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Wade Page 7

by Jenny Wood

  “Oh, yeah. There are plenty.” He smiled a shy smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back. It must not have looked stupid because his smile became more genuine after that.

  “Well are ya gonna open the box, Wade or do we guess what they taste like?” Margie giggled at the table, and we all sat down. Apparently, we’d been smiling at each other for longer than Margie was willing to wait.

  “Here’s your cup, honey. We’ve got all the fixin’s right behind ya, and there’s milk or creamer in the fridge.” She smiled as Wade thanked her for his cup and he opened the box.

  “Holy shit.” Wade murmured.

  “Boy! That language in front of guests.” Margie scolded me, and I felt properly chastised. Still, looking in this box at the multicolored, stargazer lilies…. But, in cupcake form. They looked so real, like actual flowers. I almost didn’t even want to touch them. I didn’t want to ruin it.

  “You made these?” I asked him, complete in awe. I’ve never seen a fucking cupcake look like anything other than a cupcake, this was amazing.

  “Yeah. I’m still not a hundred percent on my feet, so Skye has me doing prep and packing, instead of on my feet catering all day. I had some time, and I really wanted to thank you for being so great and helping me out last week. It really meant a lot.” He shrugged at least three times during that small explanation. He obviously didn’t know what to do with compliments, or it seemed, someone, doing something nice for him. It honestly wasn’t a problem, and I’d do it again and again if I needed to.

  “They’re beautiful. I need to get my camera and take a picture. Don’t eat them yet, Wade.” Margie shuffled out the door, and I watched her squat to get her purse under her desk.

  “She’s sweet,” Foster commented, also watching her rummage through her giant handbag in search of her camera.

  “You think that until you cross her, then watch out!” I looked at him wide-eyed and then smiled. He smiled back and we did the staring thing again until Margie burst back through the doorway.

  “Found it!” She exclaimed, holding up a throw-away, disposable camera from the early 2000’s, it looked like. I wonder where people actually developed real film, these days. He’s right; she is cute.

  “Foster, honey, these are stunning. Do you own a shop somewhere? I bet you can just do all sorts, can’t you?” Margie gushed.

  “Not yet, but it’s the dream.” He chuckled nervously, shrugging once again. He does that a lot I’ve noticed.

  “You should set up one of those social media accounts and advertise, darlin’, these are exceptional.” She continued gushing as she snapped pictures of each cupcake and all their colors. He’d made some pink, some blue, some red and there was even a black and white one, which was my favorite. I’d taken it before Margie had a chance to. I almost didn’t want to eat it. Almost. I did take out my phone and snap a picture of it too, though. Discreetly, not like Margie did, who still had Foster’s complete attention.

  “Oh, poo, there’s the phone,” Margie said, finally setting her camera down and scuttling out the door back to her desk. She sat down as she took the call and had her back to us.

  “You look like you’re feeling better,” I tell him, bringing his attention back to me. It didn’t look like an urgent call, so I was hoping to get a couple of minutes to talk to Foster.

  “Yeah, it’s been slow going. I’m still sore, but everything’s a lot better. My wrist hasn’t been giving me trouble when I bend it, just if I put weight on it, so that’s good. I’m scabbed up all nice too, so…it’s not as tender, now. That’s gross, sorry.” He giggled nervously, wrinkling his nose and shaking his head at the thought.

  “Well, I’m glad to hear it’s getting better,” I say honestly. I wonder about the boyfriend from a couple of days ago; I wonder if he’s still around. Wonder what he’d do if I asked him out, or if I could even do something like that now that I don’t have to keep my shit to myself. Before I grow the balls to ask, the front doors swing open, and I can’t contain my groan. It’s the Kennedy Klan and the rest of their crew. Here to be a pain in my ass, no doubt.

  “Hey, Mrs. Margie.” Kingsley, Morgan, and Conner round the desk and head straight for Foster and me. They’ve been here plenty of times over the last few weeks, they know the protocol, and they’ve often come back here to hang out. I say hang out, what I really meant was harass…Which I’m sure is the goal tonight.

