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Prophecy Mates

Page 12

by Mary Hughes

Swallowing hard, Dorine froze. Then she and the two remaining buyers melted away into the night.

  Zoe retrieved the scroll case from Zeus’ limp hand. Daniel’s wand lay next to the man’s head, normal size now. She scooped it up and handed it to him as he came up beside her. “That was a pretty slick trick. Why didn’t you simply blast him?”

  “Security cameras.” He flicked a glance at the mounted electronic eyes. “They cover the terraces, but not the air above them.” He nodded at the case. “The parchment is in there?”

  She peeked inside. “Yes.” It was hers to give away again. She could finally get the romance she’d desired with her whole heart. “You still want it?”

  He frowned. “Yes.”

  She reminded herself romance was a two-way street. And sometimes, that could be fun. She grinned and waved it in front of him. “Then you’ll have to earn it.”

  She turned and bounded up the stairs, hoping he followed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Zoe ran all the way to the prep room, buoyed by a reckless excitement.

  A lot like the night she’d told her boyfriend she thought she was pregnant and got dumped. No reason to believe this would turn out differently.

  Daniel’s strong breath and steady footfalls behind her gave her hope, though. She ran lightly, dreaming what she’d say. What he’d say.

  Your patient devotion, all those years ago. Your absolute support. I know how great a gift that was, now. I wasn’t mature enough to appreciate your love in high school. Now I am.

  Zoe, he’d say. I still love you.

  He followed her into the prep room.

  Where he shut the door with a decidedly upset slam.

  She spun, suddenly unsure. His back was to her.

  “What did you mean, Zoe?” His words were neutral, but his back was stiff, and his tone was angry. He locked the door. “What did you mean, earn the parchment?”

  “I-I…” Her own imagined sweet confession faltered on her tongue.

  “What do you want from me? Flowers, candy, sweet words of love?” He turned then. The fire in his eyes was part arousal, part fury. “I’m not that boy any more, Zoe.”

  Her heart beat a pained thump. “I know.” Her shoulders seemed to fold in on her. Her declaration of love seemed naïve, now. Maybe even pointless.

  He grimaced. “Well, we have work to do. Let’s see what that parchment has to tell us.”

  The parchment. He’d stay with her until the prophecy was revealed. She had time to try to connect with him. Convince him to give them a chance.

  She offered him the scroll case. “Are we safe here? From the…you-know-who?” The Witches’ Council.

  “Hold onto that, and I’ll see.” Closing his eyes, he turned in place, making tiny gestures, finally flicking fingers toward the ceiling then the floor. Admiration filled her, watching her mate work. Calm, efficient. A moment later he opened his eyes. “Yes, we’re safe.”

  “What were you doing?”

  “Sweeping for psychic eyes and physical bugs.”

  “With a spell?” She mimicked his little flicking gestures.

  His anger seemed to ease. “A sort of multipurpose reveal while I gazed with my third eye.”

  “Is that what you’ll do to expose the writing on the parchment?”

  “No, actually. I need something more specialized.”

  Giving her a nod of approval, he got out his phone. Her hopes lifted slightly.

  “Before the party, I expected to be able to take the parchment home and work on it at my leisure. But now, with all those other witches after it, I’d better get this done. Excuse me while I call my cousin for an assist.” He used his thumb to activate the phone. “Sophia? This is Daniel.”

  Zoe waited while he conferred with his cousin. He set up his equipment, pouring fresh water into a chafing dish.

  Despite the gnawing fear in her that her mate might walk out on her, she clutched the case in growing excitement. Her parchment, in her family for generations, contained a prophecy by a wizard even she’d heard of. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would say.

  A few um-hms later, Daniel ended the call and turned to her.

  “This takes a drop of blood, not only from me, but from the owner of the scroll. You. Do you mind?” He produced a lancet from his pocket.

  Wordlessly, she offered her finger. He poked quickly and efficiently, the stab so slight she hardly felt it. Yet the act felt oddly intimate. Rich red blood welled from her fingertip. Gathered and fell.

