A Prophet with Honor
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357.BG muses about King at Kennedy funeral. Decision, October 1969, pp. 8–9, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 152.
357.“studiously trying . . . this year.” UPI, in Charlotte Observer, March 13, 1968.
357.“greatest crisis since the Civil War.” “Billy’s Political Pitch,” Newsweek, June 10, 1968, p. 62.
357.“I do believe I could influence . . . people.” Charlotte Observer, May 14, 1968.
357.“no American I admire more.” Charlotte Observer, May 27, 1968.
358.Democrats’ reaction. Memo, James Rowe to LBJ, July 31, 1968, Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF, LBJLA.
358.Potter on BG’s influence. Dan Potter, oral history, 1970, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 49, BGCA.
358.Nixon chooses a running mate. BG’s advice is quoted in Edward B. Fiske, “The Closest Thing to a White House Chaplain,” the New York Times Magazine, June 8, 1969, p. 108; the remainder is from Graham, interview, March 5, 1989. See also interview, Christianity Today, December 1973, and “Evangelists: The Politician’s Preacher,” Time, October 4, 1968, p. 58. Persistent rumor had it that Agnew had been recommended by Strom Thurmond, but BG disputes this account. According to him, Thurmond “was holding out for Reagan until the dying end.” Fiske, “White House Chaplain,” p. 108. Thurmond may, of course, have raised Agnew’s name after BG left the gathering.
359.Nixon attends Pittsburgh crusade. “The Politician’s Preacher,” Time, October 4, 1968, p. 58; David E. Kucharsky, “Soul Search in the Steel City,” Christianity Today, September 27, 1968, pp. 31–32.
359.Nixon visits Morrow Graham. Charlotte Observer and Charlotte News, September 12, 1968. Frady gives an extended and amusing account of this visit, Parable, pp. 447–49.
359.Julie Nixon visits Montreat. Charlotte Observer, October 18, 1968.
359.“a big segment” . . . “at the polls.” Charlotte News, September 19, 1968.
360.Nixon not “tricky.” Charlotte Observer, September 30, 1968, and Dallas Morning News, September 30, 1968, p. 5A.
360.Nixon an “American Churchill.” Billy Graham, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part HI, McCall’s, June 1964, p. 64.
360.“While I do not intend . . . when a friend is smeared.” Chuck Ashman, The Gospel According to Billy (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1977), p. 199; no source cited.
360.BG and Ruth attend campaign meeting. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.
360.Nixon confirms Graham’s support, BG announces vote for Nixon. Charlotte Observer, November 1, 1968.
360.Dent exploits BG vote. “Preaching and the Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, p. 54.
361.BG prays with Nixons after victory. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.
361.BG and the inauguration. BG, interview, March 5, 1989; “The Inauguration,” Time, January 31, 1969, p. 13; “The Inaugural Prayers,” Christianity Today, February 14, 1969, p. 27. BG sat in the family box on the inaugural reviewing stand, and he and Ruth sat next to the Nixons at the inaugural concert. BG had been concerned that his backing of Nixon would strain his relationship with Johnson. Shortly after the election, he had written to the President, “I hope you will always remember that there is one country Baptist preacher from North Carolina who loves you, appreciates you, and hopes to see you often in the future.” He went on to assure LBJ that Nixon was a good man and would certainly call on the former president for help, just as LBJ had called upon Eisenhower. Letter, BG to LBJ, November 18, 1968, Folder EX F05, Box 45, LBJLA. Early in January he wrote to Johnson again, noting that he would offer a prayer at the inauguration and observing that “it will be a unique experience for me to stand on that inaugural platform with you and Mr. Nixon. I love, admire and respect you both.” If Johnson had been angry with him, he had apparently gotten over it. LBJ penned a note on the letter, “Ask him to call me and come in when he gets here on the 18th. And call Mayflower (hotel) on 18th and ask him over.” BG to LBJ, January 3, 1969, Folder EX F05, Box 45, LBJLA.
