A Stranger in My Window

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A Stranger in My Window Page 2

by J Benito, C; Renzi, Federico;

— The truth is yes. I love fucking others, especially the vampires.

  The vampire looked at him with disgust. She did not understand why gave him the opportunity to serve her, when what she should do is kill him. She could get another human to serve, but the truth is that she hated the servants of other vampires. They had no personality, they were like zombies.

  — Well, you have a name or I have to call you always bloodsucking?

  — My name is Iryna. Call me again Bloodsuckers, and I'll break both arms.

  — Fucking what a horrible character has the girl. - mumbled Logan.

  — You said something?

  — Yes, you have a great talent to be so beautiful. —Logan replied. Only by improving our communication. I would like to know more about the vampires, if I'm going to help you better know your strengths and weaknesses. I do not want to give you for your birthday a string of garlic or something like that.

  — Do not eat, because human food do not nourishes us not die unless we cut off the head, the holy water is like colony for us, we are stronger than humans are, and we do not become in bat and fly like Superman ah! And the sun does not affect us at all, although our power regeneration prevents us put brown.

  Logan looked at her surprised for that concentrated explanation.

  — People ask a lot to you right?

  Iryna nodded his head.

  — By the way the vampires practice sex?

  — Yes.

  — So, since you and I are on the same side, we could fraternize, but hey, no compromises, just to strengthen ties. - Said Logan with fun as he made obscene gestures.

  Iryna covered his eyes with one hand. Patience was never his strong point in either life or immortality.

  — You always talk so much? - She asked Iryna.

  — As I am rather quietly today. He said Logan.

  Iryna opened the window and jumped to the roof of the adjacent building. Logan rested his arm on the frame of the window and watched as she walked away.

  He closed the window and lay down on the couch. During the day, he continues with his normal life and at night, would attend vampire requests. Increíble plan.

  He finished his beer, stood up and prepared some dinner.

  While warming in the oven a pizza the day before, he picked up the phone.

  — Tony.

  — Yes.

  — is ready the combat suit?


  — Cancel the project. From now, I want you focused on a new personal project.

  — But Logan and the contract with the government?

  — We retired from the contest. The new project is called code V is, no one must know of his existence and remember, any leakage will be your death sentence.

  — Is that clear?

  — Yes.

  — Prepare the suit apart I want two retractable swords of the new alloy. Let me know when everything is ready!

  Logan hung up and dropped the phone on the kitchen island.

  His life was worthless in a world of vampires. Follow the game of Irynae, but taking some precautions and special weapons. He was curious to meet this clan to which she belonged, their customs and more.

  But was clear that no serve them and if discovered that they were bloodthirsty beasts, the little that remained of his life devoted to unmask them in front of society and of course, take forward the largest possible number of them. Included Irynae.

  Holding on to the cross of a nearby church bell was Irynae. Remembering how that damn kiss had awakened old memories. She was worried; his decision not to kill the human could have been a mistake. If left in ridicule with the clan or the rest of the community, could cost her life. But she could not kill him despite not being able to bear it, something held her back.

  — Damn human!

  Chapter 4

  Logan was showering; he had just arrived from the office. After a long day negotiating, listening complaints and fought for the rights of exploitation of the mine was exhausted.

  He closed off the water and out of the shower. There was Irynae with towel in hand.

  — Get dressed we have to go!

  Logan looked defiantly her, he thought relax for a while watching TV.

  He wiped his body slowly, which irritates Irynae.

  — Hurry up! - She screamed.

  Logan opened the closet and grabbed a black trousers and a dark blue shirt. He wear pants and shirt. Immediately afterwards donned military boots, only had time to grab his wallet and keys before the vampire grabbed him in her arms and ran to the window. Logan seemed immutable, but had a strong expression of disgust. Irynae jumping from building to building at a speed that was breathtaking, but she did not seem tired.

  Thirty minutes later, they were in the garden of a Gothic mansion. The estate was enclosed by a wall of about three meters high, like only access, a metal door with two leaves. In some windows, the light was visible, but no one seemed to have noticed him, or so he thought.

  Iryna left him on the floor. Logan got the shirt tucked into pants and pointed a finger to the vampire.

  — I do not care you catch my arm, shoulder or like a sack of potatoes, but never catch me again like a baby. It's humiliating. In addition, you could have given me the address and I would have come in my car.

  — Shut up and walk to the mansion.

  Out of nowhere appears a young woman who looks about eighteen, she had blue eyes, red hair and a Gothic look. Should not measure more than a meter seventy and she was very thin.

  —Look! What man so handsome!

  — Thank you, you are also very beautiful. And indeed, pretty red hair.

  — Thank you. - Said the vampire bowing to him so funny. - My name is Jud.

  — Logan.

  Jud grabbed Logan's hand and pulled him toward the house. A Logan was hard to follow his path she was too fast. Irynae followed them closely.

  Inside the mansion, Jud led him to the main hall where several people were sitting beside to the fireplace.

  When they saw, Logan got up to receive him. The first to approach was a man of medium height, black curly hair and glasses. Which should be more time to remember his human necessity, since the vampire’s regenerate damaged organs.

