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The Adventures of Lizzy Bennet - Book 3: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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by Kate Speck

  Lizzy giggled, “You already have a big head, Will! When have you been refused anything to keep you humble? Perhaps you have found someone that sparks your interest? Someone beautiful and charming to be your wife?”

  William wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards him, kissing her temple and holding her in his embrace, “There is someone and I will reveal all soon, dear. I could not do anything without you, remember?” He kissed her head again and held her tightly.

  “I am glad, Will. You deserve someone who will be good to you.” Lizzy hugged him and stood up. “I do hope you will have time for a few outings. You did promise to take me to the theatre for my birthday tomorrow. It is only unfortunate that the Theatre Royal burned down last month. I would have loved to seen the place this time around.” Lizzy smiled as she watched him approaching her by the fireplace. “I have wished to see The Marriage of Figaro but it is such a scandalous piece that papa had forbidden it before, but now that I will be sixteen tomorrow, he will finally allow it and agreed that Mozart’s music will be wonderful to hear, and I will be able to finally benefit from all of my studies in Italian.” She embraced him once more. “Thank you for convincing papa to allow it, Will. It is the best gift I could have imagined.”

  William smiled as he held her in his arms. “I have another surprise planned for you at the opera but that will remain a secret for now. I am more than happy to take you, Lizzy. We will enjoy ourselves in the Darcy box and I will be able to show you off to my friends. You will look beautiful and we will have a very special time together.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Sixteen tomorrow, dear Lizzy, you are a woman now and I am very happy to see you grow so lovely. You will not have to worry about anything in your future than spending many pleasant days with me.”

  Lizzy giggled as he released her from his embrace, “Have you heard it, too? I laughed when Lord Matlock was speaking about my being unfit to be a good wife but I know I have nothing to worry about since I have you, Will. You promised I could stay with you, did you not?”

  “Of course, you will stay with me.” William furrowed his brows, “You will always stay with me. I do not understand what my uncle has said. What do you mean ‘unfit’? Was he insul...”

  There was a knock and Lady Anne entered. “Are you ready to depart, Lizzy? We must ensure your dress fits you perfectly for tomorrow evening and you will look like the beautiful lady you are already, even if you think of it as a disguise. Your mother is waiting and is anxious to outfit you and Jane in the best of attires. While you and William are at the theatre, she insists that Jane must shine to attract the most eligible of bachelors at Almack’s. Lady Sefton adores Jane and Fanny hopes for a son of a duke or an earl!”

  Lizzy squeezed William’s hand and left with her merry giggles. William smiled as he watched her depart and was eager for the next day to arrive. He planned on proposing to her at the theatre and wondered if Lizzy would be ready to marry him this year instead of waiting until she turned seventeen.

  Chapter 4

  William checked his appearance once more in the looking glass while he nervously straightened his cravat and patted down his hair. He knew he looked handsome in his all-black suit and there were many ladies in town who had been eyeing him to capture him these past months but he hoped to keep their claws off tonight. He wanted to give all of his attentions to Lizzy and make sure this evening was going to be the most memorable time of her life before their wedding. He smiled to himself as he checked his pocket once again to ensure that the ring was safely tucked there for the proposal.

  During the past two months, he had the engagement ring and the settlement papers prepared, and had begun making plans for their betrothal period. He would travel with Lizzy to Pemberley this summer so his mother could instruct her on how to manage the estate as the future mistress, and find ways to keep his dear wife happy with private tutors and lessons and they would take their wedding trip to Ireland, which had been his favourite on his Grand Tour. And as soon as the war was over, he wished to see the continent with his beloved wife and perhaps have one or two children by then. He grinned as he thought of the happy future with her and the family they would have together.

  William checked his appearance once more in front of the mirror and walked to the foyer to gather his hat and gloves. He heard noises from the stairs and looked up, and softly gasped to see the most beautiful creature descending towards him.

