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A Modern Mercenary

Page 4

by K. Prichard and Hesketh Vernon Hesketh Prichard



  A week later Rallywood returned from the frontier to take up hisappointment in the Guard. Advised by a note from Wallenloup that hisquarters were not yet in readiness for him at the Palace, he drovedirect to the Continental on his arrival in Revonde.

  Here presently Counsellor dropped in upon him. Rallywood was in hisdressing-room, transforming himself as rapidly as possible into thelikeness of an English gamekeeper; for a magnificent festivity in theshape of a masked ball was about to take place at the Palace. All theworld had been invited, and as many of the world as could go were going,each with his or her own dream or purpose, as the case might be.

  Major Counsellor sat and surveyed his friend, occasionally offeringsuggestions and remarks.

  'Are you aware that the Guard of Maasau never condescends to show itselfin Revonde in any costume but its own blazing uniform? I see you haveyour edition of it lying on the chair over there. Why are you notconforming with their amiable peculiarities?'

  Rallywood had his back to Counsellor at the moment.

  'So I have heard, but I do not join until to-morrow,' he replied in anexpressionless voice.

  'And your quarters in the Palace? How about them?'

  'I shall also have the rooms to-morrow.' Then he wheeled round and hiseyes lit on his companion. 'Hullo! I didn't notice you before. Is thatyour notion of the gentle art of masquerade? What are you meant to be--asort of Tommy Atkins?'

  'I believed myself to be disguised as an officer and a gentleman,'returned Counsellor, rising to give Rallywood the full effect of hissturdy figure, clad in the uncompromising scarlet so dear to hiscountry's heart. 'This is the uniform of the 30th Dragoons as worn in orabout the year of grace 1730.'

  'Your old regiment?'

  Counsellor nodded. 'And my grandfather's,' adding, 'What's the matterwith the dress?'

  'Nothing,' said Rallywood, laughing. 'Perhaps I imagined on an occasionof this kind you might possibly stoop to something more misleading thanthis blatantly British get-up.'

  'What were you expecting--a troubadour? I am satisfied to appear in myown character. Only a proportion of the people wear masks at this ball;it's an annual affair. Besides, life with a purpose is too wearing; onemust always be on the alert and have the purpose in view, like the actorin a sixpenny theatre, who plays up to the gallery and keeps his eyeopen for the rotten egg of his enemy. The egg may not be thrown, but hemust be ready to dodge it all the same. And--I have never excelled indodging.'

  'Ah--just what the Chancellor thinks. He says he has an immenseadmiration for you as the most honest diplomatist in Europe.'

  'He put himself to the trouble of mentioning that fact to you, did he?Then I shall take the precaution of insuring my life. Anything mighthappen to a man of whom he has so villainous an opinion.'

  Rallywood was arranging his gaiters.

  'Why? You don't suppose Selpdorf is going to throw the egg? He spoke ofyou with absolute affection.'

  'My good John, he has already thrown it! Now I must harass myself tofind out the reason,' said Counsellor. 'You have spoilt my evening out.Before I had no purpose; now you have thrust one upon me. You shouldhave kept your news until to-morrow.'

  Rallywood was getting himself into his velveteen coat with a good dealof unnecessary violence.

  'I don't believe the Chancellor is so dangerous,' he said carelessly.'He is a consummate actor, but one knows it.'

  'Yes,' assented the Major thoughtfully; 'yet the moment to watch him isthe moment when he acts that he is acting. With the others of us actingis troublesome; with him it is habitual and a pleasure. However, he hasgiven you your company; the rank is substantial, as far as it goes, andat least the accompanying pay is not altogether visionary.'

  'Yes, he's done all that.' Rallywood was flinging some of his belongingsback into his portmanteau.

  'The next thing will be to find you a mission.'

  'He has done that also.' Rallywood raised an expressive face. 'I am toreform the Guard!'

  Counsellor burst into a great laugh, but as suddenly grew grave.

  'They will take it kindly! Their welcome to you is likely to be ...interesting!'

  'So I expected. But I went down to the mess last week and was introducedby old Wallenloup. They were very civil.'

