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A Stranger in My Window

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by J Benito, C; Renzi, Federico;

  They forced him to kneel before him. The bastion retired hood and dropped to his back. His white hair and yellow eyes, reminded to Logan a film clowns murderers who had seen not long ago. A pretty bad movie by the way.

  -I see that you have all very well assembled. You have a good Pack of dogs. -Logan said.

  -The truth is Yes. They are not very intelligent, but serve well to my plans.

  Logan, taking advantage of a neglect of the dark that held him, jumped on the bastion and tore the cameo. The bastion knocked him down with a fierce kick, as he rushed to collect the cameo of the soil. They were briefly but they were sufficient for Logan could prove his theory. The seconds that the bastion was separated from the cameo, the darks rose in hostile attitude towards him and towards the dark bastion.

  -You are lucky! I would be happy that they finished with you and would enjoy no doubt seeing how scarf you. However, unfortunately I need you.

  -I will not help you with anything! - cried out Logan.

  -You will, you like it or not. - said, laughing the dark bastion.

  The bastion was approached to Logan that was now strongly subject by several darks. His yellow eyes began to beat and Logan realized he would soon lose his will.

  At noon Straush commanded double the guard, was certain that soon would be attacked. He Looked at the window and he could not believe what they saw his eyes. Logan had just come to the Castle he walked steadily.

  Julius who was practicing fencing with another vampire, left the training and ran to greet him, but Logan ignored him. As much as he tried to find out what was happening, Julius did not obtain any answer, just a push that made him fall to the ground. Julius understood that it would rather not well, so he ran to warn the rest of the Clan.

  Logan entered in the throne room; Straush looked at him with eyes brimming with joy.

  -Blessed luck! The Clan is back full. -Straush said.

  Logan drew his sword and ran towards Straush. That he brandished his sword just in time to avoid Logan's sword to cut his head. They fell on the table, Logan had eyes blank and his force was significantly higher than usual. Straush away he from him by nailing his right foot in the stomach of Logan and pushing him against a row of wooden benches.

  Logan heavily rose from the ground, moved one of the banks with a kick and resumed the fight. The swords crossed again and again. Fortunately, the mastery with the sword of Straush far exceeded to the Logan. Disarmed him without difficulty. The rest of the clan came into the room, Karsacry and Layonel jumped on Logan, in an attempt to immobilize it. Jud didn't know what to do and Irynae, was shocked to see Logan with life.

  Straush ordered to Karsacry and Layonel, which hold Logan firmly. Straush grabbed the head of Logan and looked at his eyes.

  -Is hypnotized! - said Straush, aware that the hypnosis of a vampire could not be broken by another.

  -There is something we can do. -said Julius.

  Irynae approached Logan, stroked his cheek and kissed him. But this was not a fairy tale. Logan got rid of Layonel and Karsacry. He took the sword to Layonel and launched a deadly attack on Straush, who had no time to react. However, Irynae Yes. She is placed in front of Straush. The blade of the sword stopped a few inches from her beautiful face.

  Logan seemed to be fighting against himself, his hands were gripping more and more the grip, his arms contracted, but the sword still there stopped. Logan's eyes returned to their natural state, but the continuous use of the power of the suit left him senseless. Layonel grabbed him just in time to avoid that he hit the ground. Thing that surprised the group, as up to that time always he showed a great animosity towards Logan.

  Chapter 20

  Karsacry leaned Logan in the Irynae bed, looked at him with sadness and left them alone. She lay close to him, took his hand and brought it to his face.

  -Damn human! You had stolen my heart and then condemn me living without you. - whispered Irynae while the tears sliding down her face.

  She recalled the night when met him, his first kiss. His occurrences that so irritated her and the night they made love for the first time. She cried bitterly as embraced to Logan, perhaps his life had not been already hard. Now was doomed to live forever without the only man that had been able to fall in love.

