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Baby + the Late Night Howlers

Page 8

by Kathryn Moon

  “I don’t wanna scare her off,” Scorch said, close enough to a whisper and at top speed. I still caught the words. His eyes flicked to mine and then away again. “Comin’ on too strong and shit.”

  I snorted. “You’re her alpha, it’s the name of the game.”

  “For now.” Before I could respond, he nodded and started to back away. “You’re right, though. I’ll go sit with her. I put the courting gift in the apartment anyway.”

  Scorch could give me mental whiplash sometimes. We’d only found out we had the chance to court Baby yesterday, and an hour later she’s on her way to us. So either Scorch had worked up a minute to hunt down a courting gift in the past twenty-four hours without me noticing—unlikely—or he’d had one ready before the pack even knew it was chosen. And the idiot was still talking like he expected Baby to dodge us like a bullet. After seeing her open up to him like he was the sun and she was a flower last night, I was pretty confident that Baby was well and truly settled on us assholes.

  She liked Green for chrissakes.

  Green—Ryan, as she knew him—wasn’t the least likable guy I knew, but he certainly wasn’t the easiest to hang with. Undoubtedly loyal, and kind of a genius, Green was just a icy prick in his moods.

  “Hey,” I called before Scorch could leave. “Think she’s kind of sick of trying to figure out where her stuff goes in the apartment. Maybe take over a bit there to start,” I suggested, operating off my hunch. If I was wrong, and it pissed Baby off to have Scorch charging in, well… better him than me.

  He nodded, brow furrowing in serious thought, and I resisted the urge to laugh. Alpha and omega power dynamics were a shit show. In this case, I was glad to have front row seats.



  I sat on the couch of Seth's—scratch that—my new apartment, with a blanket spread out over my lap, watching Jonah’s stern frown as he examined a clumsy cross stitch I’d made that read “Sit Your Ass Down and Chill the Fuck Out” with a group of ice cubes wearing smiley faces hanging out on a snow pile. After serious consideration, Jonah grabbed a hammer and nail from where he’d set tools on the kitchen counter and carried the framed stitch work to an open spot on the wall between the front door and the couch I sat on.

  “Good?” he asked, checking on me.


  He nodded and I grinned, watching him tap in a nail and hang up my work. He leaned back as he finished, lips curling up in a smile and a chuckle escaping. “I like that. Might need one in the bar.”

  “I can make that happen,” I said, perking up in my seat. His eyes crinkled at the corners and he turned to pull another item out of my box. We’d made it down to the odds and ends, and as relaxing as it was to watch him work, I was feeling settled and in the mood for more than watching. “Hey.”

  He stopped in the middle of the room and faced me, eyebrows raised. I squirmed slightly in my spot as he waited for me to continue. Why did it feel hard to ask? I’d never been the most forward, but it would’ve helped if I could’ve found some of Lola’s giddy courage every now and again.

  “Whatcha need, baby girl?” Jonah asked.

  “Umm… company,” I said, flicking the blanket to the side to offer the spot next to me.

  For a moment, I thought he might refuse me or make an excuse, he looked so startled. Then his whole body seemed to swell and he was charging across the room, taking the seat I offered and then scooping me up into his lap, arms wrapped firmly around me. Mentally, I was startled. But otherwise, I melted directly against his chest, an enormous sigh shuddering through me head to toe.

  “Good?” he asked, an extra rumble in his tone I suspected was the start of a purr.

  “Perfect,” I said, an echo of earlier.

  The purr sounded, his solid chest rattling under my ear. I hid my smile against the leather vest he wore, his cut.

  “You grow up in a pack, baby girl?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “Beta parents. You?”

  He purred a little longer and then the sound settled with a clearing of his throat. “Yeah. One like this one.”

  I chewed the inside of my cheek. “With an omega?”

  His fingers tightened on my hip and then relaxed. I leaned back and found his head tilted back, eyes scanning the ceiling of the apartment. “My mom was an omega. She didn’t stick around though.”

  My gasp slipped out before I could catch it and I twisted on Jonah’s lap, straddling his hips and setting my hands on his shoulders, waiting for him to meet my stare. “They weren’t bonded?”

