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Global Playground

Page 18

by Delores Swallows

  Sophie thought about what he’d said. “Will the guest be staying the night?”

  He shook his head. “No—but then, neither will we.”

  She was puzzled. “Sorry?”

  “We’ll be going back to the airport and flying home.”

  “Ah, right. Of course.”

  He shrugged. “I know it’s an awfully long way to come for a weekend.”

  She nodded. “I hate to think how much it must have cost.”

  “Oh, I don’t care about the money, though I do feel guilty about my carbon footprint. But I’ve been looking forward to tonight’s entertainment for quite a while.”

  “Oh?” Sophie felt a tingle of excitement. “Are you going to tell me what it involves?”

  He stopped and faced her. “Wouldn’t you prefer to wait to find out?”

  She thought about it, then smiled and nodded, reassured that things would unfold in a hotel suite and not in front of crowds of people. “Okay, let’s keep it as a surprise.”

  Her answer seemed to please him. After a short wait before boarding the ferry, the river tour lasted forty minutes. For the next two hours they enjoyed the sights of the city by foot or in a taxi. They saw incredible temples and palaces of marble, Buddhas of gold. They stopped for a coffee in the late afternoon, then returned to the street market as the sun went down.

  G-J had been right about the market being better in the dark. The electric lighting seemed to bring the colours of the stalls to life. It was vibrant and exciting. There were strange and wonderful characters all vying for the crowd’s attention, and Sophie stared open-mouthed like a child at the circus.

  A little later they went back to see Wat Arun. It was spectacular during the day time, but at night it looked absolutely amazing—almost magical. The lighting made it look like it was made of gold.

  “It looks like a wedding cake.” The words were out of her mouth before she’d thought about what she was saying. “I mean…”

  He laughed. “Don’t let the monks hear you describing their sacred temple that way.”

  When she saw him check his watch she felt butterflies in her stomach. She still hadn’t got used to the idea that she was scheduled to have sex with someone she hadn’t yet met.

  “We should think about getting back. Are you hungry?”

  Sophie shook her head. “Not at all.”

  Back at the hotel G-J announced he had some business calls to make and suggested Sophie take advantage of the luxury bathroom. She emerged thirty minutes later in a fluffy robe to find a pale green silk dress spread out on the chaise longue. Next to it were a pair of matching high heels with an ankle strap.

  G-J was standing by the window looking out over the illuminated city. “I took the liberty of buying you an outfit. I’ve never seen you in this colour, but I think it’ll suit you.”

  She picked up the dress and held it against her body. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Well, it will be when it adorns your perfect shape. And I want you to look your best.”

  Sophie smiled, then returned to the bathroom and applied her makeup. She pinned her hair up, then looked at herself in the mirror. She looked good, and hoped G-J would approve.

  Sophie returned to the bedroom where G-J was now sitting on one of the armchairs, drink in hand. The dress he’d bought for her was backless, so no bra. She walked to her set of drawers and took out a lacy white thong, pulling it on under her robe. She considered going back into the bathroom to put on the dress, but it seemed silly to feel any embarrassment about getting naked in front of G-J.

  She stood facing him by the chaise and slipped the robe off her shoulders, felt her nipples pucker under his gaze. She picked up the dress and stepped into it, fastening the zip at her lower back and then the halter-neck strap. The dress came down to her knees and clung to her curves.

  She checked her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of a wardrobe door and stood on tip-toe, turning to see her bum. “It’s a perfect fit.”

  He smiled. “I know your figure, so it was easy for me. I also know your shoe size, so they should also fit you,” he said, nodding in the direction of the shoes.

  Sophie sat on the chaise and put on her shoes. They were open-toed and exactly the same shade of green as the dress. They had an ankle strap and three inch heels. Before the trip she’d painted her toenails a very dark purple, which would have looked fine with the dress she’d intended wearing, but perhaps didn’t match the green as well as it might. G-J didn’t seem to mind, and she doubted if the man they were meeting shortly would care about any clash between her toenails and her dress. The warmth spread throughout her lower body as she considered the dress probably wouldn’t stay on once they got started.

