Pause (ROCK HARD Book 2)

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Pause (ROCK HARD Book 2) Page 7

by Kat Mizera

  “I’m…okay.” She managed a shaky smile. “I think I scratched up my knee pretty good, but I’m fine. Thanks to you.”

  Her eyes met mine and then she threw her arms around my neck.

  Bloody hell, I’d never wanted to hold a woman more than this one. And I was ready to go back out there and beat the shit out of every single person who’d hurt her.

  “Lindsay!” Lexi came running into the room, skidding to the ground beside me. “Sweetie, oh my god, are you okay?”

  “I-I think so.” She was trying to sit up but suddenly the room was packed and everyone was talking at once.

  “Paramedics are here! Everyone move aside.” Madeline’s voice carried and everyone moved away from Lindsay except me. I had hold of her hand and they could all sod off if they thought I was letting go.

  The paramedics checked her out thoroughly and I looked around for Lexi. “Her shirt’s about torn off—do we have a T-shirt we can give her to wear?”

  Lexi nodded and turned to Sasha, who picked up the walkie-talkie she carried and spoke to someone.

  They patched up her knee, tended to a cut on the side of her eye where someone had kicked her, and told her to follow up with her own physician if she had any issues. Meanwhile, the club’s manager had come into the room, watching everything with a stern eye.

  “I’m sorry this happened,” he said. “It gets rowdy sometimes but we don’t usually have a problem.”

  “If you can’t guarantee everyone’s safety,” I said, turning to him angrily, “we’re not going back out there.”

  “Everyone’s settled down and we’ve ejected the guys who started the fights,” he said. “I think at this point it would be worse if you don’t go back out there.”

  I scowled but looked to the band. My hand was still wrapped around Lindsay’s, so I wasn’t moving until we made a decision.

  “Let’s go back out,” Tyler said after a minute. “I think we can finish the show and then sneak out the back. No autographs, no backstage, nothing.”

  “Agreed,” Lexi said.

  “Me too,” Bash added.

  “Yeah. Let’s do it.” Ford nodded.

  I leaned over and brushed my lips across Lindsay’s forehead. “You want to stay here or would you feel better in the bus?”

  “I’d feel better in a chair on the side of the stage,” she said, a glint of humor in her eyes.

  “Someone make that happen,” I said, turning to Sasha. She immediately got on her walkie-talkie and I helped Lindsay to her feet.

  “You scared the crap out of me,” Lexi told her. “Jesus, it was like the crowd swallowed you whole.”

  “I know.” Lindsay’s voice was a whisper. “I’ve been to hundreds of concerts and nothing like this has ever happened.”

  “I’m sorry it happened at one of our shows.” Lexi reached out to hug her.

  “I’m okay, really.” She took a step but winced, grabbing onto my arm.

  “Come on, then.” I lifted her in my arms again and carried her out toward the stage. When we got to the wings, someone had set a chair there and I put her in it. “Try to stay out of trouble until I’m done, yeah?” I grinned down at her and she smiled.

  “I’ll do my best.”

  We only had two roadies on this tour. Lance Baker, who would be our regular tour manager when Sasha went back to school in the fall, handled drums for Bash and whatever Lexi needed. Rico Samson handled all three of us who played guitar, including Tyler. He’d been Tyler’s roadie with Pretty Harts so he was one of the best in the business, and my guitar was right where it should have been. I picked it up and slung the strap over my shoulder, ready to finish the show and get back to Lindsay.

  I hadn’t been able to think of anything but getting to her when she’d fallen. My heart had leapt into my throat and I probably would have thrown my guitar had Sasha not been nearby. Seeing her torn shirt and ripped up knee had made me simultaneously furious and protective, and I’d never wanted to take care of someone more than I did tonight.

  We finished the show and then immediately headed out to the tour bus. I had an arm around Lindsay, supporting her as we walked, and she leaned into me. We all collapsed into our seats and looked at each other. Usually, after a night like this we would have started drinking and partying hard, but not when one of us had been hurt. Lindsay seemed okay but it was a reminder that not everything in rock and roll was fun and games.