  Jonah shook his head and huffed, chin tilting down till our noses were just a few inches away from one another. “My pop was prez of the club and he knew what it felt like, not wanting to be tied down to anything, labeled. So when this sweet omega strolled in, all rebellious and lookin’ for trouble, he got her, understood what she wanted from them. And when she hung around, he kept his promise not to tie her down.”

  I scoffed, and Jonah lifted an eyebrow. I swallowed and met his gaze head-on. “I just… there’s rebelling for fun, and then there’s taking advantage of someone’s heart,” I said, frowning.

  Jonah nodded slowly. “Pop fought for her after she had me and decided it was time to head out. Guess I was the last straw on ‘too permanent.’ He made it clear the pack was hers, bond or not. And then she went ahead and settled on a new pack. Bonded ‘em straight away.”

  I held my breath for a long time through my anger, and Jonah’s palms ran a steady path up and down my back, as if I was the one in need of comfort. I guess at the moment I was because I was practically trembling with anger.

  “I spent a little time with her growing up. When she called and the like. Nice pack, cushy life.”

  Not an MC, that’s what he was saying. His mother had hooked an MC pack and hung around until she found a wealthier one.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, words escaping on a whisper as I tried to contain the rant building in my chest.

  Jonah’s smile hitched weakly at the corner. “I get it. But it worked out for the best. Few years after mom was out of the picture, the pack met another omega on the road. The right one for them. Kim was every bit the omega we needed, and a good mother to me even if I wasn’t her own.”

  I relaxed slightly at the happy ending, tucking my face into Jonah’s warm skin on his neck.

  “I’m like my pop. Won’t rush anyone to make a commitment they’re not ready for,” Jonah said.

  I frowned into his throat and sat up straight. “I made my choice.”

  He nodded, but his expression was guarded and wary. “And I’m glad of it. More than glad, baby girl,” he said, that reserve cracking as he scanned my face. “But it’s a big leap to go from beta to omega, omega to in heat, and then to bonded. And it’s sure as shit a big leap to go from an outsider to a member of a club. So we’re not gonna rush things, yeah?”

  Why did I feel like he was trying to give me an out? “That’s good. But I’m not going to leave you guys hanging forever either.” I continued as I felt his shoulders soften under my touch. I blushed and forced myself to continue. “Look, I don’t want to get bonded in… you know… the heat of the moment. ‘Cause I know the Center said I’d probably blurt that out during sex.”

  I wasn’t positive, but I thought Jonah’s cheeks might’ve been turning slightly reddened. I was definitely feeling a little action between us where I was sitting over his hips.

  “Not gonna let that happen,” Jonah growled.

  I nodded. “But when I’m ready—and Jonah, I don’t think it’s going to be a long ways off—I will tell you. With my clothes on.”

  A grin cracked across his face, laugh bursting out in sudden surprise. My fingers clutched at his shoulders as he grinned. “There’s no hurry, baby girl,” he said.

  Which was not really an agreement of my declaration. Weren’t alphas supposed to be the ones in pursuit? He was still grinning, leaning in, when I realized I was pouting.

  It didn’t
matter. A second later, I was being kissed.

  Jonah’s lips wrapped around my bottom lip, sucking softly as I wiggled closer, arms circling the back of his neck. I whimpered at the spice and sweet flavor he left on my skin, immediately parting my lips and hoping for more, his alpha scent translating to a heavenly taste on my tongue. Jonah granted my wish with a groan, his hand reaching up to cup the back of my neck, tilting my head just so. He licked his way in, my breaths already heaving and legs squeezing around his hips. The kiss straddled the line of rough and tender, patient and urgent, and I wondered what I had to do to break Jonah’s control. I sucked on his tongue and absorbed the resulting growl with a shiver.

  There was hunger in Jonah’s sweetness and intensity in his gentleness. His hand, spread out at the base of my spine, rested with just enough pressure to hold me in place when I wanted him to crush me to him. I was whining without realizing it, my head dizzy with the taste of him, blood burning with heat and desire. When I thought I might really lose it, start to claw and bite and beg for more, Jonah twisted us on the couch, pressing me into the cushions with his weight balanced over me.

