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Landlady: A New Adult Romance (Northbridge Nights Book 1)

Page 14

by Jackie Wang

  Vanessa cleared her throat. “I believe we're here to sign some papers.”

  “Yes, right this way,” I gestured, opening the door for them.

  Just as I was taking a seat on the opposite side of the table, Klassen walked in. “Sorry I'm a little late,” he apologized. “I was just ironing out the kinks in your contract.”

  He stared at me as if to ask, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  I stared back. “You can give them to me, Klassen.”

  “Charles wants to speak with you in his office,” Klassen said. “Now.”

  I stood up and hissed in his ear, “What the hell is this?”

  Klassen whispered back, “This is you stepping down, my friend.”

  I didn't bother asking more. Something was off, I could feel it in my bones. I excused myself and stormed down the hall to Dad's office.

  I didn't even knock. I just flung open the door and demanded, “Why the hell is Klassen in there with the Holdoms?”

  Dad was on the phone and held up one finger to silence me.

  My veins were thrumming with rage and shame. Surely Dad just meant to give Klassen the final contracts to work on, not the entire fucking case?

  After what felt like eons, Dad finally hung up and gestured for me to take a seat.

  “Son, what was this company founded on?”


  “Answer the question, Asher,” Dad said.

  “Hard work and tears mostly,” I replied. “Why?”

  “How did we climb to the top?”

  I was getting impatient with these questions, but I answered them anyway. “All-nighters, teamwork, and a dash of ruthlessness?”

  “All excellent answers.”

  “What's your point, Dad?”

  “Have you been putting in the hard work, the tears, the all-nighters, the ruthlessness, and teamwork lately?”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes?”

  We both knew I was lying.

  Dad slammed his hand on the table. “No. No, you fucking haven't, Asher. While you were flouncing around chasing skirts, Klassen, Mike, and I, as well as a few other junior associates, we've been busting our ass working on your case. A case I shouldn't have even needed to worry about. A case you and Mike should've been able to handle had you been on your A-game. But instead, you gave me a crock of shit for a contract and tried to serve it to me as if it was fucking beluga caviar.”


  “You're fired, Asher.”


  “You heard me. Pack your shit and go home.”

  “You can't—”

  “I'm the Founding Partner at this firm. And I can do whatever I damn well please.”

  “Dad, please, I know I make a mistake. Please let me make it up to you!”

  “I will not play favorites, Asher. I hired you for your skill, not because you were my son. And now that you've proven to me that you're useless here, I have no choice but to let you go.”

  “So all the work I put into this merger, was for nothing? You're going to give Klassen all the credit?”

  “Klassen not only handled his own workload but shouldered yours as well. You should be grateful he helped you. I'm planning to promote him to senior partner next month.”


  “No? No, Asher? You need to learn some hard truths here today. Let everyone see you as an example of what is and isn't acceptable at my firm. Morgan, Sloane, and Perry does not tolerate slackers. You've always been held to the same standards as everyone else. And you've always come out on top. Until you met that girl.” Dad practically spat out the last word.

  “Sierra has nothing to do with this,” I said.

  “No? So it was just coincidence then that you started getting distracted after you took her to the charity benefit.”

  “Dad, I've learned my lesson. Please, you don't need to embarrass me like this,” I pleaded.

  “Get out, Asher. Don't bother coming back. I'll have Rachelle pack your things and mail them to your house.”

  Just like that, I became unemployed and cast out onto the streets.

  By my own fucking father.




  I knew that meant trouble. My suspicions were confirmed when he dragged himself in, shoulders hunched.

  “What happened?” I asked, standing up and slipping the crutches under my armpits. I started hobbling over, but he reached my side in two steps.

  Without a single word, he buried his face in my neck and hugged me hard. His dejected face looked wrinkled and pale.

  “Come on, take a seat on the couch.” I lifted the remote and turned off the TV.

  Asher plunked down on the sofa and buried his face in his hand. “I got fired.”

