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Stealing His Heart (Kingston Heat, #1)

Page 13

by Jade, Ella

  Once September hit, things got hectic for Pax and Sophia. She went back to the classroom and he started play-offs. The demands of her new job came on full-force. The music department was new. They had to implement a curriculum. Sophia would have to figure out what worked and what didn’t. She’d be making adjustments and changes along the way but she was excited to get things going.

  She was also thrilled for Pax and his team. Spending so much time with them through the summer was a wonderful experience. She made new friends, both with players and their significant others. Out of everything she had done, the one thing she’d take away from her time on the road was the bond she had formed with Pax. They were closer than ever, and she had never been more excited to see what the future held.

  “Hey, baby,” Pax said as he came into the bedroom. “You look pretty.”

  He kissed her neck as she buttoned her blouse. He wore a dark gray t-shirt and black basketball shorts. His baseball cap was pulled low over his forehead but she could still see his eyes as they connected with hers in the mirror.


  “Hmm...” He sniffed her hair. “You smell good too.”

  “How was your run?”


  “Sorry.” She turned to face him. “I wasn’t up to it this morning.”

  “It’s okay.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “How do you feel now?”

  “Queasy.” She didn’t have time to be sick. The school year had started two weeks ago, and tonight was a back-to-school night. Parents would be coming in to visit the classroom, and she was scheduled to talk about the new music program. It was going to be a long day. “My immune system needs to get used to all those little germ carriers we call students. I have lots of hand sanitizer.”

  “Want me to make you some toast?”

  “That’s sweet but I have to get going.” She slipped on her heels. “I don’t want to be late.”

  “I know you can’t make the game tonight but will you stop by Bennet’s for a drink? The team reserved the back room. Everyone is set to celebrate. A win tonight gets us one step closer.”

  “I can ride over with Maggie after we’re done at school.”

  “When will your car be out of the shop?” He shook his head. “That’s the third time it’s been in there since the spring. I think it’s time to let go.”

  “We’ve been through this.”

  “Several times,” he reminded her.

  He’d already given her so much. He wouldn’t let her spend a dime of her own money this summer. All of her travel expenses were covered by him. After she got situated with school she agreed to move in. They were waiting for his season to be over so they could get settled. He wouldn’t be taking any of her money for living expenses so she figured she would buy a new car in a month or so.

  “Let me buy you the damn car.”

  “No.” She kissed his cheek.

  “Damn, woman, why are you so stubborn?”

  “It’s just who I am.” She smiled at him. “I love that you want to take care of me, but you give me too much.”

  “I don’t give you enough.” He took her hands in his. “The next few weeks are going to be insane.”

  “Even more than the summer?”

  “In the summer we were together. We’ll be separated for a good portion of September and possibly October. I know it will be tough, but once this season is over we can focus on one another.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” They’d talked about going to Texas over Thanksgiving break. She was anxious to meet his mother and brothers. She’d heard so much about them. This visit to Texas would hold much significance for both of them.

  “Me too.” He kissed her. “Have a good day. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “You too.” She hugged him one last time. Knowing he had to go back out on the road on Thursday made her uneasy. They hadn’t spent much time away from one another in months. It was going to be rough adjusting to his travel schedule again, especially now that they had become so attached to one another. “I know you’re not pitching but good luck to the team. You guys are going to do it. I can feel it.”

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “I’m so excited for you.”

  “As long as you’re with me I know it will all be good. You’re my lucky charm.”

  “It’s all you, number twenty-one. I have total faith in you.”

  “That means everything to me.”

  She waved goodbye before making her way out of the bedroom and down the hall. Soon they would be together every night. She couldn’t wait for some normalcy. As much as she appreciated his career and how well he was doing, she still longed for some alone time. They’d started dating at the onset of the season, and they had yet to have the chance to take it easy and be a couple. As exhilarating as the baseball season had become, she couldn’t wait to have Pax all to herself.

  “A ROUND FOR EVERYONE,” Carlo shouted. “We’re almost there.”

  “That we are.” Pax finished his beer.

  They had just won the league championship. One more series to get through and then it was off to the biggest games of the season. His shoulder had been acting up a lot more than usual. He attributed it to the long season. The coach had been letting him rest a day longer in between pitching the last two rotations, but the media was starting to speculate. He wouldn’t be able to go longer than three days rest in between pitching these next two rounds. He potentially had three more times to pitch before the end of the post season. If he could get through that, nothing else would matter. He needed to secure the biggest win of his career. He wouldn’t let anything get in the way of that.

  “To the Crushers!” Nic held up his beer. “Let’s finish this!”

  “To the Crushers,” they all answered back.

  “We’re bringing it all the way home.” Carlos raised his glass. “To the World Series!”

  The team celebrated tonight’s win with much enthusiasm. While the season had been long, the chemistry between the players had clicked from the start. On and off the field they worked. Pax was convinced the comradely helped them get as far as they had. Two years before the Crushers management cleaned house and brought in many new players. It seemed to be what this clubhouse needed.