  Lindsay was against my side, her head resting on my shoulder, and I slid my arm around her. I saw the looks everyone was giving me, but I didn’t care. Right now, she was the only thing I cared about. Once we were out of Minneapolis and on the way to the next city, they could give me all the shit they wanted, but for the moment I was hoping they kept the teasing to a minimum.

  “You were a hero tonight, Stu,” Sasha said after a moment. “I didn’t know what to do when you just handed me your guitar.” She bit back a laugh.

  “I know, man.” Ford was shaking his head, his long blond hair tucked under the cowboy hat he wore ninety percent of the time. “I looked up and you practically dove into the crowd.”

  “I thought Lance was going to have a heart attack,” Zaan said, shaking his head. “I didn’t know what was going on at first and by the time I figured it out, you’d already handled it.” Zaan held out his fist and I bumped mine against it.

  “Right, well, I wasn’t going to just let them trample her to death. Christ.”

  “I think this is just the beginning,” Tyler said. “As scary as tonight was, this is an indication of the excitement about our shows. People were shoving their way to the front, to get close to us, and while we weren’t prepared for it tonight, we will be going forward. If we have to hire more security, we will.”

  “Chains said he can send out two more guys,” Sasha said, wiggling her phone. “I already talked to him.”

  “Chains?” Lindsay asked, lifting her head.

  “He owns a security and bodyguard firm called Westfield & Carruthers,” Sasha said. “My personal bodyguard, Grim, works for him—” She motioned to a big burly guy who laughed and raised a hand in acknowledgement. “But since his assignment is only to protect me since my mom is royalty now, I figured we could use a couple more guys to work the front of the stage and the backstage door. Security at most clubs is okay but tonight proved just how inadequate it can be. I think Tyler’s right that this is only the beginning. We’re halfway through this tour and all the remaining dates are sold out. And the album isn’t even out yet.”

  “When are they arriving?” Lexi asked.

  “They’ll meet us in Green Bay,” Sasha said. “Which is day after tomorrow.”

  “Hey, Stu, the video of you jumping into the crowd is already online.” Tyler was scrolling something on his phone.

  I shrugged. “For once, I’m in the news and didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “It’s pretty stellar right now. Rock and roll hero saves concert-goer-type stuff.”

  “Oh, give it a day,” I said dryly. “They’ll remember I’m that guy who killed his mate in a car accident.”

  “Well, fuck the people who think that,” Ariel said after a moment. “I’m also the crazy chick who drove a BMW into a swimming pool and punched the cop who arrested her. Everything that happened after that was bullshit, but those events did happen, so when all the other stuff comes up, it always goes back to, ‘But she did punch that cop…’ Fuck them. Seriously. It was a fucking accident. I dare anyone here to say they’ve never done something stupid.”

  Everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

  To my surprise, Lindsay squeezed my arm, as if reminding me she was there for me. It was the oddest sensation, this feeling of support. Not just from her, but everyone sitting here. They were all nodding and looking at me with appreciation, instead of wariness or disgust. I hadn’t thought I’d ever have this kind of support again and something behind my eyes felt a little odd.

  “Yeah, well, most of your mistakes didn’t end with some
one’s death,” I said quietly, “but I do appreciate your support and friendship.”

  “That goes without saying,” Tyler said.

  We were quiet the rest of the way to the hotel but as we pulled up to the front, I glanced down at Lindsay. “Stay with me tonight, lass?”



  Tonight hadn’t gone at all the way I’d envisioned it, but even more startling than nearly getting trampled to death was Stu asking me to stay with him. I’d brought a bag because Lexi had told me I could sleep with her and Zaan—the three of us sharing a bed, with her in the middle, was a no-brainer. We’d been friends for too long for us to be nervous about that sort of thing and Zaan hadn’t even batted an eyelash, so that had been the plan.

  Now there was a new plan and I had a lot of feelings about it.

