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Imagine Us

Page 18

by Jaxson Kidman

  Standing there with the moonlight caressing her skin after she took off the tank top she wore and dropped it to the ground. I stood and watched her in nothing but her bra and panties, my eyes scrambling to memorize every part of her body, my fingertips tingling to touch it, my body demanding that I steal the moment while I had the chance.

  She reached back and took handfuls of her hair. She lifted her hair and tied it up, leaving the back of her neck and the soft spot between her shoulder blades exposed, making it harder by the second… in more ways than one.

  “Goddammit,” I whispered to myself as I forced myself to take a drink.

  I did a mental count of what I was wearing.

  It was just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Nothing else. That meant it would take me all of ten seconds to beat her to the water, naked.

  It was tempting, but this was for her. This was about her.

  All those confusing teenage years living somewhat hidden. Nobody saw the real Elena but me. And nobody felt the real pain like I did when she’d break away from me to be with someone else. In a way, I always understood why and never hated her for it. But watching her reach back and unsnap her bra, those feelings started to change a little. My eyes scanned the dark lake, wondering if anyone else was outside. If anyone else could see her. It drove me mad with jealousy.

  I took another drink. My right hand inched for her hoodie and I stole it, putting it to my nose, desperate to smell her sweetness.

  Elena bent forward and stripped her panties off.

  She stepped forward and dipped her toes into the water.

  The curve of her ass and the way the moon touched her… the shape of her hips…

  She looked back at me and smiled.

  That smile was the world. It struck me so hard I couldn’t breathe for a second.

  I lifted my beer bottle and gave a nod to her.

  She needed this. To break out of her shell. To find the pieces of her broken heart and put them back together.

  That’s when Elena faced forward again and put her arms into the air and ran into the water. I could see the hesitation and saw her fight through it as she danced into the lake, water splashing around. She let out a little yell as she put her arms and hands into the water. She jumped forward and swam, her head the only part sticking out above the surface.

  I burst into laughter with too much on my mind.

  Seeing her like this was great. But it took me back to being a stupid teenager. When life was too serious for my age, so jumping into the lake without clothes on gave me back a piece of the innocence. Yet at the same time, Elena never wanted to do it. That first night when she didn’t come in… I watched her get pulled away by Chad. My heart hurt that night, but Janelle gave me a small sense of comfort right there in the water.

  I blinked and chased away that memory for the much better one in the making.

  Elena swam out a little more. Then she stood and slowly rose up from the water, exposing her glistening shoulders and the top of her chest. She knew right when to stop and knew what she was doing.

  Staring at me from a distance.

  Knowing there was nothing stopping us now. Nothing between us except a few steps and a little bit of water.

  I rubbed my jaw and drank the rest of my beer in one big gulp.

  Then I stood there, my hands balled up into fists.

  She dipped down into the water again, stopping when it hit her chin. Her gaze did not break from mine for a second. She put her head back and looked up to the moon. Of course, the damn moon was pointed right over her. Because why not. She was perfect. To me, she was the world, and everything should revolve around her.

  As my thoughts became cliché, I told myself I needed another drink. But there was no way in hell I was going to walk away from the sight before my eyes.

  Elena swam a little bit, in big circles, showing that she had no idea how to actually swim. She splashed like she was drowning, but it was amazing to watch.

  When she stopped swimming, she rose up from the water again, this time, her eyes looking more sultry than before, somehow. She came up a few more inches too, revealing the top swell of her breasts.

  Her right hand came up out of the water and she pointed at me.

  I grinned and walked to the steps. At the last second, I reached for the towel, telling myself I was a fucking fool for doing so.

  My bare feet stomped on the grass as I charged toward the lake. Elena had no fucking clue what was about to happen.

  “You’re not coming to join me?” she called out from the water.

  I stopped at the rocky shore.

  My body torn in half.

  One half telling myself this was for her, so she could be free. Find her happiness. Write the damn book she had been putting off as she had been afraid to do so. To explore life and find herself. The other half telling me to say screw it to all that, take my clothes off and join her in the water.

  I opened the towel for her and just stood there, grinning.

  My body was on fire.

  She swam forward and stopped. Her smile turned into something else. Devilish. Calculated. Evil. Yet in a sexy way. She turned and stood from the water. Hiding everything I wanted to see and touch. The water dripping from her back and body. Glancing over her shoulder and walking backward as I stepped forward into the water, until we met.

  I wrapped the towel around her and kept my arms around her, pulling her back to me. She crashed to my chest and stayed there. The final piece of my life that I fucking needed.

  Elena put her head back and looked at me.

  Her lips were kissable. Her body touchable. Every desire pouring from her.

  We stood at the water’s edge like it was some ritual… a way to wash it all away.

  Fuck talking about what was going to happen. Fuck the idea of rules or feelings.

  Fuck everything…

  My arms released their hold and my hands touched her hips. Those curves were meant to be cared for.

  I turned her around, the ends of the towel folded against themselves, blocking me from her bare body.

  But that was okay.