  “What? How did that happen?”

  I made my way over and sat down beside him. “Your dad—”

  “—Yeah. My own fucking father fired me. In front of everybody. It was humiliating.”

  “But why—”

  “Because I fucked up on one contract. For the Holdom merger. One stupid contract and years of hard work at the firm, erased. Respect, gone forever. Now everyone just sees a worthless loser who got canned by his own dad.”

  “You're not a worthless loser,” I said. I felt uneasy. I didn't know how to comfort him. To make him understand this setback wasn't the end of the world. “You're young. Smart. Ambitious. You can wait until your dad cools down and then ask for your job back. Or just go work at another firm. You have plenty of options.” I rested a hand on Asher's back and stroked it in circles. A comforting gesture.

  “He thinks I've lost my touch and gotten lazier ever since I met you,” Asher said, not looking up at me.

  “Since you met me? How?”

  “You don't understand, Sierra, the kind of spell you've put me under,” Asher groaned. “Ever since I met you, my world's been turned inside-out.”

  “Because I became your landlady?” I asked.

  “No, because we shared those kisses. Those texts. The teasing and flirting. And last night. Was it all just fun and games to you? Because it sure as hell wasn't for me. You've become more than a simple distraction. I can't turn off my thoughts about you. No matter how hard I try, my mind keeps coming back to you. I've become obsessed with everything about you: your little smirks, your beautiful golden eyes, your stubbornness, feistiness—everything.”


  Asher's mouth found mine. He cupped my cheeks and sank deeper into the kiss, lowering me down onto my back.

  Between breaths, I dragged in air. “My parents might—”

  “Tell me I'm not crazy. Tell me—”

  “—I like you too,” I blurted out. “You're always on my mind as well, no matter how much I deny it. I wake up every morning thinking about you and your heart-melting smile.”

  “Thank you, Sierra,” Asher said, kissing me from my forehead down to the tip of my nose. Then his lips melted into mine and nothing else mattered anymore. After he pulled away, he whispered, “You made my day. Everything's better now because—”

  “—Shh...” I pulled Asher down on top of me and kissed him again so hard I felt dizzy. We got lost in each other's embrace, lost in each other's mouths. I felt like I was a teenager again, secretly making out with a boy before my parents came home. I threaded my fingers through Asher's silky hair, murmuring his name between feverish kisses. I could feel him hard against me, his manhood pressed tight against my belly. He shifted against me, digging into my thigh. I let out an ear-piercing whelp.

  Stupid leg.

  “Shit. Sorry, babe,” Asher said, pulling back. “I got carried away.”

  “It's okay,” I said, running a hand down to my cast.



  We laughed, and I sat up and threw my arms around him. “You're adorable, Asher Morgan.”

  He shot me a wounded puppy look. “Just adorable?”

nbsp; “Okay, you're devastatingly hot.”

  “Only devastatingly hot?”

  “That's one of the highest honors bestowed to man.” I chuckled. “Few have attained this much-coveted status.”

  “I want to be your everything, Sierra,” Asher murmured, curling a finger around my mussed hair. “And I want you to need me as much as you need air.”

  “Demanding much? Baby steps, Asher.”

  “I've been taking baby steps for almost a month now,” he said. “Time to step up my game and go for the girl.”

  I let out a belly laugh. “Oh? What do you have in mind?”

  “For starters, how about I take you home and pamper you night and day until you're all better?”

  “You have to work. Get your job back, or find another one,” I insisted.

  “I don't have to do jack shit other than spoil my girl,” Asher said, winking.

  My stomach did a jumping jack. “Your girl? I didn't realize I'd promised myself to you already.”

  Asher took my hands in his own. His smile had faded, replaced by a more serious expression. “Sierra Maywood, will you be my girlfriend?”

  After a moment I said, “I guess so.” I tried to hide my glee, but the truth was, my insides had transformed into a gymnastics club.