  “Sherrif!” Kingsley waggles his brows in greeting, while trying to give me a bro-hug of some sorts but doesn’t quite execute it properly. He’s a gangly idiot.

  “What’s up, guys? This is Foster, Foster; this is Kingsley and his husband Morgan and our friend Conner, who’s married to the other Kennedy idiot, known as his brother.” I point to Kingsley and tease.

  “You catered at our benefit. You’re the poppy guy! You never came by!” Morgan chimed in, excitedly.

  “Yeah, sorry about that-“ He started to say, but I interrupted

  “The poppy guy?” I wondered. What’s the poppy, guy?

  “I saw Foster here after the benefit, admiring my, or I guess now your painting of the black and white poppies,” Morgan explained.

  “Oh, you won that? That’s awesome.” He smiled genuinely at me. “It’s beautiful; I really liked it.”

  “I did,” I answer. I feel like crap about it, now. I’d only bought it as a maybe present for my cousin as a thank you. If he liked it so much, he should have it. I wonder how I could play that.

  “Hey, we’re going out tonight, Morgan and I have news. We want you to come, Foster, please come too. The more, the merrier.” Kingsley invites us, and for once, I don’t bulk at the idea of going out; especially if Foster comes.

  “Oh, uhm, I dunno. Seems like a group thing, I don’t wanna intrude.” He stammers just slightly.

  “Don’t be silly. You can hang out with the sheriff, so he won’t be the eleventh wheel.” Kingsley smiled charmingly. The asshole.

  “Would it be alright with you?” He asked.

  “Yes,” I answered way too quickly. Kingsley snickered but thankfully got elbowed by his amazing husband. He’d watched me watch this guy all night, and I cost him forty bucks by not approaching him by seven thirty. Joker and Finn actually split the pot of a hundred and eighty dollars for saying I wouldn’t have the balls. I appreciated their vote of confidence, but they were all assholes.

  “Great! We’re going to the new steakhouse, right there where that shoe store used to be. Ya know it?” Conner chimed in, smiling prettily at Foster. He and Morgan were going to adopt him, I could tell it already, and I knew that Cameron would be on board as well. It wouldn’t be a good thing to try and date now; he was going to be a part of this crew. Wouldn’t do well for any of us if we tried to hook up and it didn’t work out. It would be awkward for all of us. I tried to care about that, but it was hard.

  “Alright, we’ll be there,” I told them, looking over at Foster as they all stood up to leave.

  “Fuckin’ shit. What are those?” Kingsley grabbed my black cupcake and admired it closely. I thought seriously about shooting him in the foot.

  “This is mine, get your hands off of it.” I snatched it back carefully, not to mess up the icing or the pretty additions to the petals.

  “Where’d you get these?” Morgan asked, leaning over the box and peeking in.

  “Foster made them.” I bragged, and he blushed. He was talented; I don’t know why he wasn’t boastful of it, fuck I know I would be.

  “No shit?” Kingsley asked, looking into the box as well. They all were impressed and rightfully so, they’re so amazing and life-like. I couldn’t dream up something like this if I tried. I didn’t even know people could do this.

  “Finn and Jay would love this for Lennon’s birthday in a few months,” Morgan said excitedly. They really would, maybe not flowers but something girly and pretty.

  “They’re meeting us later too, do you do birthday’s and stuff?” Conner asked.

  “Uhm, yeah. Somet
imes.” Foster answered, looking nervous again.

  “Wade, Tina, Barry, and Lisa are at it again at Mike’s department store. They’re causin’ a scene. I’ve had three calls in the last three minutes. I called Michael; he’s meeting you over there.” Margie hollered and then said a proper hello to the guys.

  “I’ll need to go home and change, what time tonight? If you’re sure, you don’t mind me tagging along?” Foster looked straight to me, and I paused.

  “I’ll pick you up at 8. That good for everyone?” I asked everyone as we all walked; Morgan and Conner staying behind to gossip with Margie.

  “Yep, that’s great,” Kingsley says, and Foster nods. He looked unsure, but I didn’t have time to reassure him at the moment.

  “King, give him my number in case he needs it and I’ll see y’all in a couple hours.” I ran to my cruiser, not at all upset by the fact that I had plans tonight. I wasn’t dreading a night out with those ass clowns as much as I was looking forward to some more time with Foster.