362.BG preaches at White House on Sunday after Kennedy’s funeral. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.
362.BG defends WH services. BG interview, March 5, 1989. UPI reported a similar statement on August 14, 1976. On a CBS News program, August 6, 1976 (CN 74, VT 2-CBS, BGCA) BG ventured that the services had perhaps been a mistake, but he seems to have changed his mind in the interim.
362.BG suggests preachers for WH services. Memo, Charles B. “Bud” Wilkinson to BG, January 24, 1969, requesting recommendations, Folder RM (Religious Matters) 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, Begin 3/31/69–,” SF RM Box 6, WHCF, Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, National Archives and Record Service. Hereinafter, this archival source will be identified as NPM.
362.BG recommendations. Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH (1969–70),” CF (Confidential Files) 1969–74, Box 55, WHCF, NPM.
362.Recommendation of Cardinale. Letter, BG to RN, January 25, 1969, ibid.
362.Action Memo to Colson. Memo, February 23, 1970, Log no. 275, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, March 1–April 30, 1970,” SF RM Box 12, WHCF, NPM.
362.Guest list of corporate leaders. Memo, Marge McFadden to Debbie Murray, October 12, 1970, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH,” SF RM Box 12, WHCF, NPM.
363.Allocation of invitations: Memo, Alex Butterfield to RN, March 15, 1971, Folder “Alex Butterfield,” March 1971, Box 74, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; HRH to Butterfield, Folder “February,” Box 196 (HRH Chronological 1971–, A-H), WHSF, NPM.
363.BG preaches at four services. The dates were January 26, 1969, following the inauguration; March 15, 1970; September 12, 1971; and January 21, 1973, after the second inauguration.
363.BG prayed or was present at additional services. He gave benediction when Chattanooga minister Ben Haden preached, September 19, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 9/1/71–9/30/71,” SF RM, Box 15, WHCF, NPM. Present when Bill Bright spoke, W. R. Howard to Dave Parker, August 4, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 6/1/71–8/31/71,” SF RM Box 15, WHCF, NPM.
363.Selection of Bernardin to preach. Memo, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 1/1/73–2/28/73,” SF RM Box 17, WHCF, NPM.
363.“the only good conservative Protestant ministers.” Harry Dent to Lucy Winchester, re Mother’s Day service, 1970. Folder RM 2-1, “Religious Services in WH, 5/1/70–7/31/70,” EX Box 12, WHCF, NPM.
363.Trueblood warned. Dwight Chapin to Stuart, August 31, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 5/1/70–7/31/70,” SF RM Box 12, WHCF, NPM.
363.Baptist opposition to Vatican appointment, “Baptists see Vatican ‘Emissary’ as ‘Tragically Unwise Decision,’” RNS press release, June 11, 1970.
363.BG recommends Carl Bates. Letters, BG to Chapin, June 11 and 18, 1970, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 6/1/70–6/30/70,” SF RM Box 14, WHCF, NPM; Constance Stuart to George Bell, July 23, 1970, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 5/1/70–7/31/70,” SF RM Box 12, WHCF, NPM.
363.Invitation to Fred Rhodes. Deborah Sloan to Herbert Butterfield, August 3, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 6/1/71–8/31/71,” SF RM Box 15, WHCF, NPM.
364.BG’s suggestions for Nixon’s prayer breakfast remarks. Reported in memo, Chapin to Jim Keogh, January 23, 1969, re January 30 prayer breakfast. Chapin had asked BG to forward his suggestions to the President, but that letter, if written, apparently did not arrive. On the day of the breakfast, Haldeman (HRH), wrote a note to three aides (Chapin, Keogh, Cole) stating that the president was in a quandary as to what to say. Folder RM 2 “Prayers, 1/69–12/70,” RM Box 3, WHSF, NPM.
364.BG recommends “anguished call to prayer.” Letter, BG to Haldeman, 10/18/69, Box 40, HRH Files, WHSF; BG sends Langley letter, October 30, 1969, Folder RM 2, EX Box 3, WHCF, NPM.
