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Excuse Me, First Love (College Daze #1)

Page 24

by Danielle Burton

  Smirking, I looked over at Cam. “Maybe we should enlist that rule.”

  “Why, so you can get freaky with your boyfriend?”


  Jay chuckled, and pulled me closer. “Speaking of rules. I have some.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” He traced the line of my lips, and then pressed a gentle kiss to them. “I want kisses, with tongue, at least twice a day. You can’t ever let go of my hand. And whenever I say ‘I love you’ you have to drop whatever you’re doing and hug me.”

  I cupped his face, staring into those dark chocolate eyes. “I think those should be pretty easy to follow.”

  “I love you.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips. “I love you, too.” I kissed him again, offering him my tongue this time, which he eagerly accepted with his own.

  “Get a room!” Benji’s words invaded our love bubble, but we ignored him.

  I pressed my forehead to Jay’s. “Do I get rules?”

  “Whatever you want, beautiful.”

  “You have to tell me you love me every single day, snuggle me when I’m cold, I get cold a lot. And when I’m sad you have to hold me until it goes away.”

  “I think I can handle that.” His warm fingers traced the line of my jaw.

  “Oh! And kill spiders, centipedes, and basically anything with more than four legs.”

  He chuckled and kissed me again. I was never going to get used to that. He abandoned my lips to look at me. “Are you cold?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “Too bad. I wanted to a reason to hold you.”

  I giggled, tugging him into yet another kiss. “You don’t need a reason.”

  “Well, in that case...” He leaned back against the booth and squished me to his chest.

  Benji frowned at us and stood.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To throw up.”

  After ordering our food we all sat and enjoyed lunch. Jay spoon fed me his ice cream while Benji made gagging noises across the table.

  I rolled my eyes at him then excused myself to go to the ladies’ room.

  When I exited I almost ran face first into Keem. His lips formed a frown and his eyes looked a bit puffy.


  “Hey.” He leaned against the wall, staring down at his boots. “I see you finally got your man.”

  I fought the urge to smile or glance back at Jay so not to rub our blossoming romance in Keem’s face. “Yeah.

  “The good guy really does finish last.”


  “Don’t apologize to me again, Gabi. Just...make sure he keeps that smile on your face.” He turned toward the employee entrance to the kitchen then disappeared inside.

  I hugged my arms to my body and leaned against the wall.

  “Hey, you okay, Little Red?”

  I turned to Jay and my face hurt from smiling so hard. I felt a tinge of guilt for doing so, knowing that my happiness was at Keem’s expense. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

  ~ ♥ ~

  “You’re still not ready?” Jay’s eyes followed me across the room as I went to the dresser to brush my hair.

  I stuck my tongue out at him. “I was ready an hour ago until somebody made me all sweaty and I had to re-take my shower, and then that same somebody decided to follow me into the shower.”

  He stood and came to stand behind me. “Knowing you were naked and covered in suds in the next room, how could a man resist?” His arms snaked around my waist and he crept his hands toward my breasts.

  “Oh no you don’t.” Despite my words, I leaned into him as he cupped them and gave a gentle squeeze.

  “One more time.”


  “Please?” His hands found their way to my jeans and unsnapped them. He then slid his warm fingers into my panties and nestled them into my now moist folds.

  “Mmmmm.” I caught his wrist and tried in vain to remove his hand and not swoon from the circles it rubbed. “We’re going to be late.” I gripped his arm tighter and arched against him. This was insane. We hadn’t stopped touching each other since the night before. I’d lost count of orgasms that morning. It was like we couldn’t get enough of each other. You’d think we’d be satisfied by now, but no, each time only made the ache worse. I needed him, now.

  We lay on the bed naked and out of breath. Jay rested his head on my belly looking up at me. “You’re sexy.”

  “I’m sore, Energizer Bunny. I was a virgin until last night in case you forgot.”

  He traced lazy circles on my skin. “I will never forget last night. I’m still having trouble believing you’re mine.”

