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Page 12

by Jenny Wood

  “It’s from me, actually. He just delivered it.” I felt my face heat and I hoped I wasn’t fucking up. This might be too much too soon, but when Morgan mentioned it, I didn’t have any other choice.

  “Oh, gifts already huh?” He looked surprised, but pleasantly so.

  “Let’s eat first and then I’ll explain.” I answered as the oven timer started beeping. He didn’t say much but I could tell he was curious. He helped me take everything to my newish kitchen table and we dished everything up on our plates. We talked about our day and he asked me what I thought about his boss’ proposition. Which I thought was great.

  “You can always do the bakery later if you wanted to. I don’t think Anderson’s contract would make you stay there if you wanted to do your own thing.” I tell him.

  “No, yeah, it says that.” He waved off that concern, but didn’t elaborate what he was questioning right off. He seemed to think about it while we ate. He was something else, I couldn’t believe it’d only been a little over a couple weeks since I’d laid eyes on him at the benefit. It seemed like forever ago, and at the same time, it felt like just yesterday.

  “I feel like everything is going so well, right now. In my experience, when things are going really well for me, something drastic happens to knock me down again.” He confesses as we stand side by side, washing our dishes together. It feels so domestic, and I never imagined I’d be standing here doing something like this with someone else. Especially not a man. Not openly.

  “I’m sorry shit’s been like that for you,” I tell him, I really am. Had I known him before now, I’d do everything I could to have sheltered him from the shit in his life.

  “This is something that could potentially change my life. It’s huge. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted. Well, a bakery ultimately, but I think I could be so happy doing this with Anderson. It’s… It’s a hell of an opportunity, ya know?” He explains, and I think I understand the fear. It’s a big step; a life changing step, I’d be a little terrified too. Hell, I was when it happened to me.

  “Then do it. Jump in with both feet, what do you have to lose? Worse case scenario, do it until you make enough money or gain enough of a reputation to open your own place. It’s a great deal, and I know Anderson cares about you, he about mowed me over after your accident. He’ll do right by you, and it sounds like he wants what’s best for both of you. Can’t beat that.” I tell him honestly. It’s a good step for him.

  “Thank you.” He stretches up on his tip-toes to kiss me. I accept it, readily.

  “Okay, can you come into the living room with me for a sec?” I take his hand after wiping down the sink when we’re finished. He follows behind me, and I stop him in the middle of the room.

  “I feel like I should’ve gotten you something back, even though I have no idea what this is about.” He laughs nervously. “When’s your birthday?” He asks.

  “December fourth.” I smile over at him but continue behind the couch. “Yours is May ninth.” I wink. “Okay, so, I’m not usually a sentimental kind of guy. I’m not sure I believe in fate or destiny or the universes divine interventions or anything like that. But, I came across this, and I wasn’t sure why at the time, I had an idea of what I would do with it, it was just kind of an afterthought after I’d seen it. Now, I’m not so sure. Now, I think that I was made to see it so I could give it to you. Something to make you happy. Something to make you happy because, as cheesy as it sounds, I felt lost for a long time. Maybe not lost, maybe just out of place. I dunno.” I try to explain, but I think I’m doing a terrible job. “Anyway, I’m not anymore. I’m not lost or floating, and it has to do with several things; moving here, meeting all the guys and them making me friends with them,” I roll my eyes in exasperation at them, even if I do love it. “And then, meeting you. Knowing you and getting a chance at this with you. I feel more clarity now than I think I ever have. So, I think I got this because I was supposed to meet you. I was supposed to know you, even if things never go farther than this right here and I never see you again, I was supposed to know you.” He looks adequately confused, and the furrow in his brow is adorable. I press my lips to his quickly before pulling back and looking into his gorgeous brown eyes.

  “I want you to have this.” I shift us to the painting. He steps forward with shaky hands and looks back at me once before grabbing the tape and unwrapping the paper. When the painting comes into view, he gasps loudly and steps back for a second before reaching forward and falling to his knees and ripping the paper away from the rest.

