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Say Daddy: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

Page 7

by Shanna Handel

  Every Brother wants to be the first to collect a new piece.

  The top is down and the cool air blows against my skin. “Nice day for a new piece.”

  Jason flashes me a smile. “You got that right. What have you been up to? We missed you at the dinner the other night.”

  “Shit. I forgot about it. We had some trouble come up at the club and I had to take an employee back to mine until things cooled off.”

  “A female employee?” He waggles his brows at me, teasing. “There’s a rumor going around that you had a second reason for warning all the Brothers off that hot little brunette you work with. A personal one.”

  “Just trying to keep the drama low.” When I told the Brothers to stay away from Victoria, it was out of my desire to do my job, to keep the peace. But after spending the night with her, now I wonder if the Brothers know me better than I know myself.

  “The drama low and the cock high. Damn—you got to take her home? Tell me, did you get any?”

  I find myself bristling at his crude words. But I have no claim on Victoria. I laugh it off. “I never kiss and tell, Bro.”

  We arrive at the airport, pulling in behind a long line of black Jeeps. Luca, the man who oversees these things, is waiting. Once everyone is milling around, he addresses us as a crowd, shouting, “You know the drill. No calling dibs till these crates are completely unloaded. Then it goes by rank.”

  I’m never sure exactly where I fit in, rank-wise. I have more face to face time with the head of the family than ninety percent of the men, but I also have no official title in the Village.

  I’m a rogue soldier.

  Apparently, the guys see me as pretty high up the chain because once the pieces are catalogued and stored, they acquiesce to me, letting me choose after the top officers of the family.

  Finding the one I want, I feel its lightness in my hand. Small, but powerful. I tuck it into the holster on my hip.

  I guess I like my guns like I like my women; tiny and tough.

  Thinking of Tori, I wonder what she’s doing. She’s not due to the club for another hour. From what I’ve pieced together in our discussions, she’s a lot like me. Works at the club, goes home. Hangs out alone. Longs to be living in the Village.

  At least for me, I know I’ll be there one day.

  She may never get the chance.

  The temptation to tell her that I’m a Bachman is strong but it would be a deadly choice—you don’t defy Rockland.

  Call me a dreamer, but even despite the challenges I face, I feel that last night was not the end of us.

  After work, I dine with the men at the rooftop bar. Have a few drinks. Laugh like I only can when I’m with my Brothers. The weight of my new gun feels nice against my hip.

  Matteo takes a seat next to me, putting his arm around me. “Good to see you, little brother. I’ve been beginning to think you’ve given up on partying.”

  I say, “Nah. Just work the club so many nights, I usually want a quiet night in when I’m off.”

  He elbows me, waggling his brows. “A night in with a lady?”

  I shrug. “Once or twice.”

  “Anyone I know?” he asks.

  Part of me wants to keep her to myself. The other part of me can’t keep anything from Matteo. “Victoria? She works at the club.”

  He thinks for a moment. “Victoria... that name sounds familiar. Is she that tiny little thing with the bright blue eyes that used to work at the jewelers?”

  I smile. “That’s her.”

  He lets out a low whistle between his teeth. “Damn. She’s a hot little number.”

  I laugh. “You’re telling me.”

  “If I was straight, I would so hit that,” he jokes.

  I say, “If you were straight, I wouldn’t introduce you to her. Too much competition for me.”

  He takes a sip of his beer. Setting the bottle on the counter, he fiddles with the label. “You see it going anywhere?”

  “She’s looking for a Bachman. One who can reveal his identity,” I joke.

  He says, “She’s obviously interested in joining the family if she worked for them that long. Wasn’t she there like four years or something?”

  I take a sip of my drink. “Yeah. Then Rockland moved her to Gotcha’s.”

  He smiles. “And you got the chance to work with her. Nice. Maybe it’s fate.”

  My chest feels tight. I look over the city, taking in the lights. With my brother by my side, my words freely shared, my confidence wanes. “I don’t think it’s going to work out.”