  She stood up and walked slowly across the suite.

  His eyes were on her, a satisfied smile on his face. “You look as wonderful as I knew you would.”

  She smiled. “The dress is beautiful. Thank you.”

  “The dress is just a garment—it’s you that makes it beautiful.” He drained his glass and stood. “Come, let’s go meet Lawan.”


  “Lawan—that’s who’ll you’ll be having your fun with later. We’re meeting in the 360.”

  Sophie hadn’t been told the names of the other people she’d had sex with during her adventures. She hadn’t even seen the guy in London, and had only learned of the dancers’ names from Anja. “What’s the 360?”

  “It’s the rooftop bar of this hotel—they often use the term skybar. I think you’ll like it, the view is wonderful.”

  They left their suite and took an elevator to the top floor. The roof-top terrace was furnished with wicker couches and tables, with many guests chatting and laughing under the warm summer evening.

  The 360 Bar was a circular glass structure at one end of the roof. The décor was dark, the lights dimmed and the carpet soft beneath her feet. As the name suggested, they had an unhindered view of the illuminated city from every angle.

  It was probably the most impressive sight Sophie had ever seen. “It’s amazing.”

  “I thought you’d appreciate the view from up here. Ah, here’s Lawan.”

  Sophie turned to see who she’d flown all this way to have sex with, and her mouth dropped open. Walking towards them was a beautiful Thai girl dressed in a white dress and white sandals.

  “It’s wonderful to see you again, my dear.” G-J took her hand and raised it to his lips.

  “Thank you. It is wonderful for me, also.”

  “I’d like to introduce Sophie.”

  When Lawan turned towards her, Sophie was a little intimidated by the other woman’s beauty. She had a heart-shaped face and rich brown eyes. Her hair was thick and jet-black, cut in a bob to follow her jaw-line. Her dress was sheer, and Sophie could see the gentle swell of her breasts pushing against the material.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you, Sophie.” Lawan held out her hand, and Sophie took it in hers. Her skin was warm and soft, and there was a sparkle in her beautiful eyes.

  “Lovely to meet you, too.”

  “What can I order you ladies to drink?” G-J had summoned a waiter.

  Sophie didn’t want to simply drink wine in a place like this. “Hmm… I’d like something alcoholic and fruity.”

  Lawan smiled and nodded. “How about Kir Royal?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Champagne with a blackcurrant liqueur. Fruity, alcoholic, and very nice.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  G-J ordered a brandy for himself, and the waiter retreated. They found a table and briefly discussed their sight-seeing trips earlier.

  “Are you from Bangkok, Lawan?” Sophie looked into the liquid pools of the other woman’s eyes. The eyeliner emphasized their almond shape, making her look all the more exotic.

  “No, I was born in a small village in the north. I came to Bangkok with my brother six years ago.”

  Their drinks arrived and G-J raised his glass.
“To a beautiful evening with beautiful women.”

  Sophie and Lawan raised their glasses and, as they repeated the toast, their eyes met. Lawan smiled demurely, and when Sophie squeezed her thighs together she was already wet.

  G-J seemed to sense the women’s mutual attraction. He looked at Sophie. “The name Lawan means ‘gorgeous.’ It’s appropriate, don’t you think?”

  Sophie kept her eyes on the other woman and nodded her agreement. “Yes, she’s very beautiful.”

  “Would you like to have sex with her?” His voice was an intimate whisper.

  Her heartbeat raced. “Yes. I would like that very much.”

  “Good.” He turned to Lawan. “Do you find Sophie attractive?”

  Lawan smiled and licked her lips. “She’s perfect.”

  “Do you want to have sex with her?”

  Lawan lowered her eyes—shy, embarrassed. “Yes, I want her.”

  “Excellent.” He sat back and sipped his brandy. “It’s a special moment when two beautiful people are sexually attracted to one another. And watching two beautiful people fulfil their sexual desires is certainly worth a twelve-thousand-mile round trip. I think all three of us are in for a very rewarding evening.”

  Sophie took a large gulp of her drink.

  G-J took Lawan’s hand in his own and looked at Sophie. “Lawan’s an expert in the art of oral sex. Tonight, she’s going to use her talents to give you pleasure.”