  Excitement, because how did you say no to your biggest crush who was also now your knight in shining armor?

  Fear, because duh, he was so going to break my heart if I allowed myself to get attached.

  Worry, because what if I had a concussion or something?

  That was dumb. I hadn’t hit my head and the paramedics hadn’t said anything like that, but I tended to overthink things that were important and spending the night with Stu was important. I didn’t know why, but it was. We’d slept together before, but that had been more of an accident; this time was intentional and meaningful. He didn’t have to say the words for me to understand that he wanted to take care of me. I didn’t understand it, because he’d made it more than clear that we would only ever be friends, but something had changed when that crowd had trampled me. And I desperately wanted to know what it was. Especially since a few hours ago he’d said this had to be the last time.

  Stu held my hand as we walked into the hotel en masse, and Lexi winked at me as she whispered that Zaan would bring my bag to Stu’s room. Then we all separated and I sat on the edge of the king-sized bed, trying to figure out what I was supposed to do. We weren’t a couple and this wasn’t a hookup. There might be hooking up later, but right now I was filthy and sore and kind of wanted to catch my breath.

  “Let’s get a shower, yeah?” he asked, as if reading my thoughts.

  “That sounds good,” I admitted. I got up and limped my way to the bathroom with him right behind me. He reached out to hold my hand as I stepped out of my shorts since my knee was killing me, and then he stripped down completely after turning on the water. The shower had one of those waterfall showerheads and it felt wonderful when I stepped under it. It felt even better when Stu wrapped his arms around me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.

  “I was terrified tonight, lass,” he whispered. “I couldn’t bear the thought of you being hurt.”

  “I’m very grateful you jumped in the way you did,” I murmured. “I was pretty terrified too. Nothing like that has ever happened…” My voice trailed off because I’d already said that. I knew it was a fluke, and it wasn’t like I wouldn’t ever go to another concert, but it might be a while before I stood in the front row again.

  To my surprise, Stu grabbed a hotel washcloth and lathered it up with soap. He squatted down and started at my feet, scrubbing away dirt, grime, and blood from the show. He was gentle around the wound on my knee and a little frisky around my private parts, making me chuckle.

  “You didn’t think I’d get near your fanny without having a bit of fun, yeah?” he asked, chuckling with me.

  “I suppose not.” I sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around me from behind again and held me against him. “No one’s ever washed me before. Other than my mom when I was little, of course.”

  “Well, their loss is my gain.” He kissed the side of my face. His soapy hands were roaming my body now, more sensual than sexual, but as I relaxed into him, I became aroused anyway. He stroked my nipples with his thumbs, taunting me until they were hard little peaks. Then he stroked one hand down over my belly, cupping my mound.

  “Are you wet, lass?” he whispered.

  “Mmm, what do you think?”

  He rinsed the soap from his fingers and then slid them between my legs. He rubbed lightly, stroking my overheated folds before slowly pushing into me. In, out, up and over my clit, then down again. He had one arm firmly around my waist, holding me tightly, while he used the hand of the other arm to work me into a frenzy. His breath was hot against the side of my face as he pressed soft, caressing kisses everywhere he could reach, his fingers plunging in and out of me until I felt that familiar coiling in my lower belly.

  “Stu!” My fingers dug into his forearm as everything crashed around me. My legs felt like jelly and my heart was hammering double time, but he scooped me up like I weighed nothing and wrapped a towel around both of us.

  I tended not to be the type of woman who liked being carried or taken care of. Probably because I was a bigger woman, so most men didn’t even try, but Stu either didn’t notice or was stronger than most guys because he set me on the bed with the utmost care. He dried both of us off, even though I could have done it myself, and tucked me into bed.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “Going to put the towels away and brush my teeth. I’ll be right back.”

  I probably should have done the same thing, but I was too warm, comfortable, and sated. I burrowed deeper into the sheets and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I felt the bed dip beside me and Stu’s warm body press against my back. Then I was asleep.

  I woke to sweet deliciousness between my legs and an explosive orgasm that came on before I even realized what was happening.