365.BG, Rabbi Magnin, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. RN to BG, January 22, 1973, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 1/1/73–2/28/73,” RM Box 17, WHCF, NPM.
365.Colson on Nixon’s religiosity. Colson, inte
rview, April 18, 1989.
365.Nixon comes to Christ in Rader meeting. Nixon’s story, told in November 1962 issue of Decision, was cited by Fiske, “White House Chaplain,” p. 108.
365.BG pledges to hold Nixon’s conversations in confidence. BG, interview, February 27, 1987. BG made essentially the same statement in other interviews.
366.WH persuades Ellington to use McDonald. Len Garment to HRH, July 8, 1969, Folder “Presidential handwriting, July 1969,” Box 2, POF, WHSF, NPM.
366.BG suggests invitation to LBJ. Discussed in memo, John R. Brown to HRH, July 10, 1969, Folder EX “Outer Space 3, 7/1/69–7/21/69,” Box 4, WHCF, NPM.
366.BG seeks deferments for Campus Crusade workers. Chapin to HRH and Ehrlichman. February 15, 1969, Folder RM 1/69–12/70, Box 1, WHCF, NPM; Jay Wilkinson to Robert Ellsworth, February 22, 1969; talking paper; memo, Jonathan Rose to Harry Dent, February 26, 1969; note dated April 23, 1969, labeled, “Two problems: Billy Graham’s people want to be deferred,” all in Box 63, Egil Krogh (372-OA #2982), SMOF, WHSF, NPM.
367.Campbell and Wills criticisms of BG, quoted in Ashman, Gospel According to Billy, p. 202; I. F. Stone, quoted in “Preaching and Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, p. 50; Nicholas von Hoffman, “Don’t Rock the Ark,” the Washington Post, June 23, 1969, referred to in Butterfield to Klein, July 15, 1969 and Klein to RN, July 18, 1969, Folder RM 1/69–12/70, Box 1, WHCF, NPM.
367.“the bartender . . . cramming.” Billy Graham, “The Answer to Corruption,” Nation’s Business, September 1969, p. 47.
368.“I once asked an army officer . . .” Quoted in Donald Meyer, “Billy Graham—and Success,” New Republic, August 23, 1955.
368.“Where many of these men get the ‘Reverend’ . . .” “Preaching and the Power,” p. 55.
368.“It is interesting to me . . . electrical world.” Hour of Decision, quoted in AP, Charlotte Observer, July 17, 1969.
368.Police are “agents of God.” Quoted in Fiske, “White House Chaplain,” p. 111.
368.“The Supreme Court . . . license.” Quoted in Cort R. Flint, with the staff of Quote magazine, Billy Graham Speaks!: The Quotable Billy Graham (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1968), p. 82.
368.Student radicals. Meeting with Hoover, HRH note, April 25, 1969, and letter, HRH to BG, April 25, 1969, in Folder HU 3-1 “Civil Disturbances—Riots (1969–70),” Box 36, HRH Notes, Jan.–June 1969, WHSF, NPM; also in Folder EX HU 3-1 “Civil Disturbances-Riots,” HU Box 23, WHCF, NPM. This letter has been withdrawn from public access.
368.“a small, highly organized group . . . our nation,” AP, May 19, 1969.
368.One hundred terrorist groups. UPI, in Charlotte Observer, August 25, 1969.
369.“I don’t think . . . hope he enjoyed the service.” “Billy Graham, Here for Crusade, Says City Needs ‘Awakening,’” the New York Times, June 10, 1969; “Mellowing Magic,” Time, June 27, 1969, p. 48.
369.Forman and BG ignore each other. Tracy Early, “Graham in New York: Less of the Same,” Christian Century, August 6, 1969, p. 86.
369.Book about U.S. Congress on Evangelism. George Wilson, ed., Evangelism Now: The U.S. Congress on Evangelism (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969).
369.Leighton Ford, “a shame the church . . .” Leighton Ford, “The Church and Evangelism,” in ibid., p. 52.
