Book Read Free

Global Playground

Page 12

by Delores Swallows

  Her eyes narrowed. “Serves you right for coming so much.”

  “It wasn’t just cum. Most of it was your juices.”

  She shrugged. “Well, that serves you right for making me so wet.”

  They lay in relative silence for another fifteen minutes or so, then Jim climbed out and pulled on a t-shirt and shorts. While Sara dried herself, he went to collect their clothes from downstairs.

  When he came back Sara was naked in their bedroom. She looked good, all pink from the hot water.

  Jim had a thought. “Do you want to borrow a pair of Sophie’s panties?”

  She laughed, shook her head. “No, I’ll be fine.”

  “Want a coffee or anything?”

  She was fastening her bra. “No thanks.”

  He watched her pull on her skirt, button up her blouse and step into her shoes. “Nothing I can get you?”

  “No, I think you’ve fulfilled all my needs, thank you.” She moved close, kissed his lips. “I loved everything you did to me.”

  “Me too.” Jim watched her eyes, wondered if Billy would be shooting his cream into her when she got home.

  She headed downstairs and he followed. They kissed briefly before he opened the front door and walked her to her car.

  “See you Wednesday?”

  He nodded, smiled knowingly. “But aren’t you forgetting something?”

  She gave a shrug of exaggerated nonchalance, which confirmed she knew what he was about to ask. “What’s that?”

  “Don’t you have a phone number for me?”

  “Oh yes, Naomi’s. I’ll text it you when I get home. I’ll also tell you which bar she works in, to give you the chance to engineer a ‘coincidental’ meeting, rather than admitting you’re stalking her like a pervert.”

  “I thought she liked perverts.”

  “Ha. Yeah, you’re probably right.” She reversed off the drive and drove away.

  Jim headed inside, turned all the downstairs lights off and went straight to bed. He checked his phone; nothing from Sophie. He lay under the quilt, his body completely relaxed, wondering if Sophie’s evening had been as satisfying as his. He soon fell into a deep, contented sleep.

  * * * *

  The next morning Jim didn’t wake until after ten. Lying in bed, he checked his phone and saw that although Sophie hadn’t bothered to text at all, he did have a message from Sara. She’d sent Naomi’s mobile number and the name of a bar he’d never heard of.

  After a brief shower he made himself coffee and took it out into the garden. Using his phone, he searched for the bar in Google and discovered it was in the neighbouring town of Ellerton. He had no idea if she’d be working today, but decided he’d drive over anyway.

  He sent a text to Sophie to ask when she’d be back and if she’d need dinner, then walked to the local shops to buy something he wanted to give to Naomi. Sophie replied while he was in the supermarket; she’d eat before the flight, and would be home around nine. Jim took a leisurely stroll around town then headed back for his car.

  It took about twenty minutes to get to Ellerton and find a parking spot on the street, right outside the bar. He grabbed his purchase and went in, seeing her the moment he walked through the door. She was serving a couple of girls, her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail.

  He approached the bar while she was still concentrating on pouring drinks and taking money. When she turned to take his order, he saw her pause. He could tell from her expression that although she recognised him, she didn’t know where from.


  “Hi.” He smiled politely, enjoying her confusion. Finally, he handed over the white paper bag. “You told me you like these.”

  She looked inside and a beautiful smile crossed her face. She looked up and laughed. “Of course. Yes, I do like cherries. Thank you. Would you like a drink, or are you only here to embarrass me?”

  “A Corona would be good, if you have one.”

  She smiled and turned to get a bottle from the chiller. He couldn’t help noticing how good her bum looked in the tight, faded jeans.


  “Yes please.”

  She slipped the wedge into the neck of the bottle. “Anything else?”

  “Er, yeah…” He suddenly felt foolish, and was beginning to panic. “What I really wanted, why I came here, was to ask if you’d like to go out one night?”