  “Guess? Do you know how many women would die to be with me?” Asher said, smirking.

  “It doesn't matter because you'd die to be with one woman, and that woman's me, right?”

  “God I love everything about you, Sierra Maywood.” Asher kissed me again, this time, holding on for so long I thought he'd never let go. “So what do you say? Should I bring you home?”

  “My parents won't be too happy about this,” I said. “They were just getting used to having me back. They'll be devastated.”

  “What if I promise to bring you to see them at least once a week? Or whenever they want? They could also come visit us whenever they want.”

  “Maybe. You'll have to ask. I don't want to fall into their bad books again.”


  As if on cue, my parents popped through the door.

  “Oh, Asher. We weren't expecting you until later,” Mom said. “Got off work early to be with Sierra? How sweet.”

  I didn't have the heart to correct her so we both let it slide.

  Asher turned to me. “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?”

  “I'd like you to meet someone.”

  “Oh, who?”

  “My horse, Roxy.”

  “You have a horse?” Asher asked. “Wait, why am I so surprised? You grew up on a farm.”

  “Come, she's in the barn,” I said. Asher helped me up, and I slipped the crutches under my arm. I was still a bit wobbly on my feet. By the time I took a few steps, I was already feeling a bit tired.

  “Oh for God's sake,” Asher said. He swooped me up and carried me in his arms. I let the crutches clatter to the floor.

  “Where to, princess?” he asked.

  I pointed the way.

  I was about 120 pounds, but Asher carried me as if I was light as a feather. He was still dressed in his work clothes: an expensive suit ensemble and shiny black dress shoes. Everything was quickly covered in mud as he made his way to the barn.

  “Your clothes—” I began.

  “Nothing dry-cleaning can't fix,” he said. “I think.”

  We must've looked quite comedic to any passerby. A city suit carrying a country girl in a sunflower dress down to the barn. My humongous leg cast in itself dwarfed the rest of my body, and it felt like a brick strapped to my thighs.

  Once we reached the barn, Asher set me down, and I braced myself against him while he opened the door. A musty odor assaulted my nostrils, and I covered my face with my hand.

  Once the door was open, Asher picked me up again and brought me inside. The floor was littered with hay and droppings, and I was surprised that Dad didn't clean it a bit better. I would need to speak with him about that later.

  I heard Roxy's soft whinnying nearby followed by a few clip-clops.

  “Hi Roxy baby,” I cooed. “It's me, Sisi.”

  Roxy recognized me, even in the dim light, and neighed. Her huge eyes filled with recognition and she studied me, unblinking.

  “Set me down by the bench,” I said.

  Asher did as I asked.

  “Do you know anything about horses?” I asked.

  Asher shook his head. “Not really, no. I think I might've ridden a pony once when I was ten.”

  “Do you want to take a spin on Roxy? She's gentle. Well-trained.”

  Asher stared up at my massive mare and swallowed. “I'm not sure. What if she doesn't like me?”

  “She'll like you,” I reassured him. “Because I like you.”

  “How does it all work?” he asked.

  “Well, call my dad down and he'll tack her up.”

  “Are you sure this is a good idea, Sierra? I don't want to make a fool of myself. I'm not even dressed for it,” Asher said.

  “Maybe you can borrow some of my brother's old clothes. Or even my dad's,” I offered.

  Asher sighed. “You really want me to make a fool out of myself, don't you?”


  “Fine. Sit tight. I'll go ask Ernest.”

  Asher returned minutes later with Dad by his side. I could tell Dad was just as amused as I was at the prospect of this hotshot lawyer riding a horse for the first time in his adult life.

  “I'll go find you some clothes, hold on,” Dad said.

  “You better do something equally challenging for me once we get back to the city,” Asher said, “to even things out.”

  “Riding is easy,” I said. “I mean, once you get the hang of it.”

  “Just remember, you owe me one.”

