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Baby + the Late Night Howlers

Page 16

by Kathryn Moon

  “It’s not like Green wouldn’t bring her up another tray if she so much as looked at him,” Emmy said.

  I was learning that Emmy always sounded peevish, even when she was being kind, and that I enjoyed her sarcasm.

  “I think it’s fun to see an alpha like Green feeling sweet for someone,” Juliet, Steve’s lovely sweet beta with pin-straight black hair, said, looking up from where she was painting her toenails a deep shade of plum.

  “What kind of alpha is he, then?” I asked. Ryan had an ability to be both intimate and distant. If I weren’t so overwhelmed by alphas in the past week, I would’ve been spending more time trying to crack him.

  “The lone wolf kind,” Candy said. She was working on my toes, my foot propped in her lap. “He never went for any of the sweet butts that came and went. And he’s usually just working on his plants, so he’s not even at the bar so much. Except lately,” she added, winking at me. “Tornado and Books are the same.”

  “Don’t worry,” Tiny murmured. “It’s been a long ass time since any of us went near those alphas you’ve got circling you, panting like dogs. Our boys have us nailed down.”

  The other women laughed, and I cocked my head in thought. I wasn’t upset by the thought of these women having any liaisons with my alphas in the past. I was just curious about one thing…

  “Can you take knots?” I asked. I’d heard of betas trying it, but even Lola hadn’t ever been brave enough.

  “It takes care and practice,” Emmy said with absolute authority. “Chef makes it… as good as he can for me. The real reward is seeing him lose his goddamn mind about it.”

  “It hurts?” I asked.

  “I can’t manage it and Brody doesn’t ask me to,” Tiny said, sucking chocolate off her thumb. “But I’m… well, tiny. And he’s a beast.”

  “Shade and I are working up to it,” Juliet said softly. Shade must’ve been Steve’s MC name, and I couldn’t decide if it suited the bubbly goth or not.

  “We aren’t built for it,” Candy said. “But bodies are flexible. I’ve been with Dusty a long time and if I’m on top, I kinda like it. Plus the intimacy is…”

  “Fucking superb,” Emmy agreed. “And again. Having Chef at my mercy is a head trip. But go on, spill the beans. We won’t be too jealous. How’s the non-stop orgasm marathon of a knotted omega?”

  My eyes widened and I choked on air. Ryan’s carefully measured doses of weed in his truffles were starting to sink in, and it gave my entire body a warm and fuzzy feeling. Which helped me answer Emmy’s question.

  “Umm… I don’t know? Yet.” Four jaws hung loosely around me, and I bit my lips to keep from laughing, blood rushing up to heat my cheeks. “Honestly, I keep asking. Didn’t know it’d be this hard to get fucked by a bunch of bikers.”

  “You’re in heat,” Emmy said, growling the last word and making me wonder again if she wasn’t really meant to be an alpha.

  “Oh, I’ve noticed,” I said, nodding.

  “Are they trying to torture you?” she snapped.

  “They’re trying to be respectful,” Candy offered, more subdued, as Juliet and Tiny started to giggle.

  “Oh, give me a break. This is one hundred percent Scorch being weird and self-sacrificing. Do you want to be knotted?” Emmy asked me, leaning in.

  I swallowed hard. “I mean…yeah.” Her eyes narrowed and I shrugged. “Okay, I have been a little nervous about whether or not it would hurt.”

  “Hurt? Baby, you’re not a beta anymore. Haven’t you watched any AO porn?”

  I had to be beet red by now. “Umm, no? It wasn’t my thing. Alphas weren’t really my thing.” That at least left Emmy speechless.

  “Okay, okay. So. Believe it or not, I get that,” Tiny said, hand raised to stall the chatter of the group. “Brody’s my first alpha, and I didn’t get the appeal ’til I met him. But Emmy might be right. It’s one thing to hear that omegas love a good knotting, but… you should probably do a little personal research. I’m sure we can all recommend her some quality content, yeah, ladies?”

  Which is how I ended up spending my afternoon watching porn with a group of betas.



  Bomber and I were in the basement counting stock when I caught the first whiff of Baby’s perfume floating down the stairs. We’d left her with the sweet butts, content in her newly improved nest, and I was surprised to find her resurfacing so soon. Except it wasn’t Baby at all.

