Homecoming Hearts Series Collection

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Homecoming Hearts Series Collection Page 109

by HJ Welch

  “You don’t think I’m a bad influence on Reyse?” he said. He felt like a small child, asking for the acceptance he had never gotten. But he didn’t have the strength to police himself like he usually did.

  Evangeline rested her fan on her chest and quirked a small but genuine-looking smile for him. “I think you’re a marvelous influence on him,” she said warmly. “You’re a bit rough and ragged, darling. You’re the kind of real person he needs to keep him grounded. So”- In one fluid motion she snapped the fan shut and smacked his knee with it. Corey wasn’t even surprised this time. He just grinned. -“stop this moping and cheer up. He’s going to be in a stinker of a mood when he gets home, so you need to think about how you’re going to cheer him up. Hmm?”

  Corey frowned. “But…his dad woke up?” he said, confused. “Don’t you think he’ll be in a good mood when he gets back?”

  Evangeline sighed sympathetically and tapped him more gently on the knee with the fan. “I’d love to think so, but somehow I doubt it. But you can make him happy, can’t you, sweetie?”

  Corey looked at her for a moment. But her face gave nothing away. “I guess,” he said slowly.

  “I have no doubt,” Evangeline said confidently. “So, you’re all cheery again, yes?”

  Corey chewed his lip and pushed his sunglasses back up his nose where they’d slipped a little. “I was actually hoping to go for a walk and clear my head,” he said. “You know a direction I could point myself?” He’d planned on checking Google Maps, but he’d prefer a personal recommendation.

  Evangeline beamed at him. “That sounds splendid. If I were you, I’d trot down to the very end of the yard. You see where those big oak trees are?” Corey nodded. “Well, through there, there’s a gate out to a pathway. You follow that down for about ten minutes, you’ll reach the security gate and it’ll spit you right out onto the beach.”

  “The beach?” Corey repeated without thinking.

  He probably sounded far too excitable for a grown man, but he didn’t care. Ever since he could remember he had always adored the sight and sound of the ocean lapping against the shores of a warm beach. Even just thinking about it made his body relax.

  “Ah,” Evangeline said, knowingly. “You’re that sort, are you? I thought so. Wonderful.” Before Corey could ask what sort she meant, she jutted her chin at him. “Off you go, then. Take a blanket if you want. There’s plenty of picnic things in the kitchen. I’ll send Reyse your way whenever he returns.” She snuggled down on the deckchair and closed her eyes with a sigh. “I’m going back to sleep. And if anyone else asks, I have no idea where you two could possibly be.”

  A lump rose in Corey’s throat. “Thank you,” he said, grateful for so many things. Mostly for this veritable stranger making him feel more at home than anywhere he’d lived in his life. For her endorsing Corey and Reyse without them having to come out and confirm anything. For simply being kind when the world felt like a pretty cruel place at times.

  Evangeline huffed. “Oh, do go away now. I shan’t have you being sappy all over the place.”

  Corey chuckled and sniffed and he stood. “See you later,” he said with a nod.

  She peeked up at him through a half-opened eyelid. “Enjoy the day,” she said simply back to him.

  Corey vowed to do his best.



  Reyse had no idea this pathway existed. It wasn’t surprising, considering he hadn’t spent much time at all in his parents’ house. But still, the thrill of finding a hidden gem in the backyard lessened his anger and anxiety somewhat. He felt like a little kid again, taking himself off on an adventure.

  He’d churned over his meeting with his dad the whole drive home from the hospital. What had he expected? A big hug and for everything to magically resolve just because he’d had a health scare? The real world didn’t work like that. And honestly, his dad had been cool with him, but he hadn’t shouted at him or been as rude as Dave had been. The indifference cut Reyse to the bone, but he had to allow his dad some slack for being so sick. He’d been in and out of consciousness for days, after all.

  So, it wasn’t the worst outcome. They’d exchanged a few terse words and Reyse was still glad he’d made the effort to come home and see him in person. Perhaps he could try again tomorrow, on his own? His dad might be open to more of a conversation without Dave looming over them both.