  Logan, opened his eyes, he was stunned and very weak. Fortunately, he did not use the full potential of the suit, allowing him to recover more quickly.

  -Hey baby! Why are you crying?

  -I am not crying. - answer annoying Irynae, because he had discovered her in that condition.

  Logan kissed her, while he held her against him. He spent his hand through the soft hair of Irynae. Ironies of life, the first time that he fall in love for a woman it was a true impossible love. On one side was vampire and Logan a human, not he had much life.

  -Why were you crying? Moreover, do not tell me that you were not doing it because I have seen.

  -I know... - said Irynae.

  — What do you know?

  -You're dying. -Irynae said with breathy and tremulous voice.

  Logan turned a little bit of her and stared at the cold and gray ceiling of the room. He did not know what to say.

  -Sorry Irynae. I should not use the suit, but I wanted to be at your level. Once more, my hubris is punished. But in the background is the best. All my life I have been cruelly with women, while they offered me his love I scorned them. I have never had compassion for no one I was an egocentric. So I think that perhaps if there is God, because He has made me learn the most wonderful woman, know what feels to know the real love and I now punished me snatching the life. It is a just punishment, for an uneasy and lustful life.

  Logan turned towards Irynae.

  -I wish you killed me that night! I would have saved you much suffering.

  "But I would have not known the man that I love."

  Logan kissed her; he would have changed all his wealth for a few years together. Irynae cells phone rang and when she saw the number gave a jump and walked away from the bed.

  -Logan, sorry Straush calls for me.

  -Quiet, I'll wait you, anyway I have no strength to lift me up. - said Logan struggling to show a convincing smile.

  An hour later, the door opened.

  - Can I enter? - prayed Layonel.

  Logan looked at him surprised by his visit.

  -This is a free country.

  Layonel came to the bed and sat down near Logan.

  -You did well in the hive. You surprised me

  -It doesn't matter, always gave me well annoy the others. The Dark bastion was not going to be less.

  Layonel smiled.

  -They explain me about the suit. I'm sorry for you and my sister. I want you know I have nothing against you. She is my sister and I can't avoid want to protect her, for more the years or centuries go.

  - I understand you. I would also be a brother pain in the ass like you.

  Layonel laugh.

  -Do not they cheated me when they told me you were a touch of first balls.

  Logan made a small bow with the hand.

  -Is a gift! -Logan exclaimed.

  Logan's face was paler ever, began to sweat. Layonel realized that the end approached.

  -I think that you should say goodbye to the clan. -Layonel said with sadness. He came over and took his hand-. Goodbye... brother.

  The vampire rose and departed, to not reveal his weakness. He walked steadily toward the rooms from the rest of his clan and one to one was communicating the tragic news.

  In the throne room, Straush received Layonel. He asked the rest of bastions that had gathered with him, that let him just a few minutes.

  -How much time remains to him? -asked Straush.

  — I don't think that he passes this night. But I could make him. He has amply demonstrated his worth.

  -No! Is useless. The suit has mutated his body and in this state of weakness, all you would get is to kill him faster.

  Layonel lowered his head sadly.

; -Yes bastion. Please forgive my audacity.

  Straush went his hand through the neck of Layonel.

  -You know that I love you as a son huh?


  -If I could do something for Logan would do it without hesitation, but this is not in my hands. You cannot get an idea of the pain I feel. Now we have to be strong for the sake of our community.

  -Yes bastion, the clan will give battle.

  Julius entered in the room of Irynae; the health of Logan was becoming more serious. He approached a chair to the bed and grabbed his hand.

  -Hello my Friend! I see you in good condition!

  -You will be bud. -Logan laughed.

  -I wonder if you have any last will.

  -Something like my last supper?

  This time was Julius, which could not suppress the laughter, even at deathbed continued to maintain the sense of humor and irony.

  -You have been a good companion. I very much regret all this; I would like to do something to correct the problem of the costume. But I do not dominate this field of science.

