phone buzzed but I ignored it. Probably just Brooke still pissed about Benji.

  “First of all, I make very careful selections. Not every woman is deserving of Benjamin Creed. Second, I have nothing against marriage or relationships for that matter. I just know it won’t even happen for me. People like me don’t get happy endings, I’m too screwed up. You on the other hand, are the type of guy to be in a relationship for two years with someone who doesn’t deserve you. And I’m hoping the type to dump her and marry your best friend.”

  I chose to ignore his third attempt to pitch the idea of Gabi to me. Wasn’t happening.

  He grabbed his phone from the foot of his bed and started scrolling through it. “I’m ordering wings. Want some?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Well too bad. You didn’t bring me any cake, so you ain’t getting no wings.”

  “Whatever. Get barbecue.”


  I listened while he placed the order for two batches, one chipotle and one barbecue.

  Gabi’s face floated into my mind again. My mom and Benji needed to stop trying to play matchmaker. Life wasn’t a movie where best friends turned lovers and lived happily ever after. I wasn’t about to jeopardize the greatest friendship on a maybe. Besides the fact that Gabi and I didn’t see each other that way, I wasn’t going to risk losing her again.

  My phone buzzed for the second time, I turned it over and saw that I had two text messages from an unknown number. The first was a simple ‘Hey’ and the second a picture of Gabi making a funny face. I laughed at the image of her with her tongue sticking out and her eyes going two different directions. I never understood how she did that. I returned her message with a photo of my own and waited for her reply.

  We played who could send the silliest face for a while until she finally relented, giving me victory.

  Gabi: Goofball

  Me: You started it.

  Gabi: Are you busy?

  Me: Nah. Chillin’, ‘bout to eat.

  Gabi: Please don’t mention food. I’m still full from cake. How are you even hungry?

  Me: Big appetite. Plus I didn’t eat as much as you, greedy.

  Gabi: :P

  Me: Did you enjoy your b-day?

  Gabi: Yes! Best ever. Thank you.

  We continued to text while I waited for the wings to arrive. I found out she still ran track, but had given up long distance for hurdles.

  Twenty minutes later, wings in hand, I called her and put the phone on speaker to avoid getting it sticky. She and Benji were now arguing over which sport was better, track or basketball. He’d said track wasn’t a real sport, and now Gabi was cursing him every way but south.

  “Do you know how much leg strength is required for hurdles? How do you train, shoot a few balls in a net?”

  Benji hunched over in silent laughter at how riled up Gabi was. We both knew he was just bullshitting to get on her nerves. He’d switched to track junior year of high school and actually ran the same event as her.

  “You mean those little ostrich legs of yours?”

  “Don’t make me come over there and show you how strong they are by kicking your butt.”

  “I’m sure there are plenty of other ways you can show me how strong they are.”

  “Eww, Benji.”

  I tossed a chicken bone at him. “Too far.”


  I cleaned my hands and took my phone off speaker. “Sorry about that.”

  “He’s nasty.”

  “I know. He thinks he can get away with it ‘cause he’s pretty. One these days someone’s gonna see past those blue eyes and kick his ass.”

  “I hope I’m there to watch.”

  I laughed at their antics. They’d been getting on each other’s nerves for as long as we’d been friends, but if it came down to it we all knew they’d have each other’s backs. “So what are you up to this weekend?”

  “Prepping for school and some light training.”


  “Same. But Sunday’s I have breakfast with my parents. Wanna come?”

  “If this cake’s digested by then, sure.”

  We spent the rest of the day reminiscing and catching up on our lives apart. I woke somewhere around ten with the phone still pressed to my ear and Gabi’s soft breaths on the other side. Not wanting to hang up on her, I put the phone on speaker and laid it on the pillow next to me so I could hear her if she woke up.

  I drifted back to sleep with a smile on my face, thinking of how lucky I was to have her in my life again.

  ~ ♥ ~

  Friday afternoon I settled onto the bench press at Carter’s Gym and scanned the area for one of the trainers. From what I could see they were all busy with other members.

  “Need a spot?”

  I turned to my left and found Gabi grinning down at me. My gaze slid over the gray beater and basketball shorts she wore before meeting her eyes. “Hey, what are doing here?”

  “Same thing everyone does at the gym, Silly, working out. Just finished some dumbbell lunges. So…any who. You didn’t answer my question. Do you want me to spot you?”

  “Uh…” I glanced around the gym again then returned my attention to her. “Actually I was waiting on one of the trainers.”

  “Well, they’re busy. So I’ll do it.” She popped the top on her water bottle and took a healthy swig.

  “Appreciate the offer, but I’m lifting two fifty.”

