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Girl in the White Dress: Sam's Story

Page 4

by Nikki D. Walker

  I cleaned up the dorm a little. Matt was on his way over and he always gave me a hard time for my lack of organization.

  We hung out in my room for most of the week. Other than getting food and helping him pack, we spent the week in my room talking, laughing, and just being together. Then it was Friday and he was leaving the next morning. I was a wreck. All we did was lay in bed and hold each other. I actually did not know who cried more. It was nice that he was not afraid to show his emotions. He loved me just as much as I loved him. We fell asleep in each other’s arms. We did not move until we heard the alarm clock going off at 7 AM.

  “Mmm,” I moaned. “Shut up.” I flung my arm back to hit snooze and managed to knock it on the floor instead. “Stupid clock.”

  “I don’t want to get up, Mom.” Well clearly, Matt was delusional when he woke up.

  “Hey baby, wake up.”

  “Mmm…” he turned around and smiled. “Morning, baby girl.”


  “What time is it?”


  “Well that sucks,” he said. “My flight is in three hours.”

  “I know,” I frowned.

  “I guess we should probably get ready if we’re going to get to the airport early.”

  “Yeah.” Neither of us moved.

  “Maybe five more minutes of this,” he pulled me closer. “I love you, Sam.”

  “I love you, too, Matt. You’d better not forget me.”

  “Never. You’re my girl, now and for always.”

  “You say that now, but soon you’ll be surrounded by cheerleaders. Very hot cheerleaders.”

  “Who don’t even compare to you,” he said.

  “Uh huh.”

  “You have nothing to worry about, sweetie. I love you and only you.”

  “Good,” I glanced at the clock. “I guess we should go shower.”

  “Yeah,” he smiled.


  “There isn’t anyone else here today.”

  “Yeah, so?” Apparently, I was having a slow morning.

  “So, that means no one else will be in the showers…” he said mischievously.

  I laughed. “I see. Well, what are you waiting for? Race you!” I grabbed my towel and sprinted to the bathroom.

  “Hey! Wait for me!”

  Sadly, too soon we had to go. We packed his car, which he was letting me use for the summer, and headed for the airport. We were both silent for the ride. I was just trying not to cry. I did not want the last image to be of me red faced and blotchy.

  We found a parking spot and headed for the terminal. Matt checked in and got his boarding pass and we walked towards the gate. He only had a half hour until his flight. We stopped before the security checkpoint. I could not go any further unless I had a ticket, which I did not.

  I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I looked at Matt and his eyes looked wetter than normal. “This is your last chance, mister.”

  “Come here.” He gave me a bear hug. “I will call you as soon as my flight lands.”

  “Ok.” I was fighting so hard to control my tears but I could not any longer. They started flowing down my face. I was sobbing all over him.

  “I know, baby. I’m going to miss you terribly.”

  “Don’t go.”

  “You know that’s not possible.”

  I sniffed. “I know, just wishful thinking.”

  He grabbed my face and looked deep into my eyes. “I love you, Samantha Rayne. Don’t you forget that, ok?”

  “Ok. And don’t forget that I love you, too.”

  “No worries about that.” There was a line starting to form at the security checkpoint and if he did not hurry, he would miss his flight, not that I minded.

  “You should go, before I kidnap you.”

  “I know.” He gave me one last hug and kiss. “I will call you soon.”

  “Ok, I love you and have a safe flight.”

  On my way back to the parking garage, I was in a daze. I did not even realize when I was back at the car. My mind was obviously on autopilot.

  * * *

  The rest of the summer was a blur. Late night phone calls, quick e-mails, the occasional text message. He was busy with work and I had classes it was hard to get on the same page. We made it to the end of the summer, though, without actually seeing each other.

  Finally, it was time to pick him up at the airport. I practically jumped him at the gate. We grabbed his bags and headed to the car. Something did not seem right, though. So, when we got to the car I asked, “What’s going on?”

