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CASSIUS: Elemental's MC (book 6)

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by Alexi Ferreira

  The horror of the tests that they submitted me to will always haunt me, pain shoots through my head at the memories. Image after image flashes though my mind of the atrocities done to me. I want to cry out, but no sound will leave my mouth. I feel the darkness dragging me down again and I let it, wanting peace from the horror.

  “Wake up, come on Scarlett stop being lazy.” I hear Kade’s voice as if from far away. “I was worried about you.” He says.

  “Bion says that she’s fine, her body is just taking a little longer to heal itself to let her wake up.” Cassius says. At his murmured words I feel calmness engulf me, I don’t need to worry anymore, Cassius will look after Kade. Even though I’ve never spoken to Cassius I know that he will protect my little brother. The connection I feel with him is uncanny, never have I felt like this with anyone. It’s like he’s a part of me.

  “Did you save her from the guys that kidnapped her?” Kade asks

  “It was rather your sister that saved me.” Cassius states, “One of the guys was going to shoot me, your sister ran in front of him and got shot.” I can only imagine how worried Kade must have been without me. Dad walking out on us when he was eight affected him deeply. For a few years he rebelled making mom and I worry about him, but after a few years he became the caring and loving brother that I knew.

  Mom died when he was fourteen, I worried that he would be lost again, but he surprised me and became a responsible little adult helping me as much as he could at that age. For years that it’s only been the two of us looking out for each other. When he finished school, he didn’t want to go to college but work instead and because of money constraints I supported his decision. Kade has always had a passion for motorcycles, therefore he found himself a job at a workshop, learning how to fix cars, not exactly the motorcycles but it’s still in the field that he wants to pursue.

  “She’s courageous like that.” I hear the pleased tone in his voice and can just imagine his cheeky smile. “Did she know you before this?” he asks

  “No” Cassius murmurs

  “So, she doesn’t know that you like her.” At his words I feel my heart tighten with pleasure. Does Cassius like me or is he just here because he knows that I’m his mate?

  “No, she doesn’t” I hear Cassius grunt, if I could I would smile at his surly tone. I can feel the darkness pulling me down again, and even though I fight it, it’s stronger than me.

  When I come to my senses again there is quite all around me, but I know that Cassius is close as I feel the peace that usually surrounds me when he’s close. “Wake up baby. . . Kade needs you, I don’t know the first thing about guiding him.” I feel tears fill my eyes at his words. He’s worried about not doing the right thing with Kade and he doesn’t even know him.

  Even though I have never spoken to Cassius before I know that he’s an upstanding guy, “I need you.” At first, I think that I imagined his words but then I realize that he whispered them. The anguish behind those three words finally allows for my tears to run down my cheeks. I feel the wetness, but I still can’t lift my hand to clean them away.

  “I might be the . . . Scarlett, are you crying?” I hear his shocked voice as he notices that there are tears running down my cheeks. “Fuck, you are crying.” His voice is raspy with worry.

  “Bion” I hear him thunder, “Scarlett’s crying, get here, I think she’s in pain.” The panic in his voice would be funny if I didn’t sense how worried he is.

  “Baby, please don’t cry.” He whispers, “Bion is coming he will make it better.” I wish I could open my eyes and speak to tell him that I’m not crying because I’m in pain but because I could sense his pain when he was talking to me. Ever since I became aware of my surroundings and Cassius started talking to me that I have come to realize that his soul is entrenched in pain, the same as mine is now.

  I heard him tell Bion that he’s broken, I’m now just as broken as him. Can two broken souls mend to make a whole? Merdor hinted at having tortured Cassius, if he did any of the things to him that he did to me I understand why Cassius thinks he’s broken.

  “Fuck, what took you so long?” I come back to hear Cassius growl.

  “It took me less than two minutes.” Bion answers calmly, I feel fingers against my wrist and realize that Bion is touching me.

  “I will calm her.” Brielle says, just as I feel her hands on my head. Brielle brings me comfort when Cassius isn’t around. I have looked forward to her visits as she chats to me about Cassius and the women at the compound as she calls it. “Give me your hand Cassius.”