  Her brow lifted at the same time as she lowered her bottle. “Are you trying to call me weak Mr. Adams?”

  “No, Ms. Tanner. I’m saying the spotter has to be able to lift the weight off me if need be. Can you lift two fifty? If so I’d be hella impressed.”

  “Well...no, but…” She tugged at the thin silver chain around her neck then stuck her tongue out at me.

  I chuckled and grabbed up my own water bottle then stood. “I’ll just work on my abdominals until someone’s free.” I moved over to that area with Gabi close behind. Luckily my favori
te machine was available.

  She took the one across from me and adjusted the weights before sitting down. A small smirk formed on her face, giving way to a big smile. “Why is that we keep having these random run ins?”

  I slid back into position and began my first set. “There’s nothing random about it, Little Red. You’re a stalker.”

  Her mouth flopped open and she stopped exercising. “Am not. Besides, the time in the court yard it was you who showed up. Not to mention tracking me down at my dorm. Pretty sure that makes you the stalker in this situation.”

  “Yeah because you being in River Crest is by complete coincidence.”

  To that she dropped her gaze and pulled her lower lip between her teeth. “I just really missed it here.”

  I watched her for a moment, curious about her change in demeanor. Once upon a time I could read her like a book. That I now couldn’t was troubling. It further solidified an idea I’d been trying to bury for days. Our bond was fractured. I had to find a way to repair it, and fast, because I’d never needed a friend…never needed her as much as I did right now. “I feel you on that. I could travel this whole globe, but I’d always come back here. River Crest is home.”

  Her eyes lifted to mine again and she graced me with a smile.

  The rest of our workout was filled with jokes and laughter which made it almost impossible to keep count of my reps or exercise at all. When we finished, we both showered at the gym and changed before heading back to the dorms.

  About half way there Gabi fell behind me. Before I could turn to see why, she was on my back with my ear clamped between her teeth.


  She cackled like a hyena then slid to the ground. “I almost forgot how fun that was.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her, fighting a smile while I rubbed my ear. “Yeah, abuse is always fun. I think I’m bleeding.”

  Smacking her lips, she reached up and examined my ear. “You are not. What you are though…is still a big baby.” She stuck her tongue out then bolted away from me.

  “Oh now you’re just asking for it.” I dropped both of our gym bags I’d been carrying and took off after her. My laughter came with ease for the first time in weeks, months even.

  Our game of chase went on for a few minutes, with me catching up to her a few times only for her to pivot out of my grasp and take off again.

  When we finally made it to my dorm Gabi collapsed onto my bed still giggling. Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths and a bit of sweat glistened on her forehead. “Guess I’m the fastest now.”

  “You wish. I could’ve caught you if I really wanted to.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that.” A few minutes later slid to the floor and crawled over to the DVD collection stacked beside the dresser. “Wanna watch something?”

  “Sure. Your pick.” I settled onto the floor with my back leaning against the bed while she chose a flick then put it in before coming to sit beside me.

  As the movie got underway Gabi rubbed at her calf, a grimace etched on her face.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Think I pushed myself too hard. Kinda sore.”

  “Lemme see.” I draped her leg over mine and massaged the back of her calf just below the bend of her knee. “Right here?”

  She nodded, her frown deepening as I pressed my fingers into the stiff muscle. After a few moments her eyes drifted closed, a tiny moan escaping her lips.

  I was pondering over her delicate features when the door swung open and Benji stepped in.

  He paused at the door, his brow lifted and a smirk crept over his face. “What ya’ll in here doing?”

  “Nothing.” I returned Gabi’s leg to its original position then tucked my hands at my sides.

  “Uh huh. Sup Gabe.”

  She rolled her eyes at him then turned her attention to the TV. “Hey Benita.”

  He smacked his lips as he flopped down on his bed. “Ha ha.”

  Gabi frowned at the TV and while digging into her gym bag. “I don’t think I could ever do that.”

  I glanced at the screen then at her. “Do what?”

  “Marry a man who already has kids.” She tore open a bag of freeze dried peaches and popped one in her mouth. “Call me selfish, but I want my husband to be the father of my kids and my kids only. I don’t like sharing.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” I said reaching for her snack.

  ~ ♥ ~

  Damn the sun. How was a guy supposed to enjoy his Saturday when he got heat stroke the minute he stepped outside? I hated summer, being hot made me irritable, which was why I decided to go for a swim in the lake to cool down.

  I stopped walking to pull my shirt over my head then used it to wipe the sweat from my face. When I opened my eyes again I smiled. I could’ve spotted that hair from a mile away, cascading over her shoulders in all its frizzy glory.