  “I have to tell you something and I’m not sure how.” My heart sank.

  “What?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Kelly came to visit me.”

  I thought I was going to throw up. Kelly, the ex, went to visit him. The one he was not even supposed to be talking to. He could not leave to come visit me, but he made time to see her up there? That son of a bitch. “I see. Well, that was nice of her.”

  “I suppose, but Sam….” Oh God, he had better not say what I thought he was going to say. “Something happened, Sam. I am so sorry.”

  “Are you kidding me? You have got to be kidding me.”

  “We went out for drinks just to talk and one thing led to another.”

  “You bastard!” I thought I was going to be sick.

  “I can’t tell you enough how sorry I am. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Well it’s too late for that.” I tried to hold back sobs.

  “Can you forgive me? It was a mistake.”

  “Well, obviously, but it’s one that I can’t forgive. I thought you loved me and to me that means you keep your hands off other girls.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby girl.” He did truly look sorry, but now, he could kiss my ass.

  “Just take me home.” The rest of the drive was silent. I could not stop the flow of tears. Matt looked upset too, but I did not care. This was all his fault anyway. When we got back to the dorm, I headed for my room. Matt stopped me.

  “So, this is it? This is how it ends?” he asked.

  “You chose this path, Matt. It was your decision to hook up with Kelly. That was the moment you lost me. I hope it was worth it. Goodbye, Matt.” Well, I was more mature than I gave myself credit for. I successfully fought the urge to beat him to a pulp. Yay me!

  “Sam, please…” I just kept walking.

  * * *

  The rest of the week, I was pretty bitchy and pouty so it was a good thing that no one else was on campus yet. Trinity was back today. The summer was so crazy for both of us that we really did not get to talk much so I had a lot to fill her in on. I was heading down to the cafeteria to grab some coffee when I heard a familiar voice.

  “SAM!” Trinity was running over to me.

  “Hi, ah,” she slammed into me.

  “I missed you so much! It is good to be back. Well, except for the classes part,” she joked.

  “Well of course.”

  “How was your summer?” she asked

  “Well, it was good, until last week, that is.”

  “What happened last week?” I filled her in on Matt’s stupidity. “I don’t understand, Trin. I loved him. I would have moved out there to be with him. I thought he wanted the same. He is, was, my best friend.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me? What an ass! Maybe it was a drunken moment of stupidity?”

  “I know, right. Totally didn’t see that coming,” I sighed. “Drunken stupidity or not, I don’t think my heart will be whole ever again. I thought I was going to marry him. We were that good together. I mean, I know it’s only been a year… but we spent pretty much every day together before he left. I love him so much.”

  “Ok, that just means that we need to find you someone who is worthy because evidently he is not.”

  I laughed. “I think I’m just going to concentrate on school for now.”

  “Well, that’s no fun.”

  “I’m very much not
in the mood to get my heart broken again right now.”

  “Ok, fine.”

  We went back to the room with our lattes and unpacked Trinity’s things. We caught up on the rest of our summers and went to bed. Classes started back up tomorrow and I had my internship to get ready for. At least I had something to distract me from my broken heart.

  Chapter 5

  * * *

  I managed to get accepted to Fowler Elementary School for my internship. I was extremely grateful since it was across the street and I still did not have my car on campus. Ugh! My first stop was the principal’s office to meet the teacher I would be working with. I was a little nervous but this would help give me some experience before I really started my student teaching next year. There was an older woman waiting in the principal’s office when I arrived and I could only assume she was my mentor. When I walked in, she turned around and smiled.

  “Hi, I’m Ms. Lafferty. I will be working with you this semester,” she said.

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Sam.” She gave me a quick overview of my responsibilities before we went to the classroom. She told me I was responsible for a lesson plan for English, which was perfect.

  “Ok, why don’t we head over to the classroom now and I will introduce you to the students. Mr. Patton is in there right now for their Health lesson, but he should be just about finished.”

