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Forbidden Love (South Coast Brothers Book 4)

Page 4

by Kacey Hamford

  “You see boys, this is how a gentleman helps out,” she told them.

  “I ain’t no boy, sweetheart,” Rooster said as he stalked up to her, pulled her body close to his and wound her long purple hair around his fist to yank her head back, she gasped as he attacked her neck. We left the kitchen as hollers and cheers erupted in there.

  We strolled towards the Doc’s room and the door was ajar, I peeked inside to see Amber sitting up in bed and Ashlyn was holding her hand as she perched on the side of the bed.

  “How old are you?” I heard Ashlyn ask.

  “Nineteen,” Amber mumbled.

  “Looks like your girl has already started our job,” Denise whispered, smiling at me.

  “Den,” Henry greeted her as we stepped in the room more.

  “Hi, Henry. You can go and get some breakfast, we’re fine in here.” He nodded his head and quickly left the room. I shut the door after him and we sidled up beside Ashlyn. She looked up and smiled at me and I couldn’t resist leaning forward and kissing her soft, pink lips. Denise cleared her throat and I pulled back, she shook her head at me and I knew that I had to stop doing that. If we chose to be together, we would need to keep it a secret until I was patched in.

  “Hi, Amber. How are you feeling?” Denise asked her as she sat in the chair on the opposite side to where Ashlyn was sitting. For a small doctor’s room, there sure was a lot of seating.

  “I’m sore,” she mumbled, lowering her head.

  “The Doc will be back in a couple of hours to check on you, he can give you something for the pain.” Denise looked at Ashlyn and then back to Amber. “Have you managed to remember anything yet?”

  Amber glanced at Ashlyn and she nodded her head encouragingly at her. Had Ashlyn already gotten some information out of her?

  “I don’t remember the location or how long it took to get there, they must have drugged me. I remember being in a large room with lots of high windows and I never felt sober while I was there, I’m pretty sure they kept me drugged a lot of the time. I remember other women, about five or so.” She paused and started tugging at the blanket covering her.

  “You’re doing great, take your time.” Ashlyn smiled as she placed her hand on top of Ambers. How great was this woman of mine? She was sitting there while Amber explained how she remembered three guys coming in the room to stare at them all to pick which one he wanted a bit of fun with. I worried it would be bringing painful memories up for her but that was exactly who Ashlyn was; she cared about other people and always put herself second. That was going to change in our future.

  “What now?” Ashlyn asked Denise.

  “I give all this info to Pipe.” She stood to her feet.

  “Is that all? How do we go about finding these scum bags?”

  “Darlin’, you don’t get to find these scumbags, we do. The club,” I explained.

  “This isn’t even your club,” she snapped.

  “While we are here for the next day or so I’ll be helping them.”

  “I’m not leaving. Not until they find out who is hurting these women, not until Amber is reunited with her family.” She stood to face me and placed her hands on her hips.

  “Amber, Denise, please excuse us for one moment.” I plastered on a smile, bent down and threw Ashlyn over my shoulder before storming out of the room and into our bedroom.

  “Drake!” She squealed. “What are you doing? Put me down.” I placed her gently down onto our bed, I didn’t want to hurt her leg.

  “Darlin’, just because we are in a different clubhouse doesn’t mean you can talk to me that way. That would not have looked good if it was in front of the Prez or VP. Women are supposed to respect us, especially our women. You would never catch Cammie talking to Holes that way.”

  “The difference is, they are Old Ladies. I’m not and I’m not a club whore.”

  “But the club protect you, you are seen as their property. That’s why we can’t be together.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard it so many times. A forbidden love, I got it.” I bent down and knelt in front of her spread legs.

  “Ashlyn. Do you have any idea how much I want you?” She shook her head. “Every time I’m near you my cock twitches, my hands itch to caress your body and my mouth wants to taste your sweet delicate skin.”

  “Then why don’t you?” she whispered.

  “Two words. Forbidden Love.” I sighed as I leant my forehead against hers. I always felt like I needed to be touching her in some way.