  “Daniel, about high school…”

  The drop hit the water with a sparkle that dazzled.

  “High school is over, Zoe.” He repeated the action with his own finger.

  At his words, her spirits plummeted.

  His blood fell beside hers, also sparkling. But as he extracted his wand, something strange happened.

  The two lobes of blood merged, like a tiny heart.

  Zoe’s heart contracted painfully. High-school Daniel would have drawn a heart like that, maybe even with a ZB+DL.

  He was no longer that dorky, adoring boy. Her heart gave another lurch, for what might have been, had she but known to cherish it.

  Then his blue gaze zeroed in on the heart in the water. He leaned closer, his lips parted slightly.

  Was he as moved by that small symbol as she? Hope lit briefly.

  Then his mouth tightened, and he straightened, poked the wand into the water, and stirred until the blood was dissolved.

  She ached for that tiny destroyed heart. For her dissolving hopes.

  “All right,” he said. “Unroll the parchment on the table and hold it open.”

  Heaving a sigh, she extracted the parchment from its case and spread it out on the table beside the chafing dish.

  He lifted the wand from the water. Positioning the stick above the first word, HEART, he tapped its tip on the parchment. A bit of water was left behind, beaded on the word. He tapped again, and again, three times in all.

  “Show me heart.”

  Writing appeared, wavering at first, then solidifying into a flowing masculine script.

  Zoe read, “HEART beats for a wolf and a Blue.”

  “Hmm. Suggestive, isn’t it?”

  “Wolf, like me? But you’re no Blue.”

  “No. But my cousin is. Let’s see what the rest has to say.”

  He repeated the procedure for the other three lines until the complete prophecy was revealed.

  HEART beats for a wolf and a Blue

  MIND is focused by Light

  SOUL belongs to those who are True

  The KEY unlocks the Night.

  “What does that mean?” Zoe tilted her head, as if that would show her the words in a new light.

  “Good question. Night is often associated with magic. Maybe this is a recipe for a key to it.”

  “A key to magic? What do the other three lines mean?”

  “It’s a spell.” He tapped a thoughtful finger against his chin. “No, wait. A list of talisman components.”

  “Pieces?” She blinked at him. “Put together, they make some sort of a key to magic?”

  “Not just a key. The key. No wonder everyone’s after this. This is huge.”

  Adrenaline goosed her at that. “It will give you a lot of power?”

  “More unique than that. Perhaps it’s the key to unlimited magical power. Or maybe if mundanes destroy magic, it’s a failsafe for one last witch to still work magic.”

  “Don’t you know?”

  He shrugged with a twisted smile. “That’s one of the annoying things about a prophecy. Only time will tell the full story. But I guarantee, this is big.”

  “Heart, Mind, and Soul. Pieces of the key.” Biting her cheek, she stared at the first line again. “Are you sure Heart couldn’t be about us? I’m a wolf, and your eyes are a gorgeous star-shot blue.”

  “Gorgeous, hmm?”

  Embarrassment heated her face as she glanced at him. She would have covered her hot cheeks, bu
t her hands were holding the parchment flat.

  Then some of the old Zoe poked through. “You wretch. You know exactly how handsome you are. Half the women here were eating you up with their eyes.”

  He quirked a smile. “Only half? It’s possible this refers to us. But my cousin’s name is Sophia Blue, and I have an aunt and another cousin with that last name.”

  “Then who’s the wolf?”

  “We won’t know until the prophecy fulfills. But one thing is clear enough. There are people, powerful, possibly evil people, who are also after the prophecy.” His smile disappeared. “I’ll need to solve the riddle first to keep this key safe.”

  A shiver of dread rolled over her. Followed by alarm. I’ll need to solve the riddle, not we.

  “Daniel? I know you got what you came for…” She rolled the parchment, not quite brave enough to look at him. “Are you leaving it with me?”

  He was silent as she returned the scroll to its case. Silent as she set it case aside. He was silent so long she had to look.