  For now, he just needed Corey desperately. It was selfish, he knew, to expect so much from Corey when he couldn’t give him much in return. But he hoped Corey would at least be eager to see him too. He’d been the one to suggest they keep up their private arrangement, after all.

  Evangeline had been rather blasé about telling Reyse where Corey was. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. But he knew that Corey was down on the beach and he was expecting Reyse.

  He bit his lip as he pushed through the slightly overgrown tree branches and tried to suppress the bubble of happiness in his heart. After feeling so low, his brain was trying to lie to him and tell him this felt like a date. He couldn’t go on a date with Corey. They shouldn’t even be having sex. But as he opened the security door and exited the neighborhood compound, the fresh sea breeze took his breath away.

  The vista was awfully romantic.

  He crossed a quiet road and headed for a wooden, railed pathway that led down a windswept, dried grassy ridge and onto the sandy dunes. It was a quiet beach with only a couple walking a dog far off in the distance. The shoreline was winding in both directions, with small cliffs rising up right beside the beach to the right.

  It was a cloudy day for California, so there wasn’t a desperate need for shade from the late afternoon sun. It was easy to spy Corey’s familiar form, sitting on a blanket a few dozen feet away, his shoes off and his toes buried in the sand.

  Why did seeing him feel like home? Reyse stood for a moment and cursed his heart. This was insane. He couldn’t fall as hard as he was. But there wasn’t anyone Reyse wanted to see more after getting torn down by his family than Corey Sheppard.

  Well, for now, he could. For this precious moment, he could take all his frustrations and anger and hurt and find solace in the person who had come to mean so much to him. He could either taint it by feeling guilty, or embrace the relief that filled his heart.

  It was an easy choice to make as he sank down onto the blanket and smelled Corey’s spicy cologne mingled with the sea breeze. He looked over at him and smiled.

  “Hey,” he said softly.

  “Hey,” Corey replied.

  He was close enough their shoulders could just brush. It was probably a bit too intimate for guys who were just buddies. But if Reyse couldn’t throw his arms around his lover and bury his face against his neck like he wanted, he’d take what he could.

  “How’s your dad?” Corey asked.

  He was playing with a long, dried blade of grass between his fingers, but he glanced up at Reyse. His sunglasses were hanging from his collar, despite squinting against the sun. It meant Reyse could see his eyes and gauge his reactions better. He wondered if Corey knew that it meant a lot to see him properly. He wanted total honesty between them in that moment. They were hiding enough already.

  Reyse sighed. “He’s awake and his vitals are good,” he said. “So that’s good, but…”

  Corey moved his hand and linked his pinky finger around Reyse’s. It made Reyse’s heart flip. “Wasn’t he pleased to see you?”

  Reyse pulled his lower lip between his teeth and clicked his jaw. “I don’t think he knew what to think,” he finally blurted out. “He just…didn’t really react at all,” he cried in frustration. “It was like he was paralyzed and I didn’t know what to say either so I just left.” He grabbed a fistful of sand with his free hand and shook it out between his fingers. “Dave was pretty embarrassed to have me there. He couldn’t wait for me to go and leave them all to it.”

  “Dave’s a prick,” Corey said dryly. “Sorry.”

  “No, you’re not,�
� Reyse said with a sad chuckle. “Thank you, though.”

  Corey shook his head and scowled, looking out over the rolling waves. “I just don’t fucking get it,” he practically snarled. “I know you said things were kind of weird, but it’s like they’re ashamed of you for being phenomenally successful. Like you’re this big embarrassment.”

  Reyse scoffed and ground his teeth. “But I am, right? Some sissy pop star who just jumps as high as he’s told and says all the right things to keep everyone happy. Who the fuck even am I? I’m just…so fake and I’m tired of it.”

  “Hey, no,” said Corey firmly.

  He surprised Reyse by grabbing his face with both his hands and kissing him firmly on the lips. It was only for a second and he released him immediately, but Reyse’s heart went into overdrive. He couldn’t believe Corey had risked that. There was no one around, but it felt incredibly thrilling to kiss in public. Dumb, but also kind of awesome.

