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She whispered

Page 8

by Lucas Chesterton

  ‘Grr,’ rumbled sometime behind her as Holly spun around to see a big three headed dog. ‘Merlin’s beard,’ she thought as she tossed the door open slammed it shut and locked it as she slide down. ‘Must be on the third floor,’ she thought recalling her close call she thought she spotted something the dog was standing on.

  Heading back to bed she mused on that detail the dog was probably guarding something and she had a hunch it had something to do with that package. It was concerning but she shrugged it off.

  ‘Ouch,’ came a cry as Holly jumped worried she got caught on the home stretch.

  ‘Oh Holly, thank goodness, I got trapped out here,’ he went on as Holly sighed already figuring what the story was.

  Safely in the common room she tossed him back the gift his grandma had sent him. He brightened, ‘I was so worried I lost it thanks,’ he smiled as Holly waved him off.

  ‘Trust me I should be thanking you,’ she smiled as Neville frowned in confusion, but Holly was already up the stairs and heading to bed she needed her sleep and had a letter to write in the morning.

  Holly couldn’t wait she sent out the latter as soon as she could and during lunch while eating couldn’t help but keep an eye out for Hedwig when she spotted her she was carrying a lot more than expected.

  Ron went wide eyed as the snowy owl dropped a long package she landed next to

  Holly as she tied off the letter giving her owl a quick scratch as she got a playful nip pack. ‘Thank you,’ she opened up the letter.

  Dear Hollly

  Lucky you if I knew that would have worked would have done it my self. Soon as I heard I went out and got you a Nimbus 2000. Don’t open it in the hall keep It secret for now. Make sure you get some practice you may need a cloak don’t forget to stay safe and have fun.


  Holly handed the letter to Ron who went wide eyed. ‘Wicked,’ Ron breathed as he glanced at Holly. ‘Think I could get a try?’ He asked Hopefully.

  ‘Lets go you want to try?’ Holly asked Hermione who shook her head. ‘Oh come on,’ Holly pleaded but grabbed Hermione to drag her along, her friend sighed not really putting up a fight as Ron glanced at her in confusion as if not wanting to see the nimbus was some kind of unthinkable crime. As they headed out they were stopped by a familiar trio.

  ‘What chat got there Potter?’ Malfoy frowned as he noticed the package.

  ‘Nothing you need to worry about,’ Ron shot back when suddenly Professor Flitwick showed up bumping intoMalfoy’s arm

  ‘What’s going on?’ He asked cheerfully.

  ‘Potter has a broom,’ he accused,

  ‘Oh really what model?’ He asked as The victorious grin fell from the blonde’s face.

  ‘A nimbus 2000, the best, what model did you say you had a comet 260?’ He asked innocently Malfoy went red,

  ‘Wonderful I can’t wait to see it in action,’ he grinned as Holly charged to the pitch to get practicing.

  ‘It’s all thanks to you Malfoy appreciate you throwing that ball!’ She called back she couldn’t help getting one last jab in.

  So despite being between three people naturally the whole school knew before the end of the day. Holly had a few people watching. She was called down by wood,

  ‘Holly you are a natural but I wanted a secret weapon, tell me you were not going at top speed,’ he asked as Holly smiled,

  ‘Guess we will find out,’ Holly teased, as wood sighed

  ‘Are you hiding red hair, cause I fear I may have another Weasily twin.’

  Holly was surprised when she got another letter this one from Hector to come to visit for tea.

  The two girls headed down after classes to go visit, just as a raither weak jawed looking man came out in dull looking robes the wizard scurried off as the two knocked on the door, only for Hermione to jump at the sounds of barking.

  ‘Back fang,’ Hector repeated, at the large sounding dog. The door opened and he smiled,

  ‘Wasn’t sure you would come down to visit ladies, but I appreciate it come on in make yourself at home,’ he headed back as the two sat down.

  ‘Thank you,’ the pair choiriced as he offered some tea and cakes. Holly started dunking the cakes as soon as she felt them as Hermione raised an eyebrow. Her friend bite into one and soon found out why.

  ‘Do who was that wizard that just left?’ Hermione asked trying to avoid eating the rocks they were given.