  He pulled away from my mouth, sucking along the length of my jaw as I sighed, tension spiraling out of my muscles as he settled over me.

  “That’s it, baby girl,” he purred into my skin. “I’m here.”

  He was, perfectly heavy and wonderfully hard between my thighs. I’d traded yesterday’s clothes out for sleep shorts and a t-shirt, and the fabric felt like nothing but a little added friction between us as I started to rock beneath him. He grunted, sinking into me a bit more, and I moaned as the hand at the back of my neck dug into my hair, fisting a handful and tilting my head back. His tongue lapped over my pulse, and I swear I felt an echo of it against my sex as I lifted my hips up to rub myself against his hard length encased in his jeans.

  “No rush, baby girl,” he rasped, although I had a feeling he was saying it to himself more than me.

  And like a good omega, I listened, taking his kisses and returning them with interest, trying not to steal pleasure he wasn’t intentionally offering. We kissed until I was certain the fever had picked up under my skin again, and then even longer. Jonah rocked over me every few minutes, soft pressure against my core, and then would hold himself still again. I was wet, soaked really, my nipples hard between us, my whining urgent.

  “You taste as sweet as you smell,” Jonah said, breaking away to let me breathe.

  “I wanna be touched,” I said, words weak. And then to make myself extra clear, I reached behind me and pulled the hand he’d left on my back between us, guiding him under the waistband of my shorts.

  Jonah purred as his hand slid down over the tight curls at the top of my pussy, and down to the slippery folds of my flesh. He continued to lick and suck at the skin of my neck, but no matter how much I squirmed and whined, his fingers on my sex remained still.

  “Please,” I hissed, trying to force friction with a twist of my hips.

  Jonah’s thighs spread between mine, forcing me into a stretch and keeping me still. “No rush,” he repeated in a growl.

  He stretched up and his mouth took mine again, hungrier with tongue and teeth taking charge of my lips, pulling and nipping and sucking. He kissed me breathless and then continued, my body burning for more, my heart racing. I could feel the heat building under my skin.

  I tore away for air, calling out with my first breath, “Jonah!”

  He growled and then one single finger slid up through the wetness, and scraped over my clit. Stars burst through me as I arched, nails scratching over the leather patch on his back. My toes curled as a bright and sudden orgasm rushed through me, and I let out a startled cry in my release. Jonah’s cheek nuzzled mine, his purr loud in my ear.

  “More,” I whispered, rolling into his touch.

  I could feel his chuckle shaking over me. “No rush,” he repeated.

  “That’s my new least favorite catchphrase,” I said.

  Jonah’s face lifted and I saw him grinning over me, the brightest, happiest, silliest expression I’d seen him wear yet. A second later, the door behind my head was opening. Jonah bristled, eyes narrowing in a glare at the doorway, and then relaxed just as quick.

  “Shit. My bad. Want me to leave?”

  Seth. I softened and Jonah took one glance at me before shaking his head and smiling. “No. Get in here. Our omega says she wants more.”

  Oh, fuck yeah I did. Especially if that more included Seth. I arched, looking at my beta upside down. He slid inside, crooked smile in place, and shut the door behind him.

  “Tell Jonah to quit teasing.”

  Jonah’s fingers slid away from my skin, and I whined until I looked at him and found him raising those exact same shiny and slick fingers to his lips, sucking them into his mouth. He purred, and his eyes slid shut.

  “Never known Scorch to be much of a tease,” Seth said, and I smiled at the reminder of Jonah’s club name. I wanted the story behind that one.

  “You want our beta to join in the fun, baby girl?” Jonah murmured in my ear.

  I nodded so fast I was lucky my head didn’t fall right off. “Please.” I was definitely understanding the ‘endlessly horny’ part of a heat now.

  “Good. Me too.” Jonah said. He sat up, pulling me with him and before I could ask what the plan was, he had me turned out on his lap, facing the room. “Up,” he directed, hooking his fingers into the waistband of my shorts. I stood, fully committed to whatever the hell happened next. Seth was crossing the space with slow steps, his green eyes glittering as I stepped out of my shorts.