  “Are you sure about this.” I hear him ask hesitantly.

  “Yes, it can’t hurt.” She answers. A minute later I feel such a strong flow of heat engulfing me as if I was standing under the sun. I feel myself floating, everything forgotten as I let myself be immersed in the peace and comfort that this heat brings me.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been out this time for, but as I start to come around I feel different, somehow more alert. Also, I realize that there is light around me, I feel disorientated, I struggle to open my eyes and slowly as they open a tiny sliver I see what looks like a rock wall. What kind of building am I in if the wall is rock. Moving my head slightly I see that there is someone sitting next to the bed. His head is bent, and he has his elbows on his knees while he rests his head on his hands.

  From his pitch-black hair, I’m guessing it’s Cassius, my eyes are starting to water because of the light but I want to see his eyes when he sees that I’m awake. My whole-body aches, and I’m guessing it’s from laying in bed for so long, therefore I opt for calling him instead of trying to move my hand to touch him.

  “Ca . . .ssius?” I murmur so softly that I’m sure he didn’t hear me, but his head snaps up and his beautiful light green eyes are staring at me in surprise before I see relief enter them. From close he’s even more handsome than in my dreams. His strong jaw depicting his strong personality, his tanned skin making it look like his beautiful eyes are glowing.

  “Scarlett” he says hesitantly, “You had us all worried. Are you okay?” he asks as he stands up and moves closer to the bed. I want so desperately to keep my eyes open and look at this man that I have seen so many times throughout my life in dreams, but heaviness is pulling me down, and the light is making my eyes water.

  “Tir . . .ed” I manage to whisper as I close my eyes again.

  “I’m calling Bion and Brielle to make sure you not in pain and to make you more comfortable.” I hear him say. I start to float in a cloud of drowsiness, but I hear him asking Bion to come that I have woken up. I want to tell him that I’m okay that he shouldn’t worry but I’m too tired to talk.

  I’m already starting to descend into a blissful sleep, when I feel Brielle’s calming touch. “Is she okay?” Cassius asks, I can hear the worry for me in his voice. Happiness fills me at knowing that this man whom I’ve been waiting for, for so long is worried about me.

  “Relax Cassius, look how at peace she looks, and the smile on her face.” Bion answers, “I would say your woman is going to be fine.” With those words I let the darkness drag me down once again.

  “Do you think Gunner will let me help him with that Harley Fat Bob he’s fixing?” I hear Kade say as I start to awaken. The sound of his excited voice fills me with contentment knowing that he’s happy.

  “Yeah, that won’t be a problem as that’s my bike he’s working on.” Cassius growly voice responds.

  “It’s yours? Oh wow, it must suck not being able to ride while your bike is getting sorted.”

  “I have another two, therefore it’s not a problem” Cassius mumbles, opening my eyes I see Kade has his back towards me and is leaning against my bed while he talks to Cassius. I can’t see Cassius as Kade is on my way, lifting my hand slightly I touch Kade’s back. The slight movement tiring me out, I suspect it’s going to be a long time until I get my strength back.

  At my touch Kade jumps in surprise and then turns. “Scarlett” he whoops in
happiness and then his laying half on top of me hugging me tight.

  His weight on me pushed the air out of my lungs, “Can’t. . .breath” I plead. Suddenly Kade’s body is being lifted off me and air is rushing back into my lungs. I see Cassius has Kade around the waste holding him away from the bed. Kade is a tall kid but even like that Cassius towers over him.

  “Sorry sis” Kade says as Cassius reluctantly let’s go of him.

  “It’s okay.” I murmur, my voice still raspy from lack of use and because my mouth and throat are terribly dry. “Water” I ask

  Kade and Cassius both stretch out to get at the water that is next to my bed but then I see Cassius pull back letting Kade help me.

  “Are you in any pain?” Cassius asks with a frown. I could tell him that my whole body is sore from laying down, but I think he would call Bion again.

  “No, how long . . . have I been here.”