  He demands, “Why the hell not?”

  I meet his eye. “Because for one, she’s got her mind set on being a Beauty and in her eyes, I’m a dead end. Also, because she told me herself when she showed up at my apartment last night. It was the second and final installment of a one-night stand. She won’t be back.”

  He studies my face for a moment. “We’ll see. Maybe she got a taste of something she liked.”

  “That’d be nice, but I’m not holding my breath.” I finish my beer, hoping my older brother is right.

  When I go into work the following day, Tori is in a great mood. She’s moving about light on her feet, like a ballet dancer, serving drinks with a smile on her face. Her usual flirting is toned way down.

  Maybe, just maybe she feels the way I do, and that’s what’s got her in such a great mood.

  Sliding in next to her behind the bar, I fling a towel over my shoulder. “You’re certainly happy tonight. What gives?”

  The smile she gives me in greeting has a strange tinge to it—almost like she feels guilty in my presence. “Oh, it’s nothing.” But her cheeks flush, telling another story.

  I ask, “How’d last night go? You manage without me?”

  “You know Trevor is way slower than you, but still, it went okay.” She busies herself on the opposite side of the bar from me as if she’s trying to avoid me.

  The rest of the night goes like that—her as far away from me as possible. At least I can get into the damn fridge without having to move her, but I can’t help but feel something is off.

  Way off.

  Come on, baby girl! When are you going to be true to yourself and give it up to Daddy?

  As the night nears its ending, I can take no more of her standoffishness—I need to get to the bottom of it. I pull Chad, the bouncer aside, wondering if anything changed over the past twenty-four hours—something that might make Tori’s avoiding me make sense.

  I ask him, “Chad, did anything unusual happen last night while I was off? Anything with Victoria?”

  He shrugs. “She was talking to that guy a lot.”

  I ask, “Which guy?”

  His gaze meets mine. “The one that only comes in on your night off.”

  Anger boils in my blood. Who the fuck is sniffing around here, knowing I’m gone? “And?”

  He says, “I overheard one of the chicks say the dude asked Victoria out on a date. I don’t know. I don’t follow her personal life. She seemed to be in an especially good mood tonight. Maybe she’s going out with him.”

  I demand, “Describe the man who was here.”

  As Chad tries his best to tell me the features of the man, I feel my blood pressure rising. My anger turns to fury.

  There’s no way in hell I’m letting her go out with him.

  Chapter Eight


  After leaving Luke’s apartment the other morning, I was so torn. I’ve come to love the daddy kink he offers more than I ever thought I could.

  And I like him more than I’ve liked another guy... well, ever.

  After a night of incredible sex, to cook me breakfast—I could tell he was stalling, not wanting me to leave.

  And I didn’t want to go.

  But I needed to get my head together. Every minute I spend with Luke seems to cloud my judgment, making me reassess my goals.

  And I can’t let that happen. Not if I’m going to become a Beauty.

  I think
of Luke’s arms around me as we lay sleeping. How his hand stroked my upper arm as he held me. The way he picked out that mug, just knowing it would bring a smile to my face.

  That endearing nickname, when I was leaving and he called me Tori; it made my heart feel full, complete.

  Leaving me wondering; have I had my eye on the wrong prize?

  Being with Luke makes every minute not with him feel empty.

  Making me feel that I could give up my goal of being a Beauty, if it means having him.

  After a morning of reflection, I was ready to tell Luke that I wanted to give us a chance.

  But then something happened at work. Fate threw me a curveball.

  There’s this man from the Brotherhood. He looks just like the other Greek gods from the Parrish, tall with almost black hair, the same hard jawline. The only disappointment in the looks department is that he’s not got the sexy tattoo the Greek Brothers have since he’s from the Village.

  He comes in once a week, and it just happens to fall on Luke’s night off. He’s the only man brave enough to flirt with me. He’s careful about it, making sure the other Brothers don’t see him, but we have a friendly back and forth banter that makes the time pass.