  “Hi.” A soft-spoken blonde approached him with a beverage napkin and a pen. “I was wondering if I could get your autograph.”

  “Sure.” He smiled as he took the pen from her. “What’s your name?”

  “Ali.” She held onto the pen a little longer than necessary as she stared at him.

  “I’ll need this if I’m going to sign for you.” He laughed. “May I?”

  “Right.” She let go. “Sorry. I can’t believe I’m standing this close to you.” As he signed her napkin, she continued to talk. “I’ve been working up the nerve to approach you for several weeks. I come here with my cousin. She works in the front office at the stadium.”

  “You shouldn’t be nervous to ask us,” Pax said. “We don’t mind signing autographs.”

  “You’re always here with that girl.” She looked around. “She’s not here tonight.”

  “My girlfriend?”

  “Are you still together?”

  “Yes, Ali, we are.” He handed her the napkin and the pen. “Perhaps you’d like to meet my friend Nic?” He pointed to the second baseman. “He’s not seeing anyone.”

  “I’d really like to get to know you better.” She waved her friend over. “I hear you’re a really great guy.”

  “Hi,” her friend said as she moved closer to them.

  “Can you take a picture of me and Paxton?” She gave her friend her phone before she tossed her arm around Pax. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  Before he could answer, Ali was in his lap and smiling for the camera.

  “Do you want to get a drink?” Ali asked as she shifted her position and smiled at him. “We could go someplace more private.”

  “I don’t think so.” He scooted her out of
his lap as Maggie appeared in front of him.

  “Having fun?” Sophia’s spunky redheaded friend asked as she looked over Ali.

  “Just a picture and an autograph,” Pax said. “No big deal.”

  “I didn’t realize an autograph required a lap dance.” She continued to stare at Ali. “I think you better leave.”

  “And who are you?” Ali asked.

  “I’m his girlfriend’s best friend, and if I catch you sniffing around him ever again you’ll be paying a visit to the local ER. Are we clear?”

  A few of the guys whistled and hollered as Maggie made her point.

  “Whatever.” Ali rolled her eyes. “If you change your mind, number twenty-one, I’ll be around.” As she and her friend made their way across the bar, she called back over her shoulder, “I hear you’re a lot of fun.”

  “Are you kidding?” Maggie tried to follow her, but Pax grabbed her arm.

  “Calm down.” He turned her to face him. “That goes with the territory. I ignore it.”

  “It didn’t look like you were ignoring it to me.” She sat on the barstool next to him. “How do you think Soph would feel if she walked in on that?”

  “She would have trusted me.” He motioned for the bartender. “What would you like to drink?”

  “You’re not going to hurt her, are you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “She’s really in to you.” She looked up at the bartender. “I’ll take whatever you have on draft.”

  “What you saw was an obsessed fan. Nothing more. I wouldn’t throw away what I have with Sophia.”

  “Good, because I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her.”

  “I believe that.” He laughed. “Where is my girl? I thought she was with you.”

  “She was but she had a long day and she’s not feeling well so I dropped her off at home.”

  “My house?”

  “Nope.” She sipped her beer. “She’s afraid she might have caught a stomach virus, and she doesn’t want to get you sick. She’s at her parents’ house.”

  “Is she okay?” He retrieved his wallet from his pocket and tossed some money on the bar. “Why didn’t she call me?”

  “She wanted you to celebrate with the team. She knows this is a big win.”

  There was only one person he wanted to spend the night with. “Kyle meeting you here?”

  “Yeah, he’s on his way.”

  “I’m heading over to see Sophie.”

  “I told her you would.” She smiled at him. “I gave you a hard time when I came in but only because she’s like a sister to me and she doesn’t deserve to be strung along or screwed around.”

  “You’re a good friend. I’m glad she has you.”

  Pax said goodnight to his friends and then headed for the parking lot. He needed to check on his girl. As he approached his car he heard Kenny call for him.

  He turned and looked in Kenny’s direction. “Hey.”

  “Where are you headed?”

  “Home.” He wasn’t in the mood to explain.

  “Why? The night’s just getting started. I see you’re already feeling it.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re all over Facebook.” He laughed. “Look.” He held up his phone to show Pax a screen shot of Ali on his lap.

  “Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” He shook his head. “I hate social media. That girl asked me for an autograph and a picture. Now it’s all over the friggin’ place.”

  “Since when do they sit in your lap?” He looked at the screen. “Looks like the old Pax is back.”

  “She was an eager fan, that’s all. She’s still in there if you want her.” He nodded toward the bar. “I have to go.”


  “Yeah, she’s not feeling well and I want to check on her before she falls asleep.”

  “You’re gonna miss the most important time of your life because she’s sick?”