  Gabi walked down the beach dressed in a light purple bikini top and a pair of white cotton shorts. She hadn’t noticed me yet, so I waited for her to pass then followed. Now was the perfect opportunity to get her back for that little surprise attack the day before.

  I crept behind her, hoping she didn’t spot me before I could strike. When I was close enough, I grabbed her waist and growled in her ear.

  She screamed and leapt away from me. I couldn’t help but laugh at her angry face when she turned around. Intimidating…not. When she noticed it was me her gaze softened, but she smacked my chest, hard. “That is not funny!” She tried to hide her amusement, but a smile peeked through. “Jerk.”

  “Love you, too.”

  She made a face at me in response, and stuck out her tongue.

  “Calling me names and making faces? I think someone needs a whooping.” I dropped my shirt to the sand and took a step toward her.

  She took one back. “Don’t you dare.”

  I moved closer still and bent down to grab her legs. She screamed and giggled as I threw her over my shoulder and took off toward the water. “No Jay! I don’t want lake water in my hair!”

  I ignored her cries and kept running. When I was knee deep in the lake, I dropped her in with a big splash.

  She kicked around screaming and laughing. “I’m gonna kill you. Right after I make you shampoo my hair.”

  That didn’t sound like a bad idea. I’d always loved her hair, so running my fingers through it sounded quite appealing. A huge splash hit my face, and once my vision cleared, I spotted Gabi swimming further out. She was begging for it.

  I chased her, ducked beneath the surface, grabbed hold of her calf, and pulled her under. Rays of sun penetrated the water, lighting up her hair. My Little Mermaid smiling at me and crossing her eyes made my day.

  I forgot all about the scorching heat as we laughed and played in Juniper Lake. Our spot. I couldn’t believe how alive I felt, it was almost like we were kids again. The sun was beginning to sink toward the horizon before we finally got out of the water and fell onto the sand.

  We sat there together talking, stopping only long enough to marvel at the dazzling sunset as the fragments of our friendship slowly fell back into place. After the final rays of light disappeared, we headed back to the campus, reminiscing on days’ past. I had only one thought as we parted ways, and I headed to my dorm. Best day ever.



  Early Sunday morning I slid into Jay’s truck with what seemed to be my permanent traveling companions, the couple thousand butterflies in my stomach. You’d think after two days of hanging out they would’ve calmed down by now. But no, just the thought of him sent the winged creatures into a tizzy.

  Jay shut the door behind me and went around to his side. I took the opportunity to admire the interior of his ride. One of those little tree air fresheners hung from the rearview mirror filling the car with the scent of pine. Everything was immaculate, not even a particle of dust on the dash board.

  Something shifted behind me, and I almost leapt back out until I reali
zed it was only Benji. He lay across the back seat with a ball cap over his face.

  When Jay climbed in and smiled at me, revealing those sinfully sexy dimples, the thoughts in my head came spilling from my mouth before I could stop them. “I like your smile.”

  It widened, sinking his dimples further than I thought possible. For a brief second I wondered how far I could stick the tip of my tongue inside. I whipped my head toward the front window and captured a strand my hair between my teeth. What in the world was wrong with me? Down girl. He’s spoken for.

  “I like yours, too.” He flipped on the AC then pulled out of his spot and toward the exit of the parking lot. “You look nice today.”

  I glanced down at my pale purple, spaghetti strap top and jean shorts and smiled. I rarely did ‘girly’, but I’d chosen my ensemble hoping it would catch Jay’s eye. Just because I was trying to be patient and wait for him to see me as someone other than his best friend, didn’t mean I couldn’t do everything in my power to make sure that happened. “Thank you.”

  “I see you straightened your hair.”

  “Yeah.” I ran my fingers through my bone straight tresses, which had taken over two hours to accomplish, and smiled when they didn’t snag any tangles. “I needed a break from all the frizz.”

  He glanced at me from the corner of his eye, and then returned his attention to the street. “I don’t know, I kind of like frizzy Gabi.”

  “Don’t worry, she’ll be back tomorrow.”

  “I think you look nice either way.”

  “Do ya’ll mind flirting later?” Benji called from the back seat. “I’m trying to sleep.”

  Jay stopped hard at the intersection.

  Benji’s arms were folded so he didn’t have time to catch himself before he rolled onto the floor between the front and back seats. “Man, fuck you, Jay.”

  Close to an hour later we pulled up to Jay’s parents’ house. Benji hopped out before the car was in park and jogged up to the door.

  Jay chuckled at his crazy cousin before turning to me. “My mom’s excited to see you. I think she missed you more than I did. When you left she said she felt like she’d lost a daughter.”


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