  Because all I wanted right then was to kiss her.

  * * *

  I carried her in my arms as we kissed wildly. It was as though the world behind us was ending and this was our only chance. Or our last chance.

  I made it into the house and put her on the kitchen table. My lips devoured hers. My tongue commanded her where I wanted her. The longest awaited kiss of my life. Her arms were trapped in the towel unless she opened it. The temptation and need hot enough to set off smoke alarms.

  I positioned myself between her legs as my left hand touched the towel at the small of her back, pulling her against me. It was about time she felt what she did to me. My hardness unable to be concealed any longer, I drove forward as she let out a cry as her head fell back.

  My tongue traveled down her neck and kept going until I reached the towel.

  My mind flashed to the images of her in the bathroom, showering, the fucking door broken meaning it was never fully closed and could never be locked. The way I felt like every nerve in my body was being pinched at the same time. That adolescent need, jealousy, and confusion of what the hell it all meant.

  That was gone now though.

  My teeth touched the top of the towel and I pulled.

  Elena let out a shivering whimper as my right hand cut between the folds of the towel. The swell of her breast rested on top of my hand and I felt the warmth and dampness of her skin.

  I wasn’t done kissing her yet though.

  I craved more.

  I commanded more.

  I pulled the towel open with my mouth and she let it fall to the table. In the flash of a second, Elena was naked before me. Her legs open, my body resting between them. My mouth inching down with each soft kiss, not stopping until I was at her right breast. Her right hand smacked the table hard as I rolled her nipple between my teeth. Her left hand clawed at my hair, pulling me
tighter to her chest.

  A deep growl was released from a depth inside me I didn’t know I had. An almost animalistic desire exploded from within and Elena was destined to be my next meal.

  My mouth open as I tasted her breast. My tongue swirling around the ridged circle of her nipple. The softness of her breast. The way she thrust her chest for more.

  My right hand crept up, palming her other breast.

  I squeezed, groaned, and moved my hand down.

  I pulled my mouth from her with a loud kissing sound and I stood tall, hovering over her again. My fingertips grazed her skin, tickling her as I moved fast, knowing my next destination.

  As soon as I touched the delicate, wet folds between her legs, her hips jumped, and she bit her lip. My fingertips explored, no more proof needed that she was ready for more.

  Her right hand grabbed a handful of my shirt and she pulled, giving me her command.

  I grinned as I backed away and took my shirt off.

  I didn’t need the distance I put between us, but I wanted to see her. All of her. The beauty. The seductiveness. The fantasy and dream colliding, turning into a wicked reality.

  Her legs bent over the table. Her full breasts resting perfectly against her body. The curves that were no longer hidden by a fucking hoodie or a pair of jeans. Every single spot on her body was meant for my hands. And if it were up to me, nobody else in the world would ever fucking touch her again.

  I came forward with purpose, my hands scooping her up off the table.

  Her legs wrapped around me tightly, her beautiful breasts pressed firmly against my chest.

  I held her as I carried her.

  Her towel remained draped halfway off the table.

  She smelled like honey, vanilla, and the lake water.

  A mix of past and present, so we could make the future now.

  Before I could get her to the bed, she reached for my jeans. One hand trying to cup the bulge, the other flirting with the button and zipper.

  I used my left hand and clutched her wrist tightly. With my other hand I opened my jeans myself. As I pushed them down, I pulled her left hand to me. When I let her go, her fingertips touched my thick, hard skin. It was instant, pulsing chills down my legs to my feet as they were firmly planted on the floor. A signal went to my brain to go now and I fought that away.

  No way I’d waited this long to only last a short time.

  Her hand curled around my shaft, gently stroking down to my root and carefully traveling up to my full tip. She rubbed her palm over my tip and eased back down. She sat on the edge of the bed before me, her eyes moving from mine down to my body… back up… back down…

  When she inched forward, I clenched my jaw.

  Her lips pressed against the bottom of my thickness. She kissed up and up then her mouth slipped over the head of my cock. I groaned and watched with awe as she took all her precious mouth could handle. She stayed there, moving ever so carefully, torturing me with her mouth the way her eyes and words had tortured my heart for years.

  She pulled away from me and offered a kiss before looking up at me.

  Her eyes asking me, what now?

  I bent down and grabbed the back of her legs. I lifted, groaned and put her further onto my bed and followed her down. Kicking my jeans off as though they were on fire, my knees knocking against the insides of her thighs, the only warning she was going to get from me.

  I lowered myself down, feeling the incredible warmth of her sweet core as it burned for me. When I touched her, she shivered, and her hands slapped at my back. Her nails were poised to leave their mark as I entered her.

  The swell of her sex pulled against me as I groaned.

  Elena crunched forward and bit at my shoulder, whimpering with each inch I had to give her.

  I took myself to the hilt and paused.

  She eased down to the bed and I had the chance to look into her eyes again.

  Those beautiful, green eyes.

  I thrust with more force, leaving nothing of her core unexplored. The look on her face was all I needed to know that I had discovered uncharted territory.