  “Wade.” He whispers; his hands are covering his mouth. I stand behind him and watch as he stares at the painting. “Poppies.” He looks back up at me. “It’s the poppies.”

  “Yeah.” I agree.

  “My mom’s name was Poppy.” He whispers as tears wet his cheeks.

  “Yeah.’ I whisper back. Not only did Morgan tell me the story of the night of the benefit, but Foster had told me about his mother, too. He closes his eyes and turns back to the painting; his hands over his heart.

  “I can’t believe you done this.”

  “It was made for you,” I tell him, kneeling on the floor in front of the painting with him. I watch as he admires it, loving that it’s made him happy.

  “I think you were made for me.” He says seriously. I hope that’s true. I’ve never felt anything for anyone, even half as strongly as I feel for Foster and even though it’s early, I want this with him more than almost anything.

  “I hope so,” I answer honestly, cupping his cheeks in my palms and wiping his cheeks with my thumbs.

  “Me too.” He wraps his arms around the back of my neck and pulls himself to my lips. He starts out tentatively, almost cautious, but the second his tongue sneaks out and traces my lip, I pull him into my lap. He wraps his legs around my body and sits in my lap as we taste each other. His hands are gripping the back of head and neck, and his body is pressed tightly against mine. It takes some maneuvering, but I stand us up without breaking his lips from mine. With one hand under his ass and one around his waist; I walk us up the stairs and into my room. Foster looks around as the door shuts behind us and for a second he looks panicked.

  “Hey, I didn’t wanna maul you on the floor, that’d be hell on your leg and hip. If we lay here and I get to taste you all night, that’ll be good enough for me. I will not deny that this isn’t for you,” I let him slide down my body and feel my steel-like hardness against him, “but, nothing will ever happen between us that you don’t want or that you’re not ready for. You hear me?” I ask, and he confirms.

  “I think I’m bad at it.” He confessed quietly, and I sit us down on the corner of my bed, him still in my lap.

  “I’m going to disagree strongly, but I want to know why you think that?” I ask, seriously. If it’s insecurity, I don’t want to push him, and if it’s something he doesn’t like, I definitely need to know before anything goes any further.

  “I hesitate to bring up someone else.” He starts, and I immediately don’t like where it’s going; though I stay quiet because he looks embarrassed. I wrap his legs back around me and make us comfortable so he can explain and be comfortable to do so.

  “I told you the way I grew up. I didn’t date or hook up,” He whispers the last words before continuing, “My first time was with Jeffery and he… he was more experienced.”

  “Did he make you do something you didn’t want to do?” I ask, trying to forget what Jeffery looked like, in case he said yes and I would want to hunt him down and rip his dick from his body.

  “No.” Foster stroked my face, seeming to read my expression to know my line of thinking. “But, when I was by myself; I….experimented some. I knew what I liked when I was alone. This is really embarrassing.” He leaned his head to my shoulder to hide but stayed wrapped around me. I rubbed circles on his back in reassurance. “It hurt. With him.”

  “What?” I said louder than I meant to. Jeffery’s new name was going to be Dickless-Jeffery.

>   “No, I mean, I didn’t like it. It didn’t feel good; not like when I was by myself.” His face was beet red, and I tried to calm my racing heart and fury at anyone hurting this sweet man.

  “Did he do something specific that made it hurt or was it just in general?” I gritted between clenched teeth. He smiled and kissed me softly, calming me but only slightly.

  “I think maybe, he just didn’t take his time to get me ready.” He whispered against my lips and kept his eyes shut tight. “It felt good with fingers; it always feels good with fingers.” He moans as he rubs his still hard, clothed groin into mine. I clutched him tighter to me. “I’ve not even done it a handful of times, and I think I just, I wasn’t ready.”

  “You wasn’t ready, and he didn’t take care of you,” I growled and flipped him around to his back on my bed, pressing my body fully on him, earning wide eyes and the sexiest gasp.

  “You gonna take care of me?” He flirted but blushed adorably. I wanted to tease back to lighten the mood, but I needed to be honest.

