The Dark Lord of Oklahoma
Page 32
"What?" asked one of the elves inside of the garbage truck.
"Chance is still up there!" Elena cried out so loud her voice rang through to everyone on the network.
"What is his location?" asked Asher through the radio.
"He is in Lydie Marland's bedroom."
"Roger, en route to Lydie's room," said Asher. Within a few seconds of the call, he had "arrived at the scene."
Asher ran forward and slid on his knees, right next to Chance's unconscious body. Without wasting time, he started giving him first aid. He traced his fingers over Chance and pulled his hands back to check if there was any blood on his fingers. Asher checked his hands each time, so if there were drops of blood he would know precisely where the puncture was.
"There it is" cried Asher, "He had already wrapped it up with elf leaves. Good kid, stuck to your trainin"
Something dropped from the ceiling.
"Elden Orkenkind!" cried out Cries-For-War.
The giant orc stood in front of Asher, grabbing Asher's equipment.
Cries-For-War couldn't tell what the orc was doing, but his fingers ran all over Asher’s shotgun. There wasn't pressure as the orc grabbed at Asher's weapon. Elden almost looked like a saxophone player running his fingers over different keys.
Asher couldn't use the weapon, but he couldn't lose it because of the strap. Letting go of the gun, he grabbed his pistol. The Desert Storm Veteran started to raise his .357 Magnum. Elden grabbed him by the shoulders before hurling him. Asher flew through the air like a ragdoll, dropping his pistol as he did.
His AA-12 came apart. Individual pieces flew through the room. The tiny pieces of metal and steel scattered over the linoleum floor. Cries-For-War hit the ground and rolled out of the impact.
"Ugh," he groaned before slowly rising to his feet.
He shook his head and stared at Elden before drawing his knife from his equipment.
“I ain't dead yet," said Asher Cries-For-War holding the Bowie knife.
"No, not yet," said Elden. "But she is."
Unsure of Elden's words, Cries-For-War squinted at Elden and then looked around the room for any additional threat.
Why was Elden not approaching?
Elden dropped his hands and slid his weapon to his back. The orc walked over to the corpse that lay on the floor.
"Sasha," said Elden staring at her carcass.
"But you aren't," said Asher.
"The Witch is dead. The fight is over," said Elden. “You are a good leader, Asher. You watch over your people. Permit my orcs to leave, and we will bring no harm to you. You killed the Witch and saved the girl. You got what you wanted. Now let my remaining men go free."
"And if I don't?" asked Asher.
"You have two options, Cries-For-War. One, you let my people go or two, I kill you and we leave anyways," Elden responded without taking his eyes off Sasha.
Asher stared at Elden. He shook his head, not in disagreement, but in frustration.
"I would feel a lot safer if you were dead," said Asher.
"A great compliment from a worthy adversary," said Elden.
Before Cries-For-War could respond, Elden ran away from Asher. The great beast jumped against the wall and then ran upwards, in a freestyle running manner. He jumped off the wall and towards the ceiling. As he traveled through the air, he shot his hands up like a swimmer and went straight through the opening from which he had dropped through.
Asher Cries-For-War stood silently his mouth open.
The giant monster was gone.
Chance And Elena - Kay County, Ok
Green eyelids spread open, revealing bright red eyes. Chance was awake. He knew the feeling he was having. It was the feeling of having had a good, deep and needed sleep. It was the feeling one had when they woke up with their body feeling recovered. Their muscles and tendons are buzzing. It is an odd feeling; they are rested and feel good but their body feels sore because of the recovery process. While Chance’s body felt warm, he shivered as he felt a cold liquid ran into his arm.
He looked down and noticed a needle attached to a clear tube that protruded from a bag of water. Chance laughed to himself when he realized he was lying on a makeshift bed made from outdated materials.
"That's the best I have slept in years," said Chance aloud.
"It's the best that elfish medicine could do," said a feminine voice.
Chance turned his head in the direction of the voice.
"Don't look at me!" he said. Before they had been moving, but now there was time for Elena to inspect his transformation.
Elena’s soft, but firm, hands reached out, and brought his arm down. Chance avoided her gaze. He looked down towards his bed.
"No, it's still you," said Elena.
Slowly, Chance began to raise his eyes towards her.
"How? How did you recognize me?" asked Chance.
Elena put her hand to his face and looked into his eyes.
Chance looked away, and then back at her.
"Well, it seems that I've come this far, just to be saved by you," said Chance.
Then the orc took his free arm and put it behind her head. He pulled her face toward his.
The former stockbroker paused for just a second. Then, passionately, he pressed his face into hers. Elvinmeyer jerked back as if surprised. She paused and looked at Chance, her eyes scanning his eyes and face.
"I recognized you because I know you," she said, her voice almost a whisper. "And I know you because you are mine."
The elf then pressed her beautiful face against his lips. Chance felt a new life growing inside him. He knew that when he was with her, he grew stronger.
Ethan Richards has worked as a paratrooper, private cello instructor, and, industrial painter. This book has been Ethan’s dream, and hopes you have had as much fun reading it as he had developing it.