Between The Sheets (A Naughty Box Production Book 1)
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She looked up at me and took a breath before she continued on.
“With two men.”
“Two men? At the same time, that kind of “sex”?”
She nodded as I laughed.
“Oh my God.” I covered my mouth and stared at her, my eyes lit up with curiosity.
“What?” she looked at me like I may have insulted her.
“No, I mean…wow. What… how did that happen Molly?”
She stood up and walked along my clothing, fingering them as if she was remembering and then she turned, placing her delicate hand on one hip and grinned like a cat.
“The logistics of it are amazing, I mean, it took my breath away.”
“You have to tell me everything.”
She smiled as I stood up and started to walk towards her. I took her hand and shook my head.
“I had no idea you had this side to you Molly, I am not going to lie I am…”
“What?” she said, as if I was making her nervous.
“Really?” She leaned in and grinned even more.
“Really!” I said as I walked out with her and we returned to my living room. I picked up my glass of wine and she picked up hers.
“So what are their names?”
She shrugged her shoulders and I paused as my glass rubbed against my lower lip. I stared at her and waited.
“I don’t know and they do not know my name.”
“Oh my God!” I said as I laughed and she nodded at me like a giddy teenager.
“When did all of this start?”
“Three weeks ago.”
I sat down on my couch and set my glass down on the coffee table before me as she joined me on the couch. I turned to her.
“And I am just hearing about this now?”
“I am sorry Erin, I mean this is not something I would normally get caught up in, but oh my God, it is amazing and I just, I don’t know. It feels natural.”
“Having sex with complete strangers?”
She tilted her head and stared me down.
“Do not get all religious on me.”
“Are you kidding me? I had plenty of sex BA.”
“Before Andy.”
She laughed and tapped me on the knee.
“But after Andy, it was just him.”
I nodded and added “AA has been a wasteland.”
“I am so glad you agreed to come out with me hun.” She cooed like I had made her year.
“Do not change the subject, I want details.”
“I think seeing is better than telling.” She whispered to me.
“Well, where are we going?” I asked. Everyone was on holiday break. So many people in this city and all I can do is bury myself in crappy sex me up movies and truffles.
“I think we should go to a special club.”
“Special?” I asked her.
“Yeah, it is where I…” she trailed off as my brain caught up with her clue.
“Oh my God Molly! A sex club?”
She stood up and then drank the remainder of her wine. She set it down and reached her hand out to me. I took it as I stood up and we were now face to face.
“It is not a sex club, there is no sex in this club Erin unless you want it, it is really just a place where people like me go.”
“Like you?”
“Sexually liberated.”
I laughed. “So now you are a trail blazer all sexually liberated?”
“I would call having sex with two men at the same time pretty advanced considering my one man, one position, past history.”
I hugged her and laughed as I agreed with her. Molly was pretty straight forward with her sexual exploits, she had always told me who and how and it all sounded the same encounter, minus the name of the man. This is why I was so shocked at her admission. This was completely unlike her and because of that I found her suggestion about going to this “club” enticing.
“Okay.” I said as she screamed again, hugging me tightly. I pulled back from her and she touched my face.
“I promise, you will love it.”
I nodded as I hoped her idea would pay off for me and end the curse that was AA.
Chapter Two
Good Pain
I walked arm and arm with Molly, chatting and laughing. I felt so much better just leaving my house and coming out. This was not something I had allowed myself to do for months and I had to be grateful to Molly for sticking with me, as a friend I mean. She had other women and men, for that matter, who would love to spend time with her. For some reason she adored me, or appeared to anyway. I know I adore her, there is no doubt about that.
We watched as the cab pulled up and the night was about to begin. One I hoped would be fun and memorable. Molly opened the door and waved her arm, I slipped inside and immediately smelled the incense burning and coughed a little. We had landed in a hippie cab, as I liked to call them. The man behind the wheel turned in his seat and grinned at the two of us. Molly leaned up and smiled at him.
“Lovely ladies.” He said as she looked him over.
“West Loop, Chicago Avenue please.” She said as she slipped him a $50 with a red heart drawn onto it with marker. He grinned at it. He then snatched it from her and nodded.
“Vertigo it is.” He said as he turned back to the wheel and we started to move.
“Vertigo?” I said quietly as she leaned back and turned her head to look at me. The street lights ran across her pretty face in a steady rhythm as she nodded to me.
“It’s the club.”
“You had to pay him?”
“You don’t just drive up to this club, you have to go in through a parking garage underground.”
I laughed and shook my head at her.
“Like the Batcave?”
“Oh my God, if I saw the man who played Batman there…” she said as she bit her lip. I smiled and studied her dirty expression.
“Molly.” I said as she leaned over and kissed my cheek. It made my heart flutter in my chest. She pulled her face back, just a couple of inches from my own.
“I love you.” She said and I opened my mouth just as the cab driver started to blare his music and it drowned me out. I shook my head as I smiled at her and mouthed the words “I Love you too”. She hugged me and I just relaxed a little. I need to. I have no idea what the night holds for me but I trust her, I always have, so here we go.