  Naomi looked around to confirm nobody was waiting to be served, and then leaned over the bar to talk more privately. “You mean, like a date?”

  Jim nodded.

  “Ooh, goody. Dancing? Roller skating?”

  Jim laughed. “I’m a really bad dancer, and I dread to think how many people I could hurt if I got on roller skates. How about dinner?”

  “You want to take me to dinner?”

  “Yes please.”

  “Why?” She looked genuinely puzzled.

  He took a deep breath. “Because when I met you the other week, I thought you were nice. I’ve been thinking about you—a lot. So I thought I’d find you and try to get to know you better.”

  “The fact that we met at that kind of party makes it obvious what we’re both into. Dinner isn’t really necessary, you know.”

  He shrugged. “Maybe, but I’d really like to take you to dinner.”

  “It’s Jim, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah…” He was amazed she could remember his name, and his amazement probably showed on his face.

  “See, you’re not the only one who remembers our meeting. Dinner would be lovely. When were you thinking of?”

  “Any night this week. Or next. Or whenever you’re free.”

  She laughed. “Tuesday?”

  Relief and excitement flushed through him. “Tuesday would be great. Shall I meet you in here, say eight o’clock?”

  “That’s fine. What shall I wear?” She had a teasing smile.

  He looked down at her black t-shirt and pale blue jeans. “You look great like that, and you looked great in the blue dress. I have no doubt you look great in all your clothes, so wear whatever you’re comfortable in.”

  She smiled and nodded, then had to go and serve another customer.

  Jim stood at the bar and drank his beer. He enjoyed watching her, and she kept looking in his direction and flashing him smiles.

  When he’d finished she took his empty bottle. “I’ll see you on Tuesday then?”

  Jim nodded. “Definitely. Bye.”

  She gave him a big smile and after he’d left the bar he wanted to skip back to his car.

  * * * *

  It was closer to ten when Sophie finally arrived home that night. Jim had started to worry.

  “Sorry, there was some problem on the motorway and the traffic was a nightmare.” She dropped her bag on the floor and walked over for a hug.

  He slipped his arms around her waist. “How was your weekend?”

  “I’ll tell you later. But I need the loo, and then I need a cup of tea.”

  Jim felt the familiar tingling—she meant she’d tell him in bed. “Okay, I’ll put the kettle on.”

  Sophie disappeared upstairs, and by the time she came back down Jim had poured her tea. She’d removed her shoes and coat.

  “Do you want anything to eat?”

  She smiled as she took the cup from his hands. “No, this’ll be enough, thanks.” She took a sip and moved into the living room. She sat on the same sofa where less than twenty four hours earlier, Jim had enjoyed oral and anal sex with Sara.

  “So, how was your weekend?” She looked relaxed, and seemed to be just making conversation.

  “It was good. I saw Sara last night.”

  Sophie nodded, sipped her tea. “Where’d you go?”

  “Nowhere. We stayed in.” He nodded at the room. “Here.”

  “Did she stay the night?”

  “No, she left around midnight.”

  She nodded, then drank her tea in silence.

  Fifteen minutes later they headed upst
airs. Jim got into bed while Sophie went to the bathroom. She came through shortly afterwards, smelling of toothpaste. She was naked.

  Slipping into bed, she leaned over and kissed his ear. “Did Sara make you come?”

  He didn’t see any point in lying, or feeling guilty. “Yeah, she made me come.”

  “Good.” Sophie gripped his cock. “Did she make you come more than once?”


  “Good. So, have you any questions for me?”

  Jim rolled on top of her, holding himself up with straight arms. “Oh, I’ve got lots of questions.”

  Sophie reached down and slid her hand up and down his cock, then when he was hard enough she fed it inside her. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

  Jim started to fuck her very slowly. “Okay, first question. Were there any men involved in your weekend?”

  Sophie smiled but didn’t open her eyes. “No—it was strictly just girls.”

  He wasn’t entirely sure if he was pleased or disappointed. “How many girls?”