  “Well?” Lizzy asked, as William stood stupidly in the foyer. “I am playing the part of an elegant lady of the ton and will be imitating how your mother would behave. It will be a good laugh to see people’s reactions, when you and I know that I am a hoyden at heart.”

  “You look beautiful, Lizzy.” William finally breathed. “Even if you think you are fooling the others, do not fool yourself into believing that you are only a hoyden. You look exquisite and I will be the envy of every man in the theatre tonight.”

  Lizzy blushed, “You flatter me, Will, but I know I am nothing compared to Jane or your mother. Even Georgiana is prettier and I am the shorter, darker girl who will always be different. I do feel like a princess tonight, though, and will imagine myself as Cendrillon, the Cinderella girl who was allowed out of the house for a night or two for an adventure with the handsome prince. You can be my prince tonight, Will.” She smiled brightly.

  William returned her smile, “Yes, my princess. I will be anything you wish. Happy birthday, Lizzy.” He leaned and kissed her cheek reverently. “You are truly beautiful.”

  He gathered her on his arm and they entered the carriage for an evening of entertainment and what William anticipated to be the beginning of a very blissful engagement.


  The King’s Theatre was glowing in splendour with bright lights and many patrons attending. This production was one of several on a special run because of the popularity of the opera, and although many nobilities were not expected to attend this performance due to the ball at Almack’s occurring on the same evening, William had picked it, as it was Lizzy’s birthday and he was glad fewer eyes would be on himself.

  “It is magnificent, Will!” Lizzy exclaimed from the carriage. “I was here last year but it was a daytime performance and none of the lights were on like this.”

  “Come now, your highness.” William smiled. “We will have a marvellous time and if you need anything at all, if you should want wine or anything else, you must tell me. I intend to make sure this is the most memorable evening for you and will indulge your every wish.”

  Lizzy nodded, “Thank you, my prince. This is my best birthday yet!”

  William exited the carriage first and handed her out with a large grin on his face. There were several attendees who had seen him at functions and were surprised to see the usually stoic man appearing so jovial this evening. Fitzwilliam Darcy had been infamous for standing about at balls or parties and speaking to only a few ladies, usually the wives of his friends, and had been an impossible man to approach.

  “There is quite a number of ladies ogling you, Will!” Lizzy whispered. “I thought you were exaggerating when you were bragging about the attentions you received from the ladies but I can see for myself from the looks that they are giving me that they are indeed very envious that they are not the ones on your arm. Shall we give them more fodder for gossip?” She arched her brow.

  William raised her hand and kissed it affectionately. “I have no eyes but for you, princess. They can say whatever they wish but this is your night and your happiness is the only thing I care about, Lizzy. Let us go find our seats.” He brightly smiled.

  They walked to the Darcy luxury box and took their seats. William helped her with the shawl to ensure she was warm enough and handed her the opera glasses. He cared not who was watching them, as he lifted his beloved’s hand and kissed it once more and held it during the entire first act.


  During the first intermission, William confidently walked the lobby with Lizzy on his arm.
He smiled and introduced her to half a dozen of his friends who were also in attendance and fetched Lizzy a glass of wine and catered to her every need. He ensured that she was having a pleasant time and showed everyone how content he was to have her at his side.

  He noted several men gawking at Lizzy and smirked at them, knowing that he was the lucky fellow with the beautiful lady on his arm. William introduced Lizzy to his friend from Cambridge, “Mr. James Woods, my friend from Cambridge, Woods, this is Miss Elizabeth Bennet.” The two greeted each other.

  James Woods spoke next, “And this lovely lady approaching is Miss Eleanor Grantley.” Miss Grantley arrived at his side and the ladies curtseyed and William bowed.

  “We are acquainted. How are your parents, Miss Grantley?” He asked kindly.

  “They are well, sir. It is good to see you again appearing quite pleased, and in public, no less. You are always so stern and frightening that this is a big change!”

  “It is due to my companion, I assure you.” William laughed. “I am pleased to be here and I am unable to hide it.”