  My lips grazed against hers, but we never actually kissed.

  I began to move, slowly at first, feeling all of her body. As I moved faster, harder, the tender moment between us became something else. A moment of desire. A moment of need. A moment that had been sitting there for too long.

  When we kissed, it was sloppy. Her tongue was as fast as my body. Her hips tried to match my speed, leaving our breathless groans echoing against the cry of the bed as it kept up with us too. Her nails scratched up my back and then away from my body. She reached over her head to the other side of the bed and held onto the sheets. My hands traveled from the backs of her legs up to her hips where I held them and moved with even more speed. I felt her climax, her belly dancing so fast with her breaths. It was the only time I even thought about slowing down. Moving just enough to ease her through the intense wave of pleasure, but only to start right back up again.

  I kissed from her honey lips down to her soft neck. I teased myself down to her chest and pulled away to watch her body move as I had her. As I loved her. As we fucked each other the way we had always wanted to.

  The rush between my own legs grew more and more impossible not to address. My hands slithered their way up to her ribcage and that was all I could handle. Feeling her perfect body with my hands and with my cock. My eyes devouring her. Every noise and movement she made.

  I lowered myself down, my lips touching hers, demanding a kiss as I came.

  The explosion left me giving one last thrust and holding inside her.

  Elena rocked her hips against me as I throbbed.

  When I groaned, she took control of the wild kiss.

  She took care of me…

  I kissed back at her and moved again. Slower. Softer. Making sure there wasn’t a second of pleasure lost between us.

  The kiss broke as I put my hands to the bed and lifted away from her. I stared down at the most beautiful sight I had ever seen before my eyes. My right hand touched her side again and moved to the front of her body. Up her chest and over the swell of her full breasts. Gently to her neck and right back down. My body aching and throbbing, already preparing itself for another chance with her.

  I inched away from the bed and paused, only to kiss just above her belly button.

  One soft kiss.

  “I’m sorry about the bed,” she said, the first words spoken in what felt like forever.

  “For what?” I asked.

  “The lake. It’s going to smell like the lake now.”

  I laughed as I took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  Her body crashed into mine again.

  Skin against skin.

  I love you, Elena. I never for a second in my life ever stopped. And I never will. But you cannot love me. We cannot let this happen. You need to go… you need to be free…

  She moved to her toes and kissed my bottom lip.

  That was her thing now and it was going to be the thing that made my heart explode for good.

  “I need a shower,” she whispered. “Lake water… kind of gross.”

  “You’d better not wash me away,” I whispered.

  “Why not? It’ll just give you a reason to have me again.”

  I grinned. “Sugar, I don't need a reason to have you again…”


  The Everything You Have



  I couldn’t remember the last time I looked at myself. And not just the reflection in the mirror as I hastily fought with my hair, a hair tie dangling from between my lips like a dog with a toy, scrambling to get ready to go to work because I was forever running late. I’m talking actually standing there, backing up a little, seeing myself. My body. No clothes. My skin tingling, glistening with sweat caused by Adam. The smell of his body and the lake dancing around me was a strange smell I would never forget.

  Face it, the lake
was kind of gross. I knew people swam in that thing every day in spring, summer, fall, and even a few crazies in the winter. But it was still a lake. With animals. Who did their business in it. Died in it. Whatever else.

  It always stuck with me that I never went into the lake.

  Besides that…

  I bit my lip as the mirror began to slowly fog up from the steam of the running shower. My eyes and mind picked out everything wrong with myself. I had a vision of what I looked like when I was eighteen. And the way Chad used to want me so much. So badly. So often. The way he couldn’t go a day without needing me and taking me.

  But it was never like what just happened with Adam.

  And the last time Chad and I even came close to…

  I closed my eyes and shook my head.

  When the mirror was completely fogged, I looked down at myself. All the places Adam left fingerprints nobody could see, but I could definitely still feel. His touch left a ghostly feeling throughout me.

  I wanted more of it too.

  The way he wrapped the towel around me. Held me. Carried me. Kissed me. The way he turned up the heat right when I needed the heat to be turned up. The fact that he took me to bed, brought me to climax more than once, and the only sounds I made were those of pleasure. It was as though he had my body memorized.

  That thought made me blush everywhere.

  As I stepped into the hot shower, I groaned and let the water wash away the icky lake water and smell. I moved under the water, the rush hitting my hair, water closing in all around my face. For some reason, that moment is when it all really started to hit me. That I was tucked away here. Basically hiding. I had cut most of my showings, giving as many as I could to Lacy. My writing desk was in the upstairs loft of Adam’s house and I was renting a room from Marjorie. I had no plan in place. I had… nothing but this shower. And whatever Adam had planned for the rest of the night.

  That should have scared the hell out of me.

  But I really didn’t care all that much.

  I saw Adam’s bar of dark green soap and reached for it. As I put it to my nose and took a deep breath, the smell of his skin sent shivers through my body. In a way, I was mad at myself that all these years had gone by without him in my life. Or when we were younger and had the chance, we never took it.


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