  “Just two, me and Anja.”

  “What happened Friday night?”

  She slipped her arms around his waist, started to move her hips with him. “We went to a couple of bars and then back to her flat.”

  “And then?”

  Sophie opened her eyes. “We went to bed. She made me come—twice.”


  “With her fingers and mouth.”

  “And then?” He already had the image in his head.

  “I made her come with my tongue.”


  Sophie smiled. “Later we made love face to face, and we both came again.”

  “Sounds like you had a good time.”

  Sophie pushed him off, rolled over and straddled him in one swift movement. She reached down and got him back inside her, and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Sorry, but I think I should control the speed, because I don’t want you to come before I’ve told you about Saturday night.”

  “Oh?” Jim reached up and squeezed her nipples. “What happened Saturday night?”

  “Well, you fucked Sara…” She rocked her hips quickly for a few seconds, then slowed down again. “And I went dancing.”

  Jim’s immediate thought was of Naomi asking if he was taking her dancing, but forced his mind back to Sophie. “Dancing?”

  “Hmm. Dirty dancing.” She described how Anja had dressed her, including the special insert in the panties.

  Jim approved of the way she’d been dressed. “And where did you go?”

  “Some kinky club. It was in an old underground cellar of some kind, brick arched ceilings and strobe lighting. All the people were dressed like us, or even more outrageous. Leather and chains seemed to be the most popular choice for clothing.”

  Jim pushed himself up into her. “And what happened when you danced with the cock inside the panties?”

  Sophie leaned down so their foreheads were touching. “What do you think happened? She held me close and ground herself against me. I came before the first song had finished.”

  He needed more details. “How crowded was the place?”

  “Very. There were maybe a hundred people dancing.”

  “Did Anja know you’d come?”

  “Oh yeah, she knew. We were kissing at the time, and I got quite vocal. Then she turned me around and danced behind me, her tits crushed against my back. She started groping my braless boobs through the thin material of my dress.”

  Jim closed his eyes and concentrated on the scene she was describing. His cock felt like it would burst any moment. “So anyone could see?”

  “Yeah, but everyone was dancing with their own partner. Nobody seemed to be paying us any notice.”

  “Didn’t you reach round and grab her?”

  Sophie shook her head very slightly. “No. I just wanted her to abuse my body.”

  “Slut.” He gripped her hips in his hands, moving her on him. “And did she?”

  “Oh yes. She grabbed the front waistband of my panties through the dress and kept yanking them up, making the little cock fuck me as we danced. She made me come doing that.”

  “You came twice on a dance floor in a crowded club.” Jim’s head swam.

  “No. She made me come again later—I came three times while dancing.” She rocked harder on him, her voice giving away how close she was to coming again.

  “And when you got home?”

  “When we got home we shared a double-ended dildo, but I’ll have to tell you about that… another—” She sank her face into his neck and whimpered as she came.

  Jim held her hips and banged into her from beneath, reaching his own release just a few seconds after hers.

  They settled down in bed and Sophie had soon dropped into a deep slumber—no doubt a result of getting very little sleep while in Vienna.

  Jim closed his eyes and thought about the things Sophie had described, but the image that kept forcing its way to the front of his mind was that of Naomi, smiling at him with the bag of cherries. He couldn’t wait for Tuesday night.




  Chapter Eight

  Sophie was up bright and early on Monday morning. She’d showered and dressed for work before Jim woke. In the kitchen she made herself a cup of tea, and as an afterthought added a spoonful of coffee granules to a mug for Jim to use when he came downstairs. She read the news on her phone while she drank her tea, then went back upstairs.

  She leaned through the bedroom door. “See you later.”

  Jim sat up in bed. He looked tired. “Yeah, okay. Sorry, I never heard you get up.”

  “Tell Sara to be less demanding next time.” She went back downstairs, grabbed her handbag from the living room and left.

