She whispered

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She whispered Page 10

by Lucas Chesterton

  ‘How the bloody hell did, no way you got the map,’ Sirius was the first as Lupin and David glanced at each other in surprise.

  ‘Yep glitches it off Filch’s desk during the second year,’ one of them grinned.

  ‘So that’s how you lot got around so fast your dad told you all the secret passageways already,’ the other glanced at Holly.

  ‘That is incredible,’ David slumped in his chair as everyone looked at him in confusion, with a few exceptions.

  ‘Sorry what? What kind of names?’ Hermione asked,

  ‘Nicknames, but I have never heard wormtail be used before,’ Holly admitted as all three adults had different immediate reactions. Lupin glanced at the ground, Sirius clenched his fist as his jawline firmed up, and her dad looked like he just got stabbed in the back.

  ‘We don’t talk about him,’ Lupin admitted finally, ‘He betrayed us, and lead to the death of Holly’s mother the rat is still out there in hiding.’

  ‘Do he can turn into a rat like my dad can turn into a stag?’ She asked.

  ‘You can turn into a stag?’ Percy all but jumped at the change of subject.

  ‘Yes,’ David quickly answered, ‘hence the nickname Prongs. Don’t worry I registered my animagus for,’ he glanced at the oldest brother.

  ‘Cool,’ ‘Could you teach us,’ the twins both asked.

  ‘I don’t see why not,’ Sirius shrugged, ‘It’s not difficult, just tedious and a little dangerous. But only if your parents agree to it.’

  David gave Sirius a look but didn’t say anything on the matter. The conversation became less stressful after that Holly was sure Percy had glared at the twins cause the rest of the night was mostly school and Quidditch biased conversation.

  The night wrapped up as Percy volunteered to help with the dishes it got out that Lupin worked for David as his voice in the ministry so Percy had Lupin wrapped up in questions for the rest of the night. The twins had vanished to the tent for what ever reason but Ron said that was normal.

  Ron and Holly visited with Hermione til she headed home as Holly found her father at the all to familiar desk in the basement.

  ‘So any luck?’ She asked as Her father suddenly jumped,

  ‘Nothing worth risking my neck over,’ he admitted as he turned from his work,

  ‘Blimey,’ Ron mouthed as the stacks of paper would make even Percy blush. ‘All this for one spell?’

  ‘Yep, unlike most spell inventors, I don’t have anything to base my spell off of. Not to mention I was always better a learning other peoples spells rather than crafting my own.’ He smiled, he went silent, ‘why don’t you so Ron, the tv, and VHS set put on a movie for us? I’ll be up after I clean this up I shouldn’t be working on this while you are home.’ He admitted.

  ‘Don’t take to long.’ Holly nodded, the pair headed up as Ron glanced back,

  ‘Is he always working on that spell thing?’ He asked Holly nodded but didn’t say anything. ‘What’s a VHS?’ He asked as Holly brightened a bit as she explained the Muggle invitation.

  ‘You would think I would get better after all these years,’ Sirius smiled as he glanced over his gift options, ‘pity about that broom rule I think Holly’s friend, Ron right would appreciate it,’ Sirius chuckled, he gave out a slight yawn as David rolled his eyes.

  The pair had gotten up extremely early to workout some extra Christmas gifts. David felt Holly would feel guilty if she got a lot, the Weasley family was notorious for two things poor and being unwilling to accept any charity lucky the two notorious rule breakers new a thing about skirting things, after all, you can’t return father Christmas’ gifts. The pair may have gone a bit overboard, they sent a letter to give Ginny some of Holly’s old clothes, but they forgot to mention they slipped in a few newer items.

  ‘Oh just get the damn, get him an owl I think I have a nagging suspicion that the school will need new brooms next year. Sirius stopped to look at him in confusion.

  ‘We frank was complaining about the school brooms and if Lucius is as big of a prat as I think he is, he will guarantee his sons place on it.’ David figured.

  ‘Ah, you thinking we kill two birds with one stone, I like it, that would be pricey,’ Sirius noted, ‘I think that might be out of your price league, to really show up the Malfoy family.’ Sirius grinned.