  “I’ll always take care of you. Always.” I promised, taking his bottom lip between my teeth and pulling gently, earning another groan. “I wasn’t saying it just to say it, baby; if you aren’t ready, I’m one hundred percent okay with that. I’ll be ready when you’re ready. I don’t want you to feel bad or hurried or pressured. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. Maybe not ever, hopefully not ever. I’ll go on your time. I’ll want you every second of forever, but I won’t do anything until you’re ready.” I tell him honestly. One hundred percent honest.

  “Holy shit.” He breathed. “I’m not even nervous.” He says incredulously. “I don’t doubt you or us. I don’t care that we’ve known each other for five minutes.” He grabs my face and makes sure I’m hearing him, “I don’t care about anything beyond you and me. I want you. Fuck, I feel like I need you more than I need anything else in the world right now. I trust you, I believe you and I trust you, and I want you so bad.”

  “You tell me at any point you want to stop and we will. I won’t get mad; I won’t pout, I’ll just stop. Okay?” I need him to know that. I’m not the ex.

  “You won’t pout? Really? Not even a little?” He pokes me in the sides, teasing and smiling. Stretch up and grab both hands, never revealing that I do because it tickles; and I pin them above his head, pressing my body to his as I take his mouth with mine again. He loses that smile, kissing me back with just as much determination. Feeling him squirm beneath me and hearing his breathing hitch and tiny moans of pleasure amps me up beyond my control. When he breaks our kiss and turns his head to catch a breath, as work my way down his neck, licking and sucking my way down his chest as I thrust his shirt up and over his head. His hands find my head, and I don’t stop the torture of my tongue all over his middle.

  Ripping the button of his jeans away, I bite his navel as I pull his pants and boxers down his legs. Thankfully, he lifts at the right times and helps me out, so I don’t have to remove my lips and tongue from his skin.

  “Wade!” He gasps as I nip at his wet flesh. Spreading his legs, so my body has room to explore. I nestle between his legs and try to calm myself enough to slow down. His jumping cock is begging for my mouth, and I know my hot breath on his arousal is making it more difficult for him to stay still.

  “You have to do something.” He whispers, eyes open wide and watching me. I extend my tongue and slide it slowly from his hilt to his tip before enclosing my mouth around him. His body jerks wildly as he thrusts into my mouth. I grab his hips and try my best to hold him down, but in truth, I like the way he loses control for me. His flavor bursts across my tongue as he leaks for me. I lick suck the goodness from where it leaked onto his skin, while I suck him into my mouth.

  “Wade, please.” He whines so sweet. I swallow his length and feel him jerk as my throat constrict around his cock. He hisses as I slowly bring my mouth off of him, licking my way down his length and spread him further. He’s rosy pink and so inviting, I can’t imagine his last lover not wanting to take his time to taste him. I flatten my tongue and swipe, ever so slowly up his slit. His entire body seizes, and he almost screams my name. Judging by the death grip he has on my head, it wasn’t a bad surprise. I’m going to go ahead and guess that nobody’s done this for him before. I flatten my tongue and tease him for what seems like hours. I rub the pads of my fingers over his hole in an attempt to loosen him up. My fingers along with my tongue seem to do the job because one fit easily and two wasn’t that hard to work in. Feeling him thrust himself down onto my finger had me adding another and then another. My name was a constant chant on his tongue. Never in my life did something sound so sweet; if I was honest with myself, which I really tried to be, the more time I spent with this man, the more I was convinced that no one else would do. No one was sweeter, no one was better, and no one else would ever be mine. Foster was mine, and I didn’t want to ever let him go.


  Wade’s tongue on me is making me wild. My body jerks and jolts under his administrations and I want to scream in pleasured pain. He’s teasing and delivering at the same time. He’s driving me crazy with his tongue and then giving it to me just before I wanted to crawl out of my skin; he switched tactics.

  “Wade.” I whimper over and over again, begging and pleading for something or anything. He delivers, just as I feel a slicked finger enter me, slowly but confidently. Funny how the second I feel him stretching me, I don’t tense up or worry about what’s coming next. I have complete trust in him, and it pays off. One finger turns into two, and I don’t feel any pain at all, only pleasure.