  I decided to go ahead and be prepared, pulling my t-shirt off over my head.

  “Look at you, precious,” Seth said, in a near imitation of an alpha’s growl, his eyes drinking me in. “Pretty as a picture.”

  “Definitely not shy,” Jonah agreed. He guided me back down to his lap, and I was only a little disappointed to find him still completely dressed. At least until he propped my thighs over his and spread me wide. “Come and get a taste, Bomber. She’s sweeter than she smells. Sweeter between these lips than the ones I was kissing too.”

  Well, shit. I wasn’t about to be disappointed with this turn of events. Seth and I stared at one another as he approached the couch. I stretched back against Jonah’s chest, finding his hands on my hips and lifting them to my breasts.

  “You’re not getting out of this that easy,” I said, and both men laughed.

  Jonah’s lips kissed my cheek and then he was burrowing his face into my hair and purring. “Wouldn’t dream of it, baby girl,” he answered, squeezing gently once and then starting to swirl the rough pads of his fingers around my nipples.

  Seth sunk to his knees in front of me, and I didn’t know whether or not to feel embarrassed. At being so exposed. At the way my thighs were shining with release and a long build-up of arousal. At panting like an animal in heat. You are an animal in heat, I reminded myself.

  “I’m gonna wear your scent like cologne, precious,” Seth said, his words low and soft. His hands mapped the soft interior of my thighs, fingers gripping and relaxing. “Gonna go downstairs when I’m done, order us all dinner, and make every fucking alpha in this damned building hard as a fucking rock.”

  Jonah laughed at the declaration and I went up in flames, equal parts embarrassment and excitement. Would it be too much to ask Seth to video Quincy’s reaction? Or someone like Ryan, so stony and controlled?

  “What are you waiting for, then?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow in challenge.

  Seth's cheeks were pink, his eyes hooded, and as Jonah started to purr and tug at the sharp tips of my nipples, Seth dove in, mouth enveloping my aching flesh, tongue delving through arousal to prod at my entrance. My body jolted at the shock, and Jonah and Seth held me still for the assault. Seth was a beta, but he ate me out with the hunger of an alpha, lacking all of Jonah’s patience and reserve in favor of sucking and kissing and licking every available inch. He wrapped hi
s lips around my clit, slurping noisily as my voice rose in abbreviated moans that turned into shouts the longer he went. I thought he was about to throw me straight over the edge before he backed away suddenly, tongue retreating to my entrance again, fucking me shallowly as I whined and caught my breath.

  Jonah’s tweaks and twists of his fingers timed perfectly with Seth's rhythm and I reached one hand back, clutching at Jonah’s cut, and then slid the other into Seth's dark, silky hair. When I tried to rock into Seth's mouth, Jonah abandoned a breast in favor of bracing an arm around my waist. Seth returned to my clit, repeating his earlier treatment until I was trying to thrash in Jonah’s hold, fire racing under my skin, impossible velvety pressure building in my core.

  “Like a little wild cat,” Jonah grunted as I nearly squirmed free. “Fuck. Every second of your heat is gonna have me losin’ my damn mind, baby girl.”

  Considering he’d done a solid job of driving me insane without giving in to my demands, I wasn’t so sure I agreed.

  “Please, Seth, honey, please,” I whined, tugging at his hair rougher than I meant to. “Please. I wanna come.”

  Instead, he lapped at my folds and started to tongue fuck me again. I moaned, and my eyes rolled back as I shuddered. The feeling was insanely good without throwing me over, like my entire body was being dipped into a bath of pure dark chocolate, which was an analogy I didn’t totally understand but seemed correct.

  “Jonah,” I whispered, arching and craning my neck to meet his eyes. “Alpha, please.”

  Jonah growled and he bent, taking my mouth with savage force. “Better fuckin’ hurry, Bomber,” he purred against my lips. “‘Fore I start giving orders.”

  Seth laughed and nuzzled my wet pussy, coating his face in my arousal. “You want things done your way, you can do them yourself.”


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