  “Sorry,” Corey said sheepishly, crossing his arms. “I shouldn’t have done that. But…you make me so mad. The whole situation is infuriating. You shouldn’t let your family or your label make you feel like you’re less than you are. You’re insanely talented. It’s their fucking fault they’ve put you in this bind. If you could just come out, you’d be so much happier.”

  “And lose millions of fans and sales and probably half my sponsors,” Reyse said heavily. For a moment, they just looked at one another, the weight of their situation settling heavily on their shoulders. Then Reyse shook his head. “Fuck it. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  “What do you want?” Corey asked.

  “You,” Reyse said automatically.

  Corey gave him a small smile and linked their pinkies again. “You have me, dummy,” he said fondly. “For as long as you want.”

  “No,” Reyse said. “Only as long as I can.” He squeezed their fingers together. “Fuck this moping. I’m so over it.”

  Corey laughed. “Evangeline told me I wasn’t allowed to mope anymore, either,” he said with a sparkle in his eye.

  “I bet,” Reyse said.

  He stood suddenly, peeling off his T-shirt. Corey laughed. “What the hell are you doing?” he cried.

  Reyse grinned. “Having some goddamned fun for once. Get in the water with me.”

  Corey laughed again and sprung to his feet. “Yes, sir,” he growled. Reyse’s cock twitched with interest, but he tried to control himself.

  It was difficult as Corey also stripped down to his briefs, revealing his delicious abs and muscular thighs. Both now only in their underwear, they raced across the sand, leaving their clothes with the blanket as they kicked their way into the cold surf, yelping as the waves hit their bodies. Reyse’s sensitive balls didn’t know what to do as they were confronted with both the cold shock of the sea as well as the tantalizing sight of Corey dripping with water, splashing him playfully.

  For a while, they swam around, adjusting to the temperature and simply enjoying the feeling of being in the water. A few people walked past them, but on the whole, this seemed to be a private beach for the neighborhood and not one many people were really using just then. Reyse was glad. He’d taken a risk, leaving his phone in his jeans. But he was just so tired of fretting over every damn thing. For once, he was going to be reckless.

  The sun began to dip, streaking pale lavender and peachy tones across the sky. He and Corey were a fair way out, though not enough they were in danger of getting swept away. Reyse could just about make out their clothes in a little pile on the beach.

  He locked eyes with Corey. “Come here,” he said clearly. He was confident his words wouldn’t carry over the waves, even if there was anyone around to hear them.

  He had the same thrill buzzing through his veins that he got before he stepped on stage or before he did a live TV interview. That tantalizing sense that anything could happen, but Reyse was in command. He was in charge of his destiny when he was performing. Out here, away from the world, he surprised himself by finding some of that confidence again. He knew it had been lacking until now when he’d been with Corey.

  But Reyse was tired of being everyone else’s property, of being their business, their product. This was his damn life and he only got to live it once. So when Corey swam close enough, Reyse grabbed his hip, hard, and they treaded water together, their faces inches apart.

  “Take a deep breath,” he commanded. Corey did as he was told.

  Then Reyse dragged them both under the waves.

  It was tricky, but he was able to yank Corey’s solid chest to his. Pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth to keep the water out and the air in his lungs, he kissed Corey fiercely. Corey’s hands held him tightly, their bodies entwining, and they made out under the waves. With the water pressing all around them, filling their ears and keeping their eyes shut, Reyse’s world was reduced down to just Corey’s lips and hands and hard cock bumping against Reyse’s.

  It couldn’t last, obviously. Too soon, they broke apart, breaching the water’s surface and gasping for air a few feet apart. But they were grinning and flushed as they kicked their legs to stay upright and afloat, wiping the salt water from their faces. The sunset had turned into a blaze of reds and oranges, hanging over them like a protective blanket.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” Corey said, his expression one of pure devilment. He was only using one hand to keep afloat. He waggled his eyebrows at Reyse. “I’m going to take you back to your room and fuck you like an animal.”