  “You tell me when you’re ready, Foster, I go at your pace, remember that.” He groans, just before he swallows my cock once again.

  “I’m ready!” I plead in an almost scream.

  “I need you to be sure.” Wade climbs up my body and whispers in my ear, fingers sliding deliciously slow, in and out of my body.

  “I am sure!” I try once again, but he seems content on torturing me half to death.

  “I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  “You’re not going to, just go slow,” I promise, hoping like fuck that I’m right. I watch as he kicks his pants off and works, one handed as he rips his shirt up over his head. He has tattoos splattered everywhere, and I want so badly to stop and explore. Later, I promise myself; I vow to trace them with my tongue, later. I watch him on his knees as he grabs a condom from where he laid it on the bed at some point earlier and ripped open the tiny packet of lube with his teeth. He spreads it thoroughly on the tip of his covered cock as well as his fingers, just before he enters me again.

  “At any point, you want to stop, you tell me. Got it?” He asks me seriously, and it’s all I can do to nod. I’m anxious, but not because I’m worried or scared, I’m anxious because I need him inside. I feel him line up with my opening and nudge, little by little until he’s seated to the hilt. I’m full, my body feels so full and opened, and there was a slight pinch when he first started to open me, but now, now there’s nothing but fullness….that is until he slides out slightly and then slides back home.

  “Wade!” I gasp once again. I feel like I’ve chanted his name, over and over again since we started, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the feeling of him seated deep within me.

  “You okay?” He asks, breathing heavily as he examines my features. There’s nothing but bliss here.

  “Yes!” I answered on a slightly powerful thrust back in. The way he pulled out, agonizing slow and then pushed with powerful thrusts back inside; I felt like my skin was coming apart at the seams.

  “Feel good?” He asks, with the push and pulls, slow enough to make me crazy.

  “So good. I need more.” I tell him as I wrap both my legs around his waist and my arms around neck and pull him to me. “Please, more,” I ask, so close to begging. It doesn’t take all that, thankfully, because the second the words leave my mouth, he pounds into me, harder than before. He had to have bumped against my pro
state because the yell I emitted was not my own.

  “Fuck!” I scream without meaning to. “What the fuck?” I ask though I know what it is.

  “Uh-hu, open those eyes. Look at me, baby.” He demands. I don’t hesitate. His eyes are hooded, and I watch his tongue come out swipe across his sexy bottom lip before pulling it in and giving me the sexiest bite.

  “Fuck, you don’t know what you do to me.” He murmurs just before he lowers himself to taste my tongue. I do, though. I do know what I do to him because he does the same to me. My dick is weeping at the friction between our bodies as he pegs my gland, over and over again. Never in my life has anything felt this good. I thought for sure that I was broken; or that I wasn’t cut out to be a bottom, but nothing; and I do mean nothing, feels as good as this man does inside me.

  “Fuck me” I groan into his mouth, feeling my body contract around his cock. I feel the desire pool in the depths of my spine, and I know, without touching my dick that I’m going to come. “Wade, fuck,” I exclaimed, grabbing a tight hold around his head. He looks deep in my eyes and it should be awkward or embarrassing as he stares so deep in my eyes, seeing how strongly he’s affecting me; but it isn’t. He drops his head to my chest and pounds harder and harder inside me.

  “You’re gonna make me come.” He warns as his thrusts become uneven and his body tightens beneath my hands at his back.

  “Do it.” I encourage him, needing to feel him explode inside me.

  “Need you to come with me.” He groans, feverishly fucking me with everything he has. “Please, baby, I want you to come with me. Let me feel it.” He urges and with nothing else but his cock pegging my gland and our bodies rubbing my cock between us, I erupt; rope after rope of my come, between us. I feel him pushing through the vice grip that my ass has on his cock, and I feel him spasm inside me, and his mouth opens, and his teeth sink into my neck. My spent cock, throbs and jerks at the pain and I love every second of it.


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