  I looked around as we walked to the classroom. There were colored leaves and apples decorating the walls. It was a very inviting atmosphere. I had hoped to run into Mr. Jackson, the teacher I had sat with last year. I asked Ms. Lafferty if he was still there. He had mentioned something about retiring at the end of the school year. She informed me he did retire.

  Mr. Patton was just wrapping it up when we walked in the room. I heard him giving the class an assignment but I was too nervous to pay much attention to him. “I see Ms. Lafferty is back so it must be time for me to go,” he said. A round of aww’s echoed through the room.

  “Thank you, Mr. Patton. Students, this is Miss Rayne. She is going to be visiting us a few times a week. Miss Rayne, would you please tell us a bit about yourself?”

  After a brief introduction, I sat in the back of the class to observe. The first week I would be observing and going over the lesson plans Ms. Lafferty had constructed to get a feel of what the class was learning. Next week I would be able to teach them my lesson. I hope that I would not come across as an idiot.

  She had me observe for about an hour. The students’ lunchtime was right after their English lesson. The students seemed attentive enough to her lecture and I hoped they would be equally as attentive to me when it was my turn.

  On my way out, I heard someone call my name. When I turned around, I saw Tim, the guy who had run into me. “Hey, what are you doing here?” I was proud I remembered him from almost a year ago. Usually my memory was not that great. Although, he was hot and it was unlikely I would forget a face like his. (Do not judge me for appreciating a perfect male specimen.)

  “You must have been in your own world earlier. I’m Tim Patton.”

  “Oh my gosh, you’re the health teacher!” I laughed. “I was so nervous about my first lesson that I was totally not paying attention.” Normally, I would have noticed the hot guy in the room.

  “Yeah, I’m here every Wednesday. I am lucky enough to be able to rotate schools since no one actually needs a full time Health teacher. It is nice. I get a variety and all the kids are great.”

  “They seem it. Either that, or they were tricking me on my first day and next week they will be little hellions,” I joked.

  “Nah, they’re good kids.” He glanced at his watch. “I have to run, but next week, if you want, we can meet up for coffee after class? I can fill you in on the school and the staff.”

  “Uh, sure, sounds good.” Hell yeah, was what I said in my head. A coffee date with a hot guy equals heaven in my book. So what if it was to discuss school, I would take it.

  “Great, I’ll see you next week, Sam.” I stood there slightly dumbfounded as he walked away. Sometimes my life could be very random. First, I run into him, literally, as I was going for a walk, then at the coffee place, and now school. Very interesting.

  My cell phone rang as I was crossing the street. It was Trinity, of course. “Hey, you on your way back from your internship?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’m crossing the street as we speak.”

  “Ok, cool. Do you look cute?”

  “Excuse me?” What kind of question was that?

  “Do you look cute?”

  “Ok, well first, I would like to think that I always look cute, but yeah, I’m good.” I was giving her the weirdest look that she could not see. “Why?”

  “Well, do not get mad,” Oh, dear God, “but Derek is on his way with a friend.”

  “Trin, I told you I was all set right now.”

  “I know, but it is a friend from high school that will be staying with him for a few days and I kind of said we would all hang out.” Derek had gotten an apartment with a friend when the semester started. I guess being a senior made him too cool for the dorms.

  “Obviously, you forgot I am still reeling over the last friend of his. Plus, it has only been like a week since I had my heart stomped on. Why on earth would I want to date someone now?”

  “Please? Just so he is not a third wheel? You do not have to think of it as a date. Just four people hanging out. Besides, he is going back home in a few days.”

  “Ugh, fine. Just do not, and I mean do not, push anything.”

  “Promise! Now hurry up and get here so I can double check your outfit. They should be here in like ten minutes.”

  “I’m walking up the stairs. Key in the…”

  The door whipped open. “Hi,” she gave me the once over. “Ok, yeah, you look fine.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Do I have time to pee?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Yeah, I guess,” she joked.