  Lizzy spoke next. “I have heard much about you from Miss Darcy’s governess, Miss Grantley. She had praised your kindness and beauty and have heard many wonderful stories from her. Miss Carter has been very kind to include me in Miss Darcy’s studies for years and I have learned much from her.” Lizzy smiled.

  Miss Grantley beamed, “I am glad she is with Miss Darcy, Miss Bennet. Miss Carter was a wonderful governess and I do miss her. I hope you are enjoying the opera.”

  While the ladies chatted, Mr. Woods leaned and spoke softly, “How do you know her, Darcy? She is stunning and has a figure that would put the finest ladies to shame. Are you courting her? She looks young but is exquisite.”

  William smirked, “I plan on winning her as soon as I have a chance to make the request. She is a very close family friend and she is sixteen today.”

  “Congratulations, my friend. Miss Grantley might not be as beautiful as your lady but she is quite pretty and I am in courtship with her. She has £20,000 and is an excellent catch and I hope to propose in a few months.” Woods shared. “Good breeding, good looks, Miss Grantley has it all, but if I were not serious about her,” he eyed Lizzy, “I just might have pursued your lady friend. You had better be on guard, Darcy; she can capture any man here tonight if she tires of you. She is a fine specimen.”

  “Eyes off, Woods,” William quietly warned his friend. “My lady is not for you to seduce and you know I will beat you to a pulp if you offend me or my lady.” He laughed when his friend’s face paled. “I know you are a good man, Woods. Go back to your lady and give her the attention she deserves.”

  The gentlemen smiled at each other and parted ways to return to their seats.


  The second act was just as humorous and William looked over at Lizzy frequently and smiled tenderly to see her giggle while focusing on the stage. His plan was to ask for her hand during the third intermission and return home an engaged man.

  During the second intermission, they sat in their box to converse and discussed of the opera so far. He ordered her another glass of sweet wine and they chattered happily of the audience and what character study they could find. The music was beautiful and the comedy of the relationship between Figaro and his beloved Susanna, as well as the Count and Countess Almavina, were undeniably entertaining.

  After the third act, William gathered his courage to get down on his knee to propose and looked over to her to begin, when he noted that she was flushed red and perspiring.

  “Are you well, Lizzy? What is the matter?” He immediately fanned her and pulled out his handkerchief to dab her forehead.

  “Oh, I am just a little overheated, Will. I think it was the wine. I am still not used to it and it was stronger than I expected. I should like some water, perhaps a little food to settle the stomach?” Lizzy wiped her face. “I am truly fine, I only need to wait for the wine to wear off.”

  William kissed her hand and immediately departed to gather what she needed. He returned in a few minutes and cossetted her to ensure she was feeling better.

  “I am still a little child, am I not?” Lizzy giggled as he continued to wipe her face and squeezed her hand. “I am fine, mother!” She scolded him. “I only need a few minutes. Oh, the final act will begin now. Sit back and relax.”

  As the lights dimmed, William caressed the back of her hand against his cheek then kissed it, “I love you, Lizzy. I would die if something were to happen to you.”

  Lizzy leaned her head against his shoulder, “I love you, too, Will. This is the most wonderful evening of my life and I have you to thank for it. Thank you, Will. You are the best brother in the entire world.”

  William grinned and kissed the top of her head, as they watched the fourth act holding hands.

  Chapter 5

  William handed Lizzy into the carriage and sat down to return to Darcy House. He shifted to her side of the carriage to sit next to her and wrapped his arm around her back.

  “Are you all better now?” He asked, as she nodded and leaned her head against his chest. “I was worried for you and will have to ensure you have no more than one glass of wine in the future.” He chuckled. “Lizzy, I truly enjoyed being in public with you tonight and you were beautiful and charming and I know many of my acquaintances were desiring to call on you.” He held her hand and softly caressed it. “I know that I will never find happiness without you and I want you to marry me, Lizzy. I can give you everything you want as your husband and it would bring me great pleasure to have you as my wife. Would you...”

  William looked down and laughed as he heard a soft snore. Lizzy had fallen asleep on his chest and had not heard a single word of his proposal.