  ‘You do realize I know that,’ David reminded,

  ‘You do realize I don’t care,’ Sirius pointed out. With future plans in mind, the pair stuck to the basics some new clothes for everyone as Sirius bought a certificate for a new wand for Ron and David got Percy an owl the twins were a lot harder but the two men figured the pair wouldn’t mind some joke supplies even if a bit expected.

  The pair slipped into the house arms filled with supplies and with a quick wave of the wand wrapped, shrunk, and hidden the presents were taken care of with one delivery to the burrow.

  The holiday break went rather well, the guests were polite and meals were filled with conversation. Percy and Lupin were often debating over the ministry as the perfect was given new understandings of the more political side of the system and less of the job, that he was exposed to via his dad. The warning hit him the hardest as He saw all the ugly letters the tree adults were getting but he was told to keep why under his hat for the time.

  Fred and George still made faces about any ministry talk but didn’t give him too much grief as they found the movie collection Sirius had much more interesting, it wasn’t a day when some comedy wasn’t being played in the living room.

  Lastly was homework David was more than happy to help out even if he did have a habit of going over everyone’s head even Hermione on defense against the dark arts homework, where he usually ended with David cursing Quirrel for his incompetence on the subject. Ron and Holly nodded along as Hermione bit her tongue but Nobody could argue with him

  on the matter. Christmas itself was chaos gifts were passed out and the twins couldn’t help but add to it, Sirius laughed himself hoarse hugs were shared and one massive feast was held, when suddenly a knock at the door prevented the start of the meal.

  ‘Um,’ Holly blinked as the figure in her door way looked more scar than a man with a fake leg, a weird eye, and a face poorly cut from wood. Her hand gently went to her wand, which seemed to make him smile. ‘Dad there is a man here to see you,’ she called.

  ‘Moody surprised you made it,’ David greeted, the two paused as Holly waited until, ‘what have I been working on?’ David asked.

  ‘Blocking the unblockable,’ Moody answered as the pair shook hands and grind, ‘Your girl has a good head on her shoulders, be my appearance she never took an eye of me even had a hand on her wand,’ he approved ‘that’s a good habit to be properly paranoid.’

  ‘Glad you made it,’ David lead him in as Holly closed the door, she adjusted her new sweater with capital H in it a gift from Molly. The dinner went over well as Ron dug into the chicken as Holly watched the newcomer. She was sure the man’s eye could see through things that made her uncomfortable. She listened the man was apparently an old Auror of great note. Her father had added to his day to day with a few new lessons.

  ‘Yeah, I worked some security old Sally had some kind of weird mirror kept getting my reflection wrong.’

  ‘I don’t know what class that would be needed for,’ Lupin paused,

  ‘Some old wizards get weird with age some collect books, people, and some collect weird mirrors that don’t work properly,’ he grunted.

  It was long into the night before Moody headed home with a quick spell on the dishes, the day winding down. The wizard radio was put on as Holly found herself in plenty of family photos, then in her room as the house calmed down.

  Her room was a mess as she sat down her stomach turned at the chocolate she had gotten from Hector. She set the wand holster her dad gave her as she set down next to wand up keep set Lupin gave her. She set down her broom and the two sets of broom serving kits, she took out her wand and started organizing her ro
om before she dropped onto the bed. It was so weird seeing so many people as her stuff was organized. Her father never invited people over, with Hermione and her parents as the exception. It was odd she did not use to so many vocal points as opposed to only the one peer. Sirius would make jokes or play around in his dog form, Lupin would always have something of interest be it some creature or the latest fight for rights she didn’t always listen to the dullest parts but she found herself a bit more aware on centaur rights. She frowned she felt guilty about it, it didn’t feel right but she wanted things back to normal. A sudden knock on the door,

  ‘Can I come in?’ Her dad asked,

  ‘Yeah,’ she sat up as her dad walked in with a small present in his hands as he grunted as he sat down next to her. ‘You okay?’ He asked as he looked down at her.