369.“God’s judgment fell!” Ibid., p. 193.
370.Skinner criticizes white Christians. Tom Skinner, “Evangelism in Our Modern Community,” George Wilson, ed., Evangelism Now: The U.S. Congress on Evangelism (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969), pp. 137, 145, 147, 150.
370.Abernathy: “campaign that elevated Hitler.” Ralph Abernathy, “What This Congress Can Mean to Society,” ibid., pp. 176–78.
370.Black ministers list complaints. Chicago Sun-Times, September 14, 1969; Carey Moore, “Moving!” Decision, December 1969, pp. 6, 11; both cited in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 154.
370.BG spot announcements on school integration. “Billy Graham Urges Compliance with School Integration Laws,” Christian Century, September 23, 1970, p. 1115. In the spots, BG ventured that most southern parents were not opposed to school integration but only to long bus trips for their children.
371.Nixon meets with and responds to black ministers. “They would never have gotten to him . . . he sat there and took it,” BG, quoted in William R. Eineke, “Graham Sides with Mrs. Ford on Issue of Pre-marital sex.” Madison, Wisconsin, State Journal, March 13, 1976.
371.“the president is extremely interested . . .” HRH to Len Garment, January 16, 1970, Folder EX “HS 4/2/70–9/30/70,” HS Box 1, WHCF, NPM.
371.Nixon “wants one of these projects done.” HRH to Ehrlichman, April 30, 1970, Folder FA 5 “Housing 1969–70,” Box 11, CF, WHSF, NPM.
371.“exploring additional ways.” Memo, Tod Hullin to Don Murdoch, May 8, 1970, Folder EX HS 4/2/70–9/30/70, HS Box 1, WHCF, NPM.
371.E. V. Hill writes RN. E. V. Hill to RN, May 27, 1970, Folder EX HS 4/2/70–9/30/70, HS Box 1, WHCF, NPM.
371.“We must have peace . . .” AP, March 24, 1969.
373.“Confidential Missionary Plan for Ending the Vietnam War.” BG to RN, April 15, 1969, CF ND 18/CO 165 RM Graham, WHCF, NPM; also, Folder ND 18/CO 165 “Vietnam, Jan–April 1969,” Box 42 CF 1969–74, WHSF, NPM. Declassified February 22, 1989.
373.BG sends missionary report to Kissinger. BG to Kissinger, December 28, 1970, CO Box 84; Kissinger to BG, January 20, 1971, Folder EX CO 165 Vietnam, Box 84, WHCF, NPM. Kissinger and Graham had been acquainted for some time. “He’d come to our [New York] crusade in 1957,” Graham recalled. “In fact, he was at the opening night. He was brought by the first person to come forward that night. Henry was a professor at Harvard and was down visiting for some reason. I think he came back one or two more nights. One night he came back to see me in my little office.” Interview, March 5, 1989.
373.BG knows feelings of Asians, is “not sure at all.” Dotson Rader, “Billy Graham and Friend,” Evergreen Review, October 1969, p. 70.
374.Concern over Christian Herald editorial. BG is quoted in memo, Butterfield to RN, Folder RM 3-3, Prot. 69/70, RM Box 20, WHCF, NPM.
374.BG to talk with Golda Meir. BG to RN, September 20, 1969, EX CO 71 9/25/69–11/20/69, WHCF; Harold Saunders to Kissinger, September 24, 1969, CO 39, WHCF, NPM.
374.Marc Tanenbaum commends BG. From “Billy Graham and the Jewish Community,” New York City radio program on WINS, May 31, 1970, quoted in Lowell D. Streiker and Gerald S. Strober, Religion and the New Majority: Billy Graham, Middle America, and the Politics of the 70’s (New York: Association Press, 1972), p. 37.
374.BG wants to meet Pompidou. BG to Chapin, August 7, 1970, Folder EX FE 3, AR Box 2, WHCF; Chapin to Kissinger, July 21, 1970, Folder 8 “7/1/70–7/31/70,” EX Box 27, WHCF, NPM.