  -Quiet Julius! The time we spent together was fun.

  Julius remained a few minutes in silence, he did not know what to say but he wanted to stay with him.

  After a few minutes, Jud came into the room, which hinted to Julius that his time was over and left the bedroom. Jud waited for Julius to close the door and ran toward Logan. She lay on the bed and hugged him.

  -I do not want you die Logan! - said Jud crying heartbroken.

  Logan was limited to stroke her head, playing with her red hair who liked so much. He did not know what to say, he had never received so much love.

  Next, to go was Karsacry, the rude Warrior. Judah came out still crying. Karsacry looked visibly uncomfortable; the feelings were not his specialty. Shyly approached to the bed. Moreover, he knelt before him.

  -I will miss you brother. - said Karsacry rubbing his eyes. He got up and left.

  In the evening came the turn of Straush, his obligations prevented him doing so before.

  He sat down in the Chair next to the bed. He had seen death so many people, that the accumulated pain was unbearable.

  -I give thanks Logan. I can never compensate you for all that you have done for the clan and the vampire community.

  -I am sorry I attacked you. -babbled Logan already badly weakened.

  -Neither mentions it. It was impressive to see how you broke the hypnosis. I regret that a love like yours end up in this way so unfortunate. Goodbye son! I am proud of you.

  -Thank you. - answered Logan.

  Never nobody had told him that never meant anything to anyone; his death would come soon but could not imagine a more happy ending. With a family who loved him. Although it was a strange family.

  Irynae entered in the room. Straush kissed her on the forehead and left her alone with Logan.

  She lay on his side, curling up next to him.

  -Irynae, I need to tell me something.


  -Do you love me?

  -Yes. -replied Irynae torn apart by pain.

  -Would you do something for me?

  -Whatever you want.

  -We have to say goodbye now. - asked Logan.

  -I will not leave you alone! - shouted Irynae.

  -I wants you to remember me how I was. The arrogant cocoon that you conquered. -said Logan smiling. Please I do not want you to see me die!

  -Logan am sorry, but I'm not going away from you. Like it or not. -Irynae kissed him and hugged him.

  Logan felt as a tear ran his cheek. Now that he had everything, when for the first time he felt desire to live...

  Chapter 21

  In the throne room, Straush was vigorously debating what could be the best strategy to defend the Castle against the imminent attack of the dark. The Bastions chose mainly to gather his forces in the walls, preventing the access to the Castle.

  -It not will avail nothing. With a jump, they would reach the parade ground. We will concentrate our forces there, take a circular formation and each of you will command a sector. I will lead you from the Center; my clan will be my personal guard.

  - What I don't understand is why attack Chicago? New York, Washington, even California are most important strategic objectives. — Said one of the bastions of short, red hair that had a more sinister look.

  -I'm afraid I'm his objective. -Straush said. The emperor sent me to call to Rome a year ago. The centuries are passing him the bill, his body weakens, no longer has pure blood rejuvenated him.

  - And what has that to do with you? -asked the oldest bastion, which did not see any relationship between him and attack.

  -Before, to be Bastion in Chicago, I lived in Rome. I belong to the Clan of the emperor... He was who converted me.

  -That's why do you commander the final battle against the dark bastion? - Asked one of the bastions with more youthful and aggressive appearance.

  -So. I left the court vampire centuries ago, but always I attended his call when he needed me. The emperor wants that I am his successor to the throne.

  All the bastions were surprised at the news. His bastion might be the new emperor.

  - And what answer to him? -asked the oldest Bastion.

  - I Obey his will out of loyalty, but not because I like the idea. I never wanted to occupy any position of importance. Be bastion of Chicago costs to me, everyone know my character. If Gricarius kill me, the throne would desert and a weakened Emperor in the extreme, it would to be easy to eliminate.

  - But others could occupy the throne? -said a bastion of white hair and thick beard that looked at him full of doubts.