  ‘Yeah,’ she scratched her head,

  ‘Busy time huh? It was nice to have the company bit weird for you huh?’ He asked but Holly felt as if her heart had been pinched. ‘You have been very quiet, don’t think that we forgot about you, Lupin and Sirius I doubt will ever have their own kids, so having the Weasley family around is the closest this place will get to sons.’ He admitted,

  ‘But uncle Sirius is always looking for a girlfriend,’ Holly frowned

  ‘Yeah, but how many have you met?’ David asked as she frowned, ‘I’ll believe he has a serious relationship when he introduces her to you. And Lupin has given up a while ago,’ David admitted,

  ‘Why Lupin is really nice who wouldn’t want to be with him?’ She asked as her father glanced away.

  ‘Ask him when you get some time, but the short story is I don’t plan on having another kid, one is stressful enough.’ He laughed as he messed with her hair.

  ‘Why not, I mean she would have to be okay with me, but why not?’ She asked,

  ‘Well no one could ever replace your mother,’ he admitted. ‘Not now not ever, but until I am secure in Voldemort deaths. I don’t know if I should tell you but this will explain me at least. Your mother had to talk me into making peace with Snape. I wasn’t nice to him,’ he frowned, ‘but to help ease the peace, he was going to be offered to be godfather to Lilly and mines second child.’ Holly felt her heart drop.

  ‘No,’ she breathed as her dad brought her close.

  ‘Yeah, I kept that to myself nobody knows not even Sirius. If I had a second kid I would always wonder still do what would have been if I trusted the right man.’

  ‘Dad?’ She asked as her dad had a hard look a scary expression filled with anger at who she couldn’t tell. ‘Dad,’ she repeated as he realized he spaced out.

  ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have told you that,’ he frowned as he glanced at the gift before handing it over.

  She frowned at it before she opened it in the box was a rather ratty draw string coin purse. ‘Uh, thanks?’ She tried to fake but her father just laughed.

  ‘Accio,’ he tapped his wand as a thermos which was way too big to fit flew out as her dad snatched it. ‘Hot chocolate,’ he smiled as he then brought up two mugs, as Holly looked into the bag, he handed her a mug.

  ‘Neat,’ Holly admitted,

  ‘That was your mom’s old potion bag, she kept a lot of life-saving liquids in it. Sadly in order for you to use this, you will need the summoning spell, we can work on that over the summer break if you want. I gave you the cloak, figured you would want something to put it in. One last thing,’ he pulled out a ring. ‘This is tied to the cloak it will last maybe a year or so but if you have this ring you say cloak. He slipped the ring on as nothing happened. ‘You left it at school?’ He asked as she realized that might not have been the best idea.

  ‘Thanks,’ she gave him a solid hug. The pair sipped on the drink as the looked out the window at the snow drifted down. ‘So dad, what do you know about scars?’ She asked as her father looked concerned,

  ‘A little, why something bothering you?’ He asked.

  ‘First day at Hogwarts it gave me a slight pain when looking over at Snape,’ she admitted, he seemed to hum to himself.

  ‘I wouldn’t know, you see the curse you survived normally kills, so I have no information on what to expect from a mark it leaves. I’ll look into it but we are in uncharted waters. Let me know if this comes up again.’


  David tossed the mugs in the sink as he headed down into the basement he gave the tents a quick check before he headed to his book shelf it looked tampered with but everything was in place so he didn’t bother. He tapped his books in the right order as a door nob appeared. He entered into the accident family library. He quickly pulled out a dark arts book and started to hunt.


  The remainder of the Holiday went by fast and it wasn’t long before they were back on the express. Her Father looked drained bags under his eyes as she worried her scar conversation may have had some unfortunate consequences.

  Holly frowned as she found herself aimlessly around the school, she was sure her dad was more worried than he let on. When she heard something scrape against the floor. She headed toward the source to find the headmaster. ‘Professor Sally?’ She asked as the man paused.

  ‘Ah Holly,’ he greater as he had suspended, a mirror just a few inches above the ground. ‘How was your holiday?’ He smiled as Holly blinked in the realization that she had never really talked to the headmaster.

  ‘Good, sir a bit more crowded than I am used to, is that part of a lesson?’ She asked as she pointed at the mirror.