  “Heyyyyy,” Emmy said slowly, uncharacteristically skittish and hanging over the railing at the top of the stairs.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, stifling my bark.

  Her eyes widened. “Why? Nothing. Nothing’s wrong, but umm…” I started to growl, and she rushed the words out, “Pretty sure Baby’d like to see you both.”

  “What happened?” I pressed.

  “God, nothing. Chill, Prez,” she said, a little breathless as she backed up the stairs. “She’s just… you know, an omega in heat and shit. I don’t have the equipment for her, you know?”

  My eyes narrowed, but Bomber only laughed. “Gotcha. Get your man and Steve to cover the bar for a bit?”

  “All night,” Emmy said, and Bomber’s eyebrows ticked up. She cleared her throat and shrugged. “You should just…plan for all night.”

  I headed for the stairs, and Emmy made a strange squeaking sound, diving up into the bar and rushing behind the counter as I took the steps up two at a time. I should’ve known Baby would have a breaking point with all the betas. She’d been happy enough to shoo the alphas out of her space, but heats were tricky and she was as new to it as we were.

  “Scorch, wait up,” Bomber called behind me.

  I cut through the bar without glancing at anyone, resisting the urge to growl at Emmy again. The last thing I needed was Chef to come after me for spooking his unflappable beta.

  “If they left her whining,” I muttered under my breath.

  “You don’t catch on so quick, do you?” Bomber answered.

  I ignored him, barreling up the stairs to the apartments and down the hall, stopping dead in front of the door as the sweetest syrupy smell snuck through the cracks, leaving my mouth watering and my dick rising to attention. If Baby was whining it wasn’t because of the betas, not with her perfume so thick it hung like a fog I could taste.

  “Oh. Fuck.”

  Bomber huffed behind me and laughed. “Yeah, man. Omega in heat. Come on, our girl needs us.”

  He opened the door before I was ready, and I nearly bent in half groaning. The door to the bedroom was cracked and Baby’s scent had filled the entire space, overflowed it even. Then I heard the whine, a soft, whimpering sound, and Bomber barely made it out of my way before I was charging ahead, straight for the bedroom.

  The nest was shrouded in soft blue bed sheets, hanging shut over the foot, so I couldn’t see anything. But I could smell her, the heavy, sweet cake smell of her arousal. And I could hear her too, slippery sounds and heavy pants and soft whimpers. The floor creaked beneath me as I took a step into the room, and Baby groaned behind the curtain, the little wet squeaks pausing.

  “Jonah?” she breathed out.

  My hand was over my tight jeans, cupping and rubbing myself, but there was no adjustment that was going to relieve the rock hard pressure. Well…one adjustment, and that was getting myself inside of my omega.

  “It’s us, baby girl. Bomber and me,” I said.

  She moaned again, and then there was the soft shifting of bed sheets and that torturously beautiful wet pumping sound. Bomber’s hand landed on my shoulder, propelling me forward, and we parted the tent of sheets at the same moment, releasing twin groans.

  Baby was in the center of the bed, pillows around her, under her, her hair mussed and spread across them. She was still in my t-shirt but she’d pushed it up over her breasts, one of which she was gripping so tight she was leaving white marks. Her other hand was stuffed down inside of the boxers, hips rocking in time with the sounds tha
t’d been taunting me.

  “Jonah, please, please, I need you,” she called, green eyes glassy but focused on me, trailing down to where I was cupping myself. I pulled my hand away, fisting it at my side, and she whined, head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut.

  Irrational jealousy swept through me. “Baby girl, were the betas here when you started this?”

  She snorted through the haze, lips curling and head shaking. “God no. They don’t have what I need, Alpha. I need you. Please, I need your knot. It’s time. Oh, fuck, Jonah, please.”

  Her breath hitched and hiccuped, and her hand moved frantically inside the shorts. Fuck. I needed to see her. I was kneeling on the bed, Bomber climbing in behind me, and I tugged at the hem of the boxers, dragging them down her hips with a helpful lift of her ass. She kicked them off quickly and without any sense of modesty, legs spread for us to watch as she fucked herself on soaked fingers, the sweetly reddened lips of her sex glossy with arousal. She wasn’t even paying any attention to her clit, just trying to stuff herself at an awkward angle and with no finesse.