  His gaze was on her, that intelligent, penetrating stare, and the grimace was back. “It’s yours. The geis is still on it. I couldn’t take it from you even if I wanted to.” He sighed. “But more, I wouldn’t.”

  She nodded, acknowledging he was as honorable a man as he’d been a boy. “Then I can use it for its original purpose? As a prize for tonight?”

  He looked away. “Yes.” His mouth was a tight line.

  Wrong move. Her heart beat harder. She didn’t want him to go. but she was losing him. She didn’t know what to do.

  Uncertainty made a raw pit of her stomach. She bit her lip. Swallowed hard. All the things she wanted from him. I want you to romance me. I want you to stay with me.

  I want you to love me.

  Which of those would stop him? Which would appeal to him?

  “Daniel, I want you to…”

  Her words dribbled off because, still not looking at her, he busied himself cleaning up the spell-casting equipment.

  Once he cleaned up, he’d leave. She ached at the thought of never seeing him again.

  Why was love so damned complicated?

  Finally he finished. On the cusp of leaving, he lifted his head and his gaze nailed hers. “What is it, Zoe? What do you want?” His tone made it an angry challenge.

  Pain hit her. Why is love so damned hard?

  It isn’t. It’s just a two-way street.

  Giddiness rushed through her. There was a simple way to stop him.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t want you to anything. Daniel—I want you.”

  He blinked at her, his lips parting, a dazed look in his blue eyes. “Say that again?”

  She stepped up to him, her fingertips touching his broad chest, searching his face, trying to put all her desire, her need, her love into her gaze.

  “When we were younger, I wanted things from you. I never put my wants into words because I never had to—you gave me what I needed without asking, sometimes before I knew I needed it. All I had to do was say ‘I want you to…’ and you’d fill in the rest. Now, for the first time, I’m faced with having to speak my needs. And I realized something important.” Her happiness bubbled up into a laugh. “All these years—I’ve been starting that sentence all wrong. I don’t want you ‘to’ anything. It’s simple. I want you.”

  “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that.” He gave her a fierce smile.

  “Daniel…I know we can’t be together because of the Council. But if we’re safe here…one last time?”

  His smile changed, more poignant, and he lifted her off her feet. Carrying her to the fainting couch behind the screen, he laid her on her back.

  She had no doubt who would be on top this time.

  His palms landed on her thighs. A gentle push parted her legs. He bent his head to her mound.

  The heat of his breath scorched her panties. Her sex contracted in anticipation, tingling through her thighs and hips.

  He licked her. Her whole body tightened in response, wringing a mewl from her throat. He licked again. Then he licked over and over until the panties were damp and molded to her. Licked until she was on fire. Urgency pooled heavy and hot in her pelvis. Muscles melting, she let her head fall back, too heavy for her limp neck.

  The moment she yielded, he grabbed the skimpy lace and yanked the panties off. She yelped with surprise, her head jerking up.

  Seizing her naked hips, he pulled her to him and gave her pussy a deep open-mouthed kiss. She moaned, fireworks going off inside. Tonguing her, kissing her, sucking her until she screamed, he filled her belly boiling with urgency. Her clit jangled, her nipples tightened in a yoked response. He sucked her until her whole body was tensed for release.

  Still he worked her. He winched her tighter and tighter and tighter yet. She burned for relief, writhed in anguish. Grabbing his head, she rubbed then ground her hips against him, practically riding his jaw.

  When he thrust a finger inside her, she exploded, the climax surprising her with its intensity. Short but desperately hot.

  Lungs pumping, her neck lost strength again and her head fell back.

  While her brain was spinning, Daniel stood. Waving a hand from his crown to his toes, his clothes… Disappeared. A moment later, a pile of garments reappeared, neatly folded on a nearby table.

  Leaving him clad in nothing but his mask and straining desire. His gaze locked with hers, his starburst eyes so hot they were supernova.

  Howling moon, he’s gorgeous. She stopped panting to swallow, hard, and managed a jaunty, “I approve. Can you do that to me, too?”