  Walking back to my place, my nerves start to get the better of me. I didn’t know a whole lot of people here and other than work people, I didn’t have any friends. Not that I didn’t want any, but I just never had time to go out and meet people. Work and making money for my future bakery was my top priority, now, not only was I hanging out with a big group of guys, but I was also going to be hanging out with Wade.

  I had to admit if only to myself that I hadn’t stopped thinking about Wade, literally since I laid eyes on him. It was the craziest thing when I made eye contact with him at the benefit; my body jolted like I’d been struck stupid and I know that he noticed. I’m not the most subtle person on the planet. Because Skye had me back at the office, I was trying out different designs for a cupcake fountain for an upcoming event, and it sparked the idea to take him some cupcakes as a thank you. It was probably stupid; what kind of guy likes gifts as a thank you? Like, flowers OR cupcakes, but I had to go and do both. I was nervous and anxious about it, but I really wanted to thank him, and I honestly wanted to see him again. Fool proof, right?

  Now, I was heading home to get ready for a, what…An outing? A get together? A hangout? A group date? I didn’t know what to call it, but I was excited, nonetheless.

  Unlocking my door, I was surprised to find that another letter that had been slipped under it.

  This is the last time I’ll ask you to call me. We need to talk. I’m not fucking around this time.

  I didn’t understand what it was about. I knew it had to be Jeffery but not only is this not his style, but he hasn’t attempted to get ahold of me, himself at all. Why does it have to be me calling him? And for what reason? I’d gotten tested at the hospital, and it had come in the mail this morning. Thankfully, I’d not gotten anything transmitted due to my lack of safety with him. I’d get tested in another month to be sure, but Cameron was very nice when we discussed it, and he was discreet and didn’t make me feel like a dirty person for being so careless. I appreciated that. Still, I didn’t know what was up with the letters, but I was hoping he was telling the truth and it would be the last he’d bother me. A lawyer or not, he just didn’t strike me as a dangerous person, so it wasn’t as if I was scared of him. I just wanted to cut our losses.

  While trying to find something presentable to wear to a steakhouse with a guy I was crushing on and his gaggle of friends; I’d almost convinced myself to text Wade several times to cancel. By the time eight rolled around, and I was wearing an admittedly nice dressy sweater and some nice slacks I’d bought from a second-hand store. They still looked brand new, and I didn’t think I’d embarrass myself with a group of nicely dressed men. I’d seen them all in their Sunday best at the gala, and while I didn’t own anything remotely close to that nice, this would be presentable.

  Wade knocked on my door at eight sharp and even though I knew he was coming; my nerves jumped into my throat the minute I’d heard him knock. I’d been sitting on my bed, wishing that I’d splurged for a TV, while I was sitting there waiting anxiously. When I opened the door, I almost lost my breath. He’d trimmed his beard up just a little, and his hair was styled perfectly. He was wearing really nice, dark jeans with a black buttoned up shirt and I noticed he wore one ring on his first finger that was just a bulky looking silver ring. Was it weird that even his hands were gorgeous? So, of course, he’d wear the sexy metal around his finger.

  “Hey.” He says hesitantly. I wonder if he’s as nervous as I am or if he’s second guessing this whole wanting me to tag along thing.

  “Hey,” I say back, just as skeptical.

  “You look nice.” He comments and my eyes snap to his. He looks relieved when I look at him.

  “Thank you. So do you.” I try for a smile, but I know I’m blushing because I can feel my face on fire.

  “You ready to go?” He asks, pointing behind himself to his running truck. I hadn’t noticed before how big his truck was. It suited him, for sure. All black with tinted windows; it looked like a cops kind of vehicle. Like it demanded respect on the road. That was hot too. What the fuck?

  Yeah, let me grab my keys.” I turned and snagged them off the side table by the door and locked it behind me. He waited patiently, his hand on my lower back as I turned and walked us to the truck. He opened the door for me, and I found myself more nervous thinking that this was how a date felt. Was he thinking that too? I wondered.