  -True. The bastion of Spain, Greece or Russia, would be ready. So willing to organize a civil war between vampires in order to seize the throne. Gricarius knows this. Without a successor, that maintains the integrity of the Empire. His disciplined army exterminated each faction with ease. That is why he will not waver until see me turned into ashes.

  -Will not allow it bastion! -Shouted the oldest bastion-. We have commanded with leadership and honor, we will die before allowing your fall

  -The brothers I know, I know. But the dark threat is too important to take us lightly, a failure in our strategy and Gricarius will have a free hand to put an end to the Empire.

  They deploy an old map of the castle on the table in Vee. Straush traced a circle inside and delimited areas to then assign one of them to each bastion.

  - Well the die is already cast. Put your forces and forming soon in the courtyard. They will not delay to attack.

  Straush looked at how his bastions left the room. Among them, all kinds of people’s honest, friendly leaders, traitors and others would be sold to the highest bidder. All that guaranteed their unconditional loyalty was the promise that made them Straush of cut off his head if ever dared disobey him or breaking his laws. Straush was not an easy bastion, his laws were strict and his command really. He did not stop at nothing and no one, and now that they knew he was a descended directly from the Emperor, none will venture to disobey him.

  He walked to the window and sat on a stone bench that had next to it. Logan and Irynae fill up your thoughts. An impossible love to the end. Irynae was a woman of cold character who never felt attracted by any vampire or human. And it would not be for lack of suitors, when she finally opened her shell...

  Always talked about that strange vampire with eyes of fire. He never gave credit to that history, the tension of the moment made confused a vampire brother with a being fantastic and unreal.

  He thought about Julius, Jud and Karsacry what would become of them if he dying? His loyal Layonel. Irynae was always his right Darling, his weakness. If they survived that, he would mourn the death of Logan for years, perhaps centuries. He could not bear the idea of seeing her suffer.

  Outside, Karsacry oversaw the troop, organized them, and rallied with cheers in honor of the emperor to raise the moral in the face of the battle. In a matter of an hour, the disciplined vampire tro
op occupied their posts waiting for orders from their bastions. Karsacry looked toward the Tower of homage, he to lose one's patience. The combat was close; he could almost smell those beasts and not having their leader nearly made him feel vulnerable.

  Jud ran through the courtyard, through the bushes that grew everywhere in the direction of the central part of the training, Julies followed her close, that bad wins to turn his sword in an attempt to get her wrists. It would be a night long in the best of cases, short in the worst of them.

  Irynae remained lying down next to Logan, unable to gather forces to leave their apartments and join his brothers. A bugle announced that now their ranks were forming, but was paralyzed, contemplating the nearly inert body of her beloved.

  Straush opened the door, approached her that nothing else see him embodied in bed to hug him.

  -Father! I don't want he die. Not be able to move forward without him, no longer. I Love him too.

  For the first time in centuries, Straush had to contain the tears that it struggled to emerge from his eyes, see suffer his beloved daughter was too much for him, but it was not time to show weakness.

  -You must be strong. I need you. We expect a tough fight.

  Irynae looked at him, turned his head and looked at Logan for the last time.

  The sweat covered the face of Logan that moving the head from one side to another, as if he were having a nightmare. She kissed him on the lips.

  -Goodbye my love. I am sorry unable to be with you until the last moment.

  Straush grabbed her by the waist and gently forced her out of the bedroom. Irynae could not stop looking at Logan. Aware that perhaps never again would saw him with life.

  On the way to the parade ground was crossed with Layonel. That climbing the stairs of the tower in that moment.

  -Bastion, has commanded me call?

  -Irynae, you occupied your ranks along with the clan, I'll go soon.

  Irynae nodded his head and went running down the stairs, crossed the threshold of the door and marched towards where was the bulk of the army. Jud and Julius came to her as soon as they saw her arrive. They handed her his sword and tried to cheer her up.


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