  Last night, though, he crossed our line of friendship, asking me out on a date.

  My first opportunity to be with a Bachman man. All my hopes and dreams came rushing back to the surface.

  What if?

  What if this man is my destiny? What if he’s the one who I’m meant to be with? The one that will make all my dreams of becoming a Beauty come true.

  I instantly felt sadness over the thought of losing Luke. And even though I’ve been terribly clear with him from the beginning, a horrible sense of guilt washed over me when I accepted the date.

  The next day, I knew Luke could tell something was off with me at work.

  Avoidance was my only weapon against those sexy, flirty things he does. Knowing his attentions would make my paper-thin resolve disintegrate and leave me rushing back to his apartment after our shift, I steered clear.

  I couldn’t take the chance. I have to go on this one date, just to see what it might lead to.

  When I get home, I take a quick shower in the communal bathroom down the hall. There’s little hot water and a commotion outside the door—two people fighting over who’s next.

  As I dress quickly and hurry back to my apartment, locking the door behind me, I feel a little bit better about my decision to go on the date—there’s nothing wrong with a woman looking out for her future.

  I think of how beautiful and comfortable the houses in the Village must be. Spacious, elegantly decorated, and safe.

  But then I think of Luke’s apartment. His big white bed that feels like home. His sunny kitchen nook. The smell of coffee, and pancakes, and Luke.

  It’s really late but I need to talk to Charlotte.

  I text her to see if she’s up.

  She is.

  My fingers fly over my screen.

  Me: You know how my lifelong dream is to be a Beauty with you?

  Charlotte: Yes? (champagne bottle and happy face emoji)

  Me: Well, I may have found an opening

  Charlotte: That’s so exciting! Is Daddy Luke joining the ranks? (heart, heart, waving hand emoji—which I assume is supposed to be a daddy spanking hand)

  Me: Not exactly

  Charlotte: Then who? (blonde girl shrugging emoji)

  Me: Someone I met at the club

  Charlotte: But what about Luke? I though you really liked him (face palm emoji, followed by two broken heart ones)

  Me: I do but he’s not in the family

  Charlotte: I know he’s not but sometimes you have to follow your heart and let go of other goals (soccer ball emoji—I’m guessing that one is for ‘goals’—more heart emojis)

  Me: Maybe you’re right

  Charlotte: Besides I always knew you were a baby girl at heart and one that needs a daddy bad (five of the waving hand emojis—okay, those are definitely spanking hands)

  Me: I’ll think about what you said

  Charlotte: I’m pulling for Daddy Luke! (gold cup trophy emoji)

  Me: Thanks for the chat

  Charlotte: Anytime and just know—you’ll always be a Beauty to me! (lipstick, crown, heart emoji)

  Me: Thanks, now go to bed before I get you in trouble for being up so late (five daddy spanky hand emojis)

  I toss my phone on the bed, unable to sleep. There’s just too much on my mind. Do I take my chances with this new guy? Go out with him and see if there’s anything there?

  Or do I take Charlotte’s advice...

  And follow my heart, becoming the baby girl to the daddy I didn’t know I needed.

  I fall asleep trying to decide.

  The next morning, I turn off my alarm, stretching out and smiling. Mr. Stuffings gives me a grumpy meow, batting my hand away as I go to give him a morning pet.

  Today is my day off. And I can move as slowly as possible. I plan on ordering in, watching terrible reality television, and staying in my PJs all day, my lazy cat on my lap. Then I’ll shower, dress, and doll myself up to meet the Bachman man from the club for dinner.


  But first, coffee.

  The coffee is brewed and ready to go thanks to my auto setting. I open the door of the fridge to get out my new favorite coffee creamer.

  I run my finger over the label, reading the words out loud to myself. “I think you’re pretty meowgical.”

  I notice a corner of the label is peeling off. I go to press it back into place, but as I do, I find there’s a second label beneath the first. “Huh. I hadn’t noticed that before.”

