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The Wretched Race (Epic of Ahiram Book 3)

Page 69

by Michael Joseph Murano

Enryl [En-ril] Foremost captain at the service of Orgond, Lord of Amsheet.

  Faernor [Faey-nor] Nickname given to Banimelek by Sondra. It means ‘wolf-bear’.

  Finikia [Fee-nee-kee-ah] Land of Finikia, from where Ahiram hails.

  Foosh [F-oo-sh] Wife of Balid. Her name means ‘to overflow’.

  Frajil [Frah- ĵ-ee-l] A giant of a man. Warrior. Soloron’s brother.

  Gaëla Meïr Pen [Gah-yell-ah Mey-yeer Pen] Daughter of the Empyrean Empress. Heir to the throne.

  Galliöm [Gah-lee-yom] Head of the Tajéruun.

  Garu [Gah-roo] Principal judge of the Games.

  Gordion [Gor-dion] Capital of the Kingdom of Teshub. Major commercial center.

  Habael [Hah-bah-el] Gardner at Taniir-The-Strong.

  Hardeen [Har-deen] Northwestern fortress of Tanniin. Protects the Kingdom against Empyrean incursions.

  Haialeen [Hah-yah-leen] Primordial pool of life filled with Water of Blessing.

  Hawâl [Ha-waal] The heart of the Pit where the Lords of the Deep are locked.

  Hayat [Ha-yah-tt] Ahiram’s mother. Her name means ‘life’.

  Hiyam [Hee-yam] Daughter of Bahiya, leader of the team of Baal during the Games of the Mines. Her name means “lost in love.”

  Hoda [Ho-dah] Ahiram’s sister. Her name means ‘she who shows the way’.

  Hylâz [He-laa-z] Judge of the Games of the Mines. His name means ‘Pensive’.

  Ibromaliöm [Ee-bro-mah-lium] A judge for the Games of the Mines. Former tajèr. His name means ‘The one who buries poverty’.

  Iliand [Eel-yand] Name of the vast northern plain in Tanniin, located between the western fortress of Amsheet and the eastern fortress of Hardeen.

  Ithyl Shimea [Ee-thee-l She-meh-yah] A book of power the Temple cannot control.

  Jabbar [ĵ -ah-bb-aar] Ahiram’s father. His name means ‘mighty’.

  Jamiir [ĵ-ah-meer] King of Tanniin. His name means ‘burning coal’.

  Jedarc [Ĵ-eh-dark] A silent and a friend of Ahiram.

  Kalibaal [Kah-lee-baal] Priest of Baal. Member of the Inner Circle in Babylon. Sharr’s right hand man.

  Kanmar [Cahn-maar] The Lord of the Deep in Indolan. He is Yem, the god of the sea according to the Temple of Baal.

  Karadon [Ka-ra-don] Member of the Black Robes. Husband to Hoda, Ahiram’s sister.

  Karangalatad [Ka-run-gala-tad] The dwarfish grand retelling of the history of the world since the beginning of time.

  Kerta [Keir-Tah] Priestly order of the Temple of Baal. Kerta priests provide the Temple with the magical energy required to power the orbs and concentrators.

  Khoblyss [kobl-eess] Creature of the Arayat. Amplifies the power of a Kerta priest.

  Kwadil [Kwah-deel] Dwarf. Wealthy merchant. Friend of Balid. Sold Ahiram as a slave to Commander Tanios.

  Lanudonis [lanu-donis] Capital of Bar-Tanic.

  Layaléa [Laya-le-yah] Corintus’ wife’s full name is Layaléa Amaréya Vermaleen Noor, but she usually goes by the simpler name of Amaréya. Layaléa means ‘lovely night’.

  Layaleen [Lah-yah-leen] The wife of the El-Windiir. Her name means ‘starry night’.

  Laymeer [Ley-meer] Forest opposite Magdala along the Middle Road in Tanniin. The name means ‘gentle refuge.’

  Magdala [Mag-dala] The forbidden forest opposite Laymeer across the Middle Road in the Temple of Tanniin.

  Malikuun [Mah-lee-kuun] Plural of Malku. The Lords of Light.

  Marada [Ma-ra-dah] Plural form of Mâred, which means giant. Marada is the name of their kingdom and is also the common word used to designate ‘giants’.

  Massrifuun [Mass-ree-fuun] Plural form of massref, a creature of the Arayat that serves primarily as guardian of the central Tajéruun's vault.

  Methodical [Methodical] One of the orders in the Temple of Baal to which Bahiya belongs.

  Meyroon [Mey-roon] Metal lighter than a feather, harder than the hardest steel, and cannot be cursed nor melted by fire or shattered by the coldest ice.

  Nebo [neh-beau] A high ranking officer of the High Riders and older brother to Prince Olothe.

  Noraldeen [No-rah-l-deen] Silent. Friend of Ahiram. Her name means ‘shining light.’

  Olothe [Olo-th] Prince of the dreaded house of Lurca and participant in the Games of Mines.

  Ophir [O-feer] Powerful kingdom of the far south and one of the few kingdoms outside the control of the Temple of Baal.

  Orgond [Or-gond] Lord of the fortress of Amsheet and father to Noraldeen.