  ‘Oh, him he’s Mr. Wourth he’s been helping me clear me name,’ he admitted. The two girls looked at him in confusion. ‘Ah, well I got expelled from Hogwarts, and they snapped me wand not allowed to do magic sadly,’ he admitted. ‘But your dad decided to help me out a bit hired me a lawyer to clear me name. I bet it’s yo make up for all those head aches he gave me when he went to Hogwarts.’ He chuckled.

  ‘What reason would anyone have to go in there?’ Hermione asked.

  ‘Lots of reason, why the unicorns in there are worth their weight in gallions. Potions magical plants all of it could earn you a pretty amount on knockturn ally,’ he admitted, ‘Rudie chasers,’ he muttered.

  ‘So what else lives in the forbidden forest?’ Holly asked.

  ‘All sorts, Giant spiders, Centaurs, Griffins, Thestrals,’ he listed off,

  ‘Any three headed dogs?’ Holly asked as Hector jerked in surprise.

  ‘What is a Thestral?’ Hermione asked along side Holly.

  ‘Now three headed dogs, don’t live in Britain but Greece, but I happen to have on his name is fluffy. As fer Thestrals, that’s for older students, they are not evil just misunderstood creatures.’ He grunted.

  The two students raced along with questions, and before long dragons were brought up and Hector lite up it felt like no time at all when. ‘Oh blimey look at the time you two best get going it’s almost nine,’ he ushered them out as they raced back to the castle.

  ‘This is bad we are going to get in so much trouble,’ Hermione shivered as Holly stopped. ‘What are you doing?’ She hissed at her friend.

  ‘Relax,’ Holly smiled as her friend went on about determination when Holly pulled the invisibility cloak on. Hermione dropped her jaw as she realized her friend had gone missing.

  ‘Rawr,’ Holly joked as she dropped the cloak over her as Hermione gasped.

  ‘You are so mean,’ she hissed as Holly giggled leading the way back to the common room with no issue.

  The time slipped by between classes and practice Holly didn’t linger much on Fluffy even if she was curious about what the dog was doing. She spent time with Hector making sure to help him with his cocking, Ron and Neville made it down and he talked about their parents during their time in Hogwarts and would talk about magical creatures to witch the game keeper seemed to have an insane level of knowledge of.

  Things went smoothly until the class in charms leading up to the Halloween feast. ‘Don’t forget the proper motions,’ Flitwick instructed as Holly had homework out for potions writing along which thankfully the professor didn’t mind.

  She was paired up with Shamus as Ron struggled with the spell as Holly glanced over as Hermione’s inner instructor came out as Holly winced as the two argued over the the spells wording.

  The class ended and Holly wasn’t sure how to handle the situation. She lingered a bit, as she glanced at professor, wondering if he could help. She headed out and onto the grounds only to see Hermione bump into Ron before hurrying away.

  ‘Uh oh,‘Holly frowned she felt guilty lingering as she raced off. Holly frowned she kept glancing around not sure were her friend got to. She thought it and figured Hermione wouldn’t miss a class so headed along.

  Holly grounded as she tapped her foot she sat through the class as Ron looked jumpy as he kept glancing at Holly. The final class went out as Holly tore through the school glanced in each room through a few ghosts and even peeves who she muted giving him no more interest than she would a bug.

  She turned a corner almost running into professor Snape ‘No, running in the halls
,’ he hissed.

  ‘Sorry she apologized ready to keep going when she stopped. ‘Um professor may I ask you a question?’

  He frowned at her with a hard gaze put Holly looked bacl not flinching from the cold expression ‘ you may,‘he answered suddenly.

  ‘Is there a way to locate a missing student I am really worried she missed her last class?’ Holly was getting more and more panicky.

  He seemed to soften for a second it may have been her imagination.

  ‘I seem to recall some talk of a girl sobbing in the third floor bathroom?’ He mused, ‘might be a good place to look,’ with that Snape was of his robes billowing behind him despite the lack of a breeze.

  ‘Thank you,’ Holly called and she was off being a bit slower than before. She headed up the girls bathroom and putting an ear to the door and herd the slight hiccuping sob. She walked in and the sound cut off, Holly ran some water pretending to wash her hands.

  ‘Hermione?’ Holly whispered, ‘you in there?’ No response as Holly frowned ‘Hermione,’ she repeated. ‘I am not leaving unless you talk to me,’ Holly sternly informed, ‘don’t make me sit on the floor cause I will,’

  One of the stalls creaked open as the familiar pushy haired head peaked out. ‘Go away,’ she she mumbled.