  Sophie swallowed the lump in her throat. Her heart was thumping inside her chest and her panties were sodden.

  He chuckled quietly. “From the expression on both your faces, I think it’s time for us to go down to our room.”

  Sophie and Lawan both stood immediately, neither bothering to finish their drinks.

  G-J led them out of the bar, a hand resting gently against each woman’s lower back.

  Once they got to the hotel suite, G-J removed his jacket and poured himself a drink. He turned the closest armchair to face the bed and sat down, ready for the show.

  Sophie stood facing Lawan, her breathing already affected by her arousal. The idea of Lawan pleasuring her with her mouth excited her. Sophie hoped she’d be allowed to return the favour afterwards.

  Lawan leaned her body into Sophie’s. The Thai woman was slightly shorter and had to tilt her head up to kiss her. Sophie could taste peppermint and lipstick. Lawan’s fingers deftly undid the zipper and the button of the halter neck, and the beautiful green dress slid to the floor.

  Lawan moved closer, crushing her own small breasts against Sophie’s naked ones. The kiss continued, and Sophie sensed the other woman’s strength as she was guided backwards and encouraged to sit on the bed. Lawan, still fully dressed, dropped to her knees and undid the ankle straps of Sophie’s shoes. Once the shoes had been removed, she lifted Sophie’s feet to her mouth and kissed them.

  Sophie was instructed to lie in the middle of the bed. Lawan kicked off her shoes but left her dress on. She climbed onto the mattress and ran a delicate finger down Sophie’s chest, between her breasts.

  Lawan’s tongue appeared between her even, white teeth. “I’m going to enjoy this as much as you.”

  Leaning down, she kissed Sophie’s forehead, eyes, cheeks and chin. Delicate, gentle kisses. Sophie imagined a butterfly landing on a flower for a brief taste of nectar, then flitting off to the next one. The first two or three kisses on her lips were similar—gentle and brief. Then the pressure increased a little, and the contact lasted longer.

  Sophie opened her mouth and became pliant, willing Lawan to do whatever she wanted. She felt the other woman’s tongue probing her mouth, exploring and caressing. Their tongues moved against one another in a slow, sensual dance. The kiss went on for a long time—at least five minutes, and both women’s breathing became ragged.

  Lawan broke the kiss and Sophie opened her eyes. A look of mutual lust passed between them before Lawan began trailing kisses along Sophie’s jaw line and down onto her neck.

  Dropping her head back onto the pillow and offering her throat as if to a vampire, Sophie let out a long sigh as Lawan’s teeth nibbled at her skin. She closed her eyes again and concentrated on the sensation of having her neck and shoulders kissed. A warm tongue moved slowly along her collarbone, with the tickling accompaniment from Lawan’s hair brushing against her skin.

  Lawan placed a warm hand on Sophie’s leg and pulled gently to one side. Sophie opened her legs wide and watched as Lawan re-positioned herself to kneel between her feet. Slipping her delicate fingers inside the waistband of Sophie’s thong, Lawan smiled and pulled gently and it slid down her thighs. Sophie lifted and bent her legs to allow Lawan to tug the thong over her feet, then laid her parted legs back onto the bed.

  Lawan looked down at Sophie’s sex, leaned close and inhaled. She smiled knowingly, traced a finger down her tummy to Sophie’s pubic hair.

  Sophie’s hips began to move up and down involuntarily.

  Lawan laid her palm against the soft skin just above her pubic hair. “Soon.” She bent and took one of Sophie’s nipples into her mouth.

  Arching her back off the bed, Sophie moaned. Lawan nibbled and sucked, then did the same to the other breast before returning to the first. Her biting got harder until Sophie’s nipples were engorged and tender.

  By now Sophie was desperate, and it was a struggle not to force the other woman’s head down between her legs, to grind herself against the beautiful face, cover it with her juices.

  Lawan pulled back and smiled down at her. “I think I need to release some of your energy.”

  Sophie sighed with relief and pushed her hips up in readiness as Lawan moved down the bed. The slightest contact with her aching clit would be enough to make her come.

