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The Young Firemen of Lakeville; Or, Herbert Dare's Pluck

Page 9

by Frank V. Webster



  "Give a yell!" suggested Vincent.

  "What for?" panted Bert, as he struggled with the oars, trying toswing the boat out of danger. "There's nobody aboard to steer the boatout of the way."

  But Vincent yelled anyhow, and, to the surprise of the boys, a figuresuddenly showed itself in the motor boat. It was that of a man, and hehad been lying down in the craft, adjusting some of the machinerywhile the engine was running.

  His sudden exclamation, as he sat up on hearing Vincent's yell, showedthat he was not aware how close he was to a collision. He jumped tohis feet, leaped forward to the wheel, and with a few quick turns senthis boat to one side.

  And it was only just in time, for the freeboard of his craft grazedthe extended oars that Tom and Bert had thrust out to dip in thewater, in order to further swing their boat around.

  "I didn't see you!" exclaimed the man, as his boat rushed past. "I wasfixing my engine. I'm sorry!"

  "Whose boat is that?" asked Bert.

  But the man returned no answer, and in a few seconds he was too faroff to enable the boys to repeat the question.

  "Do any of you fellows know him?" asked Bert of his chums.

  "Seems to me I saw him in the village the other day," replied Tom. "Hewas buying some stuff in the drug store. He's a stranger in town."

  "Wonder what he's doing around here?" asked Vincent. "It's a goodthing I hollered when I did, or he'd have punched a hole in us."

  "You're right," agreed Bert. "I didn't think there was anybody in theboat. But didn't he come out of the Stockton boathouse?"

  "He sure did," replied Tom. "But there hasn't been a boat there inseveral years. We've been in swimming around here lots of times, and Inever saw one before."

  "Me either," chimed in several lads.

  "And that's a new power boat," went on Bert. "It's a dandy, too. Weought to have a gasolene engine to work our fire apparatus."

  "No, we shouldn't!" exclaimed Cole. "Those valves on our pumpswouldn't stand being worked too fast. Our engine is good enough as itis."

  "Of course it is. We haven't had much use of it lately, have we?"

  "No; but it's all ready when we get an alarm. I oiled her up goodyesterday. And I guess the constable is on the job every night. He'sas anxious for a fire as we are, for he wants to ring the bell."

  "Still, I don't believe any one really wants a blaze," remarked Bert,and then he added: "We can make another payment on the engine thisweek, and then we'll only owe twenty-six dollars."

  "Oh, we'll soon have it paid for," declared Vincent.

  By this time the boys had reached the "swimming hole," and, tying uptheir boat, they soon were undressed and splashing about in the water.

  The lads had great fun, playing all sorts of games and tricks, butsoon the descending sun warned them that it was time to start forhome, and after a "last dive" they donned their garments and beganrowing back around the point. They kept a watch for the motor boat,but saw nothing of it, nor did there appear to be any signs of lifeabout the old mansion up on the bluff.

  The Stockton house was a source of some mystery to the villagers. Themansion, which, years before, had been the scene of much life andgaiety, was owned by Harris Stockton, who was reputed to be quitewealthy. But one day he had disappeared, saying good-bye to no one,and it was generally supposed he had gone abroad, as he was rathereccentric, and given to going and coming most unexpectedly.

  It was thought that the house was deserted, but neighbors frequentlysaw an old woman about it, after Mr. Stockton had disappeared, and sheannounced that she was the housekeeper, Sarah Blarcum by name. Therewas also a young man seen about the premises, and, in answer toquestions from inquisitive persons, Mrs. Blarcum stated that the youngman was Mr. Stockton's nephew, Alfred Muchmore, who was running theplace during his uncle's absence. As to where Mr. Stockton had gone,Mrs. Blarcum did not know, though she said the nephew had given her tounderstand his uncle was traveling in Europe.

  Muchmore was not known to any of the village people, and seemed tokeep pretty much to the mansion. He was seen about the groundsoccasionally, but Mrs. Blarcum attended to all the marketing.

  "Well, Herbert," said his mother that night, "you haven't had much useof your new engine, have you?"

  "Not yet; but we will."

  "Oh, I hope you don't have to go to any dangerous fires. I'm so afraidyou'll get hurt."

  "A fireman has to take chances, mother. Father had to do it,remember."

  "But you are only a volunteer."

  "That's the best kind. I think I'll get the boys together and have apractice run. We need a little drilling. But I'd just as soon an alarmwouldn't come in to-night. I'm dead tired, and I can sleep like a top,after my swim."

  "Then if I hear an alarm from the church bell I suppose you don't wantme to call you?"

  "Of course, I do, mother. But I guess I'll hear the bell if it rings."

  But Bert did not, and it was not until his mother had shaken himvigorously, several hours later, that he became aware of the franticsounding of the fire alarm.

  "Herbert! Herbert!" called his mother. "The fire bell is ringing!"

  "Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!"

  The bell gave out four quick strokes. Then a pause.

  "Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!"

  "It's on the west side of town!" exclaimed the boy, as he reached outand made a grab for his clothes. They were arranged on a chair nearhis bed, in readiness for quickly putting on; a practice observed byall the young members of the volunteer department.

  "Look out of the window, mother, and see if you can discover a blaze,please," directed Bert, as he began to dress.

  "Yes, I can see a light off in the west."

  "That must be it. Did the bell ring long before you called me?"

  "Only once. I was awake and heard it. Now, do be careful, Herbert.Don't get into danger."

  "I'll not, mother," and, with a kiss for his parent, Bert dashed downthe stairs, and ran at top speed for Cole's barn. He saw several ofhis chums in the street, headed in the same direction.


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