  Within twenty minutes, Asher was changed into Jordan's old riding gear. Dad led Roxy outside and pushed a mounting block up against her left side. When Asher emerged from the barn, I almost didn't recognize him. Jordan's trousers were a bit tight on him and really emphasized his pinch-able rear end. He was wearing Jordan's old t-shirt and a long-sleeve jacket overtop. Mom had brought out two fold-up chairs so she and I could sit on the sidelines and watch the show.

  “He's going to be sore tomorrow,” Mom remarked.

  “I couldn't resist testing him. Watch and learn, Mom. You may never see Asher Morgan so vulnerable again.”

  Dad threw Asher a helmet and he put it on. “You ever been riding before?” Dad asked.

  Asher shook his head.

  “Go easy on him, Dad,” I cried. “He doesn't know what he's doing.”

  “He ain't a man till he's mastered riding a horse,” Dad called back.

  Asher wiped his hands on his trousers and stepped onto the mounting block. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I assumed Dad was laying out the groundwork.

  When Asher finally mounted Roxy, Mom and I let out a round of applause. Asher waved back at me, a goofy grin on his face. “This isn't so bad,” he called out.

  Dad was holding on to the reins and stroking Roxy's mane. Roxy was such a gorgeous creature. I felt a twinge of guilt thinking about how I'd abandoned her when I moved away. If only I could afford to keep her...

  Dad started to lead Roxy forward. Asher's body wobbled from side to side. He seemed to be enjoying himself.

  “He's a natural, look at him,” Mom said. “I have a really good feeling about this one, Sisi. He's good to you. Really good. Look how often he came to see you after your accident.”

  “Mom,” I whined. “Let's just focus on the show.”

  “I'm just saying, Sierra, you're twenty-five already. It's about time you thought about settling down. You know Dad and I have been looking forward to grandkids for years now. And it's not like Jordan's going to be father material anytime soon.”

  “And you think I'd make good mother material? I haven't even launched into my career yet,” I pointed out.

  “But now you don't need to worry about the fi
nancial aspect of it all. Asher has a stable, well-paying job, he's handsome, and he really likes you. Don't let this catch slip through your fingers.”

  Well, all of that's true except for the job part. Why am I even thinking or talking about this? We haven't even gone on a real date yet!

  “Mom, I don't want to rush into anything.”

  “I know, Sisi, I know.”

  But my mom's words sat in the back of my brain for a while. My new boyfriend is quite a catch.

  After about ten minutes, Dad handed the reins over to Asher. He hadn't stopped smiling since he’d mounted my horse. “Not bad.” I said, nodding my approval.

  “He's a natural!” Dad called out.

  Growing more confident, Asher began to urge Roxy to go faster.


  Roxy sped up to a canter and Asher started bouncing up and down. He actually looked quite handsome and rugged on top of Roxy, but I wouldn't tell him that. His ego didn't need further stroking.

  We were about to clap again when Asher's lost his grip on the reins. Within seconds, he'd slipped off the saddle and landed face-first in a huge mud puddle. His helmet protected his skull, but not his face from getting dirty. A prolonged groaning sounded from his direction.

  I lurched in my seat, about to go help him when I realized I was incapacitated.

  “Don't worry, we'll get him,” Mom reassured me. “He's a big guy, he's fine.”

  My parents rushed over to Asher, and I heard them asking if he was alright. I was worried, but I also wanted to laugh. Asher came stumbling back, his entire front caked in grime. “Well, that was fun,” he grinned.

  “Even though you ate dirt?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding? That was the best part,” he replied. “Though I think I might change my mind by tomorrow.”

  “Come on, let's get you changed,” Mom said.

  Dad picked up the chairs and handed me my crutches. When the four of us made it back home, it was starting to drizzle. The sky had turned a sickly yellow color, and inky clouds sneaked over the horizon.

  “Are you staying over tonight?” I asked Asher.

  “I wasn't planning on it,” he admitted. “Your couch is rather uncomfortable.”

  “It's raining and getting dark,” I said.


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