  “From the day we got you until today it’s been just over a month.” Cassius replies, his gravelly voice making my heart flutter. If what Merdor said is true, I’m Cassius one and only mate. Apparently, they only mate once, I’m curious to know how they know who their mate is.

  “Is it true?” I ask and see a confused look in his eyes. “Am I your mate?” at that I see his muscles tense, looking down I see the muscles on his arms bulging under his tattoos. His black t-shirt straining over his chest.

  “Yes” he grunts, his eyes watchful as he waits for my reaction.

  “How do you know?” I ask

  “You calm me.” At his words I nod stiffly understanding him as his nearness calms me too.

  “What are you talking about?” Kade asks with a raised brow

  “He’s my dream guy.” I answer, knowing that Kade will understand. I have confided in Kade that I have dreamt about the same guy since I was young.

  “No shit!” he exclaims, his eyes wide as he looks Cassius up and down.

  “I’m no one’s dream guy, trust me.” Cassius growls, at his words Kade starts to chuckle.

  “What she means is that she’s been dreaming about you since she was a kid.” Kade quips, I can feel my face warm with embarrassment at his words and Cassius penetrating stare.

  “Really?” Cassius asks with a raised eyebrow, “were they good dreams?” at his question I lower my eyes from his, there is no way I’m going to tell him about my scorching dreams.

  “I don’t remember.” I grumble not meeting his eyes.

  “She’s lying.” Kade chirps in, “You want to know how I know she’s lying?” he asks with an excited expression.

  “Of course.”

  “She bites her bottom lip, see.” I look up and frown at Kade, from the corner of my eye I can see a grin on Cassius face.


  “Nice to know”

  Cassius and I say at the same time, I turn my head and look at him. His beautiful green eyes are twinkling down at me and that sombre energy that was surrounding him earlier on has lightened. “It’s okay baby, I’m sure the memory will return soon and then you can tell me.” He suggests.

  “Well look at that, Sleeping Beauty has awoken.” A beautiful woman says from the doorway, going by her voice I will say it’s Brielle. Next to her a hot guy with Honey blond hair and sharp green eyes is looking at me. “I would say my little experiment worked, wouldn’t you?” she asks but her focus is on the man next to her.

  “I didn’t say it wouldn’t work.” The guy grumbles, “Just that I didn’t see how it would work.” I see the cheeky smile on Brielle’s face as she strolls towards me.

  “Hi Scarlett” she greets, “I’m Brielle, and that sore loser over there is Bion.” I smile at her, after this month of her speaking to me I feel like I already know her.

  “Thank you.” I say, my voice is still coming out in a whisper, but I see that everyone hears me.

  “As long as you are feeling better, besides I couldn’t watch Cassius mopping around anymore.” She teases, I look over and see Cassius glaring at her. I can feel myself smiling at the thought of him mopping. Cassius has got such a strong presence about him that I can’t imagine him mopping. He is saved from answering by Bion that is looking down at his phone.

  “Draco wants a meeting, are you ready?” Bion asks looking up at him.

  “Yeah” he answers, he looks deep into my eyes for a few seconds and then he turns and leaves with Bion following him.

  “I’m also going to go sis, Gunner is fixing Cassius bike and I want to see if I can help him.” I smile at Kade and nod knowing that he loves working with bikes and must be anxious to get started. He leans down and kisses me on the cheek, surprising me as Kade isn’t one to show affection. “I missed you.” He whispers before he hurries away.

  “I like your brother.” Brielle says as she takes hold of my arm and starts to work it.

  “He’s a good guy.” I murmur, looking at the empty doorway where Kade disappeared.

  “Scarlett” Brielle pulls my attention back to her, “Don’t worry about him, we will all keep an eye on him, and Cassius has taken him under his wing.” She reveals.

  I smile at her, she’s so open and friendly that instantly makes one comfortable. Her sparkling green eyes are smiling down at me as she continues to work on me. “Cassius seems like a good guy.” I murmur.