We drove up to the parking garage and as the cab stopped I looked up to see a black box. It looked abandoned and the idea of this cab driver having bad intentions did cross my mind until the box suddenly lit up and there was a woman in the box, wearing a mask. It was not a feather one, all flowery and beautiful, it was a white one, that reminded me of a horror movie. It looked like a face with no expression to it, no eyebrows, a small slit for a mouth. Her hair was long, blue and braided to one side. She wore black, a shiny vinyl corset with silver buckled straps. She also wore a collar, it was thick with one silver hoop on the front of it and as she moved I noticed the chain that led from it and went downward. She stared at it too long as the cab driver handed the heart laden fifty dollar bill out the window and she studied it before she suddenly looked in the back and eyed me looking at her. I leaned back and there was an awkward moment of hesitation on her part until she let her head fall back and a man with no shirt on rose from beneath her and looked at us, his lips shimmering with what had to be the favor he seemed to be giving her. He rose up with the chain wrapped around his hand and then he nodded as she lifted her leg, showing off a black spiked heel and she hit the red button with the spiked heel of her black shoe. The gate rose and we moved forward, slowly at first. I turned and watched the couple as he suddenly bit into her neck and she reached out and touched the glass, her fingers spread and tensed up as he continued to pleasure her. I turned my head and looked forward as I felt Molly slip her hand into mine and it helped my anxiety subside
a little bit.
We then rolled along, a ton of cars parked everywhere, Lamborghinis, BMW’s, Jags and Porsches flanked each side. I even spotted a Bugatti Veyron, which is a 2 million dollar car, and I was starting to understand that this was not a normal club with average people who had average money like we did. This was something altogether different, with players who had more money than we had ever had access to before. The cab continued on and went down, down and down some more until we hit the bottom floor of the parking garage. It was there that I spotted the black door with a heart on it. It sat alone with one man sitting in a chair next to it. He was reading a book as Molly slid out and placed her hand back inside, beckoning me to follow. I took her hand and stepped out, adjusting my dress and keeping my nerves in check. The man did not even look at us at first, in fact he kept reading, grinning as he finished up whatever scene in the book was making him happy. I glanced at the front of it and saw two words. “Good Pain.” I blinked as he closed it and looked up at the two of us. It was then that the cab took off, leaving us with absolutely no ability to leave. Not that I was thinking about it, well, maybe just a little.
He stood up and he must have been seven foot tall and every inch of him gorgeous. I slid my arm into Molly’s as he walked towards us and looked us over.
“Safeword?” he asked us and I stood there wondering what the hell.
“Please.” Molly said as he paused and stared at her, he then turned his eyes to me and Molly tightened her grip on me as I had no fucking clue what this was, but to play a long was just something I had to do.
“And you, lovely?” He said as he leaned in and I opened my mouth and just said what came to mine.
“Thank you.” I whispered, hoping I was right and he smiled.
“So polite.”
I nodded and then got lost in his blue eyes. They were so pretty, surrounded in thick black eyelashes. His size hinted at his ability to please a woman and quite honestly I could just stay right here and get lost with him if necessary.
He stepped back and unbuttoned his shirt, three buttons down and my eyes were glued to his chest. He watched me, grinning slightly and then pulled out a key on a silver chain. He slipped it over his head and turned to the door. He slid the key in slowly, taking his time to turn it. He placed his strong fingers on the handle, opening the door up as we stood there and stared into the darkness. Molly licked her top lip and I glanced at her as she started to walk, pulling me along with her. The man watched me as I stepped into the pitch black hallway and suddenly the door closed behind us. I stood there and before I could say anything at all, the end of the hallway lit up, then the lights came on, section by section towards us as it exposed clear walls to each side of us. I stood there holding onto Molly as she seemed as excited as I was. I then noticed that behind the clear walls there were people, in each room. An act being played out in each one, as if we had walked into a play already in progress, but this was like no play you could have dreamed of. I glanced to the left and saw a man on all fours, a horsehead on, a saddle on his back and a woman riding him as she fingered at her own erect nipples. She wore a mask, not unlike the woman in the booth, so she was completely anonymous to me. Her hair was blonde and was pulled up tightly to the top of her head. Her braid was bound in gold and her hair was thick, her braid no less than the width of my arm. It swung back and forth ever so slowly as she rocked on the saddle and then she started to rise up and I saw the large dildo standing upright in the middle of the saddle. She let her head fall back as she rose up and then slid back down, taking the length of it into herself. I felt my heartbeat speed up just a little as I started to move forward with Molly.