  When she arrived at work she fired up her computer and went to get herself another cup of tea. Darren wandered over to her desk for a chat.

  “Morning Sophie.”

  “Oh, hiya. How was your weekend—more barbecues?”

  He laughed. “No, just a quiet one. How about you?”

  “I went to stay with a friend.” She smiled at the memory. “In Vienna.”

  “Oh wow, lucky you. So that’s why you’re in such a good mood.”

  She laughed as he made his way back to his own desk.

  Sophie opened her work email, and also checked her personal one. She’d agreed with Clive that he should email her rather than texting, as Jim would be more likely to read her texts. Clive hadn’t written, so she emailed to ask if he’d be free any time that week. Then she sent a text to Anja to thank her for a wonderful weekend.

  The rest of her day was rather mundane until she received Anja’s reply, which read: ‘Let’s do it again. Your place or mine. Or Paris. Or Rome. Or wherever you want!’

  Sophie thought about the offer. She’d happily have Anja come over to England, but would she want to share her with Jim? No, Anja was not for sharing—she’d already told Sophie she preferred one-on-one. The idea of meeting her lesbian lover in a strange city every few months was an exciting one. There were cities she’d always fancied visiting, and seeing them with Anja would be a great way to do it. Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Florence... Her tummy tingled at all the possibilities.

  At the end of the day, unable to focus, she left ten minutes earlier than usual.

  Jim was preparing their dinner when she got home. He smiled when she walked in, and showed her he was drinking beer. “There’s more in the fridge if you fancy one.”

  Sophie nodded. “Thanks. If you open one for me, I’ll go and get changed.”

  A couple of minutes later she headed back downstairs, now barefoot and wearing a baggy t-shirt and black leggings. She picked up the bottle off the counter. “Cheers.”

  He looked up from chopping the onion and smiled. “How was your day?”

  She shrugged. “A bit dull. How about yours?”

  “No better. But Patrick came into the
office for a while.”

  “Oh? How did he look?” Sophie enjoyed winding Jim up about Patrick. Maybe one day she’d give him reason and actually fuck Patrick—she’d always fancied him.

  “His leg’s a mess. I thought he was faking it, trying to get a longer holiday, but he’s actually had surgery. Still lots of swelling around his knee.”

  Sophie thought about Patrick’s dark, tanned legs. “How did he do it again?”

  “Water-skiing. Torn cruciate ligament, apparently.”

  “Oh dear. So is he able to work?”

  Jim shook his head. “No, he only came in to see HR. He’ll be off for quite a while yet.”

  Sophie pouted. “Think he’d like me to rub his leg for him?”

  “Yeah, maybe you could move the swelling up from his knee.”

  She had a couple of sips of her beer and looked at the array of ingredients he’d got out of the fridge. “So, what’s for dinner?”

  “I thought I’d make fajitas. Is that okay?”

  “A man making my dinner is always okay with me. Want me to do anything?”

  “No, go sit down. These won’t take long.”

  Sophie wandered through to the living room and flicked on the TV. The news was just starting, but the headlines were all depressing, so she muted it and checked Facebook on her phone.

  Jim came through carrying two plates, passed Sophie one, then went back to the kitchen for his beer. When he returned he sat next to her.

  “By the way, I won’t be eating here tomorrow.” He didn’t look up from filling his fajita.

  “Oh?” She couldn’t remember if he’d already mentioned this. Maybe Clive would be free…

  “No, I’m seeing Naomi—the one I told you about.”

  Sophie was surprised. “The old woman?”

  He laughed. “She’s not an old woman! She’s an older woman.”

  She didn’t know whether to feel hurt or amused. “So, you got her number then?”

  “Yeah, Sara knows her.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She’d definitely try and get hold of Clive to see if he was free.

  Sophie switched channels and they watched a mindless game show while they finished their dinner. The rest of the evening passed without further mention of Jim’s upcoming date, and when they went to bed they both read for a while then went to sleep.


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