  “Oh, Lizzy,” he spoke to himself, “how I adore you.” He smiled and kissed her forehead.

  When they arrived at Darcy House, he shook her gently to awaken her and walked her to her bedroom door.

  “I am sorry to be so drowsy, Will.” Lizzy yawned uncontrollably. “I cannot keep my eyes open.”

  William leaned down and cradled her cheeks, “It is all well, my love. Thank you for a wonderful night and I will see you in the morning. Happy birthday, Lizzy.” He tenderly kissed her lips.

  Lizzy smiled and closed her door behind her to sleep.

  William beamed with joy and checked his pocket for the ring. He would have to wait one more day to propose but he knew she was worth the wait and turned to his rooms with a spring in his steps.


  Lizzy was sitting at Lady Anne’s desk and humming a tune from The Marriage of Figaro while writing a letter when William found her there. He stood by the door to watch her lovely figure for a moment and sat down in front of her.

  “Good morning, Will!” Lizzy merrily greeted him as she began to sand her letter. “I wrote to Charlotte about the wonderful opera we watched last night and thanked her for the birthday gift she sent. She sent me a lovely handkerchief with a beautiful embroidery of flowers. She is so good with her hands.”

  “Are you nearly done?” William asked impatiently. “I have something to speak to you about this morning and wondered if you can join me in the gardens now.”

  Lizzy stood after sealing her letter. “But of course, Will! I am ready now. Why the serious face? Has something happened?”

  William smiled, “No, nothing, Lizzy. I am only anxious, that is all.” He held her hand on his arm and they walked to the beautiful small garden where Lady Anne grew her favourite flowers.

  Lizzy sat down on a bench as she smelled the flowers around her. “It is so beautiful here. It is a little bit of Pemberley and I love coming out here every time.”

  William snipped one of the red roses and handed it to her. “A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady.” He sat next to her and rubbed her hand. “You fell asleep in the carriage when I began to speak to you last night but I am glad to have waited. This is a better place in any case and more romantic for ladies.”
br />   He watched her face as he continued. “What I wanted to say to you, Lizzy, is that since we have known each other for ages and you and I know each other better than anyone else, we should marry and I will continue to take care of you. It is perfectly rational that we continue our friendship and move it into a marriage, now that you are sixteen years old. I know you have more learning to complete and even though you will have to give up some of your childish pursuits, you will become a fine, accomplished woman. Even though society cannot find out about some of your unladylike interests, you will be able to adapt quickly and become an exceptional lady and I know you will be fully capable of becoming a wonderful mistress of my homes with my mother and my aunt’s support and guidance in the course of the next year. It would give me the greatest pleasure if you will consent to be my wife, Lizzy.” He pulled out the ring and lifted up her left hand. “I wish to marry you immediately if it were possible but we must wait so you can learn from mama on how to be an appropriate lady in society’s eyes.”

  Lizzy swiftly pulled her hand away from him and stood up. She paced several steps and took a deep breath before replying. “I... I am... In such cases as this, it is, I believe, the established mode to express a sense of obligation for your sentiments avowed, but I cannot thank you for it nor accept your proposal. You have repeated several times that I am of a deficient character, with no fortune and still needing to grow and mend my ways in order to meet your expectations of what your wife should be; to become someone that I had never wished or desired to become. I love you like a brother, Will, and yet you use our friendship as a basis to conform me to a model lady that I had never wished to be, of which I am fully aware my insufficiencies! You do not speak of love or affections for me other than that you know me well, but it seems you have forgotten everything about me, Will! And I do not know you right now. All of our discussions, all of the times we spent together as blood-brothers, you are very much mistaken if you cannot see the disguise I don now, wearing these extravagant dresses and behaving as if I am a genteel lady. Did you truly believe that your words would entice me to give up everything I am? I am a rational creature and I have never desired to marry, to be at the whim of a man who cannot accept me for who I am and you are asking me to do exactly that and I cannot consent to a life of such misery.”


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