We then stopped as Molly tapped my arm and we looked to the right. A man with devil horns on and a black mask, of which his entire body was painted black, had a woman suspended in the middle of their room. He stepped up to her and stuck his abnormally long tongue out and shoved it upward, deep into her pussy as she jerked on the chains and tried to break free. He leaned his head back and started to fuck her with his tongue from underneath her and then a man stepped forward, who was painted in all white and it shocked me as he just appeared in the room. The room was stark white as he was. He stepped up and grabbed the end of a chain dangling in front of him. He started to pull on it as the woman lowered a bit and the devil continued to thrust his tongue into her. The man, who was painted in all white, suddenly appeared to have wings, large and white and his erect cock stood at attention as he stepped up behind her. She shook her head a few times and then he placed his hands on her hips and thrust the length of himself into her ass as the devil continued to lap at her clit. I sucked my breath in as they fucked her harder and harder and she struggled to break free. Trust me, she was enjoying herself. This was obviously her doing and not against her will.
“Molly.” I said as she looked at me and grinned.
“Don’t be afraid, Erin.”
“This is so crazy, it is kind of freaking me out.” I whispered to her as the lights started to go out ahead of us one room at a time. We moved backwards to the door at the end, painted in red this time with a black heart on it. Molly reached out just as the door opened up for us and the same man who had been outside, stood before us. I looked out and saw the parking garage and was a bit relieved and then again, I was a little disappointed. It was like one of those cheap fun houses you encounter at a fair, you hope it will be good and for a few minutes it is and then it is suddenly over. Erin stood there and shook her head.
“Why?” she asked him and he glanced at me.
“She isn’t ready.”
I stepped forward and nodded to him, suddenly a bit aggravated that we may be getting kicked out because of me. Like I said before I am not a prude, so this is not happening.
“I am fine.” I said with aggression. I figured if there was any time to fight for something this may be it.
I nodded and watched him closely.
“You didn’t look okay.” He said.
I shook my head at him. He lifted his phone and there was a recording of me looking all nervous “This is kind of freaking me out.” I closed my eyes and then turned to Molly.
“Just go back in and have fun.”
“I want you to come with me.”
“I bet you do.” The man said as he looked at Molly. She turned to him and smiled.
“What do you want?”
He looked down her body and then back up into her eyes.
“I don’t think I have to tell you.”
She stepped up to him and reached out, placing her hand on his crotch and pressing a bit. The pressure she applied to his hardening cock beneath his clothing made him shift slightly. I watched as Molly, who had to be half his weight, held him in the palm of her hand …literally.
“Mmmm.” The sound was enticing as it rolled up the back of his throat.
Molly started to move her hand and then she leaned up and whispered into his ear as he closed his eyes. I shifted my weight too as watching her be so aggressive and in charge was making me become excited. I placed my hand on my stomach and felt it quiver under my fingertips. He then nodded to her as she stepped back.
“This is your lucky night.” He said to me as Molly turned back to me and smiled. She took my hand and we re-entered the hallway, lights going up in each section and acts of debauchery continuing on as we walked past each room. We finally reached the end and I stared at the door as Molly took the initiative and opened it up. The man behind us called down the hallway to the both of us.
“Good Pain.”
I glanced back at him as Molly pulled me forward and the door closed, swallowing us up into a new world.
Chapter Three
Sabotage the Vagina
“So, as I mentioned before, Andy was a great lay. That was it though. Great at sex and big. His size was a turn on and even though it hurt slightly if he got to aggressive, I still found him intoxicating. There are certain people in this world who fit you
in that way and he was mine. I often wonder why he and I never really had a full conversation. It was not that he was stupid, he wasn’t. In fact he was brilliant, which kind of made it even worse to certain degree.”
I looked up and saw that the man who had been listening to me had left me at the booth. I don’t blame him, I mean what the fuck am I doing? Is there anything more annoying than someone talking about their ex and the ‘could of, would of’s’ of the situation? Probably not. Molly retuned with our third round of drinks in hand and then she stopped dead as she saw me sitting alone. This man had been #5, the fifth possible lay of the evening so far and I had successfully fucked each one up as the alcohol in my system relaxed me and my inability to just talk about anything but Andy ruined each conversation.
“What happened?”
I leaned back and raised a hand as she sat down and handed me my drink.
“You have to stop talking about him, this is not a place to do that Erin.”
I took a long drink and nodded to her. She was right. I mean come on, we walked through a hallway of freaky sex to get here and once in I found myself in ‘sabotage my own vagina’ mode.
“It is almost Christmas, let’s just have a good time and pick a present.” Molly said as she scanned the room. I looked around and then I spotted someone. It was odd that he looked so familiar and then I realized who it was.
“Oh shit.” I muttered as I took another long drink from my glass.
“What?” she asked me as she looked in the direction that I was. She narrowed her eyes and then shook her head.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she said as she looked at me .
“I cannot believe that he is here.”
“I think I may be sick.” Molly took a drink from her glass.
“I am kind of shocked myself.” I looked him over and it was all the same as it always had been. He turns me on in the worst way.
“No…no. I did not bring you here to hook up with that asshole again.”
I looked at her and grinned.
“I am fine Molly.”
“No, you are obsessed.”
“No I am not, I can assure you that even if I had looked up and he had been buck naked and hard as a rock I would still be sitting right here next to you, Andy is the past and I am here to do the future, no pun intended.” We both looked up as we heard a throat clear and there he was, Andy, looking like a meal that I never got tired of eating.