  Peeling back the meowgical one, I find a second label, with writing in small, neat print. I feel my heart picking up pace. “A secret message.”

  I read his words out loud, my heart welling with each one. “If you should ever want to be my baby girl, I’ll be waiting. Yours always, Luke.”

  I run my finger over his words, and I know what I must do.

  * * *


  Scrolling through the footage at the club, I turn the volume up on max, and find out where he’s meeting her. Just seeing him at the bar, talking to her makes my hand go to the piece on my hip.

  Carabat’s; he’s chosen well—the Ambient Hotel’s exclusive restaurant.

  I arrive a few minutes after them. Make my way to a secluded spot where I can observe.

  There she is. And she’s with Jet.

  He’s the undercover agent who would come into Gotcha’s from time to time, working with his partner, Theo. Then Jet stopped coming. A few weeks after that Theo went MIA as well.

  What’s he doing sniffing after my girl?

  He’s attractive, I’ll give him that. Tall and broad with tan skin and dark hair, he almost looks like one of our own Greek Brothers. He’s got an easy way about him.

  Smiling, laughing.

  Reaching out, he places one hand over hers.

  Rockland, better lawyer up because I’m about to commit a serious crime—I’m going to kill this agent. Right here, right now.

  Who the fuck does he think he is?

  Do your job, man, but stay in your lane.

  Don’t come onto Daddy’s turf unless you want to die.

  But now she’s slipping her hand from beneath his. A look of concern flashes over her face, as if she doesn’t want to hurt him.

  He’s leaning in, giving her that devil’s smile. And there’s that hand again.

  I’m going to break it.

  One finger at a time.

  All signs point to the fact that I should not intervene.

  Tori is a free woman, able to date who she chooses.

  Judging by the gestures I’m observing from her, she’s not interested in this guy.

  So why is she here?

  Has he already told her who he really is? A government agent who can promise her wealth and fame if she helps him bring down the B
achmans? Shaking my head, I know that can’t be true. Tori is loyal to the family.

  More likely, he’s playing her. Like a pawn in our game.

  I should walk away. Come to her later and tell her who this dick really is. But then it might be too late. Besides, she can do what she wants... but him?

  He needs to leave my baby girl the hell alone.

  Stepping out of the shadows, I approach the table. Positioning my back to Tori, I address Jet. “Hey, man. Good to see you.”

  He looks up, a flash of surprise lines his face before he quickly composes himself. “Hey. Luke, right?”

  Tori grabs my arm, hissing, “Luke, what the hell are you doing here?”

  Ignoring her, I continue catching up with my friend, Jet. “You haven’t been to the bar in a while, you or your friend. There for a while you two were inseparable. Coming in almost every night. Did you have a falling out?”

  His brow rises, feeling me out. “Something like that.”

  Victoria has taken to tugging on my arm now, demanding my attention. “Luke—I said, what are you doing here?”

  Finally, I look at her. Just seeing those aquamarine eyes of hers makes my chest tear in two. Have I completely misread the situation? Is this a real date and she’s here because she likes this man?

  Doesn’t matter. He’s going. My words are cold. “I’m here to escort your friend from the premises. Family orders.”

  She says, “You can’t do that. You don’t own this hotel.”

  I say, “But Rockland does, and he wants this man gone.”

  She asks, “Why? Jet is just as much a member of the Brotherhood as the rest of them.”

  Jet is as much a part of the Brotherhood as Santa Claus.

  So, that’s how he got her to go out with him? By pretending to be a Bachman? I won’t burst her bubble—it would only hurt her pride to find out that he’s working undercover, uninterested in her, just wanting to use her.

  “Still, orders are orders.” I turn my gaze to Jet. He’s cool and collected, unfazed by the fact I’m about to out him as a liar.

  Making me think he’s got another reason for being here—one I haven’t quite figured out yet.

  Jet puts his hands up in the air in surrender. A cool smile stretches over his face. “Look. If Rockland doesn’t want me here, he’s the boss, I’d best do as he asks.”


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