  I smiled and stroked his hair. “I am. And you’re mine. Forever.”

  “Forever.” He kissed my fingers and then lifted his head, a sly smile on his adorable face. “You know, I could sooth that soreness with my tongue.”

  My body heated up at the thought, but I crossed my legs and shook my head. “As amazing as that sounds, I’d like to make it to the skating rink before dinner with your parents.”

  He sighed and kissed my belly before pushing off the bed. “Alright, alright. But later, you’re all mine.”

  ~ ♥ ~

  I looped around Jay on my ice skates, giggling while he tried to catch me. “Did I mention I’ve been practicing?”

  He finally caught my hand and pulled me to his chest. “I see.”

  I circled his neck with my arms and laced my fingers together. “What made you choose ice skating for our first date?”

  “Honestly, I kind of wanted to catch you when you fell and be your hero.”

  I snuggled deeper into his embrace and rested my head on his chest. “You can still be my hero.”

  “Nah, you’re your own hero. That’s what I always loved about you. You want me, but you don’t need me.”

  Looking up at him, I frowned. “I do need you. Maybe not to fight my battles, but without you my soul is lonely. It needs its mate.”

  His lips met mine in a slow kiss. “I couldn’t have prayed for a better soul mate, or best friend.” He gave me another peck then smiled. “Now, time for the second half of our date.”

  ~ ♥ ~

  I glanced over at Jay from the passenger seat. “The second half of our date is at your parents? I thought we weren’t going until dinner.”

  “I never said that. What I said was we were having dinner with my parents. I need to help my dad with something first.”

  When we got in the house he snuck me down to the basement and made me stay there. His parents didn’t know about us yet and he wanted it to be a surprise. A while later sweet and savory aromas filled the house, making my stomach grumble. After another hour of me playing games on my phone Jay finally came to get me.

  We walked hand in hand into the kitchen where Mr. and Mrs. Adams were seated. The lights were dimmed and the table was set with the quality of a fancy restaurant, including lit candles. His mom smiled at me, she was so frail I thought she’d fall over, but at least she was out of bed.

  When his parents saw us, huge grins had spread across both their faces. His dad stood to greet me. “I see you two finally got some sense. Friends again?”

  “Actually,” Jay brought my hand to his lips and kissed it, staring down at me with a look in his eyes I’d only dreamed of. “we’re a lot more than that.”

  Mrs. Adams covered her mouth, tears filling her eyes and Mr. Adams brought me and Jay into a bear hug. “Well it’s about damn time.”

  We all shared a laugh as he released us. “Now,” he said clasped his hands together. “Let’s eat.”

  The night was filled with laughter, pleasant conversations, and Mrs. Adams casually hinting about grandchildren. The thought was bittersweet. Having a family with Jayson would be wonderful, but it saddened me to know they may never know one of their grandmothers.

  Later that night back at his dorm, I lay snuggled in Jay’s arms, listening to him snore.<
br />
  The double date with his parents had been an amazing addition to our day. I kept thinking I was going to wake up from this incredible dream of Jay finally loving me. Being with him could only be described with one word. Perfect.

  Twenty - Six


  I’d woken up with Gabi in my arms every day for a week and still could hardly believe it. She was mine. Every part of her. From her gorgeous laugh, to her frizzy hair, and her soft, sexy body.

  Our first date had been fun, hanging out with her always was, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to do something truly special to commemorate this moment in time so I’d woke early to sneak out and begin planning. One peek at her sleeping, naked form and I almost changed my mind.

  She’d texted me a couple times to see where I’d disappeared to, but my only reply was a winking emoji.

  It took a couple hours to get everything set up, but I was more than confident she’d enjoy our little adventure. I knocked on her door at a quarter to twelve with one hand behind my back.

  Cam let me in and I went over to where my Strawberry Shortcake sat on her bed, folding clothes for our trip to Chicago.