  I was purring and growling at once, my hands on the inside of her knees, holding her open until I felt resistance.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Please. I wanna be knotted, Jonah. Please.”

  Bomber’s eyes were on my face. “What the hell are you waiting for?”

  “You gotta start,” I said, although every single cell in my body was demanding that I strip and fill my perfect omega as soon as fucking possible.

  “Umm. Scorch. I dunno if you noticed, but I’m not an alpha. I don’t have what she needs, what she’s literally begging you for.”

  I tore my eyes off the sight of Baby writhing and moaning, even though it probably cost me a year of my life. I looked to Bomber with wide eyes. “We talked about this. I want you to have her first.”

  Bomber’s smile was soft, head shaking slightly. “You gotta fight it every step of the way, don’t you?”

  “You first,” I repeated. “So she feels good. Just in case.”

  Just in case I was too rough, or it was too much, or in case she just really needed to come and she’d think better of asking for a knot after Bomber had her soft and satisfied.

  “Someone better fuck me stat,” Baby said, teeth gritted and another tighter whine rising.

  My shoulders were tight as a spring, my body punishing me for not satisfying my omega. Even Bomber looked tense, and he couldn’t have been half as affected.

  “You’re a fucking idiot, and I am a lucky bastard,” he muttered, before yanking his shirt up and jumping out of the blanket fort long enough to tear at his jeans.

  I scooted forward, and Baby’s gaze drifted to mine as I set my hand on her bare stomach.

  “You won’t back out, will you?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No, baby girl. Gonna watch Bomber take such good care of you, fill you up, make you scream his name, and then I’ll do the same.”

  And if she didn’t want to be knotted, I would make the Herculean effort and hold myself back. It’d be a treat enough just to feel her clasping around my cock like she had my fingers.

  Bomber climbed back in, bare and divinely beautiful, immediately crawling between Baby’s legs. He was already hard, but he didn’t immediately line himself up and drive home the way I was tempted to. Instead, he pulled the hand Baby’d been clutching at her breast with and lifted it to his lips, kissing her palm. Then he slowly drew her other hand away from her pussy, taking a quick lick of her juices before passing it to me as he bent his head and kissed a line up between her breasts.

  “Seth,” Baby sighed, some of the anxiety of need melting away, his name extended into a prayer on her tongue.

  I brought her hand to my lips, drawing her fingers into my mouth and groaning at the flavor. She was sharper than before, left needy longer, and it was an almost punishing flavor. Our omega had been left wanting. I sucked it down greedily, opening my eyes to find Baby panting and watching me. Bomber was lifting the t-shirt up over her head as he settled closer, brushing strands of hair off her cheeks.

  This is why I wanted him with her first. He wouldn’t be driven crazy by his hindbrain, rushed to fuck and fill and rut our omega. He could be patient and sweet with her. They were beautiful together. Baby pulled her hand from my lips, running it up his back as he kissed her, pale freckled skin on the perfect brown expanse of Bomber’s back. The only tattoo he had ran up his spine, a thin pool stick sketched out, a reminder of the night we’d met when he’d fleeced me for everything in my wallet and then repaid me by cornering me in a bathroom stall, where we’d fucked like people who knew each other’s bodies and tastes better than any strangers had a right to.

  Watching them kiss, I missed the moment he slid inside her, only catching her sudden gasp and the perfect flex of his ass as he hit home. Baby’s nails dug into that golden back, leaving little crescents, and if I could have I would’ve tattooed the marks onto his skin at that exact moment she made them.

  “Good?” Bomber whispered, gazing down at Baby’s struck expression.

  Baby nodded, lips parted, breath wet and rapid as she gazed up at him. She moaned as he started a slow retreat and return, her legs curling around his hips.

  “Fuck, she’s so tight,” Bomber gasped. “I can feel her trying to grip. She wants that knot of yours, Scorch.”

  “More,” Baby whimpered. “Faster.”

  I peeled myself out of my shirt as Bomber sped up, skin slapping and grunts falling from his lips. I lay back on the bed and he glanced at me, holding himself up by the heels of his hands so I could watch him, the length of him escaping her heat, slick with her desire, red and stiff and pulsing. Baby’s head turned towards me, neck arching, and I reached for her, sucking at her lips as her voice cried out in high, thin tones.