  — Hi Logan! My name is Julius. He said offering his hand.

  Logan shook him. The man was dressed in the style of the twenties looked nice but in the case of a vampire, he not trust in anyone.

  A black man extremely stocky appearance approached him. He wore a shaved head and a goatee neglected. He grabbed Logan's neck and lifted him in the air.

  — I can not believe Iryna has chosen this man as a servant. He is pathetic.

  — Let it go! Karsacry. - Cried Iryna.

  Karsacry pulled him to a chair, without any delicacy and went out.

  Julius and Jud helped Logan to get up.

  — Excuse his manners. - Julius said -. He is not a bad guy, but it's tough.

  — He certainly did not look happy to see me. Logan said, rubbing his neck. Was starting to become a habit that wring the neck.

  — Logan, come with me. - Ordered him Iryna.

  He followed her to a staircase that seemed endless. Went up about two plants, then they toured a gallery until a solid oak door with strange engravings.

  — Come on in! I expect you downstairs in the living room with the other.

  — You do not come? - Asked Logan.

  — You have to see him alone. If he accepts you live, but if he does, no you will pass tonight.

  Logan opened the door and go in. The room was almost in darkness, only some candles contributed some light. It was a huge library, the shelves reaching to the ceiling. A small hallway lined the room a few meters in height to provide access to books occupying the highest shelves. As much as he glanced failed to find the staircase or any form of climbing, although in the case of vampires not think it was very necessary.

  — So you're Logan?

  He looked up, there, leaning against the railing leafing thr
ough a book, was a man with short hair and athletic look.

  — I find it curious that Iryna choose you as a servant, when she never had interest in having one. Said the vampire who was now beside him.

  Logan was amazed with the speed of his movements. Before he could say anything, he was sitting at his desk reading the book who minutes earlier had chosen.

  His appearance despite his modern clothes, evoked past, his goatee carefully profiled, but what most caught his attention was his gray eyes. He looked somewhat less than fifty years, but in the vampires, appearances meant nothing.

  Logan approached the desk.

  — Iryna tells that you decide whether I live or die.

  — I can see in your eyes an inner battle. Part of you wants to live, while another wants to die. Why?

  — Do you believe me if I told you I do not know?

  The vampire approached him and watches him curiously.

  — If I accept you, you will be part of my family; you are under my protection, but also under my command. I get the feeling you're not one of those who like to take orders.

  — I have always been free. I do not like having a boss.

  The vampire laughed to hear that he called him chief.

  — My name is Straush. I will accept you in my family, but first I must tell you something. Each vampire clan received is name from the home. Ours is the house of the shadows. Each house has a leader, who is called bastion.

  — You are the bastion? - Asked Logan.

  — So is. I see the you're taking. You will be tested until you prove your loyalty to the house.

  — And if I do not show to be able?

  — You will die and as regards Iryna will be severely punished for having presented you to the house.

  Logan remembered the kiss, did not know why, but did not like the idea that to harm his vampire though had a demon character.

  — If you excuse me Logan, I have things to do and we have time to talk.

  Logan nodded his head and went to his surprise no trouble taking orders from Straush. Strangely inspired confidence and security, strange feelings for someone who never had a family.

  He went downstairs and met Jud who was sitting on the top step. Logan sat beside her.

  — What are you doing here alone? The beautiful vampire like you, do not go to have fun?

  Jud dedicated to warm smiles.

  — I'm grounded.

  — What are you doing?

  — I killed a man.

  — And that's not normal for your species?

  — I did not kill to eat. - Jud looked down.

  Logan turned her face gently, to see his eyes.

  — Then why did you?

  — He was hitting a pregnant woman.

  — If it helps something. I also would have kicked his ass.

  Jud hugs him.

  — I'm glad you're part of family. - Jud said with his eyes closed and his head resting against the chest of Logan.

  Logan feels strange, that such a spontaneous show of affection was nice. But coming from a vampire.

  Leaning against the doorway, Iryna watched them. Logan stroking the head of Jud. Once again, this human awoke something inside her, what she was uncomfortable, afraid that if his human feelings surfaced were to become weak.

  Chapter 5

  — It's getting late and I have things to do. Let's go!- Hastened him Irynae.

  Logan kissed Jud on the forehead and said goodbye and despite by Julius, who hugged him amicably. It was difficult to believe they were bloodthirsty vampires. Except Karsacry, to that would break his face without hesitation.

  Iryna was a lift Logan but this stepped back

  — No in your arms again! - Shout him -. Leave me a taxi and I am happy.

  — Perfect for me. - Iryna said, as she grabbed him and jumped to a nearby roof.

  Iryna few minutes later Iryna left him in an alley near a taxi rank. She stared at him and disappeared. Logan kept thinking about the kiss, that vampire edge caused him a strange disease that seduced him. But she was so curt and stupid that hardly come to like each other, much less intimate. His phone started to vibrate, the rush did not even remember having caught, pulled it out of his pocket and unslung.

  — Tell me Tony.