  “Maybe it’s not love, maybe it’s lust and we just need to get it out of our system?”

  “What are you suggesting?” I asked, pulling my head back to look at her.

  “One night, me and you.” She paused and I went to speak but she cut me off. “No one needs to know. It’ll be our secret.”

  Shit, fuck, bollocks… Was I really contemplating doing this?

  “Dray, I need to feel you,” she whispered in my ear and once I felt the caress of her tongue all of my willpower flew out of the window. I slammed my mouth down onto hers in a bruising kiss as I shrugged out of my leather cut. As I moved forward, she scooted further back onto the bed until she was lying down and I was hovered above her. She let her legs fall open and I settled in between them. She was still only in her PJs and I could feel the heat radiating off her body. She moaned when I pressed against her heat and I reached up and tore my hoody off of her. I wanted her naked, to see and feel every inch of her. I ran my thumbs over her pebbled nipples that were visible underneath her cotton top. Her back arched into me and I sat up to tear my t-shirt off. Her hands immediately stroked my hot skin, which made my cock harden even more, if that was at all possible.

  “I need to taste you.” I growled as I grabbed the sides of her bottoms and slid them down her smooth, toned legs. I glanced up at her to make sure it was ok and she spread her legs open for me. She was wet and I couldn’t resist any further, I flung her right leg over my shoulder and pushed her left one flat onto the bed. The first swipe of my tongue and I was addicted, her body writhed in pleasure and I loved knowing that I had this effect on her.

  “Dray, I need more,” she pleaded. I climbed up her body and gripped hold of the bottom of her t-shirt.

  “I need you naked first.” Before I knew what was happening, Ashlyn had flipped us over and she was attacking the buttons on my jeans and releasing my cock, once I was free she straddled me and slammed down onto me.

  “Shit!” I swore, she was hot and wet and I wasn’t going to last long. “Darlin’, condom?”

  “The Doc gave me the contraceptive injection a week before we left, I’m good for three months,” she explained as she begun to ride me. Her pussy was already tightening around me. I had hold of her hips but as I went to pull her top off she grabbed my hands and pinned them to the bed over my head. She used my hands as leverage to move herself harder and faster. Shit, was my woman hot. I didn’t normally like to be topped, I was always the one in control, but this look was sexy as fuck on her.

  “Darlin’, I need you naked.” I groaned. She shook her head and pumped herself faster and harder again, how I hadn’t already come I didn’t know.

  “Aaahhh, Dray!” she called out as her pussy strangled my cock and I could feel her come coating my balls, that tipped me over the edge and I poured myself into her. She released my hands and her body dropped on top of mine, her hair covered my face as she nuzzled into my neck. We were both breathing heavily and I stroked my hand up and down her back. I loved the fact that I was still inside of her. I could have quite happily fallen asleep like this. Until there was a bang on the door.

  “Prospect, we gotta ride.” It sounded like Rooster.

  “Shit, sorry, Darlin’.” She climbed off me and pulled her PJ bottoms back on as I tucked myself back into my jeans.

  “Are you leaving me here?”

  “No, I’m going to tell them I’m not leaving you. I’ll offer to watch over the club while they’re out sorting out their business.”
She nodded and looked down at her feet. I scooted to the side of the bed to where she was sitting. “You ok?”

  “Yeah.” She smiled. “I’m going to jump in the shower.” She stood from the bed and I grabbed hold of her wrist before she could get too far away from me.

  “Dray, I’m fine. I promise. You shouldn’t keep the Prez waiting.” I climbed to my feet and stood in front of her, she was only a couple of inches shorter than me but I liked the fact that she still had to look up to me.

  “It was much more than lust for me.” I kissed her on the lips, grabbed my t-shirt and leather cut and headed out of the room.