  “I wanted to ask you about your boyfriend.” Wade had said once we got buckled in and got on our way. For small talk, I sure wasn’t expecting that.

  “No actually, I haven’t seen him. He’s been leaving me notes to call him, but I haven’t and don’t plan to.” I tell him honestly.

  “What kind of car does he drive?” He asks, taking a glance over at me while I try to ascertain his line of questioning.

  “A BMW.” I let him know, trying to think of the exact model his car was but not remembering. I didn’t give it much thought; cars weren’t really my thing. It was black; I knew that.

  “When I pulled in and got out, there was a silver Mazda sitting at the corner there. I watched it as I walked up and rang your bell. It didn’t leave until you came out, I didn’t see anyone coming or going into it, so I was just curious.” He tells me, sparing me several glances while I tried to figure out if I’d known anyone that drove a silver car. I didn’t, not that I could think of.

  “Was it nice?” I ask.

  “Yeah, expensive looking.” He says.

  “I don’t know anyone in a silver car. Not that I know of.” I tell him.

  “No family? Maybe distantly that would be trying to look you up or something? A friend from school, maybe?” He questions. I shake my head with a negative. I didn’t have any of that.

  “No, there’s no one,” I answer honestly. “Maybe it wasn’t even for me. Could’ve been someone lost or something.” I shrug it off.

  “Yeah, maybe.” Wade agrees, but he doesn’t sound like he means it. The rest of the short drive is making small talk. Normally, I suck at small talk, but I find that he’s very easy to talk to. He tells me how he moved here to get away from the city. He was fresh from the service and looking for some peace and quiet. He says other than the occasional domestic argument, he pretty much gets it, being here. I laughed at that because I’d witnessed the triangle of Lisa, Barry, and Tina myself, not very long ago. Now that Tina was pregnant, there’s no telling what those three got up to.

  Wade asked me questions about myself, but I’d found myself embarrassed by my answers. I tried to avoid them as much as I could, hoping to turn the tables and get him talking about himself. Thankfully, the drive was short, and we didn’t have time for him to delve.

  “Sheriff! You made it!” A tall man who looked surprisingly like the beast of a man beside him, said as we walked up to the table. When Wade had told our hostess the name of our table, we could hear them from the front of the restaurant. It sounded like a lot of people, and I found myself anxious all ove
r again. Wade must’ve felt it because he sidled up close to me and put his hand back on my back and guided me to follow the hostess.

  “I didn’t have much choice, did I? Kayson, Morgan and Conner bombarded me today.” I watch Wade man hug the tall guys and shake the hands of the ones who were across the table too far away to reach over and man hug.

  “Guys, this is-“

  “Foster! Small world!” I instantly recognized Cameron. I knew that Wade said that he knew him, but I wasn’t expecting him to be here. I wondered how close everyone was.

  “Guys, this is Foster Wells. Foster, this is Kingsley and his husband Morgan, which you met earlier. Kayson and his husband Conner, who you met earlier.” He said pointing at Conner. “That there is Jody and his husband Cameron, who you know from the hospital. That over there is Jase, Jody, and Cameron’s son, along with his boyfriend Joker and then that cutie over there is Lennon and her daddies, Finn and Jay.” He pointed them all out, and I nervously shook each of their hands. All but Cameron’s, because I felt like I already knew him a little better than the rest and he just waved from across the table anyway.

  Kingsley had the hostess add two more chairs to our table, and Wade pulled my chair for me to sit down while Cameron winked at me as I did. Then, he took a seat beside me, as we all sat and waited until our server asked us for our drink order before they all resumed talking. I answered a few questions about myself and how I’d met Wade, Cameron, and Morgan. It really was a small world that I’d met them all three on separate but yet, the same occasions.

  While I was looking over the menu, trying to find something that didn’t cost eighteen dollars an appetizer, Wade leaned stretched out and put his arm behind my chair while leaning casually closer and talking to Jody and Jase. Jody, if I’m honest, would’ve scared the shit out of me if I’d met him, oh, say…In a dark alley, but he seemed nice enough to Wade. Joker, I noticed, was quieter than the rest of them but he didn’t seem distant or awkward, maybe just observant? He was hard to read.


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