  Reyse swam as close as he dared. To the outside observer, they were just two guys bobbing about in the sea, shooting the shit. But Reyse reached into his underwear, taking his rock-hard cock in hand, not breaking eye contact with Corey for a second.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Reyse asked, his voice hoarse. His heart was racing as he began jerking himself off, just like Corey was doing.

  Corey grinned sinfully and bit his lip, dropping his head back a little in pleasure and he touched himself and stared at Reyse. “I’m going to drag you in the shower with me and scrub you clean, because you’re a filthy little minx,” he said. Reyse moaned. “Then I’m going to suck you off, but I’m not going to let you come.”

  “But I want to come,” Reyse gasped, breathless. “So badly, Corey.”

  Corey shook his head. “You’re a very bad boy, and you get to come when I say. If you’re a good boy, you’ll lie on your bed with your ass in the air and face in the pillow. That way, when you scream, no one will hear you.”

  Reyse squeezed his cock and stroked his balls and taint for a moment, trying to pace himself. “Why am I going to scream?” he whispered. “I’ll be such a good boy, I swear.”

  Corey groaned and sucked in air through his teeth. “I’m going to eat you out slowly, Reyse Hickson. I’m going to use my tongue to stretch you out for as long as I want. And when you’re ready to take my big cock, I’m going to fuck you on your knees, hard.”

  Reyse shuddered. He was getting close. “I want your hands on my cock,” he begged. “Now, please, come here.”

  They scrambled through the water to close the couple of feet between them, frantically grabbing for each other’s dicks. Reyse wailed as Corey took him in hand. It was sloppy and difficult to get a proper grip while bobbing in the water, but Corey was just as turned on as Reyse was and all it took was a few tugs between them for Reyse to come. Reyse arched his back and gripped Corey’s cock and hip tightly, seeing him through his own orgasm. Then they clung together, panting as they drifted like flotsam on the waves.

  “That was so hot,” Reyse breathed when he remembered how words worked again.

  Corey grinned. “You’re so hot.” He pulled Reyse in for a hug. It was risky if anyone was paying close attention to them, but it was still just about acceptable to the unsuspecting observer. “I…Reyse,” Corey murmured into his neck. “I…care about you.”

  Reyse bit his lip, feeling Corey’s cool skin against his own and how fast his heart was
beating. “I care about you, too,” he said.

  Another word floated around Reyse’s mind instead of ‘care.’ But that was ridiculous. He couldn’t say that. It was stupid to even think it. Even if he and Corey weren’t destined to part at some point in the near future, it was too soon to feel like that. He still didn’t really know Corey.

  But how much did you need to know someone to realize you loved them? Was this just the sex endorphins talking, or was the way Reyse felt so damned complete when he was with Corey the real deal?

  He couldn’t risk exploring the thought any further. He just took Corey’s words and held them close to his heart.

  They let each other go and swam back to shore, the sea washing away any evidence of their tryst. “Were you serious?” Reyse asked playfully as they dragged their clothes back over their damp bodies. Thankfully, his phone was exactly where he’d left it. The sunset was transitioning from orange to a more somber purple and dark blue behind them. “What you said back there – what you’re going to do to me.”

  Corey balled up his T-shirt and stepped closer to Reyse, risking a quick touch to his arm. “I can,” he said. “Or I could snuggle with you while we watch the rest of the sunset on your bed. Then I’ll kiss you gently and sweetly, and touch every inch of you with reverent hands. If you want, I can slide inside you, or we can just lie together. Either way, we can come at the same time, quietly, and hold each other until we fall asleep.”

  Reyse just stared at him, his chest tight and his mouth dry. “T-that one,” he stammered. “I’d like…that…very much.”

  Corey looked down at him through his dark lashes, his chestnut eyes full of sincerity. “So would I, gorgeous,” he rasped.

  Reyse swallowed as he watched Corey put his shirt back on. Then they were crossing the road and walking through the security gate. The pathway was narrow and deserted, and night was falling, giving them darkness as protection. So Reyse took a chance and reached out for Corey’s hand, entwining their fingers so they could walk side by side like real lovers did.


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