  'Ah! and since you left they have been very silent. They are overdoingit--too civil and too silent. Looks bad, you know.'

  'Oh, that's all right; Selpdorf told me not to be drawn into any shallowquarrels,' Rallywood answered with a smile.

  But the Major did not take up the smile. The two vertical lines abovehis fleshy nose deepened.

  'It strikes me, my boy, that you've got the devil by the tail thistime,' he said gruffly, as his eyes rested for a moment on Rallywood;'but you know how to take care of yourself. Ready? We can drive to thePalace together. I have a carriage waiting.'

  The couple proceeded downstairs, bought cigarettes of the waiter, andstarted. The wind was howling in its usual twanging cadences down thebroad streets, increasing in force as they gained the open, lightedembankment of the river, along which they passed for some distancebefore reaching the courtyard of the Palace.

  The great entrance hall was still full of arrivals, while up the widecentral staircase trooped masks and dominos in a changing kaleidoscopeof form and colour. Eager heads thrust this way and that, picturesquefigures grouping and greeting, cavaliers of all periods, maidens of allnations, monks, barbarians, cardinals, queens, and clowns--sometimes thewisest heads under the most foolish caps--while here and there a fewfavoured paper-folk made desultory notes and sketches.

  The painted ceiling stretching overhead is one of the triumphs ofRenaissance art. The identity of the master hand who achieved thatmarvellous work has been a mooted point in art circles for a couple ofcenturies or thereabouts, and quite a library on the subject exists. TheMaasauns are very proud of their ceiling, prouder still of thecontroversy which has raged and still continues to rage around it.

  M. Selpdorf, as representing his master, stood at the head of thestaircase, and received the guests with a good deal more politeness anddiscrimination than the Duke himself might have shown, for thatpersonage was said to have an awkward habit of turning his back uponthose whom he happened to dislike.

  Major Counsellor was greeted with effusion; Rallywood with raisedeyebrows and a slight reserve.

  'I had hoped to welcome the new captain of the Guard this evening,'Selpdorf said in a low voice and with a significant glance atRallywood's velveteens.

  'I have not yet joined, your Excellency. To-morrow I hope to have thathonour,' returned Rallywood and passed on into the gallery beyond. Thisgallery, opening from the head of the staircase, ran round the greatsaloon, which served the purpose of a ballroom, and many of the guestswere amusing themselves by looking down over the silk-hung balustrade onthe dancers below.

  In the gallery Counsellor paused to say a word here and there to severalpersons, who, like Rallywood and himself, were without masks, but heseemed to have curiously little facility in penetrating disguises.Presently a burly old man in the glittering green and gold of the Guarddisengaged himself from the curtains at the back of the gallery, andnodding a supercilious acknowledgment of Rallywood's salute, brought hishand down with a rough heartiness on Counsellor's shoulder.

  'Back again in Maasau, Major Counsellor. I'm glad to see you!' he saidwith the laugh in his small eyes marred by a wrinkle of suspiciouscunning, an expression which seemed startling on what was at firstsight a big, bluff, sensual face. 'What good wind has blown you backamong us?'

  'Thanks, my lord;' Counsellor turned with ready response. 'I am glad tofind that some of my old friends, especially Count Sagan, have notforgotten me,' he said simply.

  'We believed you had forgotten Maasau.'

  'Maasau will not allow herself to be forgotten!' laughed Counsellor.'She is a coquette, and demands consideration from all the world.'

  Sagan's face changed.
r />   'Yes, a coquette, who trifles with many admirers but who knows how tohold her own against them,' he replied significantly. 'Who is that?' headded, staring after Rallywood. 'I think I recognise him as an Englishlieutenant in the Frontier Cavalry.'

  'He is the same to-day,' said Counsellor.

  'What?' exclaimed Sagan. 'Why to-day? Has he, then, come in for one ofyour colossal fortunes?'

  'Who can say?' returned Counsellor. 'A fortune or--a colossalmisfortune. Ah! there is Madame Aspard. Au revoir, Count.

  Counsellor passed on, perfectly well aware of the heavy meaning attachedto the wilful ignoring of Rallywood's appointment to the Guard by itscolonel-in-chief. There was certainly danger ahead.


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