  “No.” He knelt between her wet thighs. “Well, I can, but I’m not going to. I’m doing this the old fashioned way.”

  A single hard tug brought down her bodice, exposing both breasts, plump and tight and eager to meet him. He kissed one, then the other, so fast and hungry she burst out in a delighted laugh.

  He got down to suckling and her giggles dissolved into a long, low moan as her desire reignited. Snaring fingers through his hair, she pulled him closer, needing more. He answered her unspoken desires as he always had, raking teeth on the edge of her nipple. She yowled.

  He raised his head despite her strength. “Did I hurt—”

  “No. More. Again.”

  He gave her more, again. Harder. As she lay back, he followed her down, still suckling, until he covered her with his body. She petted his hair, releasing a clean masculine scent. She and ran her palms over the corded muscles in his neck down to the broad strength of his shoulders, delighting in the contradictory sensations of warm velvet skin over rock hard muscle.

  “More,” she whispered, bent to his ear. “Everything.” She nudged his hip with one silk stockinged foot.

  He raised himself to hands and knees over her, positioned between her legs. “You’re ready?”

  The muscular tension in his chest and arms, the yearning in his cock and eyes, undid her.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  She wrapped arms around his neck, ankles around his waist, and pulled herself up onto him. He shouted as her thrust sank him inside her to his root. His voice twined with her groan of pleasure. His thick cock felt like heaven.

  Pressing her back into the couch, he stretched himself over her and began riding her in long, undulating waves, lush swipes that ended with grinding his hips into her. She panted as her skin began to dew. His mouth found hers and he kissed her, both tongue and cock thrusting ever harder, ever deeper.

  She began driving her hips upward in the same rhythm, doubling the friction. He increased the tempo, and she met him thrust for thrust.

  Her body caught fire. Faster and faster, she winched toward the top, her fingers digging into his back muscles, her tongue thrusting into his mouth, dueling with his so eagerly it caused sparks. She built, and built more, until she couldn’t stand it.

  “Daniel,” she wailed. “More.”

  “Oh, I’ll give you more.” Grinning, he held his index finger be
fore her eyes.

  The tip was haloed with energy.


  Reaching between them, he touched her sex.

  Magical power ignited her clit like a launching a rocket. He answered her need as he ever had—and yet, as he never had before.

  Climax rushed her like a lightning strike. Screaming pleasure exploded in her brain, pow. She shrieked. A cascade of starbursts lit her whole body, a fireworks finale going on and on until she was nearly exhausted.

  When the contractions ebbed into aftershocks, her breathing slowed, and her heated body cooled.

  She felt light, happy.

  Then Daniel collapsed on her.

  “Oof. I almost wish for the ninety-eight pound weakling back. Just kidding.” She was still happy, but he was a heavy man.

  “Mmm.” He shifted slightly so that not all his weight was on her. But she still felt the thump-thump of his heart as it slowed. It was nice. Comforting. She could see doing this far, far into the future.

  With pups playing in the yard, then grandpups. When they were old and their muzzles were gray.

  At the thought, she drooped. The sad truth was, they only had tonight.

  * * *

  Daniel lay beside Zoe, gazing at her beautiful masked face as his heart slowed. He caressed a strand of hair back from her forehead. He’d waited for this all his life, even as he’d argued with himself through the years that one female couldn’t possibly be worth it.

  She wasn’t worth it—she was more than worth it.

  He’d wanted her to fall in love with him, to want him the way he wanted her. And at last she’d asked, not for him to do something for her, but just to be with her. It made him hope. Hope that she might come to love him as he loved her.

  Forbidden by the Witches’ Council.

  His stomach dropped at the thought. With a sigh, he sat up. Even if they loved each other fully, unreservedly, they couldn’t be together. For himself, he’d risk it. But not with her life on the line.

  She sat up, too, her head down, her hair tousled around her face so that he couldn’t see her expression, but her body was slumped.

  Relaxed…or disappointed?

  Probably disappointed. His spirits plummeted even further. He was supposed to romance her, damn it. He’d screwed up, jumping straight to sex yet again.


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