  Orwutt [Or-wutt] Dwarf, twin brother to Zurwott and nephew of Kwadil

  Raayiil [Raa-yeel] A creature of the Spell World. It appears as a composite of a dream, a vision and a prophecy, and takes complete control of the human mind.

  Ramany [Rah-mah-nee] A judge for the Games of the Mines.

  Ramel [Rah-mel] Queen of Tanniin. Sharr’s niece.

  Rastoop [Rass-toop] Wealthy capital of the kingdom of Mitani.

  Sarand [Sar-und] The Soloist, leader of the dreaded order of the Adorants; an order of singers in the Temple of Baal whose magic lies in their voices.

  Sharr [Sh-ar] High Priest of the Temple of Babylon and the ultimate authority of the entire Temple order of Baal. His name means ‘fire’.

  Sheheluth [Sheh-he-luth] A young female Silent.

  Shogol [Sho-goal] A priestly order of Baal. Shogols are herders of spells. They are responsible for the care and feed of the spells and curses the Temple grows in the Arayat.

  Slippery-Slued [Slippery sluud] A thief well known for his daring operations. He is wanted by the Temple and the Tajéruun for several high profile thefts.

  Soloron [Saul-oron] The leader of the Undergrounder and the older brother to Frajil.

  Sondra [Son-drah] A Silent.

  Sureï [Su-ray] The greatest sorcerer the Temple has known.

  Tajèr [Tah-ĵ-eh-r] The name of the first Zakiir, who thought to profit from the accumulated knowledge. His name came to mean ‘merchant’.

  Tajéruun [Tah-ĵ-eh-ruun] Plural of tajèr.

  Tamri [Tah-mry] An Adorant and a friend to Bahiya.

  Taniir [Ta-neer] The name of the legendary castle in Tanniin built by El-Windiir (Taniir-On-High) and the name of the city where, currently, King Jamiir reigns. The name means ‘To light’.

  Tanios [Ta-nios] Commander of the Silent

  Tanniin Ashod [Ta-neen Ah-shod] The greatest of all dragons, known as Daron Ashod among the dwarfs and as Black Dragon by the Empyreans.

  Tébêt [Teh-bet] Lunar month corresponding roughly to the month of January.

  Thermodon [ther-mo-don] A Kingdom of loosely federated tribes located north of Tanniin

  Théléos [Teh-leh-os] God-crusher, which is what Sheheluth calls Ahiram.

  Tinantel [Tea-nan-tell] A nickname Sondra gave to Jedarc. Tinantel means ‘light foot.’

  Tirkalanzibar [Tirka-lan-zee-bar] City of Tent. Located in the kingdom of Uratu, at the edge of the Great Desert, this city serves as a caravans’ hub.

  Tyrulan [Tea-rule-lan] An Empyrean child’s game and the name Aquilina gave to the strange world she alone visits.

  Urkuun [Ur-kuun] Creature of the Spell World of incredible power. Cannot be defeated by natural means.

  Uziguzi Aor Jar [Uzee-guzee Awor- ĵar] Councilor to the Empyrean Empress Aylul Meïr Pen.

  Zakiir [Zah-keer] A man whose sole purpose in life is to consign to memory the secrets of others.

  Zakiruun [Zah-kee-ruun] Plural of Zakiir.

  Zaril Andali [Zah-reel An-dah-lee] A mythical bird in Tanniin whose blue wings are the source of blue skies. Its feast is celebrated at the winter equinox to ward off the bad spirits of the night.

  Michael Joseph Murano is the author’s pen name. Michael began writing at the age of sixteen and never stopped since. The curious fact that he delayed the publication of his first novel until now is a story too long to tell. Suffice it to say that Michael has written the ten books of the Epic of Ahiram over a period of fourteen years, with the initial intention to enchant his se
ven children by reading to them evening after evening.

  Michael has written, in French and English, numerous plays, children’s books, a collection of poems for his wife, and a series of audio stories he continues to record for his two youngest daughters.

  Michael’s blog, is a portal unto the rich world of Ahiram. He invites you to join him there and discover the epic of the slave, born to be a hero.




  Pit of Fire


  01. Oreg Warning

  Part One: Trapped

  02. In Tirkalanzibar

  03. Mindhal's Cobra

  04. Judgment Seat

  05. A Pin In a Maze

  06. Footsteps In Tyrulan

  07. Tiamat's Gate

  08. Silent Nemesis

  09. Separation

  Part Two: Hunted

  10. Northern Mycene

  11. Shadow

  12. Lilith

  13. Poison

  14. Escape

  15. Karak-Zuun

  16. Metranos

  17. Arayatian Games

  18. Deadly Mistake

  19. Mycenean Ruins

  20. Beware the Solitary

  21. Three Judges

  Part Three: Unexpected Gift

  22. Baher-Ghafé

  23. Caught

  24. Temple's Core

  25. Tawr

  26. Up the Mountains

  27. Suspect

  28. Dotting Uncle

  29. Fire From Heaven

  30. Parting Ways

  Part Four: Seriathörist Candelabrum

  31. Enchanted Dunes

  32. Duel

  33. Sacrifice

  34. Cordoban

  35. Waiting

  36. Fifty-to-One

  37. Into The Race

  38. Bitter Battle

  39. Second Trap

  40. A Night Of Legends


  About the Author




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