  She looked up at me and graced me with that gorgeous smile, which brightened when I revealed the bouquet of poinsettias I had hidden behind my back. “Aww.” She stood and nestled into my arms. “You bought me flowers?”

  I squeezed her to me, intoxicated by the warmth of her embrace. “Anything for my beautiful, sexy girlfriend.”

  “Why thank you, gorgeous, delicious boyfriend.”

  “Oh, I’m delicious, am I?”

  “Very.” She puckered her lips and I happily obliged her request for a kiss.

  “Pack a bag, we’re going on a trip.”

  She crinkled her little nose at me. “I’m already packing a bag, because we’re already going on a trip on Monday, goofy.”

  I chuckled. “Okay, perhaps it would’ve been more romantic if we weren’t already planning a trip. But anyway, pack another bag because I just made us reservations at the ski lodge for the next two days.”

  Her mouth fell open and her big eyes grew a size larger. “You did?”

  I nodded and gave her a quick peck. I just couldn’t get enough of her lips. “We’re gonna take a nice romantic drive up to the mountains, do some skiing, play in the snow, and then in our nice cozy log cabin, I’m gonna lay you in front of the fire place and make sweet,” I pecked her lips. “sweet love to you all night.”

  “Oooooh, I like that last part.”

  “We can skip all the other stuff if you want,” I said then kissed her neck.

  She giggled and squirmed against me and bringing a certain part of my anatomy to life.

  Something soft smacked the side of my face. I looked down at the pillow on the floor then turned to see Cam standing across the room rolling her eyes. “Just letting you know I’m still here before the two of you start ripping off each other’s clothes.”

  “I’m not gonna rip her clothes off.” I leaned down next to Gabi’s ear and whispered. “I’ll remove them slowly...with my teeth.” I nipped her neck and she squealed and swatted my arm.

  ~ ♥ ~

  “Skiing is stupid. I hate it.” Gabi folded her arms and poked out her bottom lip, I couldn’t determine if her pout was more adorable or sexy.

  “Don’t you mean you hate falling?” I closed the door behind us and started unzipping my coat.

  She turned and slapped my chest, sticking her lip out further. “No teasing. My butt is sore.”

  “I guess I’ll just have to rub it then.” I pulled her against me, sliding my hands down to do just that.

  A sexy moan escaped her lips which she pressed against mine.

  Without breaking the kiss, I put a bit of space between us to access the zipper of her coat.

  As I slid it from her shoulders she shivered and moved away, hugging her coat tight around her. “Why is it so cold in here? I can feel the air through my sweater.”

  “I turned the heat off before we left.”

  She reared her head back, both brows raised. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because,” I said pulling her back to me. “I want to use the fireplace.”

  “You know you could’ve left it on until after you started the fire?”

  “Shhh. I got this.” I pecked her lips once more before going over to the fire place to start us a nice cozy fire. Once I had it going, I laid the fluffy blanket I’d brought on the floor in front it, and then kicked off my boots and went back to the door where Gabi remained with her hood pulled over her head and her hands stuffed in her pockets. As I began to unzip her coat again she swatted my hands away.

  “It’s cold.”

  “I wanna undress you.”

  “It’s too cold to be naked.”

  I pulled her to me and took her lips in a slow kiss, running my tongue over hers. Good God, she was tasty. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up.”

  Gabi lay nestled in my arms in front of the crackling fire. Soft R&B serenaded us while she played with my small beard and I trailed my fingers up and down her smooth back.

  I tilted her head up and kissed her sweet lips, which was my favorite thing to do lately...well, second favorite. “How are you enjoying our romantic getaway so far?”

  She smiled at me, snuggling closer. “It’s perfect.”

  “Ready for sledding later?”

  “Can’t wait.” Her soft fingers caressed my face, pausing at my cheek. “Can I lick your dimple?”

  “My dimple?”

  She nodded.

  “Whatever you want, goofy girl.” I turned to face the ceiling, granting her access.