  “Jesus,” I breathed as Stu moved on top of me.

  “I can stop,” he said, his dark eyes burning with intensity.

  “God, no.”

  Then he was inside of me and I forgot that he was leaving today, that I’d almost been killed last night, everything but him. As usual. And when my second orgasm in less than ten minutes made me scream like a lunatic, he drowned it out with his kisses. I never knew what to expect with this man, but this really had to stop. It was so good—too good if I was honest with myself—I was going to fall for him and that was bad. Not only did I not want a broken heart, I also didn’t have time for one.

  “What happened to the bus being the last time?” I murmured once we were breathing somewhat normally again.

  “Can’t seem to help myself when we’re together.” He rolled off me and onto his back, staring up at the ceiling.

  “Well, while I appreciate you for saving my life last night, and for all the mind-blowing sex we’ve had, we really can’t do this again.” I sat up stiffly, wincing as my body protested last night’s trauma.

  “Take some Tylenol,” he said gently. “It’ll help.”

  “Thanks, I will.” I got up and padded into the bathroom, grimacing at the picture I made in the mirror. Going to sleep with wet hair never ended well for me and it was currently a disaster. I got into the shower and quickly washed and conditioned it, grateful I’d brought my stuff with me.

  I dressed in denim shorts and a tank top, dried my hair, and put on a little mascara. I was tired, sore, and really not looking forward to saying goodbye to Stu, Lexi, or any of the others, but I straightened my spine, determined not to let him see how much I didn’t want to leave him. He’d managed to deflect the conversation about us not doing this anymore but I had to stick to my guns.

  When I stepped back into the room, he’d ordered breakfast and poured me a cup of coffee. “I don’t know how you take it,” he said, “but I ordered enough of everything for both of us.”

  “Holy shit, do you eat like this every day?” I asked, laughing at the spread of food. There was bacon, eggs, breakfast potatoes, biscuits, oatmeal, pancakes, and fresh fruit.

  “Not every day,” he said. “Come. Have something.”

  I sat across from him and added cream and sugar to my coffee, taking a grateful sip. “Oh, that’s good. I can’t function without coffee.”

  “Aye. Me either. Tho
ugh I’m a Scot through and through, I’ve been in America long enough to have gotten used to coffee in the morning.”

  I frowned, suddenly remembering something my old college roommate had told me once. “So…you were born in Scotland?”

  “In a small town just outside of Inverness.”

  “I thought boys weren’t circumcised in the U.K.?” It was kind of silly saying it out loud, but Stu had definitely been circumcised and I was curious.

  He nodded. “You’re right. We’re not. However, when I was about eighteen months old, I had something called phimosis. It’s rare, but essentially the foreskin doesn’t retract, so it becomes tight and infected, and obstructs your ability to pee. The only way to fix it is circumcision and that’s what my parents did. And that’s why I’m a Scot who’s circumcised.”

  Our eyes met over our breakfast and for some reason we both burst out laughing.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, my lips still twitching. “Was that rude? It sort of just came out before I thought about what I was asking.”

  He shrugged. “No, why would it bother me? It’s an honest question and I don’t have a problem talking about it. I will say you’re the first American woman to notice, though. I’ve had British women I’ve slept with ask about it, but I think most American women take it for granted that men are circumcised, so it doesn’t come up.”

  “I probably wouldn’t have thought about it either but my college roommate dated a guy from England and it was a thing in the beginning, her getting used to being with someone uncut. They’re married now, so I guess it didn’t matter, but initially it felt odd to her.”

  “I suppose that’s fair.” He refilled his coffee cup.

  “It was nice seeing you again,” I said once we’d finished eating. “And last night was wonderful despite almost dying.”

  He shook his head. “I hate that happened to you but it’s good that we’re beefing up security now.”

  “I think last night’s excitement is only going to get bigger. Nobody’s Fool is going to take off. I’ve already started hearing ‘Wicked X’ and ‘Bedroom Lies’ on satellite radio, so it seems like things are happening.”


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