  “He is a good guy, all of them are. They are very protective of the ones they love.” She stops what she’s doing and looks at me while she bites her lip. “You know that Cassius is your mate, don’t you?” she asks

  I nod, I can see she wants to say something but isn’t sure how to go about it. “Do you know what they are?” she asks

  “Merdor told me that they were different, that they can move the elements.” At my answer I see her shoulders relax and she nods.

  “Yes, they do, but the most important thing that you need to know is that these men only have one mate and you are it for Cassius.” She states, “all the men are worried about him, for a long time that he’s been fighting not to turn. He needs to bond with you and bond soon, the problem is that Bion thinks that he’s going to fight this bonding because he doesn’t think he’s good enough for you.” At her words my stomach knots, I know that Cassius thinks he’s broken but so am I. There is no reason why he shouldn’t bond with me if I am his mate.

  “What do you mean he’s been fighting not to turn?” I ask, I can feel I’m getting tired, but I won’t allow myself to drift off to sleep until I know what she means.

  “If Elemental’s don’t find their mate they will turn into Keres, they start to take more and more blood and the rage overwhelms them. Cassius has been fighting this rage for a very long time, we don’t want to lose him when his salvation is so close.” She says, my breath catches at the thought of Cassius turning into those evil men. They were evil right down to their soul, I will never let that happen to Cassius if it’s up to me.

  “I will save him.” I whisper, fighting to keep my eyes open but it’s stronger than me and I am pulled down to a restless slumber, not seeing Brielle’s relieved look.


  “Settle down” Draco says as he walks into the computer room and sees Brandr holding Burkhart against the wall. All of us have taken bets on how long he will be able to hold him.

  “Come on Draco, let’s just see who wins.” Ceric says just as Burkhart manages to pull himself up the wall with his feet and push Brandr back. He twists as he does that and places an arm around Brandr neck and the other has pulled his arm back.

  “Too slow Bro, you still haven’t learnt.” Burkhart teases as he lets go of Brandr and walks towards his chair.

  “Three minutes and twenty seconds” Bjarni calls, and I hear groans. “Celmund you the closest with three minutes.”

  “Great,” Draco says sarcastically, “Can we get started now.” Looking over at him I see that the vain on his neck is ticking that doesn’t bode well, it just means one thing, trouble is brewing. “We have a situation.” He starts and looks around at all o
f us. “Our Bratva friend needs a pick up and drop off.”

  “What’s the situation?” I ask, after all we usually do the runs for the Bratva Mafia there is nothing new about that.

  “Well the situation is that it’s not so much a pick up as it is a reposition. Alexey has been informed that Salvador is moving the guns that he stole from them. We are to take them back and drop it off in Alexey’s warehouse.” Draco explains, “You all know that we will need to keep our eyes open, because the Keres will be involved in this move.”

  “What do we know about this extraction.” Celmund asks

  “His inside man gave him the info, he asked that Vlad and his men accompany us.” Draco reveals

  “That’s going to be a problem.” Wulf says, “If the Keres are involved you know we going to have to use our powers. If we do that than his men and Vlad will know we not exactly what they thought.”

  “And that’s why I want them to accompany us like Alexey asked, but then they wait for us in a designated area. I’ll insist that the fighting we do ourselves.”

  “That may be a problem, you know how Vlad is” Brandr says, Vlad is Alexey’s brother and his right-hand man. He also insists on being present on all the jobs.

  “Well, we will just have to make sure that he’s entertained.” Draco replies with a raised eyebrow.

  “When are we leaving?” I ask, happy that I will have a few days away from Scarlett. Especially now that she’s woken up and will start to recuperate. I will need to get away from her for a while and get my head on straight.

  “I hear your woman has woken up” Draco says without answering my question.

  “Yeah” I answer with a raised eyebrow

  “Oh yeah, Celmund there goes your beauty sleep.” Ceric teases as he stands up and starts to thrust his hips playfully. Celmund’s room is right next to mine, meaning that he will be able to hear most things going on in my room. From all the guys around this table Celmund is the one that knows first-hand how I battle with my darkness.


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