  “Let me see it,” she whispered as I pulled away, and then Bomber rolled his hips into her and her attention returned to him with a moan.

  “Harder,” she breathed.

  He didn’t hesitate. Not like I would’ve. I opened my jeans with a wave of relief, undressing and kicking my pants down to the foot of the bed. My knot was already swelling and I hadn’t even been touched yet.

  “Touch her,” Bomber said. “Fuck, she’s gonna push me over the edge before I get her there. She needs you, Scorch.”

  I rolled to them, hissing as my length rested against Baby’s hip, sliding my hand down to where they were joined, gathering her wetness and drawing it up to her clit. Bomber sank, hips snapping, and lips taking Baby’s in a rough kiss, as I swirled my fingers over her tender nerves, listening to them both gasp and whine. I pressed harder, and it was Bomber that shouted, head dropping to Baby’s shoulder as she arched and clawed at his back. My hand was sandwiched between them, crushed under Bomber’s weight as his ass flexed in tiny movements.

  “Oh god, Seth, yes, yes!”

  There it was. His name on her lips, his length inside of her. Bomber hissed, and his back rolled.

  “Fuck, she’s so tight it almost hurts,” he said, laughter breathless. Then Baby cried out in a repetitive wordless phrase and clutched around Bomber as she came. He groaned and shuddered, one last buck of his hips before stillness.

  I couldn’t fucking wait. I was so hard, body so tight and wired, that I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to stop myself once I got a hint of her squeezing around me. I would. If she needed me to, I always would, even if it killed me.

  Bomber grunted as Baby whined, her hands falling from his back, body shifting uncomfortably beneath him. He took her face in his hand, pressed one long kiss to her lips, and then rolled away, collapsing to the bed in a sigh almost like relief.

  Baby’s breath hitched, and her brief expression of agonized ecstasy collapsed into a soft pout, eyes squeezing shut as a whine escaped. “Please,” she whimpered, hands reaching, ready to fill herself again.

  Enough, I thought, instinct taking the lead. I caught her hand and climbed over her open leg, cock nudging and bobb
ing against her sex, every touch an electric shock of perfection running up my spine.

  “Jonah, I—“

  And Jesus Christ, there were tears in the corners of my baby girl’s eyes.

  “I know,” I said, forehead dropping to hers, scenting her. I reached between us, finding her opening, feeling Bomber’s release leaking out, and then slowly eased myself inside.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  I had her hands pinned to the bed without realizing, keeping her from bruising herself in her desperation. She didn’t struggle, only softened, rocking into the slow dip of my cock into her willing body.

  “I watched alpha omega porn,” she said, relaxing with every inch deeper I sank into her.

  I paused, and Bomber snorted from our side. “You what?”

  She was already flushed, but she bit her lip and the look of shy amusement nearly had me burying myself to the full and swollen hilt.

  “I’d never watched any before. I thought it’d be kinda…mean. Or rough. But it wasn’t. I want you to knot me, Jonah. Please. I’m not scared, I’m fucking aching,” she said.

  I groaned, sliding in just up to where my knot tested her opening. She fit me like a perfect sleeve, every bit as perfectly tight as Bomber had said.

  “Never gonna hurt you, baby girl,” I vowed, drawing back out.

  Maybe she wasn’t scared. But I sure as fuck was. What if I wasn’t good enough? What if I did hurt her? What if she changed her mind and I didn’t stop?

  “He’s overthinking, precious,” Bomber mused.

  Baby’s hand slid over my waist up to my back, and she smiled up at me as I pushed in, pulled out, in a slow and steady rhythm, feeling her flutter and clasp down my length, body begging for more. This was enough.

  “He sure is,” Baby murmured. She lifted her head, and I accepted the kiss, licking into her mouth, pacing the give and take of the kiss with the rhythm of my hips. “It’s time, handsome,” Baby murmured, pulling away.

  She didn’t wait for me. Her hands gripped at my shoulder blades and all at once her heels dug into my ass, her hips lifting with a snap. She took me in tip to knot with one swift roll and we both shouted, eyes locked as we connected, her heat enveloping my knot, sealing and gripping me tight and deep and completely.


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