  ‘Nope, we got s feast to go to, you must be hungry,’ Holly refused,

  ‘Holly?’ She questioned as Holly waited as she stared at her oldest friend. ‘We are friends, right?’ She asked her voice dripped with concern.

  ‘Yeah,’ Holly replied confused wondering when it was ever in question. ‘Why would you think that?’ Holly slide down on the bathroom floor.

  ‘Ron said I didn’t,’ Hermione chocked out.

  ‘Ron’s just being a prat,’ Holly waved off, ‘I think he was hurt were he struggled you simply walk throughout people feel inferior to you.’ Holly figured not adding that Hermione had a habit of being smug about her talent.

  ‘Do you?’ Hermione asked,

  ‘Pardon?’ Holly glanced at her kinda hoping she wouldn’t ask.

  ‘Are you jealous, do you think I am a know it all?’ She asked clearly.

  ‘A little,’ Holly sighed, ‘at the start not anymore since I didn’t want something so petty rob me of my best friend,’ Holly smiled, ‘as for a know it all didn’t help you much with the room,’ Holly teased,

  ‘Prat!’ She accused as Holly laughed but Hermione had a smile as she came out of the stall. Holly stopped laughing opening her hands as the pair hugged.

  ‘Ugh, was that a dung bomb?’ Holly frowned as she noticed a raither foul smell, ‘Hermione?’ She pulled out of the hug only to see a horrified look on her friends face she spun around drawing her wand to see a massive ugly creature towering above them.

  ‘Hermione let out a scream as Holly waved her wand, but she wasn’t casting anything as she backed into her fried trying to put some distance between them.

  ‘Dad,’ She mentality called as the thing swung its club as Hermione screamed and Holly dived knocking her friend to the ground as Holly tried to jinx the thing but the jelly leg jinx didn’t do anything. The door busted open as Ron charged in fall owed by Neville and Percy who looked very concerned. Ron started grabbing pieces of wood,

  ‘Hey pea brain!’ He shouted as Percy waved his wand. Casting a spell that seemed to stagger the thing, Holly grabbed Hermione pulling her friend out of the way of the staggered creature.

  ‘Wengardium leviousa!’ Ron castes as the club went up into the air the thing looked dumbly up before the club dropped down dropping the thing to the ground as Ron looked at his wand then at his work.

  ‘Thanks,’ Holly breathed out as Hermione nodded. Not a second later McGonigal rushed in with Snape and Quirrel.

  ‘Percy explain yourself,’ she frowned at him Percy blinked not sure what to say.

  ‘He helped save us,’ Holly spook up, ‘Ron knocked him out and Percy did a spell preventing us from being crushed.’ Holly explained as the teachers looked at her.

  ‘And why pray tell we’re you two not heading to your common rooms?’ McGonigal asked, when Snape cleared his throat,

  ‘Are dear student Hermione was feeling down guessing from some bullying I bet, Holly ran into me while hunting for her and the two never made it to the feast I am guessing She needed some cheering up?’ He half asked,

  ‘Something like that,’ Holly smiled at the professor who seemed more uncomfortable than normal.

  ‘Indeed,’ she looked at Percy, ‘the reason for not telling a teacher?’ She eyed him.

  ‘You asked the prefects to lead them to the common room I found out on the way up, and I had no way to get to a teacher, Neville knew were to look and rather than waist I got preisus time I hoped to collect them just in case. Good thing my little brother urged me to act else I may have gone for a teacher,’ Percy admitted, ‘he also gave the final blow with the levitation charm.’

  ‘Only cause Hermione helped,’ Ron blurted out causing every one to jump at that.

  ‘May I remind you of our surroundings,’ Snape hissed ‘If you don’t mind we have a troll to deal with do if your done patting each other on the back,’ he reminded as Holly smiled at him heading out of the bathroom.

  ‘He, ha yeah it wake up,’ Quirrel nervously laughed before leaping when the troll gave a snore.

  That only thing smoothed out after the holiday saw the idea incident apparently there are some things you can’t survive with out becoming friends. Ron was both better and worse he talked to anyone listened about his, save and the spell. He also thanked Hermione endlessly for helping with his homework, Neville, of course, was getting his appreciation from his schoolmates for his minor part, and Percy found himself on friendlier terms with his brothers Fred and George.