  I went to the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror. Just because I did not want to be set up, did not mean I should not look nice or keep my options open.

  When Derek got there with Pete, it was horrible. They may be good friends but there was absolutely no chemistry between Pete and I. Ok, so Pete was not horrible, he was actually a nice guy, but still nothing. I think I just made a new friend, though, on the plus side. We all made plans to go bowling the next night. After they left, I jumped in the bath, it was very nice to relax and soak up the bubbles. My plan was to swear off guys for a while, considering everything that happened with Jason and Matt in the past year and a half, but for some reason, my mind drifted back to Tim Patton. He seemed like an interesting fellow and I was excited to be meeting him for coffee next week.

  My Thursday classes were ok. I managed to plan my schedule around my internship. I had most of my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and one class on the Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. The only downside was that class was at 8:30 in the morning. Fortunately, the coffee cart opened at eight and I had time to grab a cup before class.

  Friday’s observation was fun. I had a chance to interact a bit more with the students, which was nice because I hoped it would give me a slight advantage next week. I had one more day of observing and then Wednesday I would have my own lesson.

  Derek’s friend Pete was going home on Sunday and Trinity convinced me to hang out with the three of them Saturday night. She was lucky I loved her. We ended up going bowling again because the boys wanted a rematch. Trinity and I had whooped their behinds last time and they wanted redemption. The first couple of strings they were doing well, but not quite well enough. We won again. (Ha ha to them!)

  It was nice to have some fun Saturday because Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were dedicated to homework and studying. Blah. I was looking forward to coffee with Tim on Wednesday, though. Trinity was wicked excited for me, even though I told her it was not a real date. That girl was crazy sometimes.

  I managed to make it throug
h my lesson plan safely. The kids were great. After I helped Ms. Lafferty round the kids up for lunch, I was getting nervous for my coffee non-date. I knew he was just being nice and wanted to fill me in on the kids, but he was still a hot guy. I was standing in the hallway waiting for Tim and I heard his voice coming around the corner. I also heard a woman’s voice. Hmm, I wondered who was not in class.

  “Hey, Sam,” he said. Next to him was a gorgeous, fit blonde woman.

  “Hola,” I said. I had to use that Spanish I learned.

  “Hi, I’m Stacey. I’m the P.E. teacher,” the blonde-haired woman said.

  “Sam. Nice to meet you.” I waved. I hate that shaking hands thing, especially between women.

  “You, too,” she turned to Tim. “So, I will see you Friday night?”

  He looked a bit uncomfortable. “Yeah, I will pick you up at seven.”

  “Great, see you then. See you later, Sam.” She turned and walked down the hall. I had never seen someone look quite that nice in sweats and sneakers. It was annoying and I was a tad jealous she had a date with Tim.

  “So, you ready?” he asked.

  “Uh, sure.” We headed to the door. “So, you and Stacey, huh?”

  “Um, yeah. I guess. First date. We see each other all the time at the schools and hit it off,” he said.

  “Good for you.” Good for you? I could not come up with anything better to say than that? Was my vocabulary that limited? Sheesh. Besides, I should not be jealous. I barely knew the guy.

  He laughed. “Good for me? Do I sense some jealousy?”

  “Oh, do not be ridiculous. Someone thinks quite highly of himself.”

  “Mmmhmm… Ok, well let’s go get some coffee.”

  “Gladly.” We went to the coffee shop down the street from the school. Tim filled me in on the students and the general workings of the school. I also learned some things about him. He was from Boston and one hundred percent Irish. He graduated from the University of Massachusetts – Boston Campus three years ago and had been teaching at Fowler for the past two. His parents were still together and, now that he was out of the house, his parents were traveling everywhere. This week they were in India, apparently his mother had always wanted to go there. In a couple of months, they would be going to England for a few weeks. I expressed my jealousy. Someday I would get to Europe.


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