  She kissed my cheek then poked her little tongue into my dimple and giggled.

  “You are so weird.”

  She turned my face and kissed my lips. “You love it.”

  “I do. And everything else about you, too.” I pulled her to my chest and nuzzled her vanilla scented hair. I swore she bathed in the stuff. “Excited to see your family?”

  “My brother and dad.”

  “And your mom?”

  “Not really. I mean, she’s my mom, so I have to love her, but she’s so evil toward me. Like it kills her to hold a conversation with her own child. I can’t even recall the last time, if ever, that she told me she loved me and I just don’t feel like defending myself to her.”

  “You ever thought about asking her why she acts that way?”

  “Yes, and I have.” She lifted her head to look at me. “You know how she is. Apparently I’m delusional. She’ll never accept blame for how she’s treated me.” A tear dripped from her eye, and she sniffled and laid her head on my chest again. “Is there something wrong with me? Something that makes me unlovable?”

  I squeezed her tight, and rubbed her back. “No. You’re perfect, baby. She’s the one with the problem.”

  Heat burrowed inside my chest. I was conflicted on the matter. On one hand, I wanted to hurt anybody who made my strawberry cry, but the person doing the harm was her own mother. I couldn’t exactly do much about it besides maybe talk with her, but I wasn’t sure that would help.

  One thing Gabi inherited from her mom was stubbornness. Like Gabi, she wouldn’t be moved. But the similarities ended there. Where Gabi was kind hearted and bubbly, her mom was at times, like Gabi said, down right evil. While most kids dealt with school bullies, Gabi’s was at home. She’d often insulted her right in front of me. From her clothes, to her hair. Even with her accomplishments, her mother always found something negative to say.

  It was hard for me to comprehend how a mother could be so cruel to her own child. My parents had never been anything but loving toward me. “It’s okay, baby. I’ll just have to love you even more. I’ll be everything you need.”

  ~ ♥ ~

  I darted out of the way of the snowball sailing toward my head and ducked behind the car. Gabi’s parents had been out when we’d arrived Monday afternoon, so she, Cam, and I were having a snowball
fight in the yard.

  I peeked from my hiding place, and a mass of freezing cold smacked me in the face. Gabi’s high pitched laughter gave away who the culprit was, as well as her position.

  Staying low, I crept behind the garbage can, and lifted the lid, dumping the snow on top over her head.

  She screamed and hopped to her feet. “You’re such a cheater.”

  “Cheater? There aren’t any rules...loser.”

  She growled and launched herself at me.

  I tried to catch her but her momentum knocked us both into the snow. “Crazy girl.”

  She snapped at me, catching my lip between her teeth. “Got that right. So don’t mess with me.”

  “I do what I want. I’m the man.”

  She punched my chest. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

  “I want you to. Then you can kiss it and make it better. In fact, my lip is kinda sore from you biting it.”

  She smiled and gave me a peck. “Better?”

  “Nope. Maybe a few more.” I leaned up and kissed her cold lips, sliding my tongue over them.

  “Really? In the snow?”

  I broke the kiss to look at Cam. “Jealous?”

  “Yes! I hate your adorable relationship. You two make me want to cry and throw up at the same time.”

  A horn honked and we all turned toward the drive way. Gabi’s parents looked at us from inside Mr. Tanner’s pickup. He raised a brow at me and Gabi then smiled and waved. Gabi’s mom scowled in the passenger seat and shook her head.

  Gabi climbed to her feet, and I followed, helping her brush the snow from her clothing.

  Mrs. Tanner exited the car, still frowning. Thinking back, I don’t recall ever seeing her smile.

  Gabi clung to me, her head hung low, giving only a tentative glance at her mother. “Hi, mom.”

  She snorted in response. “Rolling around with a boy for the all of our neighbors to see? Have a little more respect for yourself, Gabrielle.”

  Mr. Tanner came around the truck and frowned at his wife. “Leave the girl alone, Roz. They’re just being kids.”


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