  Chapter 5


  Drake’s words just kept running through my head. ‘It was much more than lust for me.’ Shit, what did he mean by that? Did he want to fuck me again? Did he want us to have a secret relationship? I continued scrubbing my body clean when I felt the small scars that covered my body. I looked down and the sight of them made me shiver. How could he ever love or want to be with me again if he saw these? They were a constant reminder of the hell I went through, of the tainted person I now was. I wasn’t the same Ashlyn that was dragged into that van and kept prisoner in that cold and dingy room. I was scared of my own shadow, found it difficult to trust people and a lot of the time I felt lonely. I missed my family, the ache in my chest from not seeing them was something fierce but I knew that I couldn’t go back. No doubt they were worried about me, we had always been a close family growing up; mum, dad me and my younger brother, Owen. But what would I say? ‘Sorry I’ve been missing for months, I was captured by some bad ass biker boys, tortured and assaulted. What’s for tea?’ No, it was better this way. I just hoped that in the future I didn’t regret my decision.

  I was brought back to reality when the water started running cold, I quickly switched it off and opened the shower door, the steam from the bathroom engulfed me and I felt suffocated. I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around me and hurried out of the door. I was able to breathe again once I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Ashlyn!” A deep voice barked my name and a man came barrelling in through the bedroom door. I yelped and jumped to my feet, backing away from him. I hadn’t seen this guy before. He was well over six feet tall, clean shaven with dark brown eyes. I held the towel closer to my body, I felt uncomfortable knowing that I was naked when there was a strange man standing in front of me. What did he want?

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Drum.” He held his hand out for me to shake and I just shrunk further away from him. He cleared his throat as he lowered his hand. “Anyway, Drake had to go out on a run. I’m looking after the clubhouse but there is a guy here to see you. Says his name is Solar.” He raised his eyebrows waiting for my response.

  “W… what does he look like?” What if it was someone pretending to be him.

  “Um… Tall, beard, tattoos. Wearing a Cornish Crusaders cut. He says Holes sent him.”

  “Ok, I’ll just get dressed and be out.”

  “We’ll be at the bar.” He spun on his heel and left me alone. I quickly stripped the towel from my body and threw on some leggings and a long jumper. I scraped my hair up into a ponytail, not bothering with any make-up.

  I slowed down as I got to the bar and peered around the corner to make sure it was in fact Solar here and not someone else. A sigh of relief coursed through my body as I saw the handsome thirty-year-old sitting there.

  “Solar?” I called out. His head snapped up and he was soon showing me his pearly white teeth. He jumped off his stool and came running towards me. He shocked me by embracing me in a hug that had my feet coming off the ground.

  “It’s good to see you, Ash.”

  “What’s going on? Why are you here? Is it Cammie? Is she ok? Is the baby ok?”

  “Calm down,” he said as he placed me back on my feet. “Everyone is fine. Cammie is going crazy being on lockdown and she bugged the VP so much, being worried about you, that I offered to come and check up on you.”

  “Did you come alone? How did you know where we were?” Solar grabbed my hand and led me over to the small two seater sofa that was in front of a large flat screen TV.

  “Yes, I came alone. Drake has been in contact with the Prez since you guys left.”

  “If the club is on lockdown than surely this was dangerous for you to come here. What if you were followed?”

  “I took a de tour, took me twice as long to get here. No one followed me, sweetheart.”

  “How long are you staying for?” Solar stretched his arm out across the back of the sofa and I couldn’t resist snuggling into him. Apart from Holes and Drake, Solar was the one other person that I felt comfortable with. He was always checking to make sure I was ok, he had taken on a big brother role, which only made me miss Owen that much more. He had always been protective of me, he never let guys near me and always kept the bitchy females in check. I think, in some ways, I had lived a sheltered life, that’s why when I was kidnapped it was such a shock for me. I had seen some bikers around but they never ventured into the parts of Devon that I had lived. I wouldn’t have said we were posh or rich but we lived on the nicer side of town and I had never wanted for anything.

  “Well, who is this pretty?” Solar asked as he sat up straighter in his seat. I looked over my shoulder to see which club girl he had taken a fancy to. I was surprised to see Amber perched on a stool at the bar.