  ‘No, this is the mirror of Erised, and sadly I put moving this to its new home over the break.’ He admitted, ‘Since nobody bothered it slipped my mind.

  ‘Erised, what does it do?’ She asked as the headmaster seemed to hesitate for a second.

  ‘Well, it’s difficult to say, not without experiencing it first-hand.’ He admitted as Holly rounded to look in the mirror only to see her reflection.

  ‘That was very brave Holly but some might say foolish,’ he warned,

  ‘Sir, I trust you wouldn’t buy anything, wait, fair point for got about the third-floor warming,’ Holly realized as Sally’s eyes a twinkle.

  ‘This mirror shows no more, and no less than one’s greatest desire.’ He said as he tossed a blanket over it.

  ‘Oh so if I looked in I would see,’ Holly paused what was her greatest desire, she had a few that might qualify.

  ‘Having trouble coming up with one? It can show multiple things at once, the trouble is that it does not show how to get them. Men have wasted away looking at this mirror even gone mad. So I ask not to go looking for it.’

  ‘So it can show the impossible, then I know who I would see,’ Holly realized as she stepped back. ‘It would be the same for you wouldn’t it?’ She asked him, ‘sorry you don’t have to answer that.

  ‘Is it socks?’ He asked, ‘I find every year I always get books,’ he said with a far off look.

  ‘Yeah, socks,’ she agreed as she glanced at the mirror despite seeing only herself the green eyes that looked back set a cloud over her.

  ‘Now then I need to move this to its proper place and ask you not to go looking for it,’ he said as he levitated the mirror away.

  Things moved forward fast after school started between classes and Quidditch she had little free time thankfully Hermione was there to help out with the home work.

  Holly frowned as she sat on her broom, she really needed a better way to practice, she had taken to practice dives testing her limits as well as Wood’s it was not helped that Fred and George kept did the same activity only it ended with them on the grass.

  ‘Enough all of you, we got enough issues with Snape referring. And that sort of behavior is going to give him all the reason he needs to knock points off,’ Wood all but shouted as Fred fell off his broom for real. Holly kept quiet, on the matter Snape more than earned his reputation, a moment’s like this would go on for a while.

  She shouldered her broom, as she headed up to the common room. She walked in on a famili
ar sight as Ron and Hermione were playing wizards chess. Hermione had taken to the game after Ron proved a master at it, Ron seemed to win more often than not, which was okay in Holly’s book as her old friend needed to be taken down a peg or two every now and then since her top spot of all classes never seemed to be threatened.

  She sat down when suddenly the door opened up and Neville hopped in, as Holly wondered how far he had to go in order to do such a feat. ‘Can I have some help?’ Neville gasped as Holly moved first using the anti leg locker curse, giving the poor guy some much-needed relief.

  ‘What happened?’ Hermione asked,

  ‘I was outside the library, And I ran into Malfoy,’ Neville started

  ‘Say no more,’ Holly sighed, as she wondered if she needed to deck him a few more times to get him to leave.

  ‘You should tell McGonagall,’ Hermione advised.

  ‘I don’t want any more trouble.’ Neville slouched

  ‘Neville, come on you really need to stand up for your self,’ Ron commented, as Holly glanced at them, both ideas seemed like trouble. ‘He’s going to keep bullying you the last thing you should do is lay down and make it easier.’

  ‘You don’t have to tell me I am not brave enough to be in Gryffindor, Malfoy already told me,’ he lamented,Tom was able to pull Harry from bed fairly early the next morning. That didn’t mean Harry was completely awake so Tom had to intervene quite a few times while his friend struggled to get dressed.

  ‘I’ll make sure all your things are packed up and put into my bag.’ Tom made a shooing motion at his barely awake Harry. ‘You head down and see if breakfast is done yet.’

  A grumble from Harry was all Tom got in response before the sleepy eyed boy was out the door and making his way down to the dinning hall.

  Tom couldn’t help the fond smile and the shake of his head. Truly he wondered how he had survived as a child without Harry in his life. He wondered if he would be able to survive even two weeks without the young green eyed boy there to keep him from losing his patience.


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