  — I've moved all the material and documentation to a warehouse of our property. It is at number 23 Landon Industrial Estate of Clane.

  — The suit is operating?

  — Yes, fully operational and no need maintenance.

  — System Deletes everything about the suit and destroys all the documentation and equipment with which it was created. Moreover, I need to create one company, will manage other personal projects.

  — I'll start with that right now.

  — Tony are eleven o'clock at night. Do not you have a life?

  — You know me Logan.

  — Good night Tony.

  Logan hung up and put the phone in his pocket. He raised his hand and called a taxi.

  He opened the door and sat in the back seat. Straush seemed a good leader, but not mistaken, he was sure that he must be ruthless. Irynae remained an enigma to him, while Julius and Jud and even Straush seemed accept him willingly, she seemed cold and dodge. But deep down he liked that, hated girls win easily.

  — Easy to conquer! - He thought.

  — I think I'm fancy with the bloodsucker.

  — Where led him Sir ? - Asked him the taxi driver.

  — At 36, Madison Building.

  Back at the apartment undressing and lay down on the bed. He was exhausted, so He soon fell asleep. In the lounge Irynae came through the window, she sat down on the couch. His head was blunt from that kiss had never been quite the same. Maybe it was all coincidence, the unusual moment that caused her that reaction. She got up and walked to the bedroom, from the door looked at Logan. With just a slip, she could see his whole body.

  — Not bad for a human. - She think.

  She went to bed and lies down beside him. See breathing and full of life reminded when was human, but she would never feel those things. She stood over Logan, trying not to wake and kissed him. He shuddered with just touch of his lips; she could feel like the desire began to fill her. His kiss became more and more intense, as if what felt inside would devour Logan. She felt was losing control; she jumped away from the bed and ran to window of the living room.

  Logan woke up; he brought his hand to his lips without understanding. Had the feeling that he had been kissed, flopped on the bed, was when smelled the fragrance of Irynae.

  — Wow my vampire! - He said smiling.

  Far away on a roof for the first time in two hundred years, Irynae cried. Was sure that was not love, Logan was just a little guy who barely knew, but he was able to unleash a passion and desire in her that she could not control. Was terrified of ending falling in love with him, the clan would not allow.

  In the morning, Logan mounted his red Ferrari and went to the store where Tony started his secret lab. Tony was waiting to test the suit. He turned on the radio and hit the mp3. Acdc relaxed him and filled him with energy to start the morning.

  On the way he thought of the vampire clan, were they really, as showing or it was a well-organized trap?

  — Fucking fate.

  He parked and touched the bell of the store. Tony opened the cargo door and Logan introduced inside the car.

  — Well what do we have Tony?

  — The store has thick concrete walls, the roof is reinforced, both the gateway and the load are reinforced and there are several alarm systems, including countermeasures.

  — Countermeasures?

  — If someone tries to enter, a gas shooting that will leave you senseless for twelve hours.

  — Brilliant! What about the documentation and other?

  — All it destroyed or removed from the system, as you asked.

  — Ok.

  Tony grabbed a briefcase, placed it on a small table and opened it.

  — Here is the suit.
  — There? I expected something bigger.

  — In fact it's not exactly a suit. It is a substance that once injected into the blood, strengthens the immune system, bone and muscle structure among other functions.

  — Inject?

  Tony showed a huge syringe, containing a substance of a bright blue.

  — This is the only sample of the compound remains. But I warn you, we do not know the side effects that can have long-term. Once injected, there is no return.

  Logan rolls up his shirt and stretching his right arm. Tony placed a rubber band to better see the vein and carefully injected the compound. It was not something nice, the whole body was burning as that substance invading his veins, and his head began to spin.

  — Are you ok?

  — Ends. - Logan ordered.

  Tony removed the syringe and placed it on the table. He helped Logan to sit on a couch. For a few hours, it would be unable to move. Tony connected a series of electrodes and sensors to monitor it. He turned on the laptop and from there using a special program, he could see Logan's body began to mutate. He stroked his hair nervous. Logan was his boss but also his only friend. Still he remembered when took out of Microsoft and put it in front of an international research team. Owed everything.

  Logan shuddered with grief, but seemed unable to awaken from trance that had fallen. For a few moments, all the veins that crossed his face were black, almost as if they would explode, but quickly regained their normal appearance.

  Two days later Tony returned with a request for a nearby burger. He closed the door and dropped food on the floor. Logan stood before him with eyes wide open, his muscles were more defined, but otherwise he looked the same as always.

  — Logan you are right! - Tony screamed shaking him in an attempt to get him out of the trance.

  Logan's eyes began to clear, until his beautiful green eyes reappeared.

  — I'm fine. - Logan said. As he walked to the center of the store, looked at the system of steel beams supporting the roof, jumped to one. It was going from beam to beam, with a supernatural agility and speed, until it dropped to the ground. The impact cracked concrete floor, but he smiled as if everything were a game.

  — Not bad! What else can I do?

  — If shoot you and wounded to a certain extent your body will regenerate. Theoretically, your strength must be at least twice the normal.


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