374.BG offers services at de Gaulle’s death. BG to Chapin, November 10, 1970, Folder EX FE 3-1/A-Z (1969–70), FE Box 2, WHCF, NPM.
375.“I wouldn’t think that you’d call the President political.” “The Preaching and the Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, p. 55. BG also defended against the charge of politics in David E. Kucharsky, “Graham in Gotham,” Christianity Today, July 17, 1970.
375.“I was going to preach the straight gospel.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.
375.CBS News editorial, May 28, 1970, CN 74, VT 1-CBS, BGCA. Tennessee statute (TCA 39–1204) noted by Ashman, Gospel According to Billy, p. 205.
375.Knoxville service. CN 74, VT 1-CBS, and VT 4-NBC, BGCA; “The Presidency: In Praise of Youth,” Time, June 8, 1970, p. 13; “Preaching and the Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, pp. 50, 54; BG, interview, March 5, 1989; Frady, Parable, pp. 452–54; Ashman, Gospel According to Billy, pp. 206–208.
376.Haldeman responses to program plans. “Great idea!” handwritten notes on memo, Gregg Petersmeyer to HRH, June 11, 1970, OA 3404; “cornball,” HRH handwritten response on memo, Chapin to HRH, June 9, 1970, Folder EX HO/h 1969–70, SF HO Box 6, WHCF, NPM. Haldeman thought Ross Perot may ha
ve made the first suggestion for Honor America Day. Haldeman, interview, August 14, 1989.
376.BG takes active role in Honor America Day. Chapin to Colson, May 19, 1970, talking paper (n.d.), June 12, 1970, Folder OA #3404, Box HO 23, WHCF, NPM; undirected Chapin memo, Folder EX HO/h 1969–70, SF HO Box 6, WHCF, NPM.
377.Small crowd. CBS News, July 4, 1970, CN 74, VT 1-CBS, BGCA.
377.“Never!” “Preaching and the Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, p. 50.
377.The White House is pleased. Buchanan to Chapin, July 6, 1970, OA #3404, Box HO HO 23, WHCF; RN to BG, July 13, 1970, and Chapin to HRH, July 12, 1970 (mention of phone call), Folder EX HO/h 1969–70, SF HO Box 6, WHCF, NPM.
378.“My expectations were high.” BG to RN, December 10, 1970, Folder EX HO 12–1, II 1/70, SF HO Box 24, WHCF, NPM.
Chapter 23: The Power and the Glory
379.BG helps establish Gordon-Conwell. Allan Emery, interview, July 19, 1986, and oral history, April 9, 1979, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 4, BGCA; BG, interview, March 5, 1989; Transcript of press conference, WGFW Radio, Black Mountain, North Carolina, March 12, 1968, in CN 313 (Van Kampen Collection), Box 2, Folder 20, BGCA; “Gordon and Conwell Announce Betrothal,” Christianity Today, June 20, 1969, p. 32; “Gordon-Conwell Merger,” Christianity Today, January 3, 1969, p. 35.
381.“unscrambling Babel.” David C. Rennie, oral history, 1984, CN 141, Box 29, Folder 6, p. 5, BGCA.
382.Sydney crusade. The Reverand A. Jack Dain, interview; “Austrailia Crusade Begins,” Christianity Today, April 12, 1968, pp. 42–43; “The Cross over Sydney,” Christianity Today, May 24, 1968, pp. 43–44.
382.New Zealand and Melbourne. Christian Century, May 29, 1968, April 2, 1969; Christianity Today, March 28, 1969, p. 41; April 11, 1969, p. 45; John Pollock, Crusades; 20 Years with Billy Graham (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969), pp. 290–97.
382.“a lot of rock music is religious.” Quoted by Louis Cassels, UPI, in Charlotte Observer, September 19, 1970.
382.“With their talk” . . . “to change the system.” Quoted in Charlotte Observer, January 24, 1969.