  She felt cool air being blown over her sex, and them a soft tongue being flicked between her folds. Suddenly her clit was enclosed in Lawan’s mouth, being sucked and licked and teased. Her legs shook and her toes curled under as she felt herself falling...

  The orgasm ripped through her body like an electric shock, her arms and legs twitching violently. Fingers invaded her and she cried out, arching her back off the bed.

  Lawan moved back up the bed and bit her nipples again. Fingers probed deeper inside her, a thumb pressed against her clit, sending more aftershocks to every nerve-ending in her body. Sophie grunted, gripped the back of Lawan’s head and pulled her closer, willing her to bite harder.

  Eventually the sensations ebbed away and Sophie relaxed back onto the mattress.

  Lawan was stroking her stomach gently, the hint of a smile on her face. “Do you feel better now?”

  Sophie laughed. “Much.”

  “Good. Roll over onto your stomach.”

  She did as instructed and saw G-J sitting just a few feet away. She’d forgotten he was there. This was the first time he’d been in view while watching her, and she was a little disappointed that he wasn’t masturbating. She held eye contact with him as she felt Lawan lean over her back.

  Soft kisses began between her shoulder blades and moved slowly downwards. Gentle fingers stroked down her sides, over her hips. It was a struggle for Sophie to keep her eyes open, but she did. She wanted to watch G-J’s reaction.

  The hands stroking her moved down to her bum. Warm palms gently eased her cheeks apart, and Lawan’s tongue traced around her anus.

  Sophie groaned. Her natural instinct was to clench her buttocks, but Lawan held them apart and pressed her tongue into the rosebud, making Sophie groan again. The pressure of the tongue increased and Sophie felt herself being opened up, probed. She dropped her face into the pillow and pushed herself up onto the tongue, willing it to plunge deeper inside her.

  Lawan’s hand slid underneath and cupped her sex, her tongue now deep in Sophie’s anus. As she applied pressure with her hand, Sophie rocked against it, getting the friction she needed.

  Sophie looked in G-J’s direction when she came the second time. She cried out and screamed as Lawan’s tongue darted into he
r back passage and her palm pressed against her clit. Sophie felt the other woman’s thumb slip into her sex and with a startled cry, she came again.

  Lawan knelt up behind Sophie’s raised hips and pushed three fingers into her sex while inserting her juice-slicked thumb into her anus. Sophie buried her face in the pillow and bucked her hips, her fingers gripping the sheets. Another wave of pleasure ran through her, but she could no longer tell if she was coming or still riding spasms from the previous orgasm. She felt detached, as if she had no control over her body.

  Finally, Lawan removed her fingers and Sophie lowered herself to lie flat on her stomach. When she looked at G-J, he was smiling.

  Sophie rolled onto her back and looked up and Lawan. Reaching up, she stroked the other woman’s breast through her dress, tweaking the nipple gently. “Can I touch you now?”

  Lawan smiled. “If you wish.”

  Sophie laughed. “Oh yes, I certainly wish.”

  She sat up and placed a hand on either side of the other woman’s face and kissed her. She knew where Lawan’s tongue had been, and she wanted to show her gratitude, her lust. The overriding taste was of her own sex juices, but there was a hint of something bitter—almost metallic.

  Sophie slid the straps of Lawan’s dress over her well-toned shoulders and pulled the sheer material down, exposing her small, pert breasts. Her nipples were dark and Sophie stroked them with her fingers.

  She eased Lawan onto her back and knelt over her, their roles now reversed. Sophie was determined to try and give as much pleasure as she’d received. With the dress pulled down to her waist, Lawan spread her arms and Sophie leaned down and spent several minutes kissing and sucking her breasts. Then she moved down the bed and opened the other woman’s legs.

  Lawan’s legs were slim and strong—even lying down, muscle-tone was evident in her calves and thighs. Sophie slid her hands up the outside of those strong thighs, taking the dress up as she did. As the dress bunched around Lawan’s waist, Sophie looked down at the white panties and froze. She frowned, looked up at Lawan’s face, glanced over at G-J, then back down at Lawan’s groin.


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