  The points they got were a massive boost much to Snape’s annoyance since thanks to his word both Percy, Ron, and Neville brought in solid eighty-five points giving the Gryffindor house a sizable lead.

  Holly, however, wasn’t paying much attention as she had a lot on her plate her father sent a letter complaining about security but was proud of her actions and sticking by her friend. He made mention of looking into a job as well as reconnecting with some old friends.

  Then came the first Quidditch match she got two separate letters one from Sirius and one from David. Both giving different advice, and they were not the only ones plenty of older students mostly Angela, and Katie telling her not to worry and stay high, Sirius said to run interference by zipping in front of enemy chasers. Wood kept telling her to keep calm were the Twins went on about picking up the slack left by Percy and protecting her from the two Trolls that batted for the other team.

  Holly soon found the halls getting a bit more dangerous but thanks to her shortcut knowledge she always had a few extra wands on Hand and Ron was always willing to stand up and take a hit for the team.

  The day of the game she found herself picking through her breakfast. ‘Come on Holly you will do fine,’ Ron cheered after swallowing a rather large bite of his meal.

  ‘You will need your strength,’ Hermione reminded as she glanced through her book.

  ‘Good luck,’ said a cold voice as Holly turned to see Professor, Snape, ‘after dealing with a mountain troll a little game of Quidditch should be no trouble, even if it is against Slytherin,’

  ‘Thanks,’ Holly smiled back at him he stiffened before walking away as Holly noticed he had a slight limp. Her brow scrunched up in thought, as Ron and Hermione glanced at her in confusion.

  ‘Why wouldn’t he get that looked at?’ Holly mused, ‘Did Professor Snape run into the troll or something?’

  ‘I don’t see how Quirrell was the one who ran in screaming about it, I don’t think Snape would have let the Troll passed him,’ Hermione thought out loud.

  ‘I don’t think he went with the teachers he left as soon as the announcement,’ Neville frowned thinking back on the day.

  ‘Yeah, maybe he ran away,’ Ron joked, he stopped when he real
ized Holly seemed to be lost in thought. When suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder she spun to see Sirius smiling.

  ‘Uncle Sirius,’ she blurted out in surprise,

  ‘Hey kid got here early wanted to sit in for your first game,’ he smiled,

  ‘Oh, is Dad going to be here?’ Holly realized her dad would be around to watch.

  ‘Yeah, Lupin was right behind me, damn those stairs,’ he chuckled as Lupin slowly made his way in taking in the sights. ‘I think your dad went to talk to Sally, not sure what about.’ He admitted scratching his beard.

  ‘There you are I take it you are to old to give me a hug?’ David asked holding his hands out she raced over almost bowling him over. ‘Win or lose I am here to support you,’ he whispered before a hard pat on the back. Sally suddenly popped up behind them as David turned.

  ‘You may want to head down to get into uniform,’ Sally smiled, as Holly turned giving a quick hug to both uncles. She headed out when she noticed Malfoy glaring harder than normal, paying him no mind she headed out. Getting the gear on was fairly familiar at this point but it felt heavier than before.

  ‘Nervous Potter?’ Wood asked as he glanced down at her.

  ‘A little,’ she admired with a solid nod.

  ‘Did you win your first match?’ Holly asked up to him.

  ‘I don’t remember took a bludger woke up in the hospital three weeks later,’ Wood admitted.

  ‘Way to boost morale?’ Fred half joked as the doors opened up and they headed out, the two captains tried to break bones with their hand shake. Everyone was in the air as Hooch opened up the box. Holly glared at the snitch watching it zip up. It buzzed around before it flashed out of sight.

  Holly waited as Hooch brought up the Quaffle the ball went up and the game began. Holly headed upward looking for the gold ball as time started ticking she started to move. Keeping her head to the broom she spotted the ball only for flint to knock into her cutting her sight off. Holly glared at him as they were given a penalty shot as Holly realized they were already on the board.

  The quaffle was back in play as Holly started to mess with flint to return the favor. She placed her self between him and shots, acting as a second keeper, it was fun watching him lose his cool as she occasionally took a few seconds out of her hunt to keep Slytherin off the board.


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