  “No. You can’t touch her,” I told him as I placed my hand on his chest to stop him from moving. “She was dumped here yesterday, barely alive after being kidnapped.”

  “Shit!” Solar swore climbing to his feet. “What the fuck is happening to this world.” He strolled off out of the bar and I heard the front door slam shut. I sauntered over towards Amber.

  “Hi, how you feeling?” I asked as I climbed onto the bar stool next to her.

  “Much better. I think I want to go home.” I smiled at her, I knew the need she had to be at home, with family around her and all her home comforts but that didn’t stop me feeling slightly jealous that she would have that soon.

  “Ladies, can I get you a drink?” Chase asked as he rounded the bar.

  “Can I have a lemonade please?” Amber asked.

  “I’ll have vodka and lemonade please,” I added.

  “Coming right up.” He turned around in the small space behind the bar and reached up for a couple of glasses, his prospect cut rode up his back showing off a small tight arse.

  “When do you think they will let me leave?” Amber asked.

  “When it’s safe.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes dropped to her hands. “Who do I need to ask?”

  “Pipe, he’s the president of this club.”

  “He’s a little bit scary,” she whispered.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Only because he cares. You can ask his Old Lady Denise, she may be able to help.”

  “Here we go ladies.” Chase placed our drinks in front of us with a smile and a wink before he went about stocking up the bar.

  Amber drank her drink quickly and climbed to her feet. “I’m going to find Denise, I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to be.”



  The Prez insisted that I went on a ride with them, I wasn’t happy about leaving Ashlyn and I wasn’t even allowed anytime to go and explain to her what was happening.

  We were all split up in teams of two and were staking out the closest bus stops in Hathern, near to where Amber’s friend lived. I was paired up with Monkey, I wasn’t happy about that as he was the one who was interested in Ashlyn.

  “So, mate, what’s the deal with Ashlyn?” We were sitting on our bikes parked behind a library where the bus stop was in plain sight. Amber said she was lured over by a small child crying. Currently this bus stop was empty. I ignored his question and told him to text the Prez that we had no info; that it was quiet and no one was around. We must have been out here for the past two hours. It was now getting da
rk and I was hungry and horny. Memories of having Ashlyn on top of me didn’t help. I needed to be with her again, though the next time she would be naked and underneath me, where I could savour every moment of it. I knew from the moment that I saw her that I wanted her, I just didn’t realise that my feelings ran a lot deeper than I thought. I wanted to protect her, I didn’t want anyone else getting near her or touching her. I wanted her in my bed and only mine. I felt uneasy with us staying in one place too long, I wanted to keep moving. I would keep her safe if it was the last thing that I did.

  “Prez said we can head back to the clubhouse,” Monkey told me as he pushed his phone back into his jeans pocket. I started my bike and got the hell out of there. It was silly but I was missing Ashlyn.

  Chapter 6


  We had been stuck at the Leicestershire Crusaders for over a week and I didn’t like it. Our Prez told us that we had to keep moving. Solar went back home after a day, he was happy with how Drake was handling things. I hope that he reported that to our Prez and they were sorting out getting his patch ready for him. Amber was being taken home today and I wanted to go with her but Drake told me that we were also leaving. I was happy that I would get to spend some one on one time with him because we hadn’t been able to keep our hands off each other and ended each night fucking; I had still managed to keep my top on, much to Drake’s annoyance. I needed to show him why I didn’t want to be naked but I was also scared that I would lose him; would the scarring finally show him how messed up I actually was? That I was just really good at hiding my pain and disgust for myself. There were plenty of normal, gorgeous girls out there who would love to have a handsome, tattooed, caring guy. Why did he want me so much?

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  I threw the last of my clothes into my bag and strolled over to the bedroom door to open it.

  “Hi.” I smiled as Amber stood there in my blue skinny jeans, black t-shirt and blue cardigan.

  “I’m leaving. I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and lending me your clothes.”


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