  “Kenny, I get that you don’t like her, although I’m not sure why. As my friend, you should be glad I found her. I love her, and I’m happy. She’s done nothing to you, and I find it offensive and annoying that you can’t respect my decision to be with her. Is that too much to ask after everything I’ve done for you?”


  “No? That’s it?” Pax didn’t get it.

  “If she’s really what you want then good for you. I’ve known you a long time. I’ve kept you centered and focused. You’re finally here. You’ve waited your whole career for this. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I appreciate all the years you’ve been with me. I couldn’t have gotten this far without you, but people change. I changed when I met her. She’s not going to ruin anything. I’m a better man with her. I want to share this success with her.”

  “Cool,” he said. “You have your head in the game, so you should be okay.”

  “I’m better than okay.”

  “Make sure you ice that shoulder. You looked like you were struggling in practice today.”

  “Thanks.” He opened his car door. “Want to grab lunch tomorrow?”

  “Sounds good. I hope Sophia feels better.”

  “I’ll tell her.”

  Pax watched as he walked away. Maybe now his friend would back off and realize that Pax’s old way of life was over. He was no longer into one-night stands and meaningless sex. He hadn’t been in months. Sophie had tamed him. There would never be anyone else for him.

  Chapter 18

  WHEN PAX STEPPED OUT of the bathroom, the steam seeped out of the door and into the bedroom. Soph could smell his body wash and shaving cream. She was already curled up under the covers waiting for him. He’d just returned from the road. They were up three games and at home. He would be pitching tomorrow night and wanted the win.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “Anxious.” He slipped on his pajama bottoms. “If I can pull this off tomorrow, we’re in the World Series. If I screw it up, we could lose momentum. The last thing I want is to have to take this series back out on the road and play game seven in an away stadium.”

  “Let’s not think about that.” She patted the spot next to her. “You pitched a perfect game the other night. I know you can do it again.”

  “You have a lot of faith in me, sugar.” He crawled in next to her. “You inspired me. I saw your smiling face in the stands, and that was all the motivation I needed to win that game. I told you, you’re my lucky charm.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you get to pitch at home again. I’ll be right there smiling and pulling for you.”

  She had never been so nervous watching him pitch as she was the other night. The energy in the ballpark was electrifying. The fans were wild and keyed up. Pax was on fire. No one expected him to pitch all nine innings, much less deliver a perfect game. Everyone in the stadium jumped to their feet when the last out was made. That was the way to start a series. Pax had given the town and his team the determination they needed to keep the hope strong.

  He fidgeted as he tried to get comfortable, but she saw the discomfort on his face. He’d spent the afternoon nursing his sore shoulder.

  “Baby, you have to calm down. You’ve done all you can do.”

  “I still have to pitch tomorrow.” He sighed.

  “One game at a time.” She reminded him of his motto.

  “That may have held true in the regular season, but we’re so close I can taste it. I’ve never wanted anything more than I want this.”

  “Try to relax.” She cuddled against him. “What can I do for you?”

  “Be here for me.” He turned so they were facing one another. “I’ve played many games in my life. I started as a kid, played on travel leagues, made the varsity high school team as an incoming freshman, pitched all through college. I went straight to the minors after I graduated and it didn’t take me long to move up. Baseball is in my blood.”

  “Anyone can see that.” She stroked his cheek. “You’re a natural

  “I’ve played big games in my time but nothing like this.” He trailed his fingers up and down her arm. “I can’t duplicate what I did the other night. A perfect game at this stage of the play-offs is amazing, but to do it twice and on a few days rest? My shoulder...”

  “No one expects you to pitch a perfect game again. Go out there and do your best, baby. This town loves you. Do what you were meant to do.”

  “I’m being crazy.” He brushed his lips against hers. “My life is incredible. My career is at an all-time high and I have you. If we move on my mom and brothers are coming to the next series. I feel like it’s too good to be true. Like it could all end.”

  “Nothing is going to end.” She slipped her hand down his chest. “You’re anxious. You have every right to be. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Promise me, Sophie.” He kissed her lips, moving along her jaw and to her neck. “Promise me that no matter what you’ll always be here.”

  “Always.” She hitched her leg over his hips and rocked with him as he slid his hand up her tank top, seeking out her breasts.

  “I’m so keyed up right now. Help me relieve this. I need to calm down.”


  “I need to be inside you. I need to feel our connection.” He squeezed her breasts. “Let me make love to you. I want to show you how much I love you.”

  “Yes...” She moaned when he thrust his cock against her. “I love you.”

  “Hold that thought.” He turned and fumbled in the nightstand before turning off the lamp and removing his pants. “Where were we?”

  “My doctor’s appointment is in two weeks.” There were no more travel plans. By then his season could be over and she was determined to get on the pill.

  “I look forward to it. Knowing what it’s like to feel you with nothing between us has made me despise using these things.”

  “Soon.” She snaked her hand between them and took his erection in